View Full Version : Poor, poor glockmail...

06-24-2008, 12:45 PM
Unable to debate issues on the board in ANY meaningful way...glockmail hides behind sarky neg-rep comments. Then he has the temerity to bitch about being 'harassed' when I take him to task for his intellectual bankruptcy and moral cowardice in the form a private message, and then threatens to have me banned for doing so. He wants me to keep it open and in the public forums, when he lacks the intellectual ammunition and intestinal fortitude to do so himself. Can you say "Hypocrite?"...I knew you could.

Harassment...Bite me Glock.

06-24-2008, 01:15 PM

06-24-2008, 01:54 PM
Unable to debate issues on the board in ANY meaningful way...glockmail hides behind sarky neg-rep comments. Then he has the temerity to bitch about being 'harassed' when I take him to task for his intellectual bankruptcy and moral cowardice in the form a private message, and then threatens to have me banned for doing so. He wants me to keep it open and in the public forums, when he lacks the intellectual ammunition and intestinal fortitude to do so himself. Can you say "Hypocrite?"...I knew you could.

Harassment...Bite me Glock.

you ain't the lone ranger... glock neg reps me all the time for nonsensical "reasons".

06-24-2008, 02:16 PM
For the record, notobdy 'has' anyone banned. People ban themselves based on the comments they contribute or behavior they show. :)

06-24-2008, 02:20 PM
http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/th666039625882ic7.gif :popcorn:

Hagbard Celine
06-24-2008, 02:36 PM
For the record, notobdy 'has' anyone banned. People ban themselves based on the comments they contribute or behavior they show. :)

Watch ya ass kid! I'll have you banned! I've got connecshuns! I'll do it! Don't tempt me! I'll write a very strongly-worded letter! I'll do it! I promiss! :eek: :poke:

06-24-2008, 02:38 PM
i think it is intectually dishonest to whine and complain about people giving them neg reps when they have flat out said they do not care one bit about rep on the internet or that person's opinion of them means spit.

06-24-2008, 02:40 PM
i think it is intectually dishonest to whine and complain about people giving them neg reps when they have flat out said they do not care one bit about rep on the internet or that person's opinion of them means spit.

Yep, none of them cares about rep or being banned. They are 'true to their positions.' Gag me.

Hagbard Celine
06-24-2008, 02:50 PM
I care. :(

06-24-2008, 03:03 PM
Unable to debate issues on the board in ANY meaningful way...glockmail hides behind sarky neg-rep comments. Then he has the temerity to bitch about being 'harassed' when I take him to task for his intellectual bankruptcy and moral cowardice in the form a private message, and then threatens to have me banned for doing so. He wants me to keep it open and in the public forums, when he lacks the intellectual ammunition and intestinal fortitude to do so himself. Can you say "Hypocrite?"...I knew you could.

Harassment...Bite me Glock.
1. Every neg-rep comment that I have given has a solid basis for it.
2. I have never "threatened to have you banned". As if I could.

Prove either otherwise, or lose cred. It should be easy to do, since both the rep comments and PM responses are stored in your control panel, unless you deleted them. :coffee:

06-24-2008, 06:38 PM
i think it is intectually dishonest to whine and complain about people giving them neg reps when they have flat out said they do not care one bit about rep on the internet or that person's opinion of them means spit.

I'm not complaining about the reps, I could give a shit. Glock avoids debate with the snarky, lame-assed comments that go along with them. And then bitches about it when I call him on it. Go figure.

06-24-2008, 06:39 PM
I'm not complaining about the reps, I could give a shit. Glock avoids debate with the snarky, lame-assed comments that go along with them. And then bitches about it when I call him on it. Go figure.

there may have been another poster in this thread who whined about neg reps after proclaiming what i stated ;)

06-24-2008, 06:40 PM
1. Every neg-rep comment that I have given has a solid basis for it.
2. I have never "threatened to have you banned". As if I could.

Prove either otherwise, or lose cred. It should be easy to do, since both the rep comments and PM responses are stored in your control panel, unless you deleted them. :coffee:

The sad fact of the matter is that you lack the intellectual ammunition and the moral courage to actually debate the issues. What you call debate amounts to little more than the epithets of a child who doesn't get his way. So, rather than get beaten like a gong, you hide behind neg-reps like a child hiding behinds his mother's skirts and hurl empty invective.

My credibility is not at issue. Yours however is, given your penchant for abusing the rep system.

06-24-2008, 06:44 PM
1. Not bloody likely.

2. "2nd warning"...When you were bitching about my "harrassing" you via PM.

Bite me. Your "proofs" don't seem to jive with your accusations. It looks like your cred is at an all time low.

Any wonder why I don't take your debates seriously? Poor, poor Bully...


06-24-2008, 07:18 PM
I wouldn't worry about glock, bully, I thought you were still in NO rescuing those unfortunates hangin out on rooftops?

Stick to what you do best.

Excuse me, what would that be ,exactly..............?:dance:

06-25-2008, 07:56 AM
I wouldn't worry about glock, bully, I thought you were still in NO rescuing those unfortunates hangin out on rooftops?

Stick to what you do best.

Excuse me, what would that be ,exactly..............?:dance:

What are you babbling about...?

06-25-2008, 08:13 AM
What are you babbling about...? :lame2: response, especially from some one who claims to be a "bully" and starts a thread whining about being a victim. :lol: :lol:


06-25-2008, 11:05 AM