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View Full Version : So, you want to spend $40K a year to send your kid to college

Abbey Marie
06-29-2008, 12:15 PM
We just returned from visiting two colleges that our daughter is interested in attending. After hearing the speeches from both schools, watching promotional videos, and going on some long campus tours, the schools have expressed their priorities in the following order:

1. Achieving diversity on campus
2. Emphasizing a "multi-cultural" education
3. "Honoring" diversity.
4. Acceptance of any and all behavior except lying, cheating or stealing.
5. Educating our kids in time-honored curriculum.

Just a couple of anecdotes to show how it is in those ivory towers today:

1. During the 10-day 2008 orientation of the freshmen at Dartmouth, all students were told to recite the Pledge of Allegiance- to a rainbow gay pride flag.

2. The new Dean of William & Mary recently secretly removed a golden cross from the chapel in the Wren building (originally built in 1695) during the night. He felt it wasn't "welcoming" to everyone. After some serious protest, his own hand-picked committe decided he must put it back in the building.

06-29-2008, 12:54 PM
its disgusting and truly a sad state of american affairs. many do not feel they can trust a university to educate their children instead of brainwash them. that pledging to the gay flag is one of the big reasons people who do not support the gay lifestyle are so angry, it is forcing that lifestyle on someon, that is not tolerance or acceptance, that is the opposite of freedom. imagine a state school forcing a pledge to a religious group...

06-29-2008, 12:58 PM
The priorities should be (IMHO)

1) Teach to the top of the class, rather than the middle of the class.
2) Don't mollycoddle anyone. Make the students EARN their degrees!
3) Emphasize the fundamentals of mathematics, reading and writing for ALL students.
4) Teach oral communication skills with an emphasis on real-world communications.
5) Allow the students to decide where they wish to specialize: sciences, liberal arts or fine arts. Just remember #1 and #2 above!

and, 6) When in doubt, refer to #1 and #2 above.

06-29-2008, 02:52 PM
They empasized diversity a lot at my freshman orientation. U of L the most diverse university in Kentucky which it very well is. We have very few metropolis areas in Kentucky. Still rather conservative tho, the pro-life groups were at in force recruiting during lunch, about a billion different religious clubs and orgs wanting you to join. There was spuffs on everything from drinking to abstinence which were entertaining.

06-29-2008, 05:50 PM
Sounds like two schools I would steer my kids far away from. If I were you I would do some more checking on other schools.

06-29-2008, 06:05 PM
Glad I didnt go to any of those schools.

I had $10,000 loan debt at the end of my bachelors (I have since screwed that up with law school).

And my school focused both on educational excellence and doing it with honor.

Abbey Marie
06-29-2008, 07:31 PM
Sounds like two schools I would steer my kids far away from. If I were you I would do some more checking on other schools.

I hear you. The two schools we just saw were University of Virginia and William & Mary. The problem is, most schools today are like this, or not too far from it. Especially if you want to go to a school with a well-recognized name. I have been reading a book that rates schools based on various things such as tolerance for conservative points of view, and these two were far from the worst.

I just kept thinking, I don't want our money going to support a school that will do such things.

06-29-2008, 07:42 PM
Plenty of exspensive private religious schools to indocrinate the right way if you're that worried.

Abbey Marie
06-30-2008, 09:25 AM
Plenty of exspensive private religious schools to indocrinate the right way if you're that worried.

Well, gee, how about we just pay them to teach the subjects, sans any indoctrination? What a concept.

06-30-2008, 02:47 PM
Well, gee, how about we just pay them to teach the subjects, sans any indoctrination? What a concept.

only the religion of no religion is acceptable, i think many people do not understand the establishment clause, possibly many justices who have presided over it as well

06-30-2008, 03:34 PM
The priorities should be (IMHO)

1) Teach to the top of the class, rather than the middle of the class.
2) Don't mollycoddle anyone. Make the students EARN their degrees!
3) Emphasize the fundamentals of mathematics, reading and writing for ALL students.
4) Teach oral communication skills with an emphasis on real-world communications.
5) Allow the students to decide where they wish to specialize: sciences, liberal arts or fine arts. Just remember #1 and #2 above!

and, 6) When in doubt, refer to #1 and #2 above.

Strangely enough, that is EXACTLY what the University of California at Berkeley was all about.
Professors taught at their pace, not yours. They proceeded through their course outline regardless of who was present. In the majority of my classes, a large portion of your grade was based on class participation. In upper level classes particularly, the instructors were not afraid to challenge students on points. You have to be ready to defend your points.
I had classes that included lecture and assigned reading. Exams covered both. So if you missed a lecture, or failed to do the reading, you were SOL.

I could have gone to an easier college and gotten a degree. I went to Cal because I enjoy being challenged. Cal is a no-slack place. You swim or drown.

Tuition is about $35,000 a year. I had a full academic scholarship, so my parents paid nothing. :D

06-30-2008, 03:45 PM
Well, gee, how about we just pay them to teach the subjects, sans any indoctrination? What a concept.

Now that you wont find. It's a college full of politics and ideas and campus groups. Prefessors come in all stripes same as high school teachers I'd suspect. Keep your head down, don't get involved, and indoctrination is minimal.

06-30-2008, 03:53 PM
.... all students were told to recite the Pledge of Allegiance- to a rainbow gay pride flag. ...

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of gay and lesbian pride. And to the perversion, from which it stands, United Nations, forsaking god, reprehensible, with health care, and income distribution, for all."


06-30-2008, 04:35 PM
Was it a pride flag alone or was it with an American flag and assorted others. Story is hard to believe. If it was a pride flag alone that's pretty stupid and pointless if it was with others somebody is making a big deal cuz of their own agenda.

07-01-2008, 10:31 AM
I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time buying into this. Do you have anything concrete online, say, to confirm this?

07-01-2008, 10:54 AM
Well, gee, how about we just pay them to teach the subjects, sans any indoctrination? What a concept.

Yeah, really.

My old school offered a feminism study thing last summer and I started with it ------------------

But it rapidly degenerated into this .......this course of study, I don't know WHAT to call it, that kept talking about "Queers" and Queer Doctrine and such...

It seemed the prof thought that lesbianism was the same as feminism.

However, I'm pretty sure feminism is a political issue, whereas lesianism is a rather rare sexual perversion!!

And then they wonder why so many young women won't admit to being feminists........................................

Anyway, I quit the course. Sheeeeeeeeeesh.

GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 11:19 AM
its disgusting and truly a sad state of american affairs. many do not feel they can trust a university to educate their children instead of brainwash them. that pledging to the gay flag is one of the big reasons people who do not support the gay lifestyle are so angry, it is forcing that lifestyle on someon, that is not tolerance or acceptance, that is the opposite of freedom. imagine a state school forcing a pledge to a religious group...

Oh, the difficult life of a conservative.....

Beset on all sides by individuals and groups advocating tolerance, and diversity, and acceptance of all people....

What's a poor conservative to do?

How can they shelter their kids from these pernicious liberal forces?

There's always Bob Jones U. down in Oklahoma.

Or Oral Roberts U.

Too bad they don't have convent schools for Protestants, eh? Looks like the Catholics are better at sheltering their kids from those liberal influences.


GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 11:26 AM
"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of gay and lesbian pride. And to the perversion, from which it stands, United Nations, forsaking god, reprehensible, with health care, and income distribution, for all."


Here's a news flash for glockie and all the other right-wing wackos who think they can shelter their kids from liberal influences.......

You can't.

And, what's even worse news for you, as long as your kids aren't total wimps who'll wind up living with you at age 40, your kids are individuals who will make up their own minds about their politics and their religion, as well as whether they're going to drink, or do drugs, and have sex.

You can't control your kids' lives, unless you want to be one of those psychopathic, controlling parents.

Life's a bitch, ain't it?

Hagbard Celine
07-01-2008, 11:27 AM
Sounds like two schools I would steer my kids far away from. If I were you I would do some more checking on other schools.

That's right. Be sure and find a school that will be sure to indoctrinate your daughter in the fashion you see fit and where she will be part of an all-white student body made up of clones of herself. You don't want her coming back from school touting ridiculous ideas like "diversity is good" or being tolerant of all different types of people. I recommend these:

07-01-2008, 12:03 PM
That's right. Be sure and find a school that will be sure to indoctrinate your daughter in the fashion you see fit and where she will be part of an all-white student body made up of clones of herself. You don't want her coming back from school touting ridiculous ideas like "diversity is good" or being tolerant of all different types of people.

Don't want her coming back preggers with some irresponsible black guy's illegitimate baby, either, as is only too likely if white kids are taught that these dysfunctional black life scripts are just as good as the white scripts we should be teaching them: stay in school, don't have babies unless you are married, marry only responsible, able men who will provide well for their families.

GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 12:12 PM
Don't want her coming back preggers with some irresponsible black guy's illegitimate baby, either, as is only too likely if white kids are taught that these dysfunctional black life scripts are just as good as the white scripts we should be teaching them: stay in school, don't have babies unless you are married, marry only responsible, able men who will provide well for their families.

Goodness. The thought of my daughter consorting with.......Negroes.....is something I just can't imagine....

07-01-2008, 12:29 PM
Goodness. The thought of my daughter consorting with.......Negroes.....is something I just can't imagine....

If you are okay with your daughter getting knocked up like you-know-who's niece did by some worthless black, no marriage, no nothing, just has a black baby and then he'll take off as soon as he gets tired of the baby screaming at night, and then she has to raise that black baby alone with just her mother helping her while she works -------------

Fine, GW, but then you're a bad parent because your daughter deserves you teaching her a lot better life script than THAT.

07-01-2008, 12:48 PM
Here's a news flash for glockie and all the other right-wing wackos who think they can shelter their kids from liberal influences.......

You can't.

And, what's even worse news for you, as long as your kids aren't total wimps who'll wind up living with you at age 40, your kids are individuals who will make up their own minds about their politics and their religion, as well as whether they're going to drink, or do drugs, and have sex.

You can't control your kids' lives, unless you want to be one of those psychopathic, controlling parents.

Life's a bitch, ain't it? GW you are so fucking clueless about me and my fellow conservatives it is laughable.

We don't "shelter" our kids from liberalism and all the negative, destructive forces that y'all devise. We take a 100,000 candlepower light and shine it on you, exposing you as the cockroaches that you are. My son is now 16, and points out liberal crap from the newspaper to my attention, and we both have a good laugh at your expense. He can identify liberal bias in print and TV reports, while some here in this forum, in their late 20’s can’t. My daughter recently took a test in 8th grade social studies about political views, and she was proudly the most conservative in her class.

They are the windshield, and y’all are the bugs. :lol:

GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 12:57 PM
GW you are so fucking clueless about me and my fellow conservatives it is laughable.

We don't "shelter" our kids from liberalism and all the negative, destructive forces that y'all devise. We take a 100,000 candlepower light and shine it on you, exposing you as the cockroaches that you are. My son is now 16, and points out liberal crap from the newspaper to my attention, and we both have a good laugh at your expense. He can identify liberal bias in print and TV reports, while some here in this forum, in their late 20’s can’t. My daughter recently took a test in 8th grade social studies about political views, and she was proudly the most conservative in her class.

They are the windshield, and y’all are the bugs. :lol:

Oh, joy, glockie.....

You're raising two kids who are just like you. Isn't that special?

I'm raising two kids who'll be voting for Obama with me this year.

My kids cancel out your right-wing wacko kids.

BTW, do you take your kids to church every Sunday?

07-01-2008, 01:04 PM
We just returned from visiting two colleges that our daughter is interested in attending. After hearing the speeches from both schools, watching promotional videos, and going on some long campus tours, the schools have expressed their priorities in the following order:

1. Achieving diversity on campus
2. Emphasizing a "multi-cultural" education
3. "Honoring" diversity.
4. Acceptance of any and all behavior except lying, cheating or stealing.
5. Educating our kids in time-honored curriculum.

Just a couple of anecdotes to show how it is in those ivory towers today:

1. During the 10-day 2008 orientation of the freshmen at Dartmouth, all students were told to recite the Pledge of Allegiance- to a rainbow gay pride flag.

2. The new Dean of William & Mary recently secretly removed a golden cross from the chapel in the Wren building (originally built in 1695) during the night. He felt it wasn't "welcoming" to everyone. After some serious protest, his own hand-picked committe decided he must put it back in the building.

on 2, the students also pitched a fit, as it was a part of the school. Other than that, however, William & Mary is actually a top-notch school, speaking as a Virginian. The curriculum's tough, but most any employer will look at W&M with a definite eye toward hiring, and as well they have some really great career counselors.

Abbey Marie
07-01-2008, 01:37 PM
I'm sorry but I'm having a hard time buying into this. Do you have anything concrete online, say, to confirm this?

"During freshman orientation at Dartmouth last fall, students were ordered to stand and pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag. And on it goes. Parents expected to pony up their life’s savings, or take out crushing loans to fund such foolishness, cannot help wondering: Why are we even thinking of paying for this?"

http://www.isi.org/college_guide/sample/2006/dart.pdf (page 5)

Abbey Marie
07-01-2008, 01:38 PM
on 2, the students also pitched a fit, as it was a part of the school. Other than that, however, William & Mary is actually a top-notch school, speaking as a Virginian. The curriculum's tough, but most any employer will look at W&M with a definite eye toward hiring, and as well they have some really great career counselors.

That's my impression, also, after talking with people and doing research. The campus is very pretty, too.

How do you think it compares with UVa?

07-01-2008, 02:24 PM
"During freshman orientation at Dartmouth last fall, students were ordered to stand and pledge allegiance to a gay pride flag. And on it goes. Parents expected to pony up their life’s savings, or take out crushing loans to fund such foolishness, cannot help wondering: Why are we even thinking of paying for this?"

http://www.isi.org/college_guide/sample/2006/dart.pdf (page 5)

[You added a link I need to look at, but that ISI site is scary for genuine thinking.]

You can't be serious, that was hearsay, a critical writer would not even have added it. It reads like some ideologue's review of something they are not sure about but they know the bad things when they see them. Like see isn't this bad cause my daddy told me it was a bad thing. Scares me that the right wants so much to control thinking that they will control education in an effort to control thought. All the righties I know come back from college pretty much as they left with a just a tiny bit more of an open mind.

07-01-2008, 02:37 PM
Oh, joy, glockie.....

You're raising two kids who are just like you. Isn't that special?

I'm raising two kids who'll be voting for Obama with me this year.

My kids cancel out your right-wing wacko kids.

BTW, do you take your kids to church every Sunday?
Nice try at deflection of the issue that you brought up and then I crushed you on. Then top it off by insulting my children, in direct violation of board rules.

You have now entered the territory where previously only the asshole maineman has ventured into. PM me with your address so I can visit you.

GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 02:50 PM
Nice try at deflection of the issue that you brought up and then I crushed you on. Then top it off by insulting my children, in direct violation of board rules.

You have now entered the territory where previously only the asshole maineman has ventured into. PM me with your address so I can visit you.

Now glockie, I said your kids will come back from college and they'll be just like you.

And you say I'm insulting your kids.

If you say so.....

07-01-2008, 02:57 PM
Now glockie, I said your kids will come back from college and they'll be just like you.

And you say I'm insulting your kids.

If you say so.....

....your right-wing wacko kids....

I'll wait patiently for you to PM me with your address so we can have a face to face conversation. It will be a short one.

GW in Ohio
07-01-2008, 03:04 PM
I'll wait patiently for you to PM me with your address so we can have a face to face conversation. It will be a short one.

Now don't go "tough guy" on me, glockie.

I've been reprimanded by the moderators about comments regarding family members and I've promised to refrain from that sort of thing.

So bring your blood pressure down, big guy.

07-01-2008, 03:09 PM
That's my impression, also, after talking with people and doing research. The campus is very pretty, too.

How do you think it compares with UVa?

Oh, definitely go with W&M, I mean aside from all the rest of it, the college's small size keeps classroom numbers down, so that there can be more individual attention, and as well, you're right there next to Colonial Williamsburg, which is really just a great area all around. I actually used to live inside the colonial area, over behind the apothecary in a place called Scrivner's kitchen, and you almost always pick up new facts about the founding fathers. William & Mary has been around since before we were the United States, and those cannons on the campus actually have a history to them of their own.

Aside from that, Williamsburg is a really nice college town, and even with the tourist aspects, has a thriving mom & pop industry (memorably, subway got pushed out of the campus area by the local delis). There's the library tavern for when your daughter wants a fun night out, as well as Busch Gardens, and if she absolutely needs to see some ocean or city life, Norfolk and Va. Beach are only 1 hour away.

07-01-2008, 03:13 PM

http://www.isi.org/college_guide/sample/2006/dart.pdf (page 5)

I'm not sure what to make of the Taliban apologist going to Yale? The Taliban are religious zealots who tried in their way to impose their beliefs on a nation, by force and by cruelty. Are we not trying to impose our way on Iraq? I don't think anyone called us and said please invade us and make us like you. But I realize that is off the point. Yale may feel this adds some element to their school that in a strange way has positive impact and the Taliban spokesman will now be an educated pawn of America. ;)

07-01-2008, 03:26 PM
Now don't go "tough guy" on me, glockie.

I've been reprimanded by the moderators about comments regarding family members and I've promised to refrain from that sort of thing.

So bring your blood pressure down, big guy.Meanwhile, I'll wait patiently for you to PM me with your address so we can have a face to face conversation.

GW in Ohio
07-02-2008, 07:17 AM
Meanwhile, I'll wait patiently for you to PM me with your address so we can have a face to face conversation.

Glockie: You're being a horse's patoot about this.

As with other discussions, you just don't know how to let things go.

07-02-2008, 07:41 AM
I'm not sure what to make of the Taliban apologist going to Yale? The Taliban are religious zealots who tried in their way to impose their beliefs on a nation, by force and by cruelty. Are we not trying to impose our way on Iraq? I don't think anyone called us and said please invade us and make us like you. But I realize that is off the point. Yale may feel this adds some element to their school that in a strange way has positive impact and the Taliban spokesman will now be an educated pawn of America. ;)

More idiotic comments from an idiot.

07-02-2008, 08:54 AM
I'm not sure what to make of the Taliban apologist going to Yale? The Taliban are religious zealots who tried in their way to impose their beliefs on a nation, by force and by cruelty. Are we not trying to impose our way on Iraq? I don't think anyone called us and said please invade us and make us like you. But I realize that is off the point. Yale may feel this adds some element to their school that in a strange way has positive impact and the Taliban spokesman will now be an educated pawn of America. ;)

If by impose our beliefs on a nation by force and by cruelty, you mean liberated a people from a ruthless dictator to choose their own destiny. Then yes, we have done that evil, evil act.

07-02-2008, 10:43 AM
If by impose our beliefs on a nation by force and by cruelty, you mean liberated a people from a ruthless dictator to choose their own destiny. Then yes, we have done that evil, evil act.

I think when you look at what happened, yes, it was an evil act.

Hagbard Celine
07-02-2008, 10:50 AM
I'll wait patiently for you to PM me with your address so we can have a face to face conversation. It will be a short one.

"Oooooh," said the second-grade class. :rolleyes:

07-02-2008, 12:14 PM
Glockie: You're being a horse's patoot about this.

As with other discussions, you just don't know how to let things go. I'll let it go after our face to face conversation. You can insult me all day long and I don't give a shit, but you insult my familiy or my kids and you've gone way over the line. So don't be such a woosie, man-up and PM me with your address.

07-02-2008, 12:15 PM
"Oooooh," said the second-grade class. :rolleyes:
Wait until you have kids, some FAT middle age FUCK insults them, then get back to me. Until then SHUT UP.

Hagbard Celine
07-02-2008, 12:45 PM
Wait until you have kids, some FAT middle age FUCK insults them, then get back to me. Until then SHUT UP.

BOOHOO. A nameless avatar on a message board said my kids are conservative (which they are) and now I'm sooo mad!

I recommend you go outside where nobody can hear you and have a big long cry. While you're crying you should shake your fist to the heavens for maximum effect. Also be sure to drool a lot to maximize the number of bubbles that form from your mouth and nose during the cry. Afterwards, you can come back and begin posting again. :laugh:

07-02-2008, 12:54 PM
BOOHOO. A nameless avatar on a message board said my kids are conservative (which they are) and now I'm sooo mad!

I recommend you go outside where nobody can hear you and have a big long cry. While you're crying you should shake your fist to the heavens for maximum effect. Also be sure to drool a lot to maximize the number of bubbles that form from your mouth and nose during the cry. Afterwards, you can come back and begin posting again. :laugh: In post 24 GW calls my kids "wackos". So FUCK YOU straw man, and your lack of honor. :fu:

Hagbard Celine
07-02-2008, 01:01 PM
In post 24 GW calls my kids "wackos". So FUCK YOU straw man, and your lack of honor. :fu:

:eek:How dare you question my honor!?!?!?!?:eek:

haha :laugh:

07-02-2008, 01:22 PM
:eek:How dare you question my honor!?!?!?!?:eek:

haha :laugh:


07-02-2008, 01:29 PM
Been hassling The Locals again, GW? And by the way...GW's not fat.

As I've watched the traffic on this board I notice ya'll take this Virtual Reality Shit w-a-a-a-a-y too seriously. Relax, folks. Obama will be overwhelmongly elected in November but you'll all be fine.

Just watch out for Rap. He takes this shit seriously too....

GW in Ohio
07-02-2008, 02:12 PM
Been hassling The Locals again, GW? And by the way...GW's not fat.

As I've watched the traffic on this board I notice ya'll take this Virtual Reality Shit w-a-a-a-a-y too seriously. Relax, folks. Obama will be overwhelmongly elected in November but you'll all be fine.

Just watch out for Rap. He takes this shit seriously too....

WalkerTom: I've just been having a very nice conversation with my good friend, glockie.

We've become ever so chummy. Haven't we, glockster?

07-02-2008, 04:21 PM
WalkerTom: I've just been having a very nice conversation with my good friend, glockie.

We've become ever so chummy. Haven't we, glockster?

PM me your address and we'll have a real nice conversation.

07-02-2008, 05:34 PM
Too much anger. Not good for the soul, Dude...

07-02-2008, 09:01 PM
Too much anger. Not good for the soul, Dude... Anger is great for the soul. But, I haven't expressed anger, have I?

GW in Ohio
07-03-2008, 07:20 AM
Anger is great for the soul. But, I haven't expressed anger, have I?

Just some mildly psychotic behavior, glockie.

By the way, you want my address?

I live in DC, street address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Don't mind the dudes in suits and sunglasses hangin' out in front. They're just a few relatives.

You just come right on in. Bring your gun.

I'll be waitin' for you, glockster.......


07-03-2008, 07:54 AM
Just some mildly psychotic behavior, glockie.

By the way, you want my address?

I live in DC, street address, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Don't mind the dudes in suits and sunglasses hangin' out in front. They're just a few relatives.

You just come right on in. Bring your gun.

I'll be waitin' for you, glockster.......

How typical of you to instigate, then avoid a direct challenge. What a woosie! :lol:




GW in Ohio
07-03-2008, 08:05 AM
How typical of you to instigate, then avoid a direct challenge. What a woosie! :lol:




glockie: Here's a little friendly advice......

People who keep insisting on macho "in person" confrontations on political forums like this are a lot like the guys who go to bars looking for fights. Their belligerence masks a lot of insecurity.

People who strut around forums like this crowing that they've "won" arguments or kicked their opponent's ass in debate are in the same category.

There are no winners or losers here. We're just a bunch of Americans talkin' politics. Try not to take it so seriously.

07-03-2008, 08:17 AM
glockie: Here's a little friendly advice......

People who keep insisting on macho "in person" confrontations on political forums like this are a lot like the guys who go to bars looking for fights. Their belligerence masks a lot of insecurity.

People who strut around forums like this crowing that they've "won" arguments or kicked their opponent's ass in debate are in the same category.

There are no winners or losers here. We're just a bunch of Americans talkin' politics. Try not to take it so seriously.I haven't been to a bar in 25 years, douchebag. One more stoopid assumption about me that you've gotten wrong.

Some advice for you:
1. When you post on a board dedicated to political debate, be prepared to defend your point of view, and if you can't defend it, be prepared to be labeled as the weak-kneed liberal piece of shit that you are.
2. When you can’t defend your political position, so resort to insulting someone's children, be prepared to get your ass kicked.

07-03-2008, 11:28 PM
As my grandfather once said, fighting is the last resort of a man who can't win a verbal argument.

And what does any of this have to do with the original topic?

For the record, my kid is smarter than any of your kids. So there! :finger3:

>>> If you want to insult my child, I won't kick your ass. But she might.

07-05-2008, 06:48 PM
As my grandfather once said, fighting is the last resort of a man who can't win a verbal argument. ..... What would he say if someone that he was having a verbal argument suddenly just went and defamed his granddaughter? I think he'd say the guy needed to get his ass kicked.

07-05-2008, 06:51 PM
Perhaps he is right.

07-05-2008, 06:57 PM
Ya think?

07-05-2008, 07:02 PM
So yell and scream and do whatever. What someone says here doesn't mean a fucking thing.
It's people like you that make gun control advocates squeamish. You'll go nuts one of these days, and your entire family will end up in the morgue.

07-06-2008, 06:17 AM
So yell and scream and do whatever. What someone says here doesn't mean a fucking thing.
It's people like you that make gun control advocates squeamish. You'll go nuts one of these days, and your entire family will end up in the morgue. You are obviously projecting your own emotionally based, bi-polar thought process onto me. It's hilarious!! :lol:

07-06-2008, 01:00 PM
So yell and scream and do whatever. What someone says here doesn't mean a fucking thing.

What does this mean?

That's bullshit and you know it. Quit lying out your ass.

hmmm (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=14503&highlight=kennedy)

07-06-2008, 03:52 PM
40 grand is more than I make in a year!

Abbey Marie
07-06-2008, 05:45 PM
40 grand is more than I make in a year!

I hear you. It is seriously outrageous!

07-06-2008, 05:51 PM
Add $400 + a semester if she goes greek. Sororities sent me stuff, one look at the price and no f'in way. I don't need to buy my friends.

Abbey Marie
07-06-2008, 05:56 PM
Add $400 + a semester if she goes greek. Sororities sent me stuff, one look at the price and no f'in way. I don't need to buy my friends.

Is that for room or board? Or is it yet another fee on top of that?

07-06-2008, 06:05 PM
That's chapter dues. They might have fee's on top of it, I don't know. I'm not sociable enough to want to spend that kind of green.

Family found me a nice apartment about 1/2 mile from campus, close enough to bike or walk, $650 a month in lousville that includes water, trash pickup, gas. 2 rooms, cousins going to take the other be $325 a piece. Electric you pay yourself, guessing 40 to 60 a month but since I wont be driving the savings in gas alone with be worth it.

University dorm housing is crap, atleast all I've seen, wouldn't suggest it, small, mold, bathrooms suck. If your girl is social tho she might love it or love sororiety housing.

07-06-2008, 06:08 PM
40 grand is more than I make in a year! No wonder you're so pissed off all the time.

Abbey Marie
07-06-2008, 06:08 PM
That's chapter dues. They might have fee's on top of it, I don't know. I'm not sociable enough to want to spend that kind of green.

Family found me a nice apartment about 1/2 mile from campus, close enough to bike or walk, $650 a month in lousville that includes water, trash pickup, gas. 2 rooms, cousins going to take the other be $325 a piece. Electric you pay yourself, guessing 40 to 60 a month but since I wont be driving the savings in gas alone with be worth it.

University dorm housing is crap, atleast all I've seen, wouldn't suggest it, small, mold, bathrooms suck. If your girl is social tho she might love it or love sororiety housing.

Be safe on those trips, especially at night. Be careful when you are going into your apartment that no one is behind you.

I don't think she's the sorority type. She's more the small circle of girl friends type. But I guess it's a good way to meet people right away.

07-06-2008, 06:13 PM
Sororities you have to get into before the school year starts. Atleast at many schools, they'll have sign up like a week or so before classes.

Yeah I have a night class so i will be out in the night. It doesn't scare me but worries my parents. Right in the middle of the city.

07-07-2008, 07:00 PM
40 grand is more than I make in a year!

That's a bummer.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.