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View Full Version : Obama: Do not devalue mccain's service for politics

06-30-2008, 02:45 PM
Obama also sought to tamp down controversy surrounding comments over the weekend from a supporter. Retired Gen. Wesley Clark said in a television appearance that the Vietnam War-era military service of John McCain, Obama's Republican opponent, does not necessarily qualify him to be commander in chief.

McCain was a fighter pilot who was captured and held as a prisoner of war for more than five years.

Obama said that patriotism "must, if it is to mean anything, involve the willingness to sacrifice" and sought to distance himself from Clark's remarks without mentioning them.

"For those like John McCain who have endured physical torment in service to our country — no further proof of such sacrifice is necessary," Obama said. "And let me also add that no one should ever devalue that service, especially for the sake of a political campaign, and that goes for supporters on both sides."


what is gabs to do now, her messiah has spoken and told her to knock it off

06-30-2008, 03:14 PM
It's just so much lip service. As long as Obama's surrogates continue to make disparaging and potentially damaging comments about McCain, Obama is happy. He didn't say it, he can denounce it, he looks good, and the comment is still out there working it's way through the news cycle. The networks will talk about it, the public will talk about it, and when they're all through talking about it, they will all comment about how Obama took the "high road." All the while the folks back at Obama headquarters are discussing who they will trot out next and what McCain bashing talking points they will spew for consumption in the next cycle.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

06-30-2008, 03:25 PM
It's just so much lip service. As long as Obama's surrogates continue to make disparaging and potentially damaging comments about McCain, Obama is happy. He didn't say it, he can denounce it, he looks good, and the comment is still out there working it's way through the news cycle. The networks will talk about it, the public will talk about it, and when they're all through talking about it, they will all comment about how Obama took the "high road." All the while the folks back at Obama headquarters are discussing who they will trot out next and what McCain bashing talking points they will spew for consumption in the next cycle.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

you are exactly right. but to his followers, they should obey :D

06-30-2008, 04:20 PM
Weasel Clark probably took the hit for the Obambam with a position promised for him if he did.. don't forget, the Democrats "don't" play dirty politics.:poke:

06-30-2008, 05:06 PM
Curious that Obama gives support to McCain for his service but McCain sides with Bush's cheap support for the troops.

06-30-2008, 07:24 PM
It's just so much lip service. As long as Obama's surrogates continue to make disparaging and potentially damaging comments about McCain, Obama is happy. He didn't say it, he can denounce it, he looks good, and the comment is still out there working it's way through the news cycle. The networks will talk about it, the public will talk about it, and when they're all through talking about it, they will all comment about how Obama took the "high road." All the while the folks back at Obama headquarters are discussing who they will trot out next and what McCain bashing talking points they will spew for consumption in the next cycle.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

First of all, it really does not matter what his surrogates say. Only those who already plan to vote for him will take heed. For those who have a genuine respect for his sacrifices, they will not have their mind changed. On the other hand, those who would be influenced by these types of rhetoricated shit, well, they would have jumped anyway.

Distinguished military service does not assure one of being elected, even when the opponet is a coward (Dole vs Clinton). What does? Well, I've studied this subject carefully. My answer. The better looking candidate wins by getting the women's vote. Women elect presidents, and they vote for the better looking candidate. Go get your history books and look it up. No exceptions. (Of course 1968 does not count as all three men were ugly as hell.)

On the othr hand, we could just elect a president with REAL ability to address the issues that confront Americans each and every day. Bob Barr.


06-30-2008, 07:46 PM
Curious that Obama gives support to McCain for his service but McCain sides with Bush's cheap support for the troops.

curious you support the Nazi's

06-30-2008, 11:51 PM
curious you support the Nazi's

Where the did you get that one from? A brain spasm? :lmao:

Too bad Obama was too diplomatic to point out McCain's collaboration with the enemy.
Wesley Clark is right. Getting shot down doesn't make you a war hero.
McCain served with much less distinction than most, Including John Kerry. That is why so many Viet Nam vets oppose his candidacy.
I am sure there are some misguided vets who approve of McCain's traitorous actions. Not that they have much upstairs.

07-01-2008, 12:03 AM
The Obambam doesn't have the experience to run for the President of his high school class. But he does have his cult followers..

I think the Democrats are doing the right thing attacting a POW for his service......KEEP IT UP..:dance:

07-01-2008, 12:11 AM
Where the did you get that one from? A brain spasm? :lmao:

Too bad Obama was too diplomatic to point out McCain's collaboration with the enemy.
Wesley Clark is right. Getting shot down doesn't make you a war hero.
McCain served with much less distinction than most, Including John Kerry. That is why so many Viet Nam vets oppose his candidacy.
I am sure there are some misguided vets who approve of McCain's traitorous actions. Not that they have much upstairs.

so obama lied? obama said mccain is a war hero... your messiah has spoken, bow to his word or fall under the bus, honorably

07-01-2008, 08:33 PM
Holy shit!!!!!!! None of you jerks can read or respond accordingly with even your own propositions!!!!!!!!!!!! McCain is a War Hero. Period. Full Stop.