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06-30-2008, 08:25 PM

I was just reading it and it's probably nothing special but I wanted to share it.

On the plane back to NYC. They tell me that we will arrive at 5:30 am. I can’t sleep on planes but lucky for me I will get about an hour worth of sleep only to be woken up by either my 3 year old son or 2 year old daughter climbing into bed with me and giving me a kiss. I am glad I get to have breakfast with them tomorrow morning as I will do radio from home tomorrow and then go into the city for TV. I just wish I could sleep now on the plane … Why did I waste all those ‘good Jack Daniels pass out’ times when I didn’t need them?

It’s been nice to have both my older girls with me today. I volunteered to speak tonight on the condition that my girls could come with me. (My integrated life not balanced life theory). It is great. Although, I wonder if it is weird for them to be with me when we walk into the Marriott Center with 22,000 people and those people stand and clap. I know it is for me but still can’t believe it. Tonight the audience brought me to tears several times. I am so blessed. 8 years ago, people wouldn’t have walked across the room to insult me. Thank you. Tonight motivational legend Stephen Covey introduced me. Wow. To have him describe me as inspirational is just so weird and I fear untrue too often.

Tania and the two little ones are now in bed. Tania had to speak at two different church services today. I wish I could have been there. I love watching her speak. Goodness just beams out of her. She was so cute. She was nervous. She had to speak for 10 minutes which is a life time to her. I talked to her between speeches. As we landed in Omaha she was just arriving at the second church meeting and I was lucky enough to catch her on the cell phone. I am the most blessed man living. I really am. Tania is the main reason. Later, she called me just as I was walking into the Marriott center to wish me luck on my speech. I said goodnight to the little ones and walked on stage.

Now it is 11:30 eastern time. We just took off from the Provo Utah airport. I just finished giving the keynote address at the Freedom Festival’s Patriotic Service. WOW. There is nothing like the way this state celebrates America. It is truly different here. It is more like the America I remember as a kid. I wrote this speech with Joe and my daughter Hannah on the way home from another speech last night. Today when Joe gave me the actual facts behind the stories I was looking for I realized that it would be about 4 hours long so, much to Joes frustration I rewrote the speech on the plane ride out here. I am having him look into a couple of other stories that I can’t wait to share with you on radio this week. It’s funny because as I was trying to remember the facts of a story behind My Country Tis of Thee, Joe nor I could remember the names or places, when out of the blue my daughter Hannah shouted out the names. I am proud of her. Sad for her because of the freak gene that I obviously passed on to her, but proud just the same.

As you know I severely bruised my ribs a week and a half ago. I hurt again tonight due to the many great fans that I met tonight that hugged me or slapped me on the back. It was worth it. I hugged back. I love my listeners. You really are the best. … well maybe not you … I mean, I may love you but …. Well , you get the point. I’m just saying.

I am sorry for the A.D.D paragraph above what I wanted to say was: The rib deal, I think God was sending me a message about doing too much. My schedule I have been told is now being filled through 2010. THAT’S CRAZY. My wife asked me a while back, how much is enough? As she knows, it’s not about the money. At this point, if you subscribe to Fusion or buy a ticket to a stage show chances are that some of that money is putting a kid (including mine --- thank you by the way) through college or helping fight cancer or helping a soldier not feel forgotten thanks to the USO. I do it because I love it. I do it because no-one ever has done it before. And honestly, I don’t know how I would survive without you. In these troubled times, you really do give me hope. Meeting you, seeing you, reading your letters, shaking your hand, looking you in the eye while you introduce me to your family … I know we are going to be okay. America is not just going to survive, we are going to again prosper.

Wow. Sorry for that A.D.D. paragraph too. What I really wanted to say was, beginning tomorrow I really begin to roll up my sleeves on the live satellite broadcast of the Dallas Stage show, BECK 08 UNELECTABLE. It is going to be a very elaborate shoot. 6 cameras and hopefully a wild Texas crowd and ALL LIVE AND UNEDITED. Never before seen footage and out takes will be seen in theaters across the country before the live show and during the intermission. Also tomorrow I begin to finalize the score for the Christmas show. I am very nervous about this show. This story is so personal I want to get it right and do it justice. The show is being staged by a big NYC Broadway director ---- which usually would work against someone trying to be on my team but this guy really has a big heart. Adam showed Tania and I the schedule for next fall. It is crazy. I mean really crazy. After the election (and recount) the Christmas sweater book is released as Simon and Schusters biggest release of the year. I think I will be in 40 cities for book signings in November, while renting a very expensive Broadway theater to rehearse the stage show on non travel days- yes, this one will have weeks of rehearsal (we’ve never done that before) which will play in 15 cities over 3 weeks in December. I was told to do what we need to do, it will take two tractor trailers, two tour buses, one Gulfstream 5, one Learjet 60, a helicopter and many, many SUVs. Our carbon footprint will make Al Gore weep and me laugh for weeks. That crazy schedule doesn’t begin to include the daily Radio and Television show.

GEEZ, when will I get to the point ….A.D.D. IS KILLING ME … well actually it is probably worse for you than it is for me but … wait…. NOW I AM OFF TRACK AGAIN!!! THIS IS REALLY WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY: I don’t know really why I do what I do, I am glad that you seem to enjoy it, but as I promised my wife, I will never do what I am about to do again. God shoved me down the stairs a couple weeks ago on a rainy night in Connecticut to tell me rest. Sleep. Don’t burn out, because there is much left to do.

He is right, what a surprise! There is much to do. Now that the rest of the country and media is aware of the coming perfect storm, I can focus on what everyone else is not. Solutions, Hope and Family. I think you will agree with me that if you follow those in Washington or in the MSM all three of those things will be in short supply. Together, we will show them how wrong they are for I know it to be true that through our families we will find those solutions that will give us more than just Hope … they will give us a peaceful and bright future.

Good night from somewhere now over Kansas. Hear you on the radio, see you on TV and Friday with Miley Cyrus at the Stadium of Fire in Utah. What a Country! Never give up. Never give in.