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07-03-2008, 01:33 PM
Islam not only thinks gays go to hell, they regularly murder them for being gay.

Islam is not only against abortion, they kill women for being raped

I wanna hear you condemn islam for this, and stop apologizing, rationalizing, and making excuses for them, while you attack christians and christianity on this board and in general all the time with no pre-conditions.

Ok, liberals lets hear it.

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 01:35 PM
Eat a d*ck.

07-03-2008, 02:24 PM
thanks for proving my point, you're too much of a coward to criticize islam, Judaism or any other religion, but you salivate over criticizing christianity. You disgust me

Eat a d*ck.

07-03-2008, 02:49 PM
All religions should be banned.

07-03-2008, 02:58 PM
All religions should be banned.

I respect your consistency (I genuinely mean that) :clap:

07-03-2008, 03:24 PM
All religions should be banned.

that worked out well for the soviet union...........

07-03-2008, 03:29 PM
that worked out well for the soviet union...........


07-03-2008, 03:40 PM
From wikipedia

The Soviet Union was a secular state, though religion was largely discouraged and in some instances persecuted. According to various Soviet and Western sources, however, over one-third of the country's people professed religious belief. Christianity and Islam had the most believers. Christians belonged to various churches: Orthodox, which had the largest number of followers; Catholic; and Baptist and various other Protestant sects. The majority of the Islamic faithful were Sunni. Judaism also had many followers. Other religions, which were practiced by a relatively small number of believers, included Buddhism and Shamanism.

The role of religion in the daily lives of Soviet citizens varied greatly. Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, were irreligious. About half the people, including members of the ruling Communist Party and high-level government officials, professed atheism. For the majority of Soviet citizens, therefore, religion seemed irrelevant.

Prior to its collapse in late 1991, official figures on religion in the Soviet Union were not available.

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 04:18 PM

Haw! Haw! Haw! IMBECILE.

07-03-2008, 04:19 PM
From wikipedia

The Soviet Union was a secular state, though religion was largely discouraged and in some instances persecuted. According to various Soviet and Western sources, however, over one-third of the country's people professed religious belief. Christianity and Islam had the most believers. Christians belonged to various churches: Orthodox, which had the largest number of followers; Catholic; and Baptist and various other Protestant sects. The majority of the Islamic faithful were Sunni. Judaism also had many followers. Other religions, which were practiced by a relatively small number of believers, included Buddhism and Shamanism.

The role of religion in the daily lives of Soviet citizens varied greatly. Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, were irreligious. About half the people, including members of the ruling Communist Party and high-level government officials, professed atheism. For the majority of Soviet citizens, therefore, religion seemed irrelevant.

Prior to its collapse in late 1991, official figures on religion in the Soviet Union were not available.

well i was there in 82/83....religion was against the law...."churches" were museums.....

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 04:21 PM
well i was there in 82/83....religion was against the law...."churches" were museums.....

I doubt they would've practiced something illegal and personal like that in the presence of a foreigner manu.

07-03-2008, 04:21 PM
All religions should be banned.

how tolerant

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 04:22 PM
how tolerant

You're not allowed to call that on people man. :rolleyes:

07-03-2008, 04:25 PM
You're not allowed to call that on people man. :rolleyes:

how tolerant :D

07-03-2008, 04:36 PM
All religions should be banned.

Not that I agree with you (I disagree 100%), but how do you ban ideas?

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 04:38 PM
Not that I agree with you (I disagree 100%), but how do you ban ideas?

She doesn't mean literally, she means the world would be better-off without religions.

07-03-2008, 04:40 PM
She doesn't mean literally, she means the world would be better-off without religions.

I don't know... she did use the word "banned," which implies some sort of legal or regulatory action:

All religions should be banned.

Even so, I would still disagree 100% that the world would be better off without religion.

07-03-2008, 05:41 PM
I don't know... she did use the word "banned," which implies some sort of legal or regulatory action:

Even so, I would still disagree 100% that the world would be better off without religion.

I think it's safe to say that if the world would be better off without any one particular religion...Islam comes to mind...that the world would be better off without any religion.

Talk about banning religion is moot. It's going to die eventually, it's inevitable.

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2008, 05:52 PM
I don't know... she did use the word "banned," which implies some sort of legal or regulatory action:

Even so, I would still disagree 100% that the world would be better off without religion.

All the same positive results of religion can be achieved through secular volunteerism. If you ask me, the negatives far outweigh the benefits of religion.

07-03-2008, 06:03 PM
All religions should be banned.

I guess the constition doesn't really mean much to you then April15, does it?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

07-03-2008, 06:04 PM
All the same positive results of religion can be achieved through secular volunteerism. If you ask me, the negatives far outweigh the benefits of religion.

what about the power of prayer? how can secularism achieve that?

07-03-2008, 06:15 PM
I guess the constition doesn't really mean much to you then April15, does it?I will defend your right to believe anything you want, just don't push it on me.
But I do think human species would be far better off without the idea of God.

07-03-2008, 06:19 PM
Not that I agree with you (I disagree 100%), but how do you ban ideas?Mankind can not ban ideas except by legal order. And remember how many things are illegal that go on in even the most restricted society.

07-03-2008, 06:21 PM
what about the power of prayer? how can secularism achieve that?Positive thinking is all prayer is. Your actions are what make prayer work. example; pray for money and do not work. No money. but if you work the amount you make is limited only by your potential.

07-03-2008, 06:33 PM
I will defend your right to believe anything you want, just don't push it on me.
But I do think human species would be far better off without the idea of God.

You called for the banning of religion. Are you not a member of the party constantly pointing out what you see as violations of the constitution? It would seem that this desire for a ban on religion would be a BLATANT violation of the constitution.

07-03-2008, 06:37 PM

07-03-2008, 06:38 PM
Mankind can not ban ideas except by legal order. And remember how many things are illegal that go on in even the most restricted society.

i legally declare you should stop thinking...you can't ban ideas, paaaleeese

Positive thinking is all prayer is. Your actions are what make prayer work. example; pray for money and do not work. No money. but if you work the amount you make is limited only by your potential.

pray tell. do you have proof of that?

07-03-2008, 06:44 PM
i legally declare you should stop thinking...you can't ban ideas, paaaleeese

pray tell. do you have proof of that?Just as much as you do!

07-03-2008, 06:48 PM
You called for the banning of religion. Are you not a member of the party constantly pointing out what you see as violations of the constitution? It would seem that this desire for a ban on religion would be a BLATANT violation of the constitution.It is MY desire that mankind be better served with the banning of all religions. As it would not be recognizing one over another and it would not be making one the official religion of the nation I don't believe my desire to be unconstitutional. We could run it by the supreme court and let them have a go at it!

Abbey Marie
07-03-2008, 07:19 PM
It is MY desire that mankind be better served with the banning of all religions. As it would not be recognizing one over another and it would not be making one the official religion of the nation I don't believe my desire to be unconstitutional. We could run it by the supreme court and let them have a go at it!




I may post more when my mind stops spinning in disbelief.

07-03-2008, 07:20 PM
Just as much as you do!

i pray i am right...what about you?

07-03-2008, 07:22 PM
It is MY desire that mankind be better served with the banning of all religions. As it would not be recognizing one over another and it would not be making one the official religion of the nation I don't believe my desire to be unconstitutional. We could run it by the supreme court and let them have a go at it!

then you have to establish "religion." for you are attempting to establish your own religion, i.e., there is no higher power, we came from monkeys, thats it folks.


07-03-2008, 07:25 PM
All religions should be banned.

Naturally, no one should be allowed to think for themselves.

07-03-2008, 07:29 PM
It is MY desire that mankind be better served with the banning of all religions. As it would not be recognizing one over another and it would not be making one the official religion of the nation I don't believe my desire to be unconstitutional. We could run it by the supreme court and let them have a go at it!

How can specifially stopping the free exercise of religion not be unconstitutional? The establishment clause is only one clause pertaining to religion.

07-03-2008, 07:58 PM
Mankind can not ban ideas except by legal order.

You can't ban ideas, period. People can think without permission from the government. They can also talk, write, and read ideas.

And remember how many things are illegal that go on in even the most restricted society.

Well, there are more illegal things in a restrictive society. Kind of like the old USSR. When I was growing up, my church was raising money to send Bibles to Soviet citizens. At first, I was scared that someone was going to arrest me for contributing. Then I realized that the outlawing of religion was the crime, not supplying Bibles to people who want them.

07-03-2008, 08:01 PM
You can't ban ideas, period. People can think without permission from the government. They can also talk, write, and read ideas.

Well, there are more illegal things in a restrictive society. Kind of like the old USSR. When I was growing up, my church was raising money to send Bibles to Soviet citizens. At first, I was scared that someone was going to arrest me for contributing. Then I realized that the outlawing of religion was the crime, not supplying Bibles to people who want them.

apfril yearns for the 3rd reich... or maybe the seat of albania....

07-03-2008, 08:34 PM
Naturally, no one should be allowed to think for themselves.

Religion is the antithesis of thinking for yourself. :poke:

07-03-2008, 08:39 PM
How can specifially stopping the free exercise of religion not be unconstitutional? The establishment clause is only one clause pertaining to religion.Well so much for that idea. I still think no religion at all would serve the world better than all the religions we have now.

07-03-2008, 08:45 PM
Religion is the antithesis of thinking for yourself. :poke:

i don't get it, can you explain it to me

07-03-2008, 08:55 PM
then you have to establish "religion." for you are attempting to establish your own religion, i.e., there is no higher power, we came from monkeys, thats it folks.


Your requirements for what constitutes a religion are very shaky. Usually involves a deity or some other supernatural entity doesn't it?

07-03-2008, 09:01 PM
Your requirements for what constitutes a religion are very shaky. Usually involves a deity or some other supernatural entity doesn't it?

what are my requirements?

07-03-2008, 09:39 PM
what are my requirements?

You just clearly stated that disbelief in a deity and belief in evolution constitutes a religion.

07-03-2008, 09:56 PM
Your requirements for what constitutes a religion are very shaky. Usually involves a deity or some other supernatural entity doesn't it?

One definition as given by Webster's is " a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith." Atheism is a system of beliefs, and since it's unprovable, it is held with faith, thus fitting the definition.

Well so much for that idea. I still think no religion at all would serve the world better than all the religions we have now.

Really? What about all the times in history that religion was thrown out the window? When that happened, the uniqueness of man was thrown out with it. With Darwinism, the only theory of creation fully compatible with Atheism, man is seen as nothing more than an animal with an advanced brain. This attitude led to the horrors of Auschwitz, Unit 731, and many of the Soviet terrors. Like it or not, the two views are inseparable. With man reduced to the status of an animal, we will go in one of two directions. Either we will go the way of eugenics and human experimentation, like the Nazis, Communists, and Imperial Japanese, or we will go the direction of PETA, where animals are elevated to the status of humans. The idea that the world would be better off if only the 'enlightened' view of atheism was present couldn't be further from the truth.

07-03-2008, 09:58 PM
Religion is the antithesis of thinking for yourself. :poke:

And that statement, my friend, is a perfect example of shallow thinking.

07-03-2008, 10:10 PM
One definition as given by Webster's is " a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith." Atheism is a system of beliefs, and since it's unprovable, it is held with faith, thus fitting the definition.

Then disbelief in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc, etc. are all religions. :rolleyes:

Atheism is not a SYSTEM of beliefs...it is very simply the disbelief in deities...period. There's no system to it, there aren't any "religious" texts or ceremonies, no church, no pastors...nice try though.

And that a few assholes have made it their cause no more makes it a religion than "save the whales" or "march of dimes".

07-03-2008, 10:20 PM
And that statement, my friend, is a perfect example of shallow thinking.

So, it's okay for a Christian, based on his own observations, to think homosexuality is natural and therefore not an immoral act?

My Winter Storm
07-03-2008, 10:24 PM
Islam not only thinks gays go to hell, they regularly murder them for being gay.

Islam is not only against abortion, they kill women for being raped

I wanna hear you condemn islam for this, and stop apologizing, rationalizing, and making excuses for them, while you attack christians and christianity on this board and in general all the time with no pre-conditions.

Ok, liberals lets hear it.

Islam is against many things, but I do not hate Islam. I have never met a Muslim I didn't like. The Muslims I have met follow Islam, yet they don't interpret the religion literally. The accpt me for who I am and I accept and respect them for that. They've shown me a lot of respect and I have never met a single Muslim who has passed judgement on me. For those reasons, I find it impossible to judge their religion, because I have meet so many Muslims who follow their religion the way it should be followed.

Christians, on the other hand, I have meet many, and I cannot say I have ever met a Christian who didn't pass judgement or condemnation. For those reasons, I find it easier to critisise Christianity, having met so many Christians full of judgement.

07-03-2008, 10:26 PM
Then disbelief in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc, etc. are all religions. :rolleyes:

Atheism is not a SYSTEM of beliefs...it is very simply the disbelief in deities...period. There's no system to it, there aren't any "religious" texts or ceremonies, no church, no pastors...nice try though.

And that a few assholes have made it their cause no more makes it a religion than "save the whales" or "march of dimes".

".... system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith." .....where does it say texts pastors churches ceremonies are required....

07-03-2008, 10:30 PM
Then disbelief in the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, etc, etc. are all religions. :rolleyes:

Atheism is not a SYSTEM of beliefs...it is very simply the disbelief in deities...period. There's no system to it, there aren't any "religious" texts or ceremonies, no church, no pastors...nice try though.

And that a few assholes have made it their cause no more makes it a religion than "save the whales" or "march of dimes".

Maybe you need to approach this as an adult....

so who the hell are you to proclaim that the Easter Bunny is fallacy????
so who the hell are you to proclaim that Santa Clause is fallacy????
so who the hell are you to proclaim that the tooth fairy is fallacy????

Who the hell are YOU to proclaim anything, right or wrong.....

Actually...atheism is a system of beliefs....beliefs that seek to deny the existence of a God...

07-03-2008, 10:34 PM
".... system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith." .....where does it say texts pastors churches ceremonies are required....

It doesn't, but system implies organization and infrastructure...otherwise, damned near everything would constitute a religion...from belief in gravity to belief in the designated hitter.

07-03-2008, 10:46 PM
Maybe you need to approach this as an adult....

so who the hell are you to proclaim that the Easter Bunny is fallacy????
so who the hell are you to proclaim that Santa Clause is fallacy????
so who the hell are you to proclaim that the tooth fairy is fallacy????

Who the hell are YOU to proclaim anything, right or wrong.....

Read much? What I wrote and what you've portrayed I wrote aren't even close to the same thing. I made no judgement about whether the tooth fairy, Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny are real or not. I stated that if disbelief in God is a religion, then disbelief in those 3 things as well as an innumerable number of other disbelievable things would also constitute a religion.

Actually...atheism is a system of beliefs....beliefs that seek to deny the existence of a God...

Actually, no...I don't believe in God, I am an atheist. No system, no other disbeliefs required in an attempt to deny, just that one dis-belief...period.

07-03-2008, 10:47 PM
It doesn't, but system implies organization and infrastructure...otherwise, damned near everything would constitute a religion...from belief in gravity to belief in the designated hitter.

well you took the long way around the barn but you got there none the less.....

07-03-2008, 11:02 PM
So, it's okay for a Christian, based on his own observations, to think homosexuality is natural and therefore not an immoral act?

Your question has a faulty premise. The premise that "if something is natural, its not immoral" is false. There are many natural acts that are immoral. Thus no thinking Christian who understands that truth could come to the conclusion in your question.

07-03-2008, 11:05 PM
It doesn't, but system implies organization and infrastructure...otherwise, damned near everything would constitute a religion...from belief in gravity to belief in the designated hitter.

Perhaps, but the definition provided doesn't require a system.

a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith."

So simply because something is not a system, does not mean it's not a cause or principle of belief.

07-03-2008, 11:07 PM
Your question has a faulty premise. The premise that "if something is natural, its not immoral" is false. There are many natural acts that are immoral. Thus no thinking Christian who understands that truth could come to the conclusion in your question.

IOW, a Christian isn't allowed to think for himself and decide that homosexuality isn't immoral based on information outside the Bible. Thanks for validating my original statement.

07-03-2008, 11:09 PM
IOW, a Christian isn't allowed to think for himself and decide that homosexuality isn't immoral based on information outside the Bible. Thanks for validating my original statement.

is an atheist allowed to think for themselves and ponder if there is a god.....or is their belief system so strict as to prevent such free thinking....

07-03-2008, 11:12 PM
Perhaps, but the definition provided doesn't require a system.

So simply because something is not a system, does not mean it's not a cause or principle of belief.

My atheism is neither a cause or principle as I explained earlier...it's not principle of belief btw, just principle.

07-03-2008, 11:13 PM
My atheism is neither a cause or principle as I explained earlier...it's not principle of belief btw, just principle.

looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck....

07-03-2008, 11:15 PM
looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck....

Damn, now you guys wanna call a bird a religion! :slap:

07-03-2008, 11:24 PM
Damn, now you guys wanna call a bird a religion! :slap:

there is such a religion.......

07-03-2008, 11:27 PM
IOW, a Christian isn't allowed to think for himself and decide that homosexuality isn't immoral based on information outside the Bible. Thanks for validating my original statement.

No, that's not what I said and you know it. Nice to see you have to lie to win an argument.

07-04-2008, 01:06 AM
but im not only talking about people, im talking about religious doctrine.

Im saying, christianity, is not the only doctrine that condemns homosexuality, and infact, you may have met many nice muslims, but if you met them many muslims countries, you probably would be killed for who you are

Islam is against many things, but I do not hate Islam. I have never met a Muslim I didn't like. The Muslims I have met follow Islam, yet they don't interpret the religion literally. The accpt me for who I am and I accept and respect them for that. They've shown me a lot of respect and I have never met a single Muslim who has passed judgement on me. For those reasons, I find it impossible to judge their religion, because I have meet so many Muslims who follow their religion the way it should be followed.

Christians, on the other hand, I have meet many, and I cannot say I have ever met a Christian who didn't pass judgement or condemnation. For those reasons, I find it easier to critisise Christianity, having met so many Christians full of judgement.

07-04-2008, 04:29 PM
Muslims have many of the same views as Christians.

As far the topic goes, not being a Christian is your right under our laws concerning freedom of expression and religion.

Hagbard Celine
07-06-2008, 10:11 PM
what about the power of prayer? how can secularism achieve that?

There is no "power of prayer." It's a 50/50 thing. Half the time you get what you pray for. Half the time you don't. It's all in your mind.

Hagbard Celine
07-06-2008, 10:13 PM
then you have to establish "religion." for you are attempting to establish your own religion, i.e., there is no higher power, we came from monkeys, thats it folks.


Is that all your religion is to you? An explanation for how we got here? If so, I think you may be missing the point entirely.

Then again, maybe not. :rolleyes:

Hagbard Celine
07-06-2008, 10:19 PM
i don't get it, can you explain it to me

You don't understand why blindly following a dogma that you've never analyzed objectively is the antithesis of thinking for yourself? That is why you fail.