View Full Version : I dislike Islam and most muslims

07-04-2008, 07:35 PM
I believe islam is not the religion of peace but the religion of lies, propaganda and terrorism.

and the only thing the good liberals can do here, is lie and pretend only a few of them do it, or excuse their bad behavior by going back a thousand years, as if christians had to be perfect to cricitize other religions.

The koran has very satanic versus, that i find reprehensible. I find the islamic culture, and how they treat others, the jihads since mohammed died, to say alot about islam, and therefore I find islam flawed

but do kiss islam's ass, call me racist, make excuses, excuse islam's bad behavior, because you are idiots, who cant relate to the point

Lets go bitches :laugh2:

islam, you


christianity, you


You're a bunch of fucking christian hating hypocrites

and for the record, im NOT a christian.

07-04-2008, 09:45 PM
I'm a islamobigot and proud of it. The only good muslim is a dead muslim. I don't care how nice they are, they are part of an evil cult.

07-04-2008, 09:55 PM
Bigots agreeing in their slimey bigotry? Why am I not surprised?

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-04-2008, 10:46 PM
I believe europe must deport all its muslims, because they are a threat, I believe all mosques, even in muslim countries must be monitored to stop islamic terrorism

I stand by what I said, and i wont back down simply because its politically incorrect not to like a religion, or feel a group of people are not peaceful as they pretend :coffee:

I'm a islamobigot and proud of it. The only good muslim is a dead muslim. I don't care how nice they are, they are part of an evil cult.

07-04-2008, 10:48 PM
Its bigotry NOT to like something.

I guess im a bigot against boys, since im not homosexual, also a bigot against vegetables since i dont like them

I didnt know I had no right not to like islam, or any religion for that matter.

Or, to feel that a majority in any religion are good or bad people

Im such a biggot :laugh2:

and proud of it :dance:

Bigots agreeing in their slimey bigotry? Why am I not surprised?

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-04-2008, 11:07 PM
Hitler felt the same way, martee.

Its bigotry NOT to like something.

I guess im a bigot against boys, since im not homosexual, also a bigot against vegetables since i dont like them

I didnt know I had no right not to like islam, or any religion for that matter.

Or, to feel that a majority in any religion are good or bad people

Im such a biggot :laugh2:

and proud of it :dance:

And, like you, he was PROUD of it.

Bigotry has no place in American ideology as I understand it to be.

07-04-2008, 11:09 PM
oh common, youre a smart guy.

Hitler HATED jews.

I dislike islam based on specific versus, about 132 of them, and because of the actions of muslims since mohammed has died, and unlike christianity which has for the most part behaved itself for the last thousand years, islam is still being a hemmeroid on the words ass.

And im not advocating killing muslims.

So, i think youre just a bit off comparing me to hitler, or even putting me in the same sentence. :laugh2:

Hitler felt the same way, martee.

And, like you, he was PROUD of it.

Bigotry has no place in American ideology as I understand it to be.

07-04-2008, 11:23 PM
I maintain my statement, martee. If you disagree I consider it a personal problem that you have. I claim no responsibility for it.

oh common, youre a smart guy.

Hitler HATED jews.

I dislike islam based on specific versus, about 132 of them, and because of the actions of muslims since mohammed has died, and unlike christianity which has for the most part behaved itself for the last thousand years, islam is still being a hemmeroid on the words ass.

And im not advocating killing muslims.

So, i think youre just a bit off comparing me to hitler, or even putting me in the same sentence. :laugh2:

Just what is your advocation, martee? Your post leaves me confused.

07-05-2008, 12:36 AM
So you think i hate muslims, just because i dont like islam, and dont like think most muslims are good people

oh well, guess we'll have to agree to disagree

I maintain my statement, martee. If you disagree I consider it a personal problem that you have. I claim no responsibility for it.

Just what is your advocation, martee? Your post leaves me confused.

07-05-2008, 01:42 AM
You said so on your own, marteen.

So you think i hate muslims, just because i dont like islam, and dont like think most muslims are good people

oh well, guess we'll have to agree to disagree

Your bigotry will be your demise, or do you have other plans?

07-05-2008, 05:24 AM
I believe islam is not the religion of peace but the religion of lies, propaganda and terrorism.

and the only thing the good liberals can do here, is lie and pretend only a few of them do it, or excuse their bad behavior by going back a thousand years, as if christians had to be perfect to cricitize other religions.

The koran has very satanic versus, that i find reprehensible. I find the islamic culture, and how they treat others, the jihads since mohammed died, to say alot about islam, and therefore I find islam flawed

but do kiss islam's ass, call me racist, make excuses, excuse islam's bad behavior, because you are idiots, who cant relate to the point

Lets go bitches :laugh2:

islam, you


christianity, you


You're a bunch of fucking christian hating hypocrites

and for the record, im NOT a christian.

It would be much easier for people to take you seriously if you actually knew what you were talking about. Are you off your meds, perchance?

07-05-2008, 11:57 AM
So you think i hate muslims, just because i dont like islam, and dont like think most muslims are good people


Christians do bad things, too. Remember the Crusades? Remember the blown-up abortion clinics? Hell, just go Google the Westboro Baptist Church, they're some of the sickest people in the country. The vast majority of Muslims are normal people going about their lives just like you and me, not terrorists in training. It just seems that way because that's how the media portrays it.

07-05-2008, 04:55 PM

Christians do bad things, too. Remember the Crusades? Remember the blown-up abortion clinics? Hell, just go Google the Westboro Baptist Church, they're some of the sickest people in the country. The vast majority of Muslims are normal people going about their lives just like you and me, not terrorists in training. It just seems that way because that's how the media portrays it.

The crusades were 1000 years ago. They were in response to the muslim invasions. There have been two abortion clinic bombings in the last twenty years. The are a number of cults that claim to be christians. There are also satanists, wicans, hindu's and any number of other religions that have offshoots that are nutty and even dangerous.

It's not that the muslims are all doing evil things, it's that the koran demands they do them. The true believers will do them if they have the opportunity. The first rule in the koran is that muslims lay low and befriend their enemies until they are strong enough to strike.

There is not teachings of tolerance or love in islam. They are taught patience and deception until they have the numbers to take over.

07-05-2008, 06:56 PM
The real Fourth of July fireworks came after Martin started felching the neighbor's dog.

07-05-2008, 09:59 PM
Where did all go wrong, Marty? Why are you such and angry hatefu,l little person? Why do you hate everything except for porn and Youtube music videos?

My Winter Storm
07-05-2008, 11:42 PM
Martin, I thought you were respectful, but everyday you seem to change your mind on things. I have no idea why you do that, but you are being extremely judgemental.

07-06-2008, 12:47 AM
I believe islam is not the religion of peace but the religion of lies, propaganda and terrorism.

and the only thing the good liberals can do here, is lie and pretend only a few of them do it, or excuse their bad behavior by going back a thousand years, as if christians had to be perfect to cricitize other religions.

The koran has very satanic versus, that i find reprehensible. I find the islamic culture, and how they treat others, the jihads since mohammed died, to say alot about islam, and therefore I find islam flawed

but do kiss islam's ass, call me racist, make excuses, excuse islam's bad behavior, because you are idiots, who cant relate to the point

Lets go bitches :laugh2:

islam, you


christianity, you


You're a bunch of fucking christian hating hypocrites

and for the record, im NOT a christian.

Um, okay, I'll accept that, but have you READ leviticus lately, the Jewish book of law? The "oops, ate meat on a friday, you die now" book? No offense, but no religion has gotten it right yet, all based around the same hubris: I'm right, and you're wrong, cause my book says so. Nevermind that every one of those books says you can't know God, being inherently mortal, or in how many places it says killing=NO!!!, it still gets warped.

Have you even met 'most' muslims? that's the problem, everyone seems ready to make judgements on others based solely and utterly upon the most horrible people we can find. For me, I get judged, being a Christian, as automatically being anti-gay, pro-death penalty, and being the sort of person who is going to absolutely browbeat you with judgement. Now imagine you were judged by everyone based upon the biggest jackass in your entire religion, you don't even know them, but everyone makes that determinant based upon him.

07-06-2008, 01:57 AM
You said so on your own, marteen.

Your bigotry will be your demise, or do you have other plans?

I genuinly do not islam, Do i think i may be a little bit too harsh against muslim people maybe, it might not be the majority, it might be some. I dont know I havent taken a census. It kinda depends on which country your talking about. Iran's population mostly like us, i'd venture to say Indonesia do not

you havent told me why i dont know what im talking about, and its a bit cheap to bring up the are you off your meds reference, but im on my meds actually.

It would be much easier for people to take you seriously if you actually knew what you were talking about. Are you off your meds, perchance?



I never said christians were perfect, should they have to be for me to criticize the religion of islam or some or most muslim people?

Christians do bad things, too. Remember the Crusades?

1000 years ago

Remember the blown-up abortion clinics?

very rare, because if it wasnt the liberal media would have a field day with that

Hell, just go Google the Westboro Baptist Church, they're some of the sickest people in the country.

and again, they account for what percentage of terrorism? other then just being a nuisance

The vast majority of Muslims are normal people

I'm not sure thats true. I think it depends on the country. are we talking about a modern islamic country?, are we talking about a youthful islamic country?. Cause some muslim countries just hate our guts, and some actually like us. I admit by saying most muslims, I might be wrong, It might be some-most. I am not sure the exact numbers.

going about their lives just like you and me, not terrorists in training. It just seems that way because that's how the media portrays it.

The media does like to paint a doomsday thing, yes. I know their are some muslims fighting against their loonish brothers

its not hateful, and angry.

Its frustration :laugh2:

I cant stand muslims whining, especially about a puppy. And im talking about the scottish ones, NOT all of them so chillax people :laugh2:

Where did all go wrong, Marty? Why are you such and angry hatefu,l little person? Why do you hate everything except for porn and Youtube music videos?

Martin, I thought you were respectful, but everyday you seem to change your mind on things. I have no idea why you do that, but you are being extremely judgemental.

I do change my mind on things, that is just my nature. I am very inquisitive.

I may seem judgmental, but i am very demanding, and expect things to be a certain way.

as for being respectful, I just like being daring with my writing, and saying how i feel, especially at that moment


Um, okay, I'll accept that, but have you READ leviticus lately, the Jewish book of law? The "oops, ate meat on a friday, you die now" book?

Ive not read most of it, but i know what your talking about. But my point is, you wont be killed by anybody for that

No offense, but no religion has gotten it right yet,

No offense either my dear friend, i never said any of them did

all based around the same hubris: I'm right, and you're wrong, cause my book says so.

Believe me, im a jew.. and i dont even think my book or religion is better then anyone elses

Nevermind that every one of those books says you can't know God, being inherently mortal, or in how many places it says killing=NO!!!, it still gets warped.

I agree

Have you even met 'most' muslims?

How can anyone know must muslims, there 1.6 billion of them approx.

that's the problem, everyone seems ready to make judgements on others based solely and utterly upon the most horrible people we can find.

Thats true to a point, but for me its about islamic history, about islamic culture, Islamic doctrine not so much individual islamic people

For me, I get judged, being a Christian, as automatically being anti-gay, pro-death penalty, and being the sort of person who is going to absolutely browbeat you with judgement.

But there is the difference, people of youre religion are not accounting for 75% of the world's terrorism.

Now imagine you were judged by everyone based upon the biggest jackass in your entire religion,

I agree, but im not solely judging islam on what its people do, im judging them, on what their people have done, believe and continue to do, as christianity is not a global threat, and the crusades were 1,000 years ago. Christianity is not as repugnant in verse as islam is

you don't even know them, but everyone makes that determinant based upon him.

07-06-2008, 10:32 AM
oh common, youre a smart guy.

Hitler HATED jews.

I dislike islam based on specific versus, about 132 of them, and because of the actions of muslims since mohammed has died, and unlike christianity which has for the most part behaved itself for the last thousand years, islam is still being a hemmeroid on the words ass.

And im not advocating killing muslims.

So, i think youre just a bit off comparing me to hitler, or even putting me in the same sentence. :laugh2:

Oh lord this is so boring. You made the same claim once about verses in the Koran and when I called you on it you admitted you were a liar and had never even opened a Koran.

Can you bring up these verses Ray? Don't link from some uber right wing site either, bring them up from your vast memory.

07-06-2008, 10:35 AM
Martin, I thought you were respectful, but everyday you seem to change your mind on things. I have no idea why you do that, but you are being extremely judgemental.

Sharon i'm not saying this to be mean, i'm just stating a fact, Martin is retarded and this is the type of psycho behavior you will get from the mind of a retard.

07-06-2008, 10:58 AM
Sharon i'm not saying this to be mean, i'm just stating a fact, Martin is retarded and this is the type of psycho behavior you will get from the mind of a retard.

What OCA said!!

07-06-2008, 11:43 AM
What OCA said!!

Yup, but I'll humor him anyway...

Christianity is less volatile in verse than Islam because the verses have continually been edited for the times, whereas the Koran is pretty much the same since when it was first written. According to some versions of the bible, banks are an evil institution, prostitution is acceptable, eating meat on Friday is a damnable offense, etc.

And, it's all in perspective. Ask the average non-Muslim Iraqi whether he feels Americans who destroyed his house or worse are idealist terrorists when he sees Bush on TV telling the world that God has spoken to him, and this is what must be done.

07-06-2008, 12:34 PM
Christianity is less volatile in verse than Islam because the verses have continually been edited for the times, whereas the Koran is pretty much the same since when it was first written. According to some versions of the bible, banks are an evil institution, prostitution is acceptable, eating meat on Friday is a damnable offense, etc.

Dan, I've never read a Bible that said those things. Got a link?

07-06-2008, 12:41 PM
you allow him to blantantly lie about my mental state/disabilities, but i cant talk shit about his mother

thats real fair :coffee:

I swear oca has a woody for me he can never get me out his mouth, verbally speaking

Dan, I've never read a Bible that said those things. Got a link?

07-06-2008, 12:44 PM
you allow him to blantantly lie about my mental state/disabilities, but i cant talk shit about his mother

thats real fair :coffee:

I swear oca has a woody for me he can never get me out his mouth, verbally speaking

There is no lying, your posts are the evidence of retardation, others are beginning to see what i've known all along.

You see though Ray, you should've never fucked with me in defense of that rent-a-douchebag NM, you fucked up when you did that.

07-06-2008, 12:46 PM
Anybody who is honest, knows im smarter then you asshole :laugh2:

the only retard is your mother for having you

There is no lying, your posts are the evidence of retardation, others are beginning to see what i've known all along.

You see though Ray, you should've never fucked with me in defense of that rent-a-douchebag NM, you fucked up when you did that.

07-06-2008, 12:48 PM
Enjoy your neg rep faggot :laugh2:

There is no lying, your posts are the evidence of retardation, others are beginning to see what i've known all along.

You see though Ray, you should've never fucked with me in defense of that rent-a-douchebag NM, you fucked up when you did that.

07-06-2008, 12:49 PM
Anybody who is honest, knows im smarter then you asshole :laugh2:

the only retard is your mother for having you

Why don't you prove that Ray?

I've already challenged you to a debate and you ran like a bitch.

More of the family shit lol, don't you see that you look like a complete piece of Jew trash when you do that? Or do your mental shortcomings not allow you to understand that?

My guess is you know you have zero chance against me 1 on 1 so you go the way of the classless piece of shit.

07-06-2008, 12:51 PM
i'll debate you anytime, anywhere.

I will destroy you

your a preety boy faggot, you piece of shit greek motherfucker.

Come say that jewish shit to my face, and ill put your ugly ass on the ground bitch

Why don't you prove that Ray?

I've already challenged you to a debate and you ran like a bitch.

More of the family shit lol, don't you see that you look like a complete piece of Jew trash when you do that? Or do your mental shortcomings not allow you to understand that?

My guess is you know you have zero chance against me 1 on 1 so you go the way of the classless piece of shit.

07-06-2008, 12:51 PM
Latest comment from Ray........."suck on this faggot"

Is that all you got? Can't you be any more creative than that? How would all of the queers that you say you support feel about your use of the word "faggot"?

You're so fucking mixed up that you don't know whether to piss or shit.

07-06-2008, 12:53 PM
you lecture me on class, wow, you are dumber then i thought.

I feel sorry for your so called wife.

Faggot, the only thing you do, is cheap insults, and the minute i give it back, you whine like a little bitch

whats the matter pussy, you can dish it out but you cant take it

wahh wahh, the greasy greak cum catching faggot cant it?

Feces has more class, and inteligence then you

Why don't you prove that Ray?

I've already challenged you to a debate and you ran like a bitch.

More of the family shit lol, don't you see that you look like a complete piece of Jew trash when you do that? Or do your mental shortcomings not allow you to understand that?

My guess is you know you have zero chance against me 1 on 1 so you go the way of the classless piece of shit.

07-06-2008, 12:54 PM
i'll debate you anytime, anywhere.

I will destroy you

your a preety boy faggot, you piece of shit greek motherfucker.

Come say that jewish shit to my face, and ill put your ugly ass on the ground bitch

Lets go Jew boy!

Debate topic 1: Turkish invasion of Cyprus 1974, reasons why it happened, who is to blame and why are the Turks and the U.N. still there.

LOL, I love when I wind you up, I can do it anytime I please.

07-06-2008, 12:56 PM
you lecture me on class, wow, you are dumber then i thought.

I feel sorry for your so called wife.

Faggot, the only thing you do, is cheap insults, and the minute i give it back, you whine like a little bitch

whats the matter pussy, you can dish it out but you cant take it

wahh wahh, the greasy greak cum catching faggot cant it?

Feces has more class, and inteligence then you

I see you are incapable of understanding.

Poor dumb asseating having, slobbering and mumbling fucking retard.:laugh2:

Sometimes I feel sorry for you, then I realize how much fun it is winding you up.

07-06-2008, 12:58 PM
Lets go Jew boy!

Debate topic 1: Turkish invasion of Cyprus 1974, reasons why it happened, who is to blame and why are the Turks and the U.N. still there.

LOL, I love when I wind you up, I can do it anytime I please.

it never amazes me, how much of an asshole you, but yeah, lets debate the turks, who are a bunch of fucking assholes who killed 1.5 million Armenians in WWI.

You greek basterd, are you only greek?

07-06-2008, 12:59 PM
it never amazes me, how much of an asshole you are, and how the mods dont have the balls to do anything about it,

Steel Cage or not, if you have an issue with the mods, the place to handle it is PM, not the forums.

07-06-2008, 01:00 PM
You are incapable of telling the truth, were you born that way or did it take practice being an asshole

and your not winding me up.

your helping me practice my debating skills, yes even against assholes like you :laugh2:

I see you are incapable of understanding.

Poor dumb asseating having, slobbering and mumbling fucking retard.:laugh2:

Sometimes I feel sorry for you, then I realize how much fun it is winding you up.

07-06-2008, 01:02 PM
fine, objection noted, ill keep my criticism private out of respect. yYou and the other mods have been nothing but respectful of me, so ill quit being a prick, starting now.

I apologize

Steel Cage or not, if you have an issue with the mods, the place to handle it is PM, not the forums.

07-06-2008, 01:02 PM
it never amazes me, how much of an asshole you are, and how the mods dont have the balls to do anything about it, but yeah, lets debate the turks, who are a bunch of fucking assholes who killed 1.5 million Armenians in WWI.

You greek basterd, are you only greek?

100% Greek, the originators of everything you see, all our institutions, everything.

Bastard, its spelled with an "a" dumbass.

i didn't say lets debate the Turks you fucking retard, I said lets debate the 1974 Turkish invasion of Cyprus, are you capable of understanding even the simplest of questions?

Wanna know who was really to blame? Not the Turks................the good ol' U.S.A.

07-06-2008, 01:03 PM
You are incapable of telling the truth, were you born that way or did it take practice being an asshole

and your not winding me up.

your helping me practice my debating skills, yes even against assholes like you :laugh2:

My god this is lame.

I wind you up like a toy doll.

07-06-2008, 01:04 PM
you want the versus, ill try and find them :dance:

im not the only member you should be asking, but you do like trying to pick on me, you greasy basterd


Oh lord this is so boring. You made the same claim once about verses in the Koran and when I called you on it you admitted you were a liar and had never even opened a Koran.

Can you bring up these verses Ray? Don't link from some uber right wing site either, bring them up from your vast memory.

07-06-2008, 01:05 PM
Im not mixed up, but my opinions on gays are currently private, as opposed to public for the current time

Latest comment from Ray........."suck on this faggot"

Is that all you got? Can't you be any more creative than that? How would all of the queers that you say you support feel about your use of the word "faggot"?

You're so fucking mixed up that you don't know whether to piss or shit.

07-06-2008, 01:06 PM
you want the versus, ill try and find them :dance:

im not the only member you should be asking, but you do like trying to pick on me, you greasy basterd


So what other member made the claim that they can produce 132 or so verses from the Koran that support your position dufus?

Its 'VERSES" NOT "VERSUS"................for chrissakes!

07-06-2008, 01:08 PM
Im not mixed up, but my opinions on gays are currently private, as opposed to public for the current time


Its like arguing with a retard! Oh no wait, I am arguing with a retard:laugh2:

07-06-2008, 01:15 PM
fine, objection noted, ill keep my criticism private out of respect. yYou and the other mods have been nothing but respectful of me, so ill quit being a prick, starting now.

I apologize


Nice edit.

07-06-2008, 01:15 PM
my sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_invasion_of_Cyprus#Greek_Cypriot_opinion


Lets go Jew boy!

Debate topic 1: Turkish invasion of Cyprus 1974, reasons why it happened,

My understanding of why it happened:

The turks invaded because the greek cypriots staged a coup against president Makarios III with the intention of annexing the island to Greece

who is to blame

According to what im reading: The greek cypriots, but that is just the surface, I dont know who originally owned the land before 1963, which is when the inter-fighting, 1963-1974 supposedly began, and the muslims have a track record of stealing christian land

why are the Turks and the U.N. still there.

I dont really know or care why the turks or the u.n. is there: I hate them both.

This issue doesnt even interest me, I guess we only get to debate topics that interest you or that you choose, last time i checked thats not really a debate more like bullying, but youre good at that :laugh2:

LOL, I love when I wind you up, I can do it anytime I please.

07-06-2008, 01:15 PM

Nice edit.

Thanks, Sometimes I realize im being an asshole. :laugh2:

07-06-2008, 01:17 PM
Im not perfect like you


get over yourself :laugh2:

and by the way, i hate nm

so why hold a grudge? :coffee:

07-06-2008, 01:28 PM
my sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkish_invasion_of_Cyprus#Greek_Cypriot_opinion


LMFAO! Wikipedia????????????????:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

They were going to have elections on the Island, Makarios was a socialist/communist who had the backing of Moscow and who had promised to explore the option of letting Moscow place nukes on the island which would be in easy range of Jew land, better known as the apartheid state of Israel.

Kissinger gets wind of this, cooks up some bullshit about atrocities being committed by the Greek majority against the Turkish majority knowing all along that if the place is in turmoil and the Turks invade the Soviets will stay away.

While this was going on there was a guerilla effort being led by the group known as EOKA B who wanted to be joined as a part of Greece, this group was originall led by Makarios in the 50's but he abandoned what they call "enosis"(joining) because he felt it was desireable but not possible.

So you see the good ol' U.S.A. again is responsible for loss of life when it could've been avoided.

Martin, wikipedia don't know shit about this subject and neither do you.

07-06-2008, 01:29 PM
Im not perfect like you


get over yourself :laugh2:

and by the way, i hate nm

so why hold a grudge? :coffee:

If NM came back again you'd be slobbering on his knob at first chance, its what needy, lonely fucks such as yourself do.

07-06-2008, 01:30 PM
Thanks, Sometimes I realize im being an asshole. :laugh2:

What you need to realize is that you have zero fucking clue as to what you are talking about on any subject.

07-06-2008, 01:32 PM
I never claimed to know everything, i am glad you educated me on this topic, because I knew i was gonna licked on this topic, which is probably why you chose it :laugh2:

I know little on this topic and wiki couldnt really help me.

Fine i lost, enjoy your victory

I learned something, so im happy.

I dont know everything, i dont claim to know everything.

I never said the u.s. was perfect, and i dont think youre better then anyone just cause youre greek, i do thinks greeks are cool, i still think you could be nicer.

could you actually just tell me, what you dont like, in a constructive way, and ill work on it, instead of just calling me names. I dont wake up thinking of ways to annoy people.

LMFAO! Wikipedia????????????????:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

They were going to have elections on the Island, Makarios was a socialist/communist who had the backing of Moscow and who had promised to explore the option of letting Moscow place nukes on the island which would be in easy range of Jew land, better known as the apartheid state of Israel.

Kissinger gets wind of this, cooks up some bullshit about atrocities being committed by the Greek majority against the Turkish majority knowing all along that if the place is in turmoil and the Turks invade the Soviets will stay away.

While this was going on there was a guerilla effort being led by the group known as EOKA B who wanted to be joined as a part of Greece, this group was originall led by Makarios in the 50's but he abandoned what they call "enosis"(joining) because he felt it was desireable but not possible.

So you see the good ol' U.S.A. again is responsible for loss of life when it could've been avoided.

Martin, wikipedia don't know shit about this subject and neither do you.

07-06-2008, 01:33 PM

07-06-2008, 01:35 PM
I never claimed to know everything, i am glad you educated me on this topic, because I knew i was gonna licked on this topic, which is probably why you chose it :laugh2:

I know little on this topic and wiki couldnt really help me.

Fine i lost, enjoy your victory

I learned something, so im happy.

I dont know everything, i dont claim to know everything.

I never said the u.s. was perfect, and i dont think youre better then anyone just cause youre greek, i do thinks greeks are cool, i still think youre an asshole.

good day :laugh2:

Lets talk about the illegal apartheid state of Israel currently occupying land known as Palestine.

Lets talk about queer marriage, lets debate any fucking thing you want, you cannot best me on any subject.

07-06-2008, 01:36 PM
absolutely not!. I think he is a fucking douche bag. I went off on him awhile back. And i hate his guts.

If NM came back again you'd be slobbering on his knob at first chance, its what needy, lonely fucks such as yourself do.

07-06-2008, 01:36 PM
ok one second

Lets talk about the illegal apartheid state of Israel currently occupying land known as Palestine.

Lets talk about queer marriage, lets debate any fucking thing you want, you cannot best me on any subject.

07-06-2008, 01:37 PM
Lets talk about the illegal apartheid state of Israel currently occupying land known as Palestine.

Lets talk about queer marriage, lets debate any fucking thing you want, you cannot best me on any subject.

which one you wanna debate?

07-06-2008, 01:39 PM
debate is not a war, its an exchange of ideas. its supposed to be civil.

it is a competition, but not to be taken too seriously

Lets talk about the illegal apartheid state of Israel currently occupying land known as Palestine.

Lets talk about queer marriage, lets debate any fucking thing you want, you cannot best me on any subject.

07-06-2008, 02:05 PM

07-06-2008, 02:11 PM
Dan, I've never read a Bible that said those things. Got a link?

Admittedly, it's probably safe to assume the author of the first article has some unmentioned biases, but these work for me....



07-08-2008, 04:00 AM
Quit your fuckin' whining, marteen. You are arguing with a bigger fool than yourself, my friend. He has stated in other places that it is his first and foremost ambition to get you banned permanently from here. Neither of you are making any sense and you are making it worse.

debate is not a war, its an exchange of ideas. its supposed to be civil.

it is a competition, but not to be taken too seriously

I don't excuse for a moment your ridiculous comments but exacerbating the insane is also not a forte' with which association is admirable.

07-08-2008, 01:56 PM
You are arguing with a bigger fool than yourself,

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh *sigh*, I guess being a habitual liar is better than me being a umm, how did you put it? "fool", eh Psycho?

Psycho don't get my dander up and have me bring the rain down upon your old drunken ass for about the dozenth time, ok? I mean you are chalk full of topics from which to rip you on and I have been giving you a pass all these months because of your senior citizen status, habitually lying senior citizen or not, but i'm not above whooping and old man's ass from time to time which you think you would've learned by now.

07-10-2008, 02:59 PM
Pitiful, just pitiful. Shame on YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-10-2008, 03:04 PM
avergüence en usted mismo

07-10-2008, 03:06 PM
You, too, senorita.

07-11-2008, 05:18 AM
You think you're cute, don't you nut licker?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh *sigh*, I guess being a habitual liar is better than me being a umm, how did you put it? "fool", eh Psycho?

Psycho don't get my dander up and have me bring the rain down upon your old drunken ass for about the dozenth time, ok? I mean you are chalk full of topics from which to rip you on and I have been giving you a pass all these months because of your senior citizen status, habitually lying senior citizen or not, but i'm not above whooping and old man's ass from time to time which you think you would've learned by now.

Steel Cage or not, your threats fall on deaf ears and I ain't just talkin' about my own. There have been many banned from here for much less than you just said to me.

Suck this, cowgirl, :pee:

07-11-2008, 02:49 PM
There have been many banned from here for much less than you just said to me.

Nah actually there haven't been any. Its just that you are yellow and have made it a habit to blame others for the actions of yourselves and others.

Nail meet head.

07-11-2008, 10:31 PM
Dear Martin:
No seas shangron! Muy guacala!

07-11-2008, 10:51 PM
Dear Martin:
No seas shangron! Muy guacala!

Yokwe bibi

07-12-2008, 04:04 PM
Yokwe bibi

Yo momma!

07-12-2008, 07:26 PM
Yo momma!


07-12-2008, 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by DragonStryk72 View Post
Um, okay, I'll accept that, but have you READ leviticus lately, the Jewish book of law? The "oops, ate meat on a friday, you die now" book?

Ive not read most of it, but i know what your talking about. But my point is, you wont be killed by anybody for that

No, actually, we really did that back in the day. they weren't fucking around.

No offense, but no religion has gotten it right yet,

No offense either my dear friend, i never said any of them did

But that is at least partially inferred by the presumption of hate against the entire gorup, or even most of it.

all based around the same hubris: I'm right, and you're wrong, cause my book says so.

Believe me, im a jew.. and i dont even think my book or religion is better then anyone elses

So then you hate Judaica, and most Jewish people? that's the title of this thread, and that rather effectively contradicts this sentence.

Nevermind that every one of those books says you can't know God, being inherently mortal, or in how many places it says killing=NO!!!, it still gets warped.

I agree

Have you even met 'most' muslims?

How can anyone know must muslims, there 1.6 billion of them approx.

that's the problem, everyone seems ready to make judgements on others based solely and utterly upon the most horrible people we can find.

Thats true to a point, but for me its about islamic history, about islamic culture, Islamic doctrine not so much individual islamic people

Ah good, history. you remember the Spanish Inquisition? the Crusades, the later witchhunts, or the manifest destiny thing? Most of these countries that are producing terrorists were created by people claiming the name of the Judeo-Christian God. So, if history is too be held against them, then it must as well be held against us as well.

For me, I get judged, being a Christian, as automatically being anti-gay, pro-death penalty, and being the sort of person who is going to absolutely browbeat you with judgement.

But there is the difference, people of youre religion are not accounting for 75% of the world's terrorism.

Right, because 'Christians' NEVER spew hate. I know my people, I know which ones are complete buttholes who ruin it for the rest of us. I mean, really, it's like there are any pastors out there who would use their pulpit as a way to preach against government, or otherwise use it to their own ends.

Also, again, we put the terror people into power, so what does that say about us?

Now imagine you were judged by everyone based upon the biggest jackass in your entire religion,

I agree, but im not solely judging islam on what its people do, im judging them, on what their people have done, believe and continue to do, as christianity is not a global threat, and the crusades were 1,000 years ago. Christianity is not as repugnant in verse as islam is

You forget the whole western expansion thing. Seen any Native Americans laying around anywhere? Have you ever seen more than one in any given place outside a reservation? In the "NAME OF GOD" we "educated" the savages of the Americas (The same savages we cribbed our Constitution off of, btw, and who repeatedly ceded us land, and continued trusting us long after we'd proved that unwise.), and that "education" included forbidding them to speak their own language, barring them from practicing their faith, chopping off their hair, and otherwise browbeating them into being like the proper "God-fearing" folk.

I can make the Bible say just about anything, but until you read the Koran yourself, you don't really know what's in there, or how much good there is, or what was warped to make their wars "righteous".

you don't even know them, but everyone makes that determinant based upon him.


07-13-2008, 04:39 PM

Your apologizing for evil. Show me one place in the koran that is against rape and slavery. There is none. Both are fully justified time and time again, because mohammed did it so that makes it ok. It goes on today the same as it did 1400 years ago.

Searching for ways to make islam appear like a good religion is the work of dhimmis. Your doing your job well. Dhimmis are kafirs that defend islam either out of ignorance or submission. Using the kafir dhimmis islam is able to creep into their society and increase their numbers until they are strong enough to take over, either through elections or warfare.

islam is a combination of judism, christianity and hinduism, all woven into the arab moon god allah. A muslim that is truly your friend is not a true muslim. The koran doesn't allow for that. He is allowed to lie to you and appear to be your friend. Our government and most people in the west fail to recognize the insidiousness that islam represents.

You can look back at history and say all you want about the crusades. But the only thing that ever stopped islam was unrestricted total warfare. We either defeat islam or we return to the dark ages.

Abbey Marie
07-13-2008, 04:48 PM
Your apologizing for evil. Show me one place in the koran that is against rape and slavery. There is none. Both are fully justified time and time again, because mohammed did it so that makes it ok. It goes on today the same as it did 1400 years ago.

Searching for ways to make islam appear like a good religion is the work of dhimmis. Your doing your job well. Dhimmis are kafirs that defend islam either out of ignorance or submission. Using the kafir dhimmis islam is able to creep into their society and increase their numbers until they are strong enough to take over, either through elections or warfare.

islam is a combination of judism, christianity and hinduism, all woven into the arab moon god allah. A muslim that is truly your friend is not a true muslim. The koran doesn't allow for that. He is allowed to lie to you and appear to be your friend. Our government and most people in the west fail to recognize the insidiousness that islam represents.

You can look back at history and say all you want about the crusades. But the only thing that ever stopped islam was unrestricted total warfare. We either defeat islam or we return to the dark ages.


Yesterday at dinner, I saw a man at a nearby table wearing a shirt that said "Allah (or Allah U) Akbar". It brought back to mind the audio tape I heard of Nick Berg's excruciatingly slow beheading. During it, I could clearly hear two things: Nick screaming in incredible pain and terror, and his killers chanting "Allah Akbar".

07-13-2008, 05:51 PM

Yesterday at dinner, I saw a man at a nearby table wearing a shirt that said "Allah (or Allah U) Akbar". It brought back to mind the audio tape I heard of Nick Berg's excruciatingly slow beheading. During it, I could clearly hear two things: Nick screaming in incredible pain and terror, and his killers chanting "Allah Akbar".

But if you had been sitting there with a Jesus Saves T-shirt he would have taken offense and tried to sue you.

As unconstitutional as it is, I would be all for making islam illegal in this country.

07-13-2008, 11:03 PM
Why not just ban all religions? They are all offensive to someone. One man's God is another man's Satan.


07-13-2008, 11:04 PM
It brought back to mind the audio tape I heard of Nick Berg's excruciatingly slow beheading. During it, I could clearly hear two things: Nick screaming in incredible pain and terror, and his killers chanting "Allah Akbar".

You can hear the same sounds at Gitmo. Every day.

07-13-2008, 11:34 PM
stupi-saurus speaks, but nothing intelligent comes out

You can hear the same sounds at Gitmo. Every day.

07-14-2008, 12:19 AM
stupi-saurus speaks, but nothing intelligent comes out

why are you ganging up on gabs?

07-14-2008, 03:15 AM
Your apologizing for evil. Show me one place in the koran that is against rape and slavery. There is none. Both are fully justified time and time again, because mohammed did it so that makes it ok. It goes on today the same as it did 1400 years ago.

Searching for ways to make islam appear like a good religion is the work of dhimmis. Your doing your job well. Dhimmis are kafirs that defend islam either out of ignorance or submission. Using the kafir dhimmis islam is able to creep into their society and increase their numbers until they are strong enough to take over, either through elections or warfare.

islam is a combination of judism, christianity and hinduism, all woven into the arab moon god allah. A muslim that is truly your friend is not a true muslim. The koran doesn't allow for that. He is allowed to lie to you and appear to be your friend. Our government and most people in the west fail to recognize the insidiousness that islam represents.

You can look back at history and say all you want about the crusades. But the only thing that ever stopped islam was unrestricted total warfare. We either defeat islam or we return to the dark ages.

Really, show me the whole book then, Gaff. Oh wait, you haven't read it, just trusting in the worst of its blurbs that people throw up, much like people use biblical verses, without the other, accompanying verses that give the context.

I am not saying there are no evil Muslims, there are, as well as evil Christians, evil Jews, evil Shinto priest, every group has them. Now, until you do a deep study into Islam, Gaff, you have no capacity to judge who is, and who isn't, a "true" muslim.

And such a wonderfully Christian attitude yourself there Gaff, throwing haphazard judgements at an entire people, such shining example of humility.

I do not apologize for terrorists, they are honorless scum, but if you think they invented terror, then you are mad. If you think we haven't done some things that are just as horrendous, again, you are denying reality. Yes, we seem to be growing past it, but that doesn't change that we did.

You can be the eternal pessimist all you want (you are not a realist, statistically, "real" is admitting that there is still good there. You do not give that much ,and therefore are not working with reality), and you can keep on hating, but it will never win the fight, just as it never has before.

As for the term 'infidel', as you are striking at those they attack, it does not mean, "kill anyone who does not believe as you do", which you can find out if you ever make use of that search engine for the term:

Infidel (literally "one without faith") is an English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Christianity or Islam.[1][2][3][4][5]


Now, the terrorists say we are the infidel, but we are not, since most of America has a religion. You can't even look at our money without seeing the words "In God We Trust" on them. Obviously, this means that somebody is having fun with the term definition.

why is this important? Because the Koran does NOT call for the destruction of us, especially given that it was written before we existed. Instead, what is happening is that terrorist leaders are using, or warping text in order to stir up the rabble, especially those disaffected by their enemies. Now, those such as you, who decide the path of hate, actually lend them forms of immediate credence they would not otherwise have, thus, in effect, it is you, not I, who are giving them something to rally for their team.

07-14-2008, 06:54 AM
You can hear the same sounds at Gitmo. Every day.
What???????? Allah akbar!!!!!!!! at least 5 times a day I'm sure!!!!!

07-14-2008, 10:35 AM
Not doing your research are you Nukeman? Part of the "interrogations" of some Muslim "prisoners" including yelling "Allah Akbar!" and other Quran verses as part of the mental torture.

07-14-2008, 10:56 AM
Not doing your research are you Nukeman? Part of the "interrogations" of some Muslim "prisoners" including yelling "Allah Akbar!" and other Quran verses as part of the mental torture.

Ohh yaa screaming "God is great" is sooooooo much torture! give me a freaking break.

If YOU do not have FIRST hand knowledge of this "torture" than it is nothing but hearsay and that is it.

Personaly I would rather be tortured in that manner than lose my head because I happen to be another religion or *gasp* a forienger.

These were not just some guys wondering down the street one day looking for a bite to eat. THEY WERE CAPTURED IN THE ACT OF COMMITING VIOLENCE TOWARDS U.S. PERSONAL AND CIVILIANS ALIKE. What part of that do YOU have with understanding.....

Abbey Marie
07-14-2008, 12:21 PM
You can hear the same sounds at Gitmo. Every day.

If you can say that, you should listen to Nick's beheading. I promise you, those sounds were never made at Gitmo.

07-14-2008, 12:28 PM
oh common, youre a smart guy.

Hitler HATED jews.

I dislike islam based on specific versus, about 132 of them, and because of the actions of muslims since mohammed has died, and unlike christianity which has for the most part behaved itself for the last thousand years, islam is still being a hemmeroid on the words ass.

And im not advocating killing muslims.

So, i think youre just a bit off comparing me to hitler, or even putting me in the same sentence. :laugh2:

Marty! This has to be one of your best posts. Very reasonable in the face of unreasonableness. :clap:

07-14-2008, 12:44 PM
Really, show me the whole book then, Gaff. Oh wait, you haven't read it, just trusting in the worst of its blurbs that people throw up, much like people use biblical verses, without the other, accompanying verses that give the context.

I am not saying there are no evil Muslims, there are, as well as evil Christians, evil Jews, evil Shinto priest, every group has them. Now, until you do a deep study into Islam, Gaff, you have no capacity to judge who is, and who isn't, a "true" muslim.

And such a wonderfully Christian attitude yourself there Gaff, throwing haphazard judgements at an entire people, such shining example of humility.

I do not apologize for terrorists, they are honorless scum, but if you think they invented terror, then you are mad. If you think we haven't done some things that are just as horrendous, again, you are denying reality. Yes, we seem to be growing past it, but that doesn't change that we did.

You can be the eternal pessimist all you want (you are not a realist, statistically, "real" is admitting that there is still good there. You do not give that much ,and therefore are not working with reality), and you can keep on hating, but it will never win the fight, just as it never has before.

As for the term 'infidel', as you are striking at those they attack, it does not mean, "kill anyone who does not believe as you do", which you can find out if you ever make use of that search engine for the term:

Infidel (literally "one without faith") is an English word meaning "one who doubts or rejects central tenets of a religion or has no religious beliefs", especially in reference to Christianity or Islam.[1][2][3][4][5]


Now, the terrorists say we are the infidel, but we are not, since most of America has a religion. You can't even look at our money without seeing the words "In God We Trust" on them. Obviously, this means that somebody is having fun with the term definition.

why is this important? Because the Koran does NOT call for the destruction of us, especially given that it was written before we existed. Instead, what is happening is that terrorist leaders are using, or warping text in order to stir up the rabble, especially those disaffected by their enemies. Now, those such as you, who decide the path of hate, actually lend them forms of immediate credence they would not otherwise have, thus, in effect, it is you, not I, who are giving them something to rally for their team.

As I said your a good dhimmi. I have read a lot more on all of it than you think I have. I have not taken anything out of context as I did not quote anything from the koran. I did say that no where in the koran does it condemn rape. It actually encourages it. No where in the koran does it condemn slavery, it actually encourages it. It is still practiced today most islamic countries.

I did not mention infidel in my post either. I said kafir. Which means a non-muslim. And I am not a christian so your attempt at guilt tripping me won't work. I am a realist. I realize that there are good people among the muslims as much as there are evil people among other religions. But the source of islam is evil. It's not truly a religion. It's a political cult designed for conquest. There are options besides death where islam is concerned. You can convert or you can be a second class citizen paying the jizra tax.

Recognizing them for what they are is not giving them credence or legitimizing them. I do present facts about islam to offset the dhimmi statements such as you have made.

As for history, western civilization doesn't hold a candle compared to islamic history of atrocities. Much of which is still going on today in africa. There will be more as islam spreads through europe.

07-15-2008, 12:51 AM
Really, abby? What sounds can you testify as to your own personal experience at gitmo?

If you can say that, you should listen to Nick's beheading. I promise you, those sounds were never made at Gitmo.

You don't have sounds with which you can testify? I thought so. Gitmo is a scourge on the American reputation and the American psyche. You got something to counter that? I'd like to hear it, abby!???!?!??!??!?!?!?!??! Or from anyone else for that matter!!!!!!!! Spit it out, cowgirls!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-15-2008, 10:28 AM
If YOU do not have FIRST hand knowledge of this "torture" than it is nothing but hearsay and that is it.

The sworn testimony of eyewitnesses is not good enough for you? Check out the books and other articles written on such. If you can read.

These were not just some guys wondering down the street one day looking for a bite to eat. THEY WERE CAPTURED IN THE ACT OF COMMITING VIOLENCE TOWARDS U.S. PERSONAL AND CIVILIANS ALIKE. What part of that do YOU have with understanding.....

Do you have first hand knowledge of this? Or is this just hearsay?

red states rule
07-15-2008, 10:33 AM
The sworn testimony of eyewitnesses is not good enough for you? Check out the books and other articles written on such. If you can read.

Do you have first hand knowledge of this? Or is this just hearsay?

Here is a great article Gabby

Captives told to claim torture

An al Qaeda handbook preaches to operatives to level charges of torture once captured, a training regime that administration officials say explains some of the charges of abuse at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.

The American Civil Liberties Union last week posted on its Web site 2002 FBI documents regarding accusations from suspected al Qaeda and Taliban detainees at the detention center. The organization had won a court decision that forced the administration to release scores of e-mails between agents who had interviewed captives.

U.S. Southern Command, which oversees the prison, is investigating interrogation techniques at "GTMO," as the naval base in Cuba is called, as well as the FBI-conveyed, unsubstantiated complaints. The U.S. Justice Department inspector general has begun a separate probe.

One investigator, Brig. Gen. Jay W. Hood, said last week that the most explosive charge so far -- that guards flushed the Koran Muslim holy book down a toilet -- is not true. The Pentagon tabbed Gen. Hood to conduct a probe into how Islam is treated at the prison in the aftermath of a since-retracted report by Newsweek on the Koran claim.

U.S. officials think the Koran story -- told by a detainee who did not see the purported event -- might be part of an al Qaeda campaign to spread disinformation.

"There have been allegations made by detainees," White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters. "We know that members of al Qaeda are trained to mislead and to provide false reports. We know that's one of their tactics that they use. And so I think you have to keep that in mind."

In a raid on an al Qaeda cell in Manchester, British authorities seized al Qaeda's most extensive manual for how to wage war.

A directive lists one mission as "spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy."

If captured, the manual states, "At the beginning of the trial ... the brothers must insist on proving that torture was inflicted on them by state security before the judge. Complain of mistreatment while in prison."

The handbook instructs commanders to make sure operatives, or "brothers," understand what to say if captured.

"Prior to executing an operation, the commander should instruct his soldiers on what to say if they are captured," the document says. "He should explain that more than once in order to ensure that they have assimilated it. They should, in turn, explain it back to the commander."


07-15-2008, 01:22 PM
Instead of The Moony Times, why don't you go read "Behind The Wire." Or perhaps "My Gitmo Diary." Both are written by American servicemen who were stationed at those place.
I doubt you will, because you have already decided what you want to think. Because you are a head case.