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View Full Version : The Wages of Regulation

03-07-2007, 11:21 PM
So, China is one of the Kings of government regulation, with its 'one child' policy made to shrink the population down to managable levels. However, due to the nature of Chinese culture, that one child was typically made to be a boy, with techniques ranging from simple abortion to infanticide. Even more regulation attempting to even out the demographic failed due to bribes. Now, their policies are resulting in an implosion. China's best and brightest men are leaving the country in droves due to a shortage of wives (2/3 of those who study abroad never return), and the aging generation is so much larger than the up and coming as to make America's 'baby boom' to look like a joke. Even though this is an extreme example, just remember the kind of results you get when lifestyle is favored over life, and regulation is favored over freedom.
