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View Full Version : Just In Case Any Of You Aren't Sure About Obama The Spender

07-04-2008, 10:23 PM
It's bad enough that he is continuing to fly around the country repeating silly assed speeches that say nothing and have no purpose and burning 1200 gallons of jet fuel an hour to do it. Now that the Demwits have spent millions setting up the Pepsi Coliseum for the Dimwit convention, these ego maniac, rap star wannabe feels a need for a 70,000 person venue for his next big bullshit speech(I bet he will really get that MLK spirit rising up for this one). So Denver and the Dimwit party will need to spend that much more to get Invesco Field set up for that. I guess this asshole hasn't heard about television. How many poor people could his ego feed? He is already playing the part of a spoiled boy king.


Mile-high Obama? Invesco Field may be venue
By: Chuck Plunkett
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Barack Obama’s campaign is considering moving his nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention from the Pepsi Center to Invesco Field at Mile High to allow tens of thousands to witness the historic moment, sources say.

The move would mark a major departure from tradition, but would be in keeping with the candidate’s desire to build a large grass-roots campaign focused on “change.”

Should the Illinois Senator give his Aug. 28 speech — which occurs on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech — at Invesco, the move would leave behind the multi-million-dollar broadcast studios and high-tech podium and stage to be constructed at the Pepsi Center.

“No decision has been made in regards to this,” wrote Matthew Chandler, the Colorado press secretary for the Obama campaign in an e-mail. A spokesperson at Obama’s Chicago headquarters declined to elaborate and Denver’s convention host committee declined to comment.

The move, mentioned early Thursday on www.demconwatchblog.com, would not be unprecedented. In 1960, the Democratic National Convention was held at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena. But nominee John F. Kennedy delivered his acceptance speech next door at the Memorial Coliseum.

Invesco Field, home of the Denver Broncos, seats 76,125 and presumably several thousand more could fit on the field. The Pepsi Center holds less than 20,000 and is to be restricted to delegates, media, high-dollar donors and guests of the Democratic Party