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View Full Version : Female pope will hear your confession

07-05-2008, 06:08 PM
Nice of her to take Martin on the bus with her.



If the cheeky T-shirts and free condoms were not enough, here's something to really annoy the World Youth Day pilgrims: a female pope. Resplendent in a home-made starched felt robe and mitre, with furnishing fabric off-cuts to complete the look, a performer from a group of artists known as the Pork Collective will hear confessions from audience members keen to purge their sins as part of the Underbelly Public Arts Lab And Festival.

Her Holiness, Jodie Mikkelsen, described the act as cabaret drag. "I do a little bit of male drag work and I thought, what a perfect opportunity to embody His Holiness in a first coming," Mikkelsen said.

A former Catholic, the lady-pontiff said she did not expect the act to spark too much controversy because pilgrims were not the target audience for the edgy arts festival. The event brings new projects to a public arts lab where artists develop their works over 10 days, culminating in a two-day festival on July 12 and 13.

The mobile confessional will be performed inside a vintage bus outside CarriageWorks in Redfern and is one of four vignettes that the Pork Collective is working on.

07-05-2008, 06:29 PM
Nice of her to take Martin on the bus with her.



You may wanna take it easy on old Marty---the more you post, the smarter he sounds.

07-05-2008, 06:49 PM
You should talk. :rolleyes: