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View Full Version : Libertarian candidate a good alternative

07-06-2008, 10:53 AM
My husband has been reading a lot about the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr. From what he has told me, Barr sounds like a better Republican choice than the current GOP candidate.
Which fits in with what some DP posters have stated over the past few weeks or so.
Look at Barr's ideas and platform, I can see him drawing a lot of support leading up to the general election.

Which of Barr's ideas appeal to you the most?

07-06-2008, 11:44 AM
My husband has been reading a lot about the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr. From what he has told me, Barr sounds like a better Republican choice than the current GOP candidate.
Which fits in with what some DP posters have stated over the past few weeks or so.
Look at Barr's ideas and platform, I can see him drawing a lot of support leading up to the general election.

Which of Barr's ideas appeal to you the most?

OK, I'll play the game.

I know it is your intention to have someone post here so you can make a feeble attempt to discredit the LP candidate because he was a republican and VERY conservative which in essence infuriates you liberals.

Firstly, noone starts off as a Libertarian. Even though our country was founded on a platform closest to that philosophy we start elsewhere for some reason. Bob Barr has now chosen the LP. Mr. Barr like all Libertarians was led to his party by the failure of his previous one and dislike for it's adversary. Neither the Democrats nbor the Republicans have acted in the best interests of freedom loving Amercians through history.

The unique thing about Libertarians is that they are more commonly united than your party or the Republicans. While their agenda spreads way more elastic, far to the left and far to the right such as tolerance for Gays and belief in personal responsibility for example, Libertarians realize that absolute total liberty can have NO compromise in order to work.

Mr. Barr believes in this. While he may have voted a certain way on one issue or another that you will be more than happy to point out I am sure to demonstrate that he is no more than a conservative, I assure you he is committed to his LP platform. It is one thing to change one's mind and quite another to flip flop back and forth such as your candidate.

Libertarians realize that alot more lefties will not prescribe to their agenda. Libertarians believe they are responsible for themselves. I don't expect you to pay my bills. If I get into a crunch I expect to get my ass moving and fix it. I would not feel right expecting you to have what is yours taken at the point of a government gun so I could prosper. It's called pride. Welfare is stupid. An honor system of taxation is also stupid. Flat Tax is fair.

Noone has the right to tewll another how to live. while most Libertarians would not personally condone Homosexuality, they welcome it as a part of their agenda because any infringement on it would cancel their belief in COMPLETE civil liberty. A responsible homosexual doesn't go around acting like a fool in public in front of children and try to improperly influence them anyway. Just like a decent hetro doesn't either. Keep those issues at home. They don't belong in public parades. Would a Libertarian protect a gay's right to march. Of course!

Libertarians do not want to be the world's police officer. They believe in protecting America IN America. Sort of like the home field advantage. History tells us very clearly that he who ventures off to a foriegn land to wage war usually loses. He who attacks here would damn sure lose under a Libertarian administration. One of the Libertarians most important platform positions is a huge and powerful coast guard equipped to easily defend our country against foriegn invaders. Makes sense huh?

Yes, Bob Barr used to be a Republican, now he is a Libertarian. His running mate Wayne Root is probably the most qualified individual to apply for the office of Vice President in history from an economic standpoint. Go to RootforAmerica and see for yourself. Even YOU will like him.

America will never prosper again until it learns to find Common Ground in all it's opinions. Our two major parties have turned into crybaby pissheads. They want to investigate one another with our tax dollars, spend their way to being elected again so they can enjoy a lavish life and laugh at your ass. Libertarians are civil servants of the true common ground that stands for everything that America is suppose to be. Everybody knows it but lets their fear get inthe way.

Their can be NO compromise to ABSOLUTE liberty. Anything else leads to where we are now. I don't think anyone wopuld disagree that where we are now was NOT where our forefathers would have preferred.

If you truely believe in the Democrats version of democracy then get off this computer and drive your neighborhood and look for folks to help. Take your checkbook with you and every time you find someone who needs something, write them a check. Never mind that you earned the money. It is only fair that your profits be spent on them, right? Go downtown and rent every homeless person an apartment. What do you think they will want next, their power turned on, well then, pay for it! Fill their refrigerator, buy them some new shoes, get them a car and buy them a Sony Play Station for their kids so they can learn to be just as worthless as they are. Don't forget to leave them a condom though so we can curve the problem in the future.

Libertarians believe that you are responsible for yourself and your family. We believe in helping but only as much as we can and when we choose to. Cruel huh? God helps them who help themselves. Just for your information, Libertarians give more money to charity than ANY group of people on earth per person. Bet you didn't know that one. It is true. Find your link, the research will teach you about Libertarians.

We also respect each other people's rights more than any group on earth. We believe you have the right to do anything you want to so long as it does not infringe on the rights of another to do the same thing. How simple can that be. You will not find a Libertarian posting any picture on a signature that depicts a national candidate as a trader (such as your picture of a national hero such as John Mccain). We respect Mr. Mccain very much, we just disagree with his politics. We also respect the accomplishments of Mr. Obama, we just disagree with his politics as well. Respect of each other is a wonderful way to find common ground in the middle. Now remove that silly picture, adopt a more responsible attitude for your debating practices and make some actual progress. That way you can demonstrate your real interest in solving issues of the day. You are getting nowhere with your present method other than to stimulate negative arguments. What do you look to accomplish like that?

07-06-2008, 12:40 PM
My short answer: Barr, like me, has seen what the GOP is becoming - an unprincipled party that seeks power for power's sake - and wants nothing to do with it. He believes, as do I, that the fundemental duty of government is to protect individual liberties. To that end, he supports a smaller, limited government and maximum individual freedom. That's why I support him.

As to the issue of being "a better Republican choice than the current GOP candidate," Barr is not a Republican any more. He is a Libertarian - and was elected to the Libertarian National Committee in 2006. I don't think a vote for Barr is a vote for a "more conservative" candidate than McCain. I think it's a vote for a more liberty-loving candidate than the two establishment parties are willing to offer.

07-06-2008, 01:30 PM
I'm never quite sure what to make of libertarian political philosophy because I have found as you debate it you end up all over the place. It covers a lot of ground and often seems socially liberal/economic conservative. The best piece is the analysis by Treanor linked below.


Why I Am Not a Libertarian

see libertarianism in nutshell II

07-06-2008, 08:12 PM
Believe it or not, this is not a trick question/answer.
My husband does not want to vote Democratic. But he is totally opposed to John McCain. After reading this board, I brought up the subject of the Libertarian Party.
My husband is the one who told me that he felt many of Barr's views were more faithful to established Republican philosophy than those of McCain.

My husband's parents are somewhat different. Both are nearing 60. I doubt either has ever even considered a Democratic candidate.
They despise McCain for being "too liberal," but will likely bite the bullet and vote for him anyway. They won't considerate Barr, who they consider a "fringe candidate."

07-06-2008, 08:32 PM
OK, I'll play the game.

I know it is your intention to have someone post here so you can make a feeble attempt to discredit the LP candidate because he was a republican and VERY conservative which in essence infuriates you liberals.

Firstly, noone starts off as a Libertarian. Even though our country was founded on a platform closest to that philosophy we start elsewhere for some reason. Bob Barr has now chosen the LP. Mr. Barr like all Libertarians was led to his party by the failure of his previous one and dislike for it's adversary. Neither the Democrats nbor the Republicans have acted in the best interests of freedom loving Amercians through history.

The unique thing about Libertarians is that they are more commonly united than your party or the Republicans. While their agenda spreads way more elastic, far to the left and far to the right such as tolerance for Gays and belief in personal responsibility for example, Libertarians realize that absolute total liberty can have NO compromise in order to work.

Mr. Barr believes in this. While he may have voted a certain way on one issue or another that you will be more than happy to point out I am sure to demonstrate that he is no more than a conservative, I assure you he is committed to his LP platform. It is one thing to change one's mind and quite another to flip flop back and forth such as your candidate.

Libertarians realize that alot more lefties will not prescribe to their agenda. Libertarians believe they are responsible for themselves. I don't expect you to pay my bills. If I get into a crunch I expect to get my ass moving and fix it. I would not feel right expecting you to have what is yours taken at the point of a government gun so I could prosper. It's called pride. Welfare is stupid. An honor system of taxation is also stupid. Flat Tax is fair.

Noone has the right to tewll another how to live. while most Libertarians would not personally condone Homosexuality, they welcome it as a part of their agenda because any infringement on it would cancel their belief in COMPLETE civil liberty. A responsible homosexual doesn't go around acting like a fool in public in front of children and try to improperly influence them anyway. Just like a decent hetro doesn't either. Keep those issues at home. They don't belong in public parades. Would a Libertarian protect a gay's right to march. Of course!

Libertarians do not want to be the world's police officer. They believe in protecting America IN America. Sort of like the home field advantage. History tells us very clearly that he who ventures off to a foriegn land to wage war usually loses. He who attacks here would damn sure lose under a Libertarian administration. One of the Libertarians most important platform positions is a huge and powerful coast guard equipped to easily defend our country against foriegn invaders. Makes sense huh?

Yes, Bob Barr used to be a Republican, now he is a Libertarian. His running mate Wayne Root is probably the most qualified individual to apply for the office of Vice President in history from an economic standpoint. Go to RootforAmerica and see for yourself. Even YOU will like him.

America will never prosper again until it learns to find Common Ground in all it's opinions. Our two major parties have turned into crybaby pissheads. They want to investigate one another with our tax dollars, spend their way to being elected again so they can enjoy a lavish life and laugh at your ass. Libertarians are civil servants of the true common ground that stands for everything that America is suppose to be. Everybody knows it but lets their fear get inthe way.

Their can be NO compromise to ABSOLUTE liberty. Anything else leads to where we are now. I don't think anyone wopuld disagree that where we are now was NOT where our forefathers would have preferred.

If you truely believe in the Democrats version of democracy then get off this computer and drive your neighborhood and look for folks to help. Take your checkbook with you and every time you find someone who needs something, write them a check. Never mind that you earned the money. It is only fair that your profits be spent on them, right? Go downtown and rent every homeless person an apartment. What do you think they will want next, their power turned on, well then, pay for it! Fill their refrigerator, buy them some new shoes, get them a car and buy them a Sony Play Station for their kids so they can learn to be just as worthless as they are. Don't forget to leave them a condom though so we can curve the problem in the future.

Libertarians believe that you are responsible for yourself and your family. We believe in helping but only as much as we can and when we choose to. Cruel huh? God helps them who help themselves. Just for your information, Libertarians give more money to charity than ANY group of people on earth per person. Bet you didn't know that one. It is true. Find your link, the research will teach you about Libertarians.

We also respect each other people's rights more than any group on earth. We believe you have the right to do anything you want to so long as it does not infringe on the rights of another to do the same thing. How simple can that be. You will not find a Libertarian posting any picture on a signature that depicts a national candidate as a trader (such as your picture of a national hero such as John Mccain). We respect Mr. Mccain very much, we just disagree with his politics. We also respect the accomplishments of Mr. Obama, we just disagree with his politics as well. Respect of each other is a wonderful way to find common ground in the middle. Now remove that silly picture, adopt a more responsible attitude for your debating practices and make some actual progress. That way you can demonstrate your real interest in solving issues of the day. You are getting nowhere with your present method other than to stimulate negative arguments. What do you look to accomplish like that?

waste a time pal. eveything goes in her ear and out her ASS !!!!!

07-06-2008, 08:40 PM
I believe you have missed the point.

07-06-2008, 09:17 PM
Believe it or not, this is not a trick question/answer.
My husband does not want to vote Democratic. But he is totally opposed to John McCain. After reading this board, I brought up the subject of the Libertarian Party.
My husband is the one who told me that he felt many of Barr's views were more faithful to established Republican philosophy than those of McCain.

My husband's parents are somewhat different. Both are nearing 60. I doubt either has ever even considered a Democratic candidate.
They despise McCain for being "too liberal," but will likely bite the bullet and vote for him anyway. They won't considerate Barr, who they consider a "fringe candidate."

Your husbands parents show they have more common sense than their son....
Barr IS a 'fringe candidate'.....thats just a fact of life.....
McCain is "too liberal"....that too is a fact of life.....

Your in-laws are certainly not only older than you, but considerably wiser than you too.....its too bad you haven't matured enough to understand that the libs are a serious danger to our heritage and our Constitution...

07-06-2008, 09:17 PM
My wife has been reading a lot about the Libertarian candidate, Bob Barr. From what she has told me, Barr sounds like a better Democratic choice than the current DNC candidate.

voting for Osama is like a chicken voting for col sanders

07-06-2008, 09:27 PM
Your husbands parents show they have more common sense than their son....
Barr IS a 'fringe candidate'.....thats just a fact of life.....
McCain is "too liberal"....that too is a fact of life.....

Your in-laws are certainly not only older than you, but considerably wiser than you too.....its too bad you haven't matured enough to understand that the libs are a serious danger to our heritage and our Constitution...

Since Barr is a better candidate than McCain on the issues, why support the second best candidate? Why not vote for the candidate that actually cares about liberty, instead of one of the two candidates who wants to expand government's role in your life?

07-06-2008, 09:33 PM
Anyone is better than Obama. Let's face it. Nice try Gabs. Good catch, Emmett.

07-07-2008, 01:23 AM
Dillo, you are trying to think too much. That is never a good sign. :p

The moral of the story is: vote for the candidate that best reflects your values. If you are disenchanted with Obama and McCain, vote for Barr. There is no need to "hold your nose" and vote for anyone.

07-07-2008, 01:08 PM
No mattter which Libertarian candidate you support in whatever race you support them in, you are voting for a platform. A philosophy more than an individual.

Rather it was Bob Barr, Wayne Root or any of the other fine folks who could have been offered up on the Lp ticket, you are basically voting for the same thing. Liberty, freedom and change. Libertarians have a bit more unilateral prospective than do elephants and asses. While the individual does offer a personal face to place on the candidate, the platform is much more unilateral than with the others.

The Libertarian philosophy is so much more well defined than that of the power parties. While they jostle to line themselves toward the middle (and make asses of themselves doing it) the LP continues to deliver the same message it delivers 7 days a week, 12 months a year, 10 years a decade. When they do change their platform which is seldom (immigration/open borders) they do it for reason of common sense. Understand clearly we changed our opinion of the method only. We still believe strongly in immigration but illegal iommigration has gotten out of hand.

Civil Liberty is the key. The democrats idea of civil liberty is distorted. They work harder to protect the rights of prisoners than they do citizens. Republicans violate from the opposite end of the spectrum. They believe it is OK to tap private phone calls in an effort to provide security. Once you get started where do you stop with that. Once you compromise any level of liberty you open the door to allow more and more until you have socialism. How is it that the hardest working, most intelligent country of people on earth do not get that. That is why 81% of Americans feel we are headed down the wrong road here in our country. Congress has managed to secure a lower approval rating than GW, AND THEY DID IT IN LESS THAN 100 DAYS.

Why shouldn't we at least try a real change. Go to the US Constitution and read it. Read it slowly and comprehend what it says about government becoming unuseful and not operating in the best interests of the people. The people should change it.

When are we going to get it?