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View Full Version : Calif forces carmakers to say their cars affect global warming

07-07-2008, 11:27 AM
As Josef Goebbels said, if you tell a big enough lie, often enough, people will believe it, and it will become "the truth".

Looks like the California state government is taking Herr Goebbels' advice to heart. They just passed a law requiring carmakers to put a new sticker on the windows of their new cars, describing how much pollution they do or don't emit. Cars nationwide already have a sticker that says that, including those sold in California, of course. But what makes this new sticker different, is that the state requires it to have the words "Global Warming Score", as though the cars' pollution levels had anything to do with global climate change.

No evidence for such a connection has ever been proven, of course, despite years of strident rhetoric from the global-warming fanatics.

It does make me wonder: Would car manufacturers be able to get this new regulation thrown out, on grounds that it would violate truth-in-advertising laws?



New Cars in California Must Display Global Warming Score

by GreenBiz Staff
Published July 7, 2008

OAKLAND, Calif. -- California is making it mandatory for cars to be labeled with global warming scores, figures that take into account emissions from vehicle use and fuel production.

The law requiring the labels goes into effect at the start of next year for all 2009 model cars, though its expected the labels will be popping up on cars in the coming months.

The labeling law forces cars for sale to display a global warming score, on a scale of one to 10, which is based on how vehicles in the same model year compare to one another. The higher the score, the cleaner a car is. The score takes into account emissions related to production of fuel for each vehicle as well as the direct emissions from vehicles.

The score will be displayed next to the already-required smog score, which also rates cars one to 10 for how many smog-forming emissions they emit. For both scores, an average vehicle will have a score of five.

California is the first state of pass such as law, and a similar law will take effect in New York for 2010 model year vehicles. Global warming scores will be included on the state's DriveClean website.

While this law is intended to help consumers take into account emissions while purchasing cars, a proposed law in the European Union would require E.U. public sector bodies put a price on emissions.

A law endorsed by the European Parliament's Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety would make governments put a monetary cost on the emissions of vehicles they plan to purchase, and add that to expense calculations. The law would exclude certain types of vehicles, such as ambulances and fire trucks.

07-07-2008, 11:46 AM
Step 1. New Cars in California Must Display Global Warming Score

comming next

Step 2. The higher the score the more tax the consumer pays.

07-07-2008, 11:48 AM
Step 3: Removing Sticker by owner is a Misdemeanor.

Step 4: Owners must attend Global Warming meetings weekly to confirm and pledge their obedience to the faith.

Step 5: Removing sticker by owner is a Felony

Step 6: Those denying the faith will be executed

07-07-2008, 11:51 AM
Step 7. Estabilsh global warming score on flat screen tv's.

Flat Screen TV's Accelerate Global Warming?

July 4, 2008, 9:57 AM PDT

IRVINE -- An Irvine scientist says those popular flat screen television sets may be accelerating global warming.

Almost half of the televisions sold around the globe so far this year have been plasma or LCD TV's, according to experts. But this boom could be coming at a huge environmental cost.

The gas, widely used in the manufacture of flat screen TVs, is estimated to be 17,000 times as powerful as carbon dioxide.


Step 8. The higher the score the higher the tax you pay.

Step 9. Repeat steps 3 through 6.

07-07-2008, 12:10 PM
Step 10: Every person wishing to buy or sell must place a Global Warming Number on their forehead or right hand...

07-07-2008, 12:22 PM
Step 10: Every person wishing to buy or sell must place a Global Warming Number on their forehead or right hand...

I guess that leaves only people on the government dole without a global warming number. They will be the sacered ones.

07-07-2008, 12:32 PM
i thought there were laws against false advertising