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07-08-2008, 01:50 PM
An excellent description of the nature of liberal government. Anything that can affect people, is subject to government regulation and control. And that includes ANYTHING.

Of course, not all liberals believe in that. In fact, most don't. But this group of liberals here, thinks we should regulate swampland, and keep it pristine. And that groups over there, doesn't care about swampland, but thinks we should make laws madating that schools fee lunches to children. The next groups feels we (a word that always means "government" to them) should give amnesty to illegal aliens.

Each group wants only a few things regulated. But then, when it's time to make laws, they start compromising, I'll give you this if you do that for me, etc. And then, a few years later, they decide we haven't regulated things quite enough, because some kids still don't have lunches or some unemployed still don't have as much as others. And of course, the idea that there are some things that government should not touch at all, is laughingly cast aside. And pretty soon, everything is regulated to the hilt.



What Liberals Dream Of

by David Strom
Monday, July 07, 2008

Conservatives are in a funk—one that threatens to turn into a full-blown retreat from the battlefield of ideas.

Everywhere I turn I encounter conservatives ready to give up for the next few years. After all, many of us rightly feel a bit betrayed by our elected officials given how badly they performed over the past few years. And many conservatives are hoping that two or four years of liberals actually running things will wake America to the dangers they face.

It’s hard to blame people who feel that way, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Even a mere two or four years of liberal ascendency in Washington policymaking could do immeasurable damage to our economy and our freedoms—damage that could take years or decades to repair, if ever. Once a liberal policy is in place it is almost impossible to reverse it.

Don’t think that a few years of liberals in charge is that dangerous? Just take a moment to consider what liberals dream of doing once they gain absolute power.

There is no aspect of our lives—none—that today’s liberals concede is off limits to the meddling use of government power. In their vision there is no dividing line between the public sphere and the private sphere. Limited government is a concept that makes no sense to them.

A great example of this phenomenon is Time magazine’s columnist Joe Kline’s recent proposal. Kline just recently called for—get this—a reduction or elimination of the use of air conditioning in America. (This is a measure that would be wildly popular in Arizona, Texas, and Florida I’m sure).

Air conditioning, you see, consumes 4% of the energy used in this country, and thus by his lights has become a serious threat to national security. Wars may soon be fought over air conditioning—or at least the energy we use to power it—so we must reduce or eliminate its use.

Rest at link.

07-08-2008, 02:49 PM
"Everywhere I turn I encounter conservatives ready to give up for the next few years. After all, many of us rightly feel a bit betrayed by our elected officials given how badly they performed over the past few years."

Where was this self-righteous idiot Acorn quotes when the GOP was running our party into the ground and killing it?

Shooooooooooooooo ------------ now he's lecturing us on how we have to keep on fighting when there is no GOP party left to fight FOR? Just a bunch of criminal earmarkers and toe-tappers running around Congress messaging the pages for sex.

07-08-2008, 08:15 PM
The wingnut puppet factory has pulled the string and little acorn moved in accordance. The puppet masters can only bring liberals up because if they turned around and looked towards themselves they would only see their own failure.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

07-09-2008, 10:27 AM
The wingnut puppet factory has pulled the string and little acorn moved in accordance.
As usual, when midcan sees the points made in the OP and can't refute the message, he resorts to attacking the messenger instead. (Yawn)

Game, set, and match to Strom. :salute:

07-09-2008, 10:31 AM
funny, I thought all liberals have wet dreams. hmmm

07-09-2008, 10:36 AM
The wingnut puppet factory has pulled the string and little acorn moved in accordance. The puppet masters can only bring liberals up because if they turned around and looked towards themselves they would only see their own failure.

"A great example of this phenomenon is Time magazine’s columnist Joe Kline’s recent proposal. Kline just recently called for—get this—a reduction or elimination of the use of air conditioning in America. (This is a measure that would be wildly popular in Arizona, Texas, and Florida I’m sure). "

Would restricting or eliminating air conditioning be good for america? How exactly would such a measure be enforced?

Noticed the word enforced, because that is what the government would have to do, force you to not use air conditioning. Yeah for freedom!!

red states rule
07-09-2008, 11:07 AM
"A great example of this phenomenon is Time magazine’s columnist Joe Kline’s recent proposal. Kline just recently called for—get this—a reduction or elimination of the use of air conditioning in America. (This is a measure that would be wildly popular in Arizona, Texas, and Florida I’m sure). "

Would restricting or eliminating air conditioning be good for america? How exactly would such a measure be enforced?

Noticed the word enforced, because that is what the government would have to do, force you to not use air conditioning. Yeah for freedom!!

Now your TV is adding to the global warming "issue"


07-09-2008, 11:24 AM
As usual, when midcan sees the points made in the OP and can't refute the message, he resorts to attacking the messenger instead. (Yawn)

Just in case your attention span is a serious problem, "The puppet masters can only bring liberals up because if they turned around and looked towards themselves they would only see their own failure." 7 1/2 years of failure? I would blame others too, actually I wouldn't but then I'm not you.

07-09-2008, 04:34 PM
You know that townhall are littlegreenfoootballs are always going to give and balanced and impartial viewpoint on things. :rolleyes:

The REAL "liberal" America will be unveiled beginning in January:
** Ending the illegal and immoral war in Iraq
** Higher taxes to help undo the domestic quagmire of eight years of Bush rule
** Stricter gun laws
** Programs that help lower and middle class citizens instead of just wealthy ones
** School vouchers for inner city kids, so they can go to class with your kids

07-10-2008, 07:26 AM
** Ending the illegal and immoral war in Iraq

I'll believe that only when I see it. Pelosi promised to do that with a Dem majority, but she never bothered to.

** Higher taxes to help undo the domestic quagmire of eight years of Bush rule

On EVERYBODY, right? You wouldn't discriminate against some people, would you? If everyone benefits from government (ha), then everyone should pay the same proportion of taxes. Why would it ever be fair to tax some people more than others?

** Programs that help lower and middle class citizens instead of just wealthy ones

How about programs that help everyone equally? Why should some people get more than others? That's not fair.

** School vouchers for inner city kids, so they can go to class with your kids

Fine, we'll all just keep moving further away from the cities, of course, same as now.

07-10-2008, 11:51 AM
Don't you want everyone to receive equal school rights? I think inner city kids should have a right to live in the suburbs.
That way, we can have the Latin Queens out selling Girl Scout cookies. :)