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red states rule
07-09-2008, 07:13 AM
Libs love to paint Fox news as a right wing network despite all the liberals they have on to express their opinion

Now Fox news has hired Howard Wolfson (former Hillary campaing manager) as a contributor. That did not sit well with ultra lib Chris Matthews

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Fox News loves presenting itself as the alternative to the other news networks. Roger Ailes, the guy behind the network, figures that the Hillary campaign needs a new home, now that she's out of the race for president. So, abracadabra, Howard Wolfson, the voice of the Hillary campaign, has just been hired by—you guessed it—Fox News. Wolfson has just signed a contract as a regular contributor. He told the New York Times, quote, "it is important to have a strong progressive voice on the network." Well I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Reminds me of a movie: it's called Howards End.


No wonder MSNBC is so low in the ratings

for the complete article on Wolfson's hiring


07-09-2008, 07:43 AM
In order for propaganda to work effectively there must be the appearance of truth, a great liar will point to some obvious truth and claim association, while the party line is the real story.

red states rule
07-09-2008, 07:45 AM
In order for propaganda to work effectively there must be the appearance of truth, a great liar will point to some obvious truth and claim association, while the party line is the real story.

That is why CNN, and MSNBC have so few viewers, and are eating Fox News's dust

The people chose to get theri news and info from Fox, while rejecting the liberal bias of the others

Libs like you do not want other POV expressed openly - so while you can't silence them - you attack them

07-09-2008, 10:23 AM
A Clintonian at Fox News

This might be news if Wolfson were the only one. But Fox News has long has Lanny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Geraldo Rivera, Dick Morris, and of course Alan Colmes, registered Democrats all, who have spent large parts of their careers boosting the Clintons. Some were paid to do it, the rest did it for free. Morris seems to be changing his tune though he still boosts big government, and Geraldo is lying low after years of spewing some of the most shameless leftist demagoguery since Father Coughlin.

Adding Wolfson to the mix doesn't make much difference. Fox has long had a heavy liberal contingent to go along with their conservative contingent. Clearly they intend to maintain that balance. But it's nothing new. Unlike nearly all other major networks, Fox has been presenting both sides literally for years.

P.S. The main reason conservatives like it and liberals don't, is because when liberals go up against conservatives on an otherwise-even playing field, the liberals usually lose the debates, and wind up trying to run out the clock before the other side can debunk them any more. As always, the liberals aren't complaining about unequal opportunity to present their viewpoint. They're whining about the hugely unequal outcome.

red states rule
07-09-2008, 10:27 AM
This might be news if Wolfson were the only one. But Fox News has long has Lanny Davis, Rahm Emanuel, Geraldo Rivera, Dick Morris, and of course Alan Colmes, registered Democrats all, who have spent large parts of their careers boosting the Clintons. Some were paid to do it, the rest did it for free. Morris seems to be changing his tune though he still boosts big government, and Geraldo is lying low after years of spewing some of the most shameless leftist demagoguery since Father Coughlin.

Adding Wolfson to the mix doesn't make much difference. Fox has long had a heavy liberal contingent to go along with their conservative contingent. Clearly they intend to maintain that balance. But it's nothing new. Unlike nearly all other major networks, Fox has been presenting both sides literally for years.

P.S. The main reason conservatives like it and liberals don't, is because when liberals go up against conservatives on an otherwise-even playing field, the liberals usually lose the debates, and wind up trying to run out the clock before the other side can debunk them any more. As always, the liberals aren't complaining about unequal opportunity to present their viewpoint. They're whining about the hugely unequal outcome.

Not to mention Kristin Powers who worked for the Clintons

Also I have seem Bob Beckel on alot recently (he ran Mundull's campaign) and Susan Estridge who defended Bill daily over his purjury problem

On most other networks the conservatives (if they have any at all) on their round tables, are usually outnumbered around 4 to 1

07-09-2008, 10:45 AM
Libs love to paint Fox news as a right wing network despite all the liberals they have on to express their opinion

Now Fox news has hired Howard Wolfson (former Hillary campaing manager) as a contributor. That did not sit well with ultra lib Chris Matthews

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Fox News loves presenting itself as the alternative to the other news networks. Roger Ailes, the guy behind the network, figures that the Hillary campaign needs a new home, now that she's out of the race for president. So, abracadabra, Howard Wolfson, the voice of the Hillary campaign, has just been hired by—you guessed it—Fox News. Wolfson has just signed a contract as a regular contributor. He told the New York Times, quote, "it is important to have a strong progressive voice on the network." Well I think it's the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Reminds me of a movie: it's called Howards End.


No wonder MSNBC is so low in the ratings

for the complete article on Wolfson's hiring


to funny. but then the dems are crammed full a turn coats anyway.

red states rule
07-09-2008, 10:59 AM
to funny. but then the dems are crammed full a turn coats anyway.

To moonbats like Chris Matthews, any liberal who works for Fox News has committed an unforgivable sin

Abbey Marie
07-09-2008, 11:01 AM
Not sure why Fox hiring another Hillary supporter is an issue. Ailes had already stated that he liked Obama and might vote for him.

red states rule
07-09-2008, 11:02 AM
Not sure why Fox hiring another Hillary supporter is an issue. Ailes had already stated that he liked Obama and might vote for him.

It is not an issue Abbey. It is more proof Fox News is NOT a right wing network

07-09-2008, 11:07 AM
...... As always, the liberals aren't complaining about unequal opportunity to present their viewpoint. They're whining about the hugely unequal outcome. Nice summation, per your usual. :clap:

Abbey Marie
07-09-2008, 11:18 AM
It is not an issue Abbey. It is more proof Fox News is NOT a right wing network

I'm sure Air America had their chance to hire him. :laugh2:

red states rule
07-09-2008, 11:21 AM
I'm sure Air America had their chance to hire him. :laugh2:

True, But I am sure he would want to have an audience to hear his opinion

Air America has hosts, a studio, and a transmitter - but no listeners :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
07-09-2008, 11:22 AM
True, But I am sure he would want to have an audience to hear his opinion

Air America has hosts, a studio, and a transmitter - but no listeners :laugh2:

At this point, probably just dead air, too.

07-09-2008, 11:24 AM
True, But I am sure he would want to have an audience to hear his opinion

Air America has hosts, a studio, and a transmitter - but no listeners :laugh2:

the transmitter is a CB radio.......................:laugh2:

red states rule
07-09-2008, 11:24 AM
At this point, probably just dead air, too.

To the rich libs paying the bills, it has turned into a great tax write off