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View Full Version : Democrats: America needs higher gas prices

07-15-2008, 05:30 PM
lunacy. pure liberal lunacy

cough it up (cough it up)

07-15-2008, 05:48 PM
Your damned right, no drilling is going to provide an out for this fuel problem. T. Boone Pickens has one excellent answer and there are others that are as viable and much faster into the stream of supply.

07-15-2008, 06:05 PM
Your damned right, no drilling is going to provide an out for this fuel problem. T. Boone Pickens has one excellent answer and there are others that are as viable and much faster into the stream of supply.

enjoy your high gas prices.

07-15-2008, 06:08 PM
enjoy your high gas prices.5.19 for a gallon of diesel and 10 mpg at best. Pickens has one answer, where is yours?

07-15-2008, 06:16 PM
5.19 for a gallon of diesel and 10 mpg at best. Pickens has one answer, where is yours?

and pickens answer is??????????????

07-15-2008, 06:26 PM
thanks april. no reply. no pickens. enjoy the high prices and the recession the dems will salm you with.

07-15-2008, 06:36 PM
Your damned right, no drilling is going to provide an out for this fuel problem.

I always get a kick out of liberal hysterics who say that since drilling alone won't solve the entire problem, therefore we shouldn't drill.

Sort of like being in a boat with five holes in the hull, and some guy keeps insisting that since patching one hole won't solve the entire problem, therefore we shouldn't patch that hole.

You have to wonder if these people honestly believe what they're saying. Or if they are simply so blinded by their hatred of the Republicans who favor drilling, that their mindless reaction is to immeditely and totally oppose whatever the Republicans say.

07-15-2008, 07:20 PM
april is a member of the democratic communist party. he supports massive increase in gas prices as well as recessions. the overthrow of america. call a spade a spade.

07-15-2008, 07:22 PM
they remind me of that saying...

cut off your nose, to spite your face.

Like we can just stop using oil, and the world will be saved.:bang3:

07-15-2008, 07:37 PM
they remind me of that saying...

cut off your nose, to spite your face.

Like we can just stop using oil, and the world will be saved.:bang3:

im thinking of terms in short relief here. drill now, get the prices back to reasonable then when alternative sources come on line, start cutting back on oil use. thats what im saying. I know some young people who have lost their jobs and their homes because thy can't afford the gas to go to work anymore !!!!! but these constipated liberals say no. their going to put us in a big time recession. and they don't give shit. blind and stupid. I swear !!! I wish there was a constutional way to abolish the democratic party. its the BEST thing that can happen to this country.

07-15-2008, 07:44 PM
I always get a kick out of liberal hysterics who say that since drilling alone won't solve the entire problem, therefore we shouldn't drill.

Sort of like being in a boat with five holes in the hull, and some guy keeps insisting that since patching one hole won't solve the entire problem, therefore we shouldn't patch that hole.

You have to wonder if these people honestly believe what they're saying. Or if they are simply so blinded by their hatred of the Republicans who favor drilling, that their mindless reaction is to immeditely and totally oppose whatever the Republicans say.There is no hatred. That is the silliest thing to say. My point is that with all the land oil companies currently have leases on and know there is oil under the ground they won't drill. So get those republicans up in the face of the oil cos and make then get the oil in Montana that they already have the rights to.
I know this is not hysterical as I am for getting more domestic crude, I just can't understand why nothing has been done in years on areas that are open.

07-15-2008, 07:45 PM
april is a member of the democratic communist party. he supports massive increase in gas prices as well as recessions. the overthrow of america. call a spade a spade.You should give back your license to practice mind reading.

red states rule
07-15-2008, 07:47 PM

07-15-2008, 07:49 PM
You should give back your license to practice mind reading.

I did have some problems with your transparent mind. since you have none !!!!

07-15-2008, 07:49 PM
im thinking of terms in short relief here. drill now, get the prices back to reasonable then when alternative sources come on line, start cutting back on oil use. thats what im saying. I know some young people who have lost their jobs and their homes because thy can't afford the gas to go to work anymore !!!!! but these constipated liberals say no. their going to put us in a big time recession. and they don't give shit. blind and stupid. I swear !!! I wish there was a constutional way to abolish the democratic party. its the BEST thing that can happen to this country.
The recession is here and it sure as shit wasn't caused by liberals. As for quick relief wind turbines are about 8 years faster than drilling.
The best thing for this nation would be for republicans to be tossed back into the rock pile they were found in.

07-15-2008, 07:50 PM
I did have some problems with your transparent mind. since you have none !!!!Make up your mind. It is either transparent or I don't have one. Dumb fuck!

07-15-2008, 07:50 PM
The recession is here and it sure as shit wasn't caused by liberals. As for quick relief wind turbines are about 8 years faster than drilling.
The best thing for this nation would be for republicans to be tossed back into the rock pile they were found in.

the Russians were right. shoot the democraps first !!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
07-15-2008, 07:51 PM
The recession is here and it sure as shit wasn't caused by liberals. As for quick relief wind turbines are about 8 years faster than drilling.
The best thing for this nation would be for republicans to be tossed back into the rock pile they were found in.

Try again, we are NOT in a recession. I can see why you are unable to manage your money given your vast knowledge of economics

With your lame excuses, why go to college if it will take you years to obtain the desired results?

07-15-2008, 07:52 PM
Make up your mind. It is either transparent or I don't have one. Dumb fuck!

you have neither. numb nuts

07-15-2008, 07:55 PM
Try again, we are NOT in a recession. I can see why you are unable to manage your money given your vast knowledge of economics

With your lame excuses, why go to college if it will take you years to obtain the desired results?You are the only one who still believes the nation is growing. Even the presidente confirmed we have a financial problem and the chairman of the fed has bailed out corps and the FDIC has taken over banks. That is not a sign of prosperity my enemy.

07-15-2008, 07:56 PM
you have neither. numb nutsYOU ARE NOT VERY GOOD AT THIS GAME.

red states rule
07-15-2008, 07:57 PM
You are the only one who still believes the nation is growing. Even the presidente confirmed we have a financial problem and the chairman of the fed has bailed out corps and the FDIC has taken over banks. That is not a sign of prosperity my enemy.

Hey numbnuts, the economy grew in the first quarter, A recession is back to back quarters of negative growth

Again, no wonder you went bankrupt given your lack of economic facts and principals

07-15-2008, 08:01 PM
My point is that with all the land oil companies currently have leases on and know there is oil under the ground they won't drill.
And what would they do with this extra oil? All the refineries are operating at capacity, when one goes down there's a massive convulsion and prices jump, every time.

They don't drill on this land because they couldn't refine and market the oil from it if they tried. And the hysterics in your party have effectively blocked building ANY additional refineries in this country for the last 30 years. The ones we do have, have been upgraded to the max, but it's just not enough. The oil companies know this. Why don't you?

I just can't understand why nothing has been done in years on areas that are open.
Now we're getting at the nub of the problem. Too much whining, not enough understanding.

07-15-2008, 08:03 PM

you should know mongoloid. games are you life. it reality you can't handle.

07-15-2008, 08:03 PM
Hey numbnuts, the economy grew in the first quarter, A recession is back to back quarters of negative growth

Again, no wonder you went bankrupt given your lack of economic facts and principalsThe economy grew because of oil related costs. You lose. How does it feel to be beaten by a bankrupt liberal?

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:05 PM
The economy grew because of oil related costs. You lose. How does it feel to be beaten by a bankrupt liberal?

So you admit you were full of it when you said we were in a recession?

Raising taxes like your messiah wants to do, will put us in a recession - much like Pres Peanut did to the economy

07-15-2008, 08:08 PM
The economy grew because of oil related costs. You lose. How does it feel to be beaten by a bankrupt liberal?

Wow...SF Bay area ???

You've proved you're a nut...are you also a fruit.... :poke:

07-15-2008, 08:10 PM
And what would they do with this extra oil? All the refineries are operating at capacity, when one goes down there's a massive convulsion and prices jump, every time.

They don't drill on this land because they couldn't refine and market the oil from it if they tried. And the hysterics in your party have effectively blocked building ANY additional refineries in this country for the last 30 years. The ones we do have, have been upgraded to the max, but it's just not enough. The oil companies know this. Why don't you?

Now we're getting at the nub of the problem. Too much whining, not enough understanding.I agree that the infrastructure for refining capacity has had a negative growth. In California there have been about 50 or so closed in the last 30 years and none constructed. To my information no new refineries have been applied for as short supplies increase price. I understand that a refinery in Lousianna is being upgraded for double capacity.

So drilling offshore will not produce any quick results so why pursue it, we need refining capabilities along with exploration/drilling. I am fine with that.

07-15-2008, 08:11 PM
So you admit you were full of it when you said we were in a recession?

Raising taxes like your messiah wants to do, will put us in a recession - much like Pres Peanut did to the economyTry tricky Dick. The nation was in a recession when carter got in.

We are ina recession. call it anything you want but the fact remains financially the nation is fucked.

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:12 PM
So drilling offshore will not produce any quick results so why pursue it, we need refining capabilities along with exploration/drilling. I am fine with that.

Again, why go to college if it takes years to get the desired results?

07-15-2008, 08:15 PM
Again, why go to college if it takes years to get the desired results?In your case the results will never be achieved. Apples and cars.

07-15-2008, 08:16 PM
Pickens wants to substitute natural gas for oil....thereby lowering the need to IMPORT foreign oil.....a good idea...

Drilling our own oil will essentially do the same thing....if we are using our own oil...we won't need to import foreign oil....

So why is drilling not a good idea and a way to achieve the exact same results.???

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:16 PM
In your case the results will never be achieved. Apples and cars.

You said it would take years to get the oil to market, now you say it won't

You flip flop faster then your messiah (or kerry for that matter)

07-15-2008, 08:19 PM
Pickens wants to substitute natural gas for oil....thereby lowering the need to IMPORT foreign oil.....a good idea...

Drilling our own oil will essentially do the same thing....if we are using our own oil...we won't need to import foreign oil....

So why is drilling not a good idea and a way to achieve the exact same results.???

Pickens wants to substitute natural gas for oil....

another 10 year plan?????

07-15-2008, 08:21 PM
Try tricky Dick. The nation was in a recession when carter got in.

We are ina recession. call it anything you want but the fact remains financially the nation is fucked.

We are NOT in a recession.....period....

Maybe you need to get educated on what constitutes a recession....
or are you just to freekin' stupid to accept plain simple facts....

07-15-2008, 08:23 PM
The economy grew because of oil related costs. You lose. How does it feel to be beaten by a bankrupt liberal?

How does it feel to be beaten by a bankrupt liberal?

congrads dip shit. the liberal game plan. hold on to the table. their unzipping their pants

07-15-2008, 08:25 PM
another 10 year plan?????

We have the time....no big hurry....

If the fools had any brains back in the 70's, this wouldn't be an issue today....

So do it now....develop our own natural resources now, and 20 years from now our children won't have to face the same bullshit...

07-15-2008, 08:27 PM
Try tricky Dick. The nation was in a recession when carter got in.

We are ina recession. call it anything you want but the fact remains financially the nation is fucked.

The nation was in a recession when carter got in.

it was still in one when he left numb nuts.

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:29 PM
it was still in one when he left numb nuts.

Only it was a hell of alot worse

Thank God for Ronald Reagan who pulled us out of it, and gave us the largest peace time economic growth in the nations history

07-15-2008, 08:31 PM
Only it was a hell of alot worse

Thank God for Ronald Reagan who pulled us out of it, and gave us the largest peace time economic growth in the nations history

21% and no military. nice one jimmy !!! careful he's aprils hero.

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:34 PM
21% and no military. nice one jimmy !!! careful he's aprils hero.

A loser supporting a loser

Only libs make heros out of their failures

07-15-2008, 08:50 PM
A loser supporting a loser

Only libs make heros out of their failures

karter and klinton. what a tag team:laugh2:

red states rule
07-15-2008, 08:51 PM
karter and klinton. what a tag team:laugh2:

Dueling Bozo's

07-15-2008, 08:53 PM
Dueling Bozo's

that's what scares with Osama. he's a triple threat !!!!!!!!

07-15-2008, 09:50 PM
Your damned right, no drilling is going to provide an out for this fuel problem. T. Boone Pickens has one excellent answer and there are others that are as viable and much faster into the stream of supply.

Really? Which ones are they? Because all the ones that are online now, are government subsidized. If they are viable, then why would they need government funds to survive?

red states rule
07-15-2008, 09:57 PM
that's what scares with Osama. he's a triple threat !!!!!!!!


07-16-2008, 04:07 PM
A loser supporting a loser

Only libs make heros out of their failuresYou should know about supporting a loser, that is any republican.

07-16-2008, 04:14 PM
So, are you gonna answer my question, April?

07-16-2008, 04:43 PM
Really? Which ones are they? Because all the ones that are online now, are government subsidized. If they are viable, then why would they need government funds to survive?As big oil does not want alternative energy they buy the startups and shut them down. Now with Pickens they can't do that. In California our energy supplier, PG&E, is paying for CFLs and all the consumer has to do is pay the sales tax. They are also installing LNG stations as fast as they can.
Kerosene is derived from soft coal and is very inexpensive but still not being made. I don't have a clue as to why either as it has been extracted by very primitive methods back in the early 1800's.

red states rule
07-16-2008, 05:12 PM
You should know about supporting a loser, that is any republican.

Yea, ask Peanut Carter, Kerry, Mondale, and Gore

All losers now called heros by the moonbat kook left

07-16-2008, 10:39 PM
As big oil does not want alternative energy they buy the startups and shut them down. Now with Pickens they can't do that. In California our energy supplier, PG&E, is paying for CFLs and all the consumer has to do is pay the sales tax. They are also installing LNG stations as fast as they can.
Kerosene is derived from soft coal and is very inexpensive but still not being made. I don't have a clue as to why either as it has been extracted by very primitive methods back in the early 1800's.

Proof please.

Kerosene is derived from soft coal and is very inexpensive but still not being made. I don't have a clue as to why either as it has been extracted by very primitive methods back in the early 1800's.

Kerosene doesn't produce enough of an energy output to be economically sustainable. It works fine for small quantity use (i.e. lamps), but it doesn't give you as much "bang for your buck", just like ethanol. Even then, where can you get a REAL kerosene lamp nowadays? Most people buy battery-powered now.