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07-16-2008, 05:41 PM
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

Whenever I see a RedStatesRule thread I know it will be distraction from the key issues that should concern all Americans. These issues are UHC, living wage jobs, pensions, corporate corruption and outsourcing, deficits, war in Iraq, and citizen rights. Another item in that list that I want to bring attention to here is the incursion of religion into our education, science, and politics. Fundamentalists of any stripe are scary people for a democracy. If our republic dies, it will be because the distractions allowed the crazies in the back door.

Patrick Henry College, a fundamentalist school, filled 7% of Bush's government internships. Now imagine for a minute the type of administrator you will have from home schooled, waiting for rapture officials? We will not need external theocratic threats, we will have allowed enough internal threats to the principles of our liberal democracy to undermine it.

So does it matter that roe v wade is overturned? That the environment doesn't matter as rapture is close? That welfare should be done by churches? That workers rights are secondary? Corporations are corrupt? Since Reagan, our society shows the working of a fanaticism that is helping America become a nation that preaches democracy but does not live up to it.

The zealots and fanatics, if allowed, will create a society none of us will want. John McCain's policies and ideology support these fanatics.




A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

07-16-2008, 05:52 PM
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

Whenever I see a RedStatesRule thread I know it will be distraction from the key issues that should concern all Americans. These issues are UHC, living wage jobs, pensions, corporate corruption and outsourcing, deficits, war in Iraq, and citizen rights. Another item in that list that I want to bring attention to here is the incursion of religion into our education, science, and politics. Fundamentalists of any stripe are scary people for a democracy. If our republic dies, it will be because the distractions allowed the crazies in the back door.

Patrick Henry College, a fundamentalist school, filled 7% of Bush's government internships. Now imagine for a minute the type of administrator you will have from home schooled, waiting for rapture officials? We will not need external theocratic threats, we will have allowed enough internal threats to the principles of our liberal democracy to undermine it.

So does it matter that roe v wade is overturned? That the environment doesn't matter as rapture is close? That welfare should be done by churches? That workers rights are secondary? Corporations are corrupt? Since Reagan, our society shows the working of a fanaticism that is helping America become a nation that preaches democracy but does not live up to it.

The zealots and fanatics, if allowed, will create a society none of us will want. John McCain's policies and ideology support these fanatics.




A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Let me guess--you are proposing something different but you can't tell me what it is ?

07-16-2008, 05:54 PM
"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." Winston Churchill

Whenever I see a RedStatesRule thread I know it will be distraction from the key issues that should concern all Americans. These issues are UHC, living wage jobs, pensions, corporate corruption and outsourcing, deficits, war in Iraq, and citizen rights. Another item in that list that I want to bring attention to here is the incursion of religion into our education, science, and politics. Fundamentalists of any stripe are scary people for a democracy. If our republic dies, it will be because the distractions allowed the crazies in the back door.

Patrick Henry College, a fundamentalist school, filled 7% of Bush's government internships. Now imagine for a minute the type of administrator you will have from home schooled, waiting for rapture officials? We will not need external theocratic threats, we will have allowed enough internal threats to the principles of our liberal democracy to undermine it.

So does it matter that roe v wade is overturned? That the environment doesn't matter as rapture is close? That welfare should be done by churches? That workers rights are secondary? Corporations are corrupt? Since Reagan, our society shows the working of a fanaticism that is helping America become a nation that preaches democracy but does not live up to it.

The zealots and fanatics, if allowed, will create a society none of us will want. John McCain's policies and ideology support these fanatics.




A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

I noticed that you and your ilk never mention corrupt, non-productive employees that steal both time and money from their employers. I work with plenty of ass hats that I wouldn't pay 4 bucks an hour. While others work their ass off these clowns(biggest pushers of Unions and Obama) sit in the break rooms loudly playing dominoes and no doubt cheating at that too. The corporations are constantly being blamed by idiots like you when the workers themselves should take a minimum of 50% of the blame for the way they are treated.

07-16-2008, 06:54 PM
I noticed that you and your ilk never mention corrupt, non-productive employees that steal both time and money from their employers. I work with plenty of ass hats that I wouldn't pay 4 bucks an hour. While others work their ass off these clowns(biggest pushers of Unions and Obama) sit in the break rooms loudly playing dominoes and no doubt cheating at that too. The corporations are constantly being blamed by idiots like you when the workers themselves should take a minimum of 50% of the blame for the way they are treated.

LOL - a million years ago, or so it seems, I was offered a 'boss' position. I was young and probably could outwork any three people, now I'm down to two, but anyway I turned it down, I told them I had no idea how I could manage people who were so damn slow, lazy, etc. Eventually I did move up the food chain. So I sorta agree, but still it is the corporations that create the situations and hire the staff and managers and ship work to cheap labor. And outsourcing is cheap but it is no more competent.

And this thread is about the effect religion can have and has had on our society.

07-16-2008, 06:54 PM
Let me guess--you are proposing something different but you can't tell me what it is ?

I'm hoping you can figure it out.

07-16-2008, 08:31 PM
I don't know how dumb you can get. Each time I think you can't get dumber you go and prove me wrong.

There is only one issue that matters right now: Energy independence.

If we don't get that taken care of, we will have no national security. No economic growth. Alot of violence in the streets and alot of out of work people.

07-16-2008, 09:20 PM
Look at just about any post by RSR or namvet -- THAT is how dumb we can get.

07-16-2008, 09:34 PM
Whenever I see a RedStatesRule thread I know it will be distraction from the key issues that should concern all Americans. These issues are UHC, living wage jobs, pensions, corporate corruption and outsourcing, deficits, war in Iraq, and citizen rights. Another item in that list that I want to bring attention to here is the incursion of religion into our education, science, and politics. Fundamentalists of any stripe are scary people for a democracy. If our republic dies, it will be because the distractions allowed the crazies in the back door.

Patrick Henry College, a fundamentalist school, filled 7% of Bush's government internships. Now imagine for a minute the type of administrator you will have from home schooled, waiting for rapture officials? We will not need external theocratic threats, we will have allowed enough internal threats to the principles of our liberal democracy to undermine it.

So does it matter that roe v wade is overturned? That the environment doesn't matter as rapture is close? That welfare should be done by churches? That workers rights are secondary? Corporations are corrupt? Since Reagan, our society shows the working of a fanaticism that is helping America become a nation that preaches democracy but does not live up to it.

The zealots and fanatics, if allowed, will create a society none of us will want. John McCain's policies and ideology support these fanatics.




A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.Ronnie sure did start the demise of this nation by touting patriotism. Then circumventing national laws to support our enemies.

07-16-2008, 09:37 PM
I noticed that you and your ilk never mention corrupt, non-productive employees that steal both time and money from their employers. I work with plenty of ass hats that I wouldn't pay 4 bucks an hour. While others work their ass off these clowns(biggest pushers of Unions and Obama) sit in the break rooms loudly playing dominoes and no doubt cheating at that too. The corporations are constantly being blamed by idiots like you when the workers themselves should take a minimum of 50% of the blame for the way they are treated.I don't know what kind of work you do but I have not had any non-productive employees. I am in concrete construction. We are union and have no break rooms.

07-16-2008, 09:51 PM
I don't know what kind of work you do but I have not had any non-productive employees. I am in concrete construction. We are union and have no break rooms.

I'm betting that he works at a different place than you and I'm pretty sure that unions are not all identical.

07-16-2008, 09:53 PM
I'm hoping you can figure it out.

That's exactly the problem---Liberals are always hoping someone else will figure it out and then bitch cause it ain't right.

07-16-2008, 09:58 PM
Ronnie sure did start the demise of this nation by touting patriotism. Then circumventing national laws to support our enemies.

I've noticed you've got a real hard on for Ronald Reagan....Good Gawd, let it go..

Presidents come and go, some are good, some are bad...But we all live on..

Try enjoying life, smell the flowers, watch the sunsets, LIVE free while you can..Once the Obambam becomes President, you will have no more worries..You won't have any more freedoms either, but hey....it was fun while it lasted..:cheers2:

07-16-2008, 09:58 PM
I'm betting that he works at a different place than you and I'm pretty sure that unions are not all identical.He most likely works in a right to work state. And you are ever so right about unions. Some aren't worth a shit some are.

07-16-2008, 10:01 PM
I've noticed you've got a real hard on for Ronald Reagan....Good Gawd, let it go..

Presidents come and go, some are good, some are bad...But we all live on..

Try enjoying life, smell the flowers, watch the sunsets, LIVE free while you can..Once the Obambam becomes President, you will have no more worries..You won't have any more freedoms either, but hey....it was fun while it lasted..:cheers2:I do have a great dislike for ronnie. What he has done to California and the USA is set the pattern for deceit and unethical behavior in government. He makes tricky dick, whom I liked, look like a saint.

07-17-2008, 11:18 AM
I don't know what kind of work you do but I have not had any non-productive employees. I am in concrete construction. We are union and have no break rooms.

That's great. I started in corporate America with the largest corporation on earth, att, then. I definitely do not knock unions, they are why we rose from the poverty of the have nots in the depression to a richer stable nation.

This is good reading on the impact Reagan and those who followed have had on our economy. I actually think Reagan recognized his mistakes as he had the largest peace time tax hike. Near the end he wasn't in command of all his facilities though.

Check the used as the price has gone haywire?


edit - Ah that is hardcover, paperback is within reason.

07-17-2008, 11:30 AM
There is only one issue that matters right now: Energy independence.

I'm never sure if you were born yesterday, or a later yesterday? We had this before under Carter, it will go away as all bubbles do and soon we will forget. Progress comes slowly when life takes up all your time trying to live it.

PS there is lots of land here that is not being drilled or explored! Why because there is no shortage of oil, only a shortage of sense.


"Oil companies are sitting on 68 million acres they have already leased from the American people for the purpose of oil and natural gas production," said Sen. Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey.

"It is about time they use these resources already at their disposal instead of waiting for more federal handouts and pushing to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or up and down our coasts," he added.

07-17-2008, 12:44 PM
Look at just about any post by RSR or namvet -- THAT is how dumb we can get.

Yes, you've set the bar so high :lame2:

07-17-2008, 12:46 PM
I'm never sure if you were born yesterday, or a later yesterday? We had this before under Carter, it will go away as all bubbles do and soon we will forget. Progress comes slowly when life takes up all your time trying to live it.

PS there is lots of land here that is not being drilled or explored! Why because there is no shortage of oil, only a shortage of sense.


"Oil companies are sitting on 68 million acres they have already leased from the American people for the purpose of oil and natural gas production," said Sen. Bob Menendez, D-New Jersey.

"It is about time they use these resources already at their disposal instead of waiting for more federal handouts and pushing to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or up and down our coasts," he added.

Thank you for proving my point. Just when I think you can't get dumber, you post something like this.

You do realize that in order to drill for oil on the land the oil companies have, there has to be oil on the land right? You cant drill for whats not there. It's not really a difficult concept.

And you are right, we had an energy crisis in the 70s. It's a shame the Democrats have been blocking every effort we've made to be energy independent in t he past 30 years or maybe we wouldnt have $4 gasoline and our nations self-proclaimed enemies wouldnt be getting rich off us.

As for federal handouts, we arent asking for federal handouts for the oil companies. Every company would be under the obligation to drill and produce on their own. Their profits would come through their work. Maybe its about time the federal and state governments in this nation stopped demanding hand outs from the oil industry. They don't do a damn thing for the money they recieve off every gallon of gasoline.

If we dont fix this energy crisis now, we are going to see the destruction of our liberty and alot of people are going to lose their lives. Tell me, how many elderly people have to die before we can increase our supply of oil? How many people have to lose their jobs before you pompass asses let us fix the problem?

I am so disgusted with you people. You care more about your power than you do about actual lives. And then you try to pretend you are the compassionate ones. Bull crap. Get your hands out of our wallets and the government out of our lives or you are going to have a revolution on your hands. The people wont put up with this forever.

07-17-2008, 02:05 PM
Thank you for proving my point. Just when I think you can't get dumber, you post something like this.

You do realize that in order to drill for oil on the land the oil companies have, there has to be oil on the land right? You cant drill for whats not there. It's not really a difficult concept.

And you are right, we had an energy crisis in the 70s. It's a shame the Democrats have been blocking every effort we've made to be energy independent in t he past 30 years or maybe we wouldnt have $4 gasoline and our nations self-proclaimed enemies wouldnt be getting rich off us.

As for federal handouts, we arent asking for federal handouts for the oil companies. Every company would be under the obligation to drill and produce on their own. Their profits would come through their work. Maybe its about time the federal and state governments in this nation stopped demanding hand outs from the oil industry. They don't do a damn thing for the money they recieve off every gallon of gasoline.

If we dont fix this energy crisis now, we are going to see the destruction of our liberty and alot of people are going to lose their lives. Tell me, how many elderly people have to die before we can increase our supply of oil? How many people have to lose their jobs before you pompass asses let us fix the problem?

I am so disgusted with you people. You care more about your power than you do about actual lives. And then you try to pretend you are the compassionate ones. Bull crap. Get your hands out of our wallets and the government out of our lives or you are going to have a revolution on your hands. The people wont put up with this forever.

July 17th, 2008
The U.S. Geological Survey just published its official results of a groundbreaking study.

Its report confirmed a massive oil reserve in an area the locals have nicknamed the "Bakken," which stretches across North Dakota, Montana and southeastern Saskatchewan.

The new USGS study estimates a whopping 3.65 billion barrels of oil in the Bakken... but here's what they didn't mention:

The reported 3.65 billion barrels of oil mean estimate is for 'undiscovered' oil only, and doesn't include known oil, such as reserves.

In fact, the study reports a 25-fold increase in the amount of oil that can be recovered... compared to the agency's estimate back in 1995.

Discovered over 50 years ago, the Bakken deposit--once impossible to extract--is now being hailed as the single largest oil find in US history.

That's because, today, thanks to breakthrough drilling techniques like horizontal drilling, the Bakken's oil shales can be extracted relatively cheaply.

When that happens, this light, sweet oil will cost Americans just $16 per barrel!

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