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Abbey Marie
07-17-2008, 03:16 PM
Clay mentioned mosquitoes in another thread, and I was wondering about something. I can be sitting outdoors with several people, and maybe only two or three of us are getting bitten by mosquitoes. Everyone else is fine. I am a mosquito magnet; always have been. We go home, and I will have say, 10 bites, and my husband, who was sitting right next to me the whole time, will have none. Has this been your experience?

The ClayTaurus
07-17-2008, 03:18 PM
Clay mentioned mosquitoes in another thread, and I was wondering about something. I can be sitting outdoors with several people, and maybe only two or three of us are getting bitten by mosquitoes. Everyone else is fine. I am a mosquito magnet; always have been. We go home, and I will have say, 10 bites, and my husband, who was sitting right next to me the whole time, will have none. Has this been your experience?Your shaved legs are much easier access. ;)

Abbey Marie
07-17-2008, 03:20 PM
Your shaved legs are much easier access. ;)

Hmm. Must ponder. :)

07-17-2008, 03:25 PM
I've had that happen, but I have been on both sides of it. Bitten and not bitten.

I just hose down with bugjuice if I plan on spending ample time outside. I have tried that listerine trick, but it doesn't work on me. I just end up smelling like mouthwash with mosquito bites.

07-17-2008, 04:37 PM
Mosquitos will pick my son up and carry him off but won't touch me. Never use any type of repellent. Lucky I guess.

07-17-2008, 05:19 PM
same here abbey. in the marshall islands the mosquitos always attacked me and the other guy, but never my best friend, well a few times. i had to sleep with repellent and have a mosquito coil going all night, so did the other guy.

we made fun of my friend for it, but we were jealous

07-17-2008, 05:25 PM
Clay mentioned mosquitoes in another thread, and I was wondering about something. I can be sitting outdoors with several people, and maybe only two or three of us are getting bitten by mosquitoes. Everyone else is fine. I am a mosquito magnet; always have been. We go home, and I will have say, 10 bites, and my husband, who was sitting right next to me the whole time, will have none. Has this been your experience?

Mosquitoes aren't stupid, they go for the sweetest blood around.:cool:

07-17-2008, 06:48 PM
Abbey, your experience mimics mine. If I'm outside, I'm their dinner. My youngest seems to have inherited this yummy blood. He and his brother went white water rafting and camping for a long weekend. They both used repellent, (Lyme disease alert). The youngest was covered with mosquito bites, even ear lobes and eyelids. Older one, a couple on ankles. Go figure.

07-17-2008, 07:22 PM
those little fuckers hate me...thank god.....well pretty much everyone hates me so it all works out just fine....

Abbey Marie
07-17-2008, 09:18 PM
those little fuckers hate me...thank god.....well pretty much everyone hates me so it all works out just fine....

By "hate me" do you mean they bite you like crazy, or stay away? :laugh2:

07-17-2008, 10:53 PM
I think about those mosquitoes on my windshield
How they don't give a damn about Christmas time

--the great Stan Ridgway

07-18-2008, 07:56 AM
Mosquitoes love new meat... they have been after me since I moved to Puerto Rico. The best defence is to wear clothes that don't attract them... they love black colors and dark places like under tables and chairs.

My best defence is my gecko incubator... I made some PVC pipe incubators for gecko eggs and have hungry geckos everywhere that love to eat them back. Keep stagnant water drained or put a couple drops of cooking oil, even used cooking oil on it and they will die.

07-18-2008, 01:35 PM
Skeeters are drawn to CO2. So Abby...dont be so gabby.:poke:

Abbey Marie
07-18-2008, 04:11 PM
Skeeters are drawn to CO2. So Abby...dont be so gabby.:poke:

:laugh2: Impossible!

Perhaps one of these would help?


07-18-2008, 04:25 PM
yeah, i think mosquitoes won't even touch jacko, fake blood probably doesn't taste good

07-18-2008, 08:26 PM
I always thought it was my usual attractiveness with all women, but a woman told me even thought I am quite a hunk it is my blood type. AB


I think once I had fifty bites as I fixed a flat tire on swampy south jersey road. In Alaska they would follow us and we would need to run at times to escape the many insects even as we pored military grade repellent all over us.

07-18-2008, 10:55 PM
Clay mentioned mosquitoes in another thread, and I was wondering about something. I can be sitting outdoors with several people, and maybe only two or three of us are getting bitten by mosquitoes. Everyone else is fine. I am a mosquito magnet; always have been. We go home, and I will have say, 10 bites, and my husband, who was sitting right next to me the whole time, will have none. Has this been your experience?

Well, it just so happens that i know a little about these creatures so I'll give it my best shot.

There is some truth to the assumption that some folks are more suseptable to these varments than others. Remember I am from Georgia, a place where mosquitoes get big enough to screw turkeys from behind without bending their knees. They are attracted to carbon dioxide, light and certain acids in perspiration. Also if you are a light skinned person you may be more likely to be bitten.

Here's one for you, only female's bite. Go figure! Also Ab, your perfume may be attractive to them. They can smell very well.

I'm sure you know that mosquitoes are carriers of certain diseases with emphasis these days on West Nile virus, which is a form of Encephalitis, and is rising in the US. There are several different types of mosquitoes. Some are more aggressive than others, some bite in the daytime, some at night. Repellants aren't as effective as folks think and can actually attract mosquitoes as they are keen smellers. Suprisingly, folks who drink alot of alcohol don't seem to be affected by mosquitoes as much as those of us that don't drink. It may be that since the female mosquitoe, when she bites you disburses an enzyme or something into your blood at the point of the bite that keeps your blood from clotting so she can suck it faster. The alcohol might play with that or something I don't know but it does seem to be true about the alcohol.

When you do get raped by a bunch of skeeters, the best thing to relieve the irration is washing the affected with soap and water and try not to scratch. Calamine Lotion is OK but the area should be cleaned well first and allowed to air before applying actually. I've heard lemon helps disinfect well but burns a little.

I, like you are one of those folks who seem to attract them. My grandma, when I was a kid, used to make us wear dark clothes when we would go down to pond fishing and out camping. She was convinced it helped repel mosquitoes. She also was big on rubbing alcohol on our skin (arms) on exposed areas to stop them from biting us. I hated the smell.

Abbey Marie
07-18-2008, 11:02 PM
I don't wear perfume in summer, Emmett, because they can attract yellow jackets. As bad as mosquitoes are, I am actually afraid of yellow jackets.

The worst was the night I assume we had a mosquito (or 2?) in our bedroom. I woke up with 6 bites (!), and my husband woke up with... none. Grrrr.

One person said mosquitoes like light clothes, and another said they like dark clothes. And here I am about to pack for our annual vacation to a lake in Maine. I guess I'll pack medium-colored clothes and hope for the best. :)