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07-19-2008, 03:05 AM
They are now fully behind the empty suit, the Euro trash loves him and we all know how tickled leftist are with euro shit......... what dimwits and how easily impressed they are. Euro trash are very happy to see an easy target to take advantage of, of course they are for this twat.


Obamania grips Europe ahead of visit by "John Kennedy of our time"

Jul 18 10:07 PM US/Eastern

‘Whatever the Politics Demand’: McCain Web Video Hits Obama on Shifting Iraq Positions

Obama Euro Trip Big for Campaign

Obamania is all the rage ahead of next week's visit to Berlin, Paris and London by a man described in newspapers as a "John Kennedy of our time" and Europe's champion in the race for the White House.
If western Europeans could vote in November's presidential election, Barack Obama, the 46-year-old Democratic senator, would be a shoo-in, according to a recent opinion poll conducted on behalf of Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Seventy percent of Italians, 67 percent of Germans, 65 percent of the French and 49 percent of Britons would vote Obama.

This compared to just 15 percent in Italy, 6 percent in Germany, 8 percent in France, and 14 percent in Britain for Obama's Republican rival, John McCain, whose support for the war in Iraq is seen as a continuation of the policy of the current White House tenant, George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, in France, books about Obama sell like hot cakes.

In Britain and Germany, flattering newspaper profiles compare him to former US president John F. Kennedy.

And both Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a social-democrat, and Italy's left-wing opposition leader Walter Veltroni have adopted Obama's "Yes we can" slogan for their political speeches.

In Spain, the new prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has gone one further by publicly endorsing the Democratic senator.

"Yes, I like him," he told a Financial Times journalist who asked him if he wanted to see Obama in the White House.

In Germany, where leaders usually tread with caution on international issues, Obama's upcoming visit triggered an unseemly row within the coalition government.

Conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized him for wanting to use Berlin's Brandenburg Gate -- a symbol of the country's reunification after 40 years of Cold War -- as a backdrop for a campaign speech, while Steinmeier openly welcomed such a move.

07-19-2008, 03:16 AM
Did you read your own posted article, zero?

They are now fully behind the empty suit, the Euro trash loves him and we all know how tickled leftist are with euro shit......... what dimwits and how easily impressed they are. Euro trash are very happy to see an easy target to take advantage of, of course they are for this twat.


Obama Euro Trip Big for Campaign

Obamania is all the rage ahead of next week's visit to Berlin, Paris and London by a man described in newspapers as a "John Kennedy of our time" and Europe's champion in the race for the White House.

If western Europeans could vote in November's presidential election, Barack Obama, the 46-year-old Democratic senator, would be a shoo-in, according to a recent opinion poll conducted on behalf of Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Seventy percent of Italians, 67 percent of Germans, 65 percent of the French and 49 percent of Britons would vote Obama.

This compared to just 15 percent in Italy, 6 percent in Germany, 8 percent in France, and 14 percent in Britain for Obama's Republican rival, John McCain, whose support for the war in Iraq is seen as a continuation of the policy of the current White House tenant, George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, in France, books about Obama sell like hot cakes.
In Britain and Germany, flattering newspaper profiles compare him to former US president John F. Kennedy.

And both Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a social-democrat, and Italy's left-wing opposition leader Walter Veltroni [B]

In Spain, the new prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has gone one further by publicly endorsing the Democratic senator.

"Yes, I like him," he told a Financial Times journalist who asked him if he wanted to see Obama in the White House.

In Germany, where leaders usually tread with caution on international issues, Obama's upcoming visit triggered an unseemly row within the coalition government.

Conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized him for wanting to use Berlin's Brandenburg Gate -- a symbol of the country's reunification after 40 years of Cold War -- as a backdrop for a campaign speech, while Steinmeier openly welcomed such a move.

Obama is respected and LOVED overseas!!!!!!!! Can you say the same about your POS prez?

07-19-2008, 03:20 AM
Did you read your own posted article, zero?

Obama is respected and LOVED overseas!!!!!!!! Can you say the same about your POS prez?

Yea, I did, that was the point of my post, euro trash are in love with him and that in itself validates him as a candidate for the uninformed, ignorant worshipers of everything europee-on. You libs are such a pathetic joke.

07-19-2008, 03:50 AM
I think the intelligence of Americans revealed in the election of 2006 that it is you that is really the idiot.

Yea, I did, that was the point of my post, euro trash are in love with him and that in itself validates him as a candidate for the uninformed, ignorant worshipers of everything europee-on. You libs are such a pathetic joke.

And the election of 2008 will nail it to the wall for you reichwing jerks!!!!!!!!! No joke intended!!!!!!!!!!!

07-19-2008, 03:57 AM
I think the intelligence of Americans revealed in the election of 2006 that it is you that is really the idiot.

Yea, boy...... those asswipes you fools voted into Congress have done a bangup job. Gasoline was 2.16 a gallon when they cheated with fixed ballot machines to get in......... what's the price now? What is their approval raiting?

And the election of 2008 will nail it to the wall for you reichwing jerks!!!!!!!!! No joke intended!!!!!!!!!!!

No, it will prove once and for all that Democrats will use any way they can to steal votes and that they are totally corrupt, run by the mob and Soros.

07-19-2008, 10:23 AM
It really won't matter as if Obama wins Bush will find some lame ass excuse to void the election and implement martial law.

07-19-2008, 11:12 AM
They are now fully behind the empty suit, the Euro trash loves him and we all know how tickled leftist are with euro shit......... what dimwits and how easily impressed they are. Euro trash are very happy to see an easy target to take advantage of, of course they are for this twat.


Obamania grips Europe ahead of visit by "John Kennedy of our time"

Jul 18 10:07 PM US/Eastern

‘Whatever the Politics Demand’: McCain Web Video Hits Obama on Shifting Iraq Positions

Obama Euro Trip Big for Campaign

Obamania is all the rage ahead of next week's visit to Berlin, Paris and London by a man described in newspapers as a "John Kennedy of our time" and Europe's champion in the race for the White House.
If western Europeans could vote in November's presidential election, Barack Obama, the 46-year-old Democratic senator, would be a shoo-in, according to a recent opinion poll conducted on behalf of Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper.

Seventy percent of Italians, 67 percent of Germans, 65 percent of the French and 49 percent of Britons would vote Obama.

This compared to just 15 percent in Italy, 6 percent in Germany, 8 percent in France, and 14 percent in Britain for Obama's Republican rival, John McCain, whose support for the war in Iraq is seen as a continuation of the policy of the current White House tenant, George W. Bush.

Meanwhile, in France, books about Obama sell like hot cakes.

In Britain and Germany, flattering newspaper profiles compare him to former US president John F. Kennedy.

And both Germany's Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, a social-democrat, and Italy's left-wing opposition leader Walter Veltroni have adopted Obama's "Yes we can" slogan for their political speeches.

In Spain, the new prime minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has gone one further by publicly endorsing the Democratic senator.

"Yes, I like him," he told a Financial Times journalist who asked him if he wanted to see Obama in the White House.

In Germany, where leaders usually tread with caution on international issues, Obama's upcoming visit triggered an unseemly row within the coalition government.

Conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized him for wanting to use Berlin's Brandenburg Gate -- a symbol of the country's reunification after 40 years of Cold War -- as a backdrop for a campaign speech, while Steinmeier openly welcomed such a move.

If you care to look back at Obama's policy statements, which I know you don't, you'll find little in the way of substantive change over the course of the primaries to now. John McCain, on the other hand, has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.

<center><a href=http://www.alternet.org/election08/90956/?page=entire>John McCain -- 61 Flip-Flops and Counting</a></center>

And the list grows almost daily.

07-19-2008, 11:39 AM
Did you read your own posted article, zero?

Obama is respected and LOVED overseas!!!!!!!! Can you say the same about your POS prez?

Yes. yes I can.

07-19-2008, 11:40 AM
It really won't matter as if Obama wins Bush will find some lame ass excuse to void the election and implement martial law.

You can't possibly believe this.

07-19-2008, 11:54 AM
If you care to look back at Obama's policy statements, which I know you don't, you'll find little in the way of substantive change over the course of the primaries to now. John McCain, on the other hand, has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.

<center><a href=http://www.alternet.org/election08/90956/?page=entire>John McCain -- 61 Flip-Flops and Counting</a></center>

And the list grows almost daily.

You don't ghet out much do ya?

How do you define substantive change? First, during the primaries he was going to pull out completely and immediately. Currently he is evaluating what effect the surge is having! Which of course is ass backwards. A pretty clear picture of what you could expect out of his presidency. That, is a flip-flop!

In short, they both have flipped and flopped all over the place, THAT is telling it like it is!

Abbey Marie
07-19-2008, 11:57 AM
You can't possibly believe this.

Anything's possible when...


07-19-2008, 11:59 AM
If you care to look back at Obama's policy statements, which I know you don't, you'll find little in the way of substantive change over the course of the primaries to now. John McCain, on the other hand, has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.

<center><a href=http://www.alternet.org/election08/90956/?page=entire>John McCain -- 61 Flip-Flops and Counting</a></center>

And the list grows almost daily.

61 Flip-Flops and Counting

Writer Steve Benen. well bullshit lets se who this guy is:

April 12, 2008
Entire Liberal Blogosphere Actually Just One Incredibly Prolific Man
Steve Benen, the liberal blogger who runs The Carpetbagger Report, has recently been discovered to be the sole author of almost every liberal blog dealing with U.S. politics on the internet, blog readers recently discovered.

At first Benen was writing The Carpetbagger Report and allegedly guest blogging on sites such as TalkingPointsMemo, the Washington Monthly's blog, Political Animal, and Crooks and Liars. However, a visitor to TalkingPointsMemo, who saw a video of the alleged author and blog founder "Josh Marshall," immediately recognized him to be actor Marshall Mappschteen, with whom he had performed "Guys and Dolls" in college. A phone call to Mappschteen resulted in revelations that eventually uncovered Benen as the author of more than 260 liberal blogs. Subsequent investigation revealed that popular "bloggers" Atrios and Political Animal's Kevin Drum are actually fellow league bowlers whom Benen recruited to be fictitious front men.

link (link)

looks like you put up more lies. but then you getting good at it

anything else i help you with ???? like tell the truth????

07-19-2008, 12:57 PM
Writer Steve Benen. well bullshit lets se who this guy is:

link (link)

looks like you put up more lies. but then you getting good at it

anything else i help you with ???? like tell the truth????

Cool article, namvet... but I'm afraid it sounds to me like it was written pretty tongue-in-cheek. Note the lines about carpal tunnel, and the statement that this one guy is now thought to be all 65% of Americans who want no more involvement in Iraq. Not possible the way polling is done today.

Maybe just those two lines were tossed in to embellish an otherwise-true story. But they degrade its credibility bigtime, to me.

07-19-2008, 01:08 PM
Cool article, namvet... but I'm afraid it sounds to me like it was written pretty tongue-in-cheek. Note the lines about carpal tunnel, and the statement that this one guy is now thought to be all 65% of Americans who want no more involvement in Iraq. Not possible the way polling is done today.

Maybe just those two lines were tossed in to embellish an otherwise-true story. But they degrade its credibility bigtime, to me.

my point was he's a liberal blogger which makes bullshits post totally one side.

07-19-2008, 01:12 PM
Obama is respected and LOVED overseas!!!!!!!! Can you say the same about your POS prez?

That's what I look for in a President, someone who is loved over seas. Who gives a flip??

WHAT HAS THE MAN DONE, that qualifies him for being president???

He voted 180 times PRESENT in the Illinois Senate and after winning the US senate seat he IMMEDIATELY started running for President.

HE HAS NO EXPERIENCE. He's a good public speaker and that's it.

07-19-2008, 02:07 PM
You can't possibly believe this.I do believe Bush to be so evil and corrupt that the senario would be within his repertore of evil.

07-19-2008, 04:04 PM
I do believe Bush to be so evil and corrupt that the senario would be within his repertore of evil.

Then you are living in a fantasy world.

07-19-2008, 04:19 PM
I do believe Bush to be so evil and corrupt that the senario would be within his repertore of evil.

your gonna feel stupid when Nov. comes around and the election goes along as planned.

Gonna say sorry then or just not post for a few hours like most the libs on this sight??

07-19-2008, 04:51 PM
I do believe Bush to be so evil and corrupt that the senario would be within his repertore of evil. WE can only hope your Right Because anything would be better then the Racist Negro Obama

07-19-2008, 05:03 PM
WE can only hope your Right Because anything would be better then the Racist Negro Obama

seriously you people are scary.

and somehow I'm the extreme one.

07-19-2008, 05:42 PM
Then you are living in a fantasy world.I don't think its a fantasy world but even before Bush became Governor of Texas he had an air about him that caused me to distrust him. So far he has not disappointed in his behavior.

07-19-2008, 05:45 PM
seriously you people are scary.

and somehow I'm the extreme one. :laugh2:

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 08:34 AM
Yea, I did, that was the point of my post, euro trash are in love with him and that in itself validates him as a candidate for the uninformed, ignorant worshipers of everything europee-on. You libs are such a pathetic joke.

The next 8 years will be difficult ones for you hard-core right wingers.

First, you'll have a black Democrat in the White House, who'll provide real leadership for the country. Of course, you'll never bring yourselves to acknowledge that.

Then, we'll have a president who's liked and respected by our allies and respected by our enemies. But of course, you'll refer to our allies as Eurotrash and you'll never admit that Obama is 10 times more effective than Bush ever was.

And the Democratic Congress will be working hand-in-glove with President Obama to bring our economy back and do something about our environmental problems. But you'll never be able to acknowledge any progress. You'll carp and complain and whine for the next 8 years.

And if President Obama is as good as we think he will be, there's a good chance the Democrats will continue to dominate our government in 2016 and beyond.

These are tough times, indeed, for right wingers. I hope you have counseling arranged. If it gets really bad, there's always gin.......:cheers2::coffee::cheers2:

07-21-2008, 08:53 AM
The next 8 years will be difficult ones for you hard-core right wingers.

First, you'll have a black Democrat in the White House, who'll provide real leadership for the country. Of course, you'll never bring yourselves to acknowledge that.

He's just as white as he is black ace, sorry to disappoint you. The only people he will lead are the asswipes that will follow an empty suit. He will be watched and criticized for every stupid thing he does, even if it has to be made up and lied about, we've learned a lot from how you jerks have treated President Bush.

Then, we'll have a president who's liked and respected by our allies and respected by our enemies. But of course, you'll refer to our allies as Eurotrash and you'll never admit that Obama is 10 times more effective than Bush ever was.

Sure, they give a shit about helping us, the awful country that most are extremely jealous of and want to see destroyed. Respected by our enemies, what fairy tale are you living in? Actually I don't refer to European allies that way, just Eurotrash Obama supporters.

And the Democratic Congress will be working hand-in-glove with President Obama to bring our economy back and do something about our environmental problems. But you'll never be able to acknowledge any progress. You'll carp and complain and whine for the next 8 years.

What is a Democratic Congress. Do you mean a Democrat Majority Congress? What business experience does Obama have? What do you honestly believe the dildoes in Congress will do to bring the economy back and from where? What imaginary ideas are they going to use to do something about imaginary environmental problems? Why haven't they tried to do any of these things before? Didn't they have the White House for 8 long years? Yes there will be at least half of the country paying a lot of attention to what those rip off assholes in Congress try to do.

And if President Obama is as good as we think he will be, there's a good chance the Democrats will continue to dominate our government in 2016 and beyond.

Dream on ace, Obama is a rube, a puppet, a nothing...... he will suck.

These are tough times, indeed, for right wingers. I hope you have counseling arranged. If it gets really bad, there's always gin.......:cheers2::coffee::cheers2:

Again, dream on. You asshole traitors will be fought ever step of the way and the divide will widen by huge proportions.:salute:

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 09:11 AM
Again, dream on. You asshole traitors will be fought ever step of the way and the divide will widen by huge proportions. --sitarro

It's nice to see that our right-wing colleagues are able to put partisanship aside and reach across the aisle for the common good.


07-21-2008, 09:29 AM
It's nice to see that our right-wing colleagues are able to put partisanship aside and reach across the aisle for the common good.


Yeah, like your Botox Pelose and Dingy Harry Reed does all the time..............

get real..we don't want your liberal Democrat socialist policies..that's why we fight against them, and will continue to do so..:cheers2:

07-21-2008, 09:41 AM
It's nice to see that our right-wing colleagues are able to put partisanship aside and reach across the aisle for the common good….

… the Democratic Congress will be working hand-in-glove with President Obama to bring our economy back and do something about our environmental problems…

How ironic.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 09:43 AM
Yeah, like your Botox Pelose and Dingy Harry Reed does all the time..............

get real..we don't want your liberal Democrat socialist policies..that's why we fight against them, and will continue to do so..:cheers2:


07-21-2008, 09:48 AM
Yes. yes I can.

I have not traveled too much in Europe during Dubya's administration. I CAN tell you that in March of '07, overwhelmingly, the sentiment in Rome was really anti-Bush, but still pro-American. They seemed to understand that it did not make sense to look down on an entire country simply because we had inadvertently elected a moron to be our president. My son just got back from spending his spring semester abroad in Cannes and reports similar opinions in France, in Northern Italy, in Switzerland, and in Germany.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 09:49 AM
I have not traveled too much in Europe during Dubya's administration. I CAN tell you that in March of '07, overwhelmingly, the sentiment in Rome was really anti-Bush, but still pro-American. They seemed to understand that it did not make sense to look down on an entire country simply because we had inadvertently elected a moron to be our president. My son just got back from spending his spring semester abroad in Cannes and reports similar opinions in France, in Northern Italy, in Switzerland, and in Germany.


07-21-2008, 09:53 AM

I'll second that........:gives::gives:

red states rule
07-21-2008, 09:55 AM
I'll second that........:gives::gives:

Do I here thirds????

Why should we care what other countries think? We know damn well when they are in trouble, and need help, the first phone number they will call will have the area code of 202

07-21-2008, 09:55 AM
I'll second that........:gives::gives:

why would you say that? isn't this thread about european reactions to American leaders?

red states rule
07-21-2008, 10:02 AM
why would you say that? isn't this thread about european reactions to American leaders?

The liberal media is leading the charge on the messiah's Save The World Tour

Day 2 of Obama's Magical Media Tour: He Speaks of How Bush Makes World Bleak
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
July 20, 2008 - 21:44 ET

For the second night in a row, on Sunday night the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts all led with Barack Obama's overseas trip as CBS Evening News anchor Forrest Sawyer trumpeted: “Tonight, Barack Obama on the U.S. challenge in Afghanistan, laying out the stakes in an exclusive CBS News interview.” Reporter Lara Logan set up a condensed version of her interview which had consumed the first ten minutes of Face the Nation: “Speaking out for the first time since arriving in Kabul this weekend, Senator Barack Obama offered a bleak assessment of the worsening conditions inside Afghanistan.”

On ABC's World News, anchor David Muir led with how “Barack Obama is calling it one of the biggest mistakes made in the war on terror: The Bush administration's decision to focus on Iraq rather than Afghanistan.” NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt admired Obama's need to walk on a “diplomatic and political tight rope, trying to balance his role as a U.S. Senator versus that of a presidential candidate” before heralding:

His words tonight are reverberating from the war fronts in Afghanistan and Iraq to the Pentagon.


07-21-2008, 10:06 AM
I have not traveled too much in Europe during Dubya's administration. I CAN tell you that in March of '07, overwhelmingly, the sentiment in Rome was really anti-Bush, but still pro-American. They seemed to understand that it did not make sense to look down on an entire country simply because we had inadvertently elected a moron to be our president. My son just got back from spending his spring semester abroad in Cannes and reports similar opinions in France, in Northern Italy, in Switzerland, and in Germany.

What I can tell you is that both Germany and France went from having a quasi socialist leader, to having a very pro Bush leader. Poland and the rest of eastern Europe has positive views of the President. India loves President Bush.

I think the "Other nations hate Bush" mantra is just a diatribe from the liberal media to convince people who care more about how others think about them and how they look than doing whats in the best interests for everyone that President Bush is bad. It's a very shallow argument.

07-21-2008, 10:10 AM
What I can tell you is that both Germany and France went from having a quasi socialist leader, to having a very pro Bush leader. Poland and the rest of eastern Europe has positive views of the President. India loves President Bush.

I think the "Other nations hate Bush" mantra is just a diatribe from the liberal media to convince people who care more about how others think about them and how they look than doing whats in the best interests for everyone that President Bush is bad. It's a very shallow argument.

much like Romans on the street can discern a difference between Americans and the administrations... I think that the fact that Germany and France have leaders somewhat friendly with Bush does not mean that the people of those nations have an equally friendly attitude towards him. As I have said, my son's experiences on the continent this spring would suggest otherwise.

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 11:28 AM
Do I here thirds????

Why should we care what other countries think? We know damn well when they are in trouble, and need help, the first phone number they will call will have the area code of 202

This is a significant difference between liberals and conservatives.

The conservative attitude (as epitomized by the current White House resident) is: "Who cares what other countries think of us? We'll do what we think is in our best interest." The unspoken assumption behind this attitude is that we're the most powerful nation on earth. Therefore, other nations don't dictate to us; we dictate to them.

The liberal attitude is based on the assumption that we live in a global community and what affects one nation affects us all.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 11:32 AM
This is a significant difference between liberals and conservatives.

The conservative attitude (as epitomized by the current White House resident) is: "Who cares what other countries think of us? We'll do what we think is in our best interest." The unspoken assumption behind this attitude is that we're the most powerful nation on earth. Therefore, other nations don't dictate to us; we dictate to them.

The liberal attitude is based on the assumption that we live in a global community and what affects one nation affects us all.

Conservatives are out to protect the US and keep her strong. Peace through strength

Libs are out to coddle and suck up to everyone, while cutting back on the US military. Misery through appeasement

For some reason, libs think terrorists and dictators will lay down their weapons if libs give them a big warm hug

This same reasoning explaines why libs are more afriad of law abiding citizens owing a gun then terrorists with nuclear weapons

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 11:37 AM
Conservatives are out to protect the US and keep her strong. Peace through strength

Libs are out to coddle and suck up to everyone, while cutting back on the US military. Misery through appeasement

For some reason, libs think terrorists and dictators will lay down their weapons if libs give them a big warm hug

This same reasoning explaines why libs are more afriad of law abiding citizens owing a gun then terrorists with nuclear weapons

What liberal of any significance ever said, "terrorists and dictators will lay down their weapons if libs give them a big warm hug"?

You take some assumption that one of the right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh promulgates and put it forth as the truth.

Cut the horsecrap, okay?

If you want to talk about liberals, don't use Rush Limbaugh's cartoon creations. Otherwise, you're just a big fat blowhard.

Like Rush......

red states rule
07-21-2008, 11:43 AM
What liberal of any significance ever said, "terrorists and dictators will lay down their weapons if libs give them a big warm hug"?

You take some assumption that one of the right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh promulgates and put it forth as the truth.

Cut the horsecrap, okay?

If you want to talk about liberals, don't use Rush Limbaugh's cartoon creations. Otherwise, you're just a big fat blowhard.

Like Rush......

It is in the history of liberal foreign policy. To the left, America is to blame for all the worlds problems. Libs believe we need a person of "compassion and wisdom" as president and then all will be right in the world

Carter allowed Americans to help captive for 444 days - all while talking to the terrorists

When Pres Reagan stood up to the Soviets libs screamed how WWIII was about to begin

During the Clinton years, even after 5 terrorist attacks, libs still felt to treat it as a crim and let the UN pass resolutions condeming the attacks. Beccause of that inaction OBL called the US a paper tiger and thus we had 9-11

After 9-11 the Daily Kos ran a petition for peace on their website - and i saw many liberal idiots pleading to talk to the terrorists and not go to war

Karl Rove said it best - after 9-11 libs wanted to offer understanding and therapy to the terrorists

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 11:57 AM
It is in the history of liberal foreign policy. To the left, America is to blame for all the worlds problems. Libs believe we need a person of "compassion and wisdom" as president and then all will be right in the world

Carter allowed Americans to help captive for 444 days - all while talking to the terrorists

When Pres Reagan stood up to the Soviets libs screamed how WWIII was about to begin

During the Clinton years, even after 5 terrorist attacks, libs still felt to treat it as a crim and let the UN pass resolutions condeming the attacks. Beccause of that inaction OBL called the US a paper tiger and thus we had 9-11

After 9-11 the Daily Kos ran a petition for peace on their website - and i saw many liberal idiots pleading to talk to the terrorists and not go to war

Karl Rove said it best - after 9-11 libs wanted to offer understanding and therapy to the terrorists

I will agree with you that in the past liberals have behaved like weenies and been conciliatory when they should have been projecting a tough image. That is one of the reasons why Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan converted me from the liberal to the conservative side.

Currently, however, no liberal of any significance is advocating weenie behavior.

But what many liberals are saying, and I agree completely, is that our high-handed, imperialist meddling in Middle Eastern politics is a major reason why so many Muslims hate us and why we are a target of terrorism.

We installed the Shah in Iran, we installed Saddam Hussein in Iraq then took him down. If you were a Muslim in the Middle East and saw a giant like the United States continually messing with internal ME politics and insisting on a right to maintain a "presence" in the region, you'd be resentful, too.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 12:00 PM
I will agree with you that in the past liberals have behaved like weenies and been conciliatory when they should have been projecting a tough image. That is one of the reasons why Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan converted me from the liberal to the conservative side.

Currently, however, no liberal of any significance is advocating weenie behavior.

But what many liberals are saying, and I agree completely, is that our high-handed, imperialist meddling in Middle Eastern politics is a major reason why so many Muslims hate us and why we are a target of terrorism.

We installed the Shah in Iran, we installed Saddam Hussein in Iraq then took him down. If you were a Muslim in the Middle East and saw a giant like the United States continually messing with internal ME politics and insisting on a right to maintain a "presence" in the region, you'd be resentful, too.

So if your messiah is going to be so hard on terrorists - why are they endorsing him? He has support from Hamas, Castro, Hugo Chavez to name a few

To the messiah, appease, roll over, and bribe them and then they will love us

GW in Ohio
07-21-2008, 12:09 PM
So if your messiah is going to be so hard on terrorists - why are they endorsing him? He has support from Hamas, Castro, Hugo Chavez to name a few

To the messiah, appease, roll over, and bribe them and then they will love us

I don't know. We'll have to see how an Obama administration shapes up. From what I've seen of him, I would not expect him to implement a weenie foreign policy. It may be that Chavez and Hamas prefer Obama because there are indications that he'll at least keep diplomatic channels open with them.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 12:11 PM
I don't know. We'll have to see how an Obama administration shapes up. From what I've seen of him, I would not expect him to implement a weenie foreign policy. It may be that Chavez and Hamas prefer Obama because there are indications that he'll at least keep diplomatic channels open with them.

Try again. Hamas endorsing the messiah should tell you something

It is like Al Capone backing Mayor Tommy Thompson.

07-21-2008, 12:26 PM
So if your messiah is going to be so hard on terrorists - why are they endorsing him? He has support from Hamas, Castro, Hugo Chavez to name a few

To the messiah, appease, roll over, and bribe them and then they will love us

pretty much the rest of the world is looking forward to some rational adult behavior out of washington. The folks you named are no different in wanting that.

07-21-2008, 12:26 PM
What liberal of any significance ever said, "terrorists and dictators will lay down their weapons if libs give them a big warm hug"?

You take some assumption that one of the right-wing blowhards like Rush Limbaugh promulgates and put it forth as the truth.

Cut the horsecrap, okay?

If you want to talk about liberals, don't use Rush Limbaugh's cartoon creations. Otherwise, you're just a big fat blowhard.

Like Rush......

Why can't we use Rush?
You spew every Rosy O'Donnell liberal talking points.
I'd bet you've got a picture of her, hanging on your ceiling.

07-21-2008, 12:52 PM
I don't know. We'll have to see how an Obama administration shapes up. From what I've seen of him, I would not expect him to implement a weenie foreign policy. It may be that Chavez and Hamas prefer Obama because there are indications that he'll at least keep diplomatic channels open with them.

you mean like calling the president of the US a smelly devil or something...do you have evidence mccain is going to completely shut off all diplomatic channels with both parties? i think the terrorists and socialists love the dem party, why do you suppose that is?

07-21-2008, 12:56 PM
you mean like calling the president of the US a smelly devil or something...do you have evidence mccain is going to completely shut off all diplomatic channels with both parties? i think the terrorists and socialists love the dem party, why do you suppose that is?

as stated previously, I think the whole world is anxious to have rational adults running the show in washington. socialists and terrorists are no different than the rest of the world in that regard... they're just part of the crowd.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 12:57 PM
as stated previously, I think the whole world is anxious to have rational adults running the show in washington. socialists and terrorists are no different than the rest of the world in that regard... they're just part of the crowd.

and the meassiah will kiss their ass just like you want him to do

Then be shocked when they still hate us and we have another terrorist attacks

07-21-2008, 01:02 PM
I don't know. We'll have to see how an Obama administration shapes up. From what I've seen of him, I would not expect him to implement a weenie foreign policy. It may be that Chavez and Hamas prefer Obama because there are indications that he'll at least keep diplomatic channels open with them.

I know I've said this over and over, but here goes again.

Obama has no experience in foreign policy and no experience in economic policy.

This was exactly everyones bitch regarding Bush and his experience, everyone sees what that led us into. Bush was going to surround himself with good advisors, is that Obama's plan also.

Lord help us.

07-21-2008, 01:09 PM
I know I've said this over and over, but here goes again.

Obama has no experience in foreign policy and no experience in economic policy.

This was exactly everyones bitch regarding Bush and his experience, everyone sees what that led us into. Bush was going to surround himself with good advisors, is that Obama's plan also.

Lord help us.

Exactly. For instance, the Bush administration agreed last week to meet with Tehran, for discussions, via Obama. Immediately the mullahs announced under no circumstances would enrichment be curtailed. Thus, giving credence to the original opinions. Of course if one were cynical, that would be another reason for some sort of action. I know the administration is too dumb to realize that. :laugh2:

07-21-2008, 01:11 PM
and the meassiah will kiss their ass just like you want him to do

Then be shocked when they still hate us and we have another terrorist attacks

another slanderous lie from the king of slander.

I do not want the president of the united states to kiss anyone's ass.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 01:17 PM
another slanderous lie from the king of slander.

I do not want the president of the united states to kiss anyone's ass.

Well you kiss the messiah's ass, and he will kiss the ass of the terrorists

You will feel like you are in the liberal dream of utopia

07-21-2008, 01:22 PM
Well you kiss the messiah's ass, and he will kiss the ass of the terrorists

You will feel like you are in the liberal dream of utopia

wrong and wrong

more slanderous lies from the king of slander.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 01:23 PM
wrong and wrong

more slanderous lies from the king of slander.

Yeas, the terrorists are so scared of your boy they are supporting him out of fear :rolleyes:

07-21-2008, 01:29 PM
Yeas, the terrorists are so scared of your boy they are supporting him out of fear

as stated, pretty much the entire world is anxious for rational adult leadership in Washington. Terrorist organizations are just part of the larger crowd in that regard.

07-21-2008, 01:37 PM
as stated, pretty much the entire world is anxious for rational adult leadership in Washington. Terrorist organizations are just part of the larger crowd in that regard.

Yet, you advocate voting someone into office who has no experience and hasn't done either of the jobs he was elected to do. :lame2:

Personally I'd love to have someone in office who has more going for him than style and public speaking.

If McCain chooses Romney as a running mate we get someone who has experience in the real word of economics and someone with experience in the military. Also, with two sons in the military I would think he would be the first person to think twice before involving us in anymore wars.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 01:38 PM
Yet, you advocate voting someone into office who has no experience and hasn't done either of the jobs he was elected to do. :lame2:

Personally I'd love to have someone in office who has more going for him than style and public speaking.

If McCain chooses Romney as a running mate we get someone who has experience in the real word of economics and someone with experience in the military. Also, with two sons in the military I would think he would be the first person to think twice before involving us in anymore wars.


07-21-2008, 02:50 PM
Yet, you advocate voting someone into office who has no experience and hasn't done either of the jobs he was elected to do. :lame2:

Personally I'd love to have someone in office who has more going for him than style and public speaking.

If McCain chooses Romney as a running mate we get someone who has experience in the real word of economics and someone with experience in the military. Also, with two sons in the military I would think he would be the first person to think twice before involving us in anymore wars.

experience is overrated. Wisdom is not. Judgment is not. I think that Obama is wise and has shown good judgment. We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment.

07-21-2008, 02:51 PM
experience is overrated. Wisdom is not. Judgment is not. I think that Obama is wise and has shown good judgment. We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment.

Upon what do you come to the conclusion that Obama has shown good judgement?

red states rule
07-21-2008, 02:57 PM
Upon what do you come to the conclusion that Obama has shown good judgement?

Terrorist groups and people like Little Adolf in Iran support Obama.

For the life of me I can't figure out why


07-21-2008, 03:00 PM
Upon what do you come to the conclusion that Obama has shown good judgement?

for one: his opposition, from the very beginning, to the invasion of Iraq.

07-21-2008, 03:12 PM
for one: his opposition, from the very beginning, to the invasion of Iraq.

right, even though now he's admitting that it may have been good for us interests. Uh huh.

07-21-2008, 03:14 PM
for one: his opposition, from the very beginning, to the invasion of Iraq.

Oh wow...now that was a hard decision for him.:laugh2:

07-21-2008, 03:15 PM
Terrorist groups and people like Little Adolf in Iran support Obama.

For the life of me I can't figure out why

Neet photoshop pic. Ya think patriot missles would not work huh?

07-21-2008, 03:19 PM
right, even though now he's admitting that it may have been good for us interests. Uh huh.

I happen to agree with Senator Obama that it was a mistake to invade Iraq. I think that showed good judgment. I am well aware that you disagree.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 03:47 PM
I happen to agree with Senator Obama that it was a mistake to invade Iraq. I think that showed good judgment. I am well aware that you disagree.

Yep, the messiah is going to give us Peanut Carter's second term - and he will deal with terrorists the same way Mr Peanut did


07-21-2008, 04:18 PM
as stated previously, I think the whole world is anxious to have rational adults running the show in washington. socialists and terrorists are no different than the rest of the world in that regard... they're just part of the crowd.

so you have no evidence that mccain will not bring "rational adult" leadership to WA, as you completely avoided that question of my post, e.g., mccain will shut out diplomatic channels....

terrorists and socialists love dems...wonder why

red states rule
07-21-2008, 04:19 PM
so you have no evidence that mccain will not bring "rational adult" leadership to WA, as you completely avoided that question of my post, e.g., mccain will shut out diplomatic channels....

terrorists and socialists love dems...wonder why

See post # 65 for your answer

07-21-2008, 04:30 PM
as stated, pretty much the entire world is anxious for rational adult leadership in Washington. Terrorist organizations are just part of the larger crowd in that regard.

Yea, sure, I can just picture the rubes of the world getting someone that can read to tell them what their moronic, ultra-biased press is saying. How the Messiah, from both Africa and The United States, will come and spread peace and prosperity throughout the world....... more fairy tales from the socialist left.

You people have some serious mental health problems. Rational adult leadership????? From Ted Kennedy....err wait, he's dead, sorry...... Nancy Pelosi? Barbara Boxer???? Sheila Jackson Lee??????? Harry Reid???????? Robert KKK Byrd.....errr he's dead too, isn't he, been brain dead for decades. John (I served in Vietnam for 4 months)Kerry, he doesn't even pay his own bills. Al Gore????????? He flies around bullshitting about the environment in a gas hog G-2 and his drivers sit and wait for hours idling their gas guzzling stretch limousines with air conditioners at full tilt, is that your idea of adult, trustworthy behavior. The Clintons???????????????????? I don't even need to say anything about her. Now Bill........ playing with, instead of smoking good cigars and getting BJs in the Oval Office from subordinates, is that adult behavior????? Lying to a Grand Jury about such childish behavior, something you're proud of????????

Then there is your Messiah, spending 100s of millions dollars and burning thousands upon thousands of gallons of fuel, jet and SUV, bullshitting across the world to try to get elected to a job he has no qualifications for, more adult behavior??????? An asshole that is a very integral part of a racist club, that calls itself a church to get tax relief, for over 20 years and pretends he didn't know what went on inside it, that is adult behavior to you?????????

07-21-2008, 04:37 PM
experience is overrated. Wisdom is not. Judgment is not. I think that Obama is wise and has shown good judgment. We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment.

Good judgement????????? When? He has spent the last 20 years in a freak racist club that does nothing but stir up racial tension with it's members. This fake "church" has an allegiance to what they call their Mother Country....... Africa!!!!!! This is good judgement in your mind? :laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao:

red states rule
07-21-2008, 04:39 PM
Good judgement????????? When? He has spent the last 20 years in a freak racist club that does nothing but stir up racial tension with it's members. This fake "church" has an allegiance to what they call their Mother Country....... Africa!!!!!! This is good judgement in your mind? :laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao:


07-21-2008, 04:45 PM

Shouldn't that be dy-nooo-mite?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

07-21-2008, 04:52 PM
so you have no evidence that mccain will not bring "rational adult" leadership to WA, as you completely avoided that question of my post, e.g., mccain will shut out diplomatic channels....

terrorists and socialists love dems...wonder why

the fact that I did not address you simplistic statement about McCain not shuting diplomatic channels does not mean that I have no evidence that McCain will not bring rational leadership to Washington DC (not WA, the state).

McCain is seen by most of the rest of the world as one who would continue the diplomatic direction of Bush. I see him in that light as well. He believes that the neoconservative view of American philosophical hegemony in the middle east is correct. I do not. Most of the rest of the world does not.

Evidence? as in legal evidence, counselor? I state my opinion. If you don't LIKE it, state yours and try to convince me that yours makes more sense than mine.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 04:53 PM
Shouldn't that be dy-nooo-mite?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:


07-21-2008, 04:54 PM
Good judgement????????? When? He has spent the last 20 years in a freak racist club that does nothing but stir up racial tension with it's members. This fake "church" has an allegiance to what they call their Mother Country....... Africa!!!!!! This is good judgement in your mind? :laugh::laugh::laugh::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I am a minister in that same denomination. I completely disagree with your mischaracterization of Trinity UCC. They are a powerful force for good on Chicago's southside. Their mission work is extraordinary. I WISH I could have parishioners as committed to the gospel as TUCC does.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 04:57 PM
I am a minister in that same denomination. I completely disagree with your mischaracterization of Trinity UCC. They are a powerful force for good on Chicago's southside. Their mission work is extraordinary. I WISH I could have parishioners as committed to the gospel as TUCC does.

Must be the liberal white guilt complex

I WISH your flock could read all your posts and see your real personality

07-21-2008, 05:05 PM
Must be the liberal white guilt complex

I WISH your flock could read all your posts and see your real personality

they DO see my real personality. they have known me for decades. they know I am a partisan democratic county committee member. they also know that I am a caring and gentle leader and a good preacher.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 05:08 PM
they DO see my real personality. they have known me for decades. they know I am a partisan democratic county committee member. they also know that I am a caring and gentle leader and a good preacher.


07-21-2008, 05:20 PM
I am a minister in that same denomination. I completely disagree with your mischaracterization of Trinity UCC. They are a powerful force for good on Chicago's southside. Their mission work is extraordinary. I WISH I could have parishioners as committed to the gospel as TUCC does.

I've seen the films of those ignorant, racist, fucks cheering behind that hell bound, pile of shit, wright, in their overpriced tacky assed clubhouse. The idea that these shits could not be taxed for the garbage they do is appalling and an insult to real churches around the world.

07-21-2008, 05:23 PM

I bet the white guy he borrowed that hat from said...... "go ahead, keep it" once Obama put his afro-sheened head into it. Of course it's a BLACK hat.

07-21-2008, 05:23 PM
I don't know. We'll have to see how an Obama administration shapes up. From what I've seen of him, I would not expect him to implement a weenie foreign policy. It may be that Chavez and Hamas prefer Obama because there are indications that he'll at least keep diplomatic channels open with them.

I despised Clinton when he entered office and when he left, but upon later review he wasn't as bad as I thought.

No one can tell what an Obama presidency will bring about. It would be marvelous if he would be a President for the people not a President for the Party. I don't see that happening. Obama is no different than Reagan, Bush I, Clinton or Bush II. It seems to be the same ole, same ole. Change... my ass. We want change and the only change we're likely to get is change given by the grocery store each week. For the record, McCain is no different either. The only real question is do we want someone black and young or someone else old and crotchity.

When this campaign started I liked Obama. I wouldn't have voted for him, but of the three major contenders he was my first choice, still is when it comes to which of the three I like the best, but looking ahead to an Obama Presidency isn't really a pretty picture.

I don't see race relations improving unfortunately. I see things getting worse. When the question of reparations comes up things in America are going to get damned ugly, maybe even uglier than they were after the Rodney King riots. I'm not looking forward to that at all. Think not? Combine reparations with an expansion of Affirmative Action and you are playing with fire. A black President could be a good thing for race relations in this country but if that President is seen as one that blames the white man for any and everything then we're in big trouble.

Obama is going to have to get past the Jeremiah Wright controversy in order for whites to trust him. That will be a near impossible task for him. Race relations will not get any better as long as we keep pointing fingers at each other and living in the past. Until we can forgive ourselves for our sins and others for their perceived sins, we are doomed to live as a nation divided by our color.

experience is overrated. Wisdom is not. Judgment is not. I think that Obama is wise and has shown good judgment. We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment.

None who were short on wisdom or judgment? Not one? Not even the 43rd?


I'm not voting for either PARTY (don't care who's name you insert in front of the initial) this time around. I'm disgusted by both. Anyone who has come through the ranks of the party far enough to make it to nomination for President will toe the line when it comes to their Party.

A vote for Obama is a vote for the single party that governs this country.

A vote for McCain is a vote for that same party.

Sure the rhetoric will be different, but a substantial change? Fat chance!

I pray for whoever wins this election. I pray they can find a way to turn this nation around and put it back on track. I may not trust Obama, but he will have my support if he wins. I certainly do not like McCain, but once again, should he win, I as an American Citizen will support him and pray for him.

God Bless America despite the failures of those who lead it.


07-21-2008, 05:27 PM
I said:

"We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment"

the 43rd has not been successful, IMHO

the "none" refers to "successful presidents".

good seeing you Immie!

07-21-2008, 05:31 PM
I said:

"We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment"

the 43rd has not been successful, IMHO

the "none" refers to "successful presidents".

good seeing you Immie!

We will see how "successful" your ignorant, inexperienced, racist empty suit will be.

red states rule
07-21-2008, 05:33 PM
We will see how "successful" your ignorant, inexperienced, racist empty suit will be.

Do dance lessons count?


07-21-2008, 05:38 PM
We will see how "successful" your ignorant, inexperienced, racist empty suit will be.

we will...and the fact that we will get a chance to see that is great!

red states rule
07-21-2008, 05:40 PM
we will...and the fact that we will get a chance to see that is great!

Yea, for the terrorists and socialist moonbats

For the rest of us Obamanation will be an abomination

07-21-2008, 05:47 PM
I've seen the films of those ignorant, racist, fucks cheering behind that hell bound, pile of shit, wright, in their overpriced tacky assed clubhouse. The idea that these shits could not be taxed for the garbage they do is appalling and an insult to real churches around the world.

I was thoroughly disgusted by the sound bites I saw of Jeremiah Wright (I still refuse to label him, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton reverend) in which he said things like "G. Damn America". At first, I was really pissed off about it. But then I began to think about what his message was. The sound bites were pretty convincing that this man's faith was suspect. But they were sound bites. Then I began to wonder what the message was really about. I've heard preachers (none that I really like) say things like "America deserves to be damned for it's sins... but God has provided a resolution for its sins and that resolution is the Blood of Christ" or "God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology for every day he allows America to stand".

I can't put it passed the media and politicians to only show us the shit that came out of Jeremiah Wright's mouth. I wonder (not saying there were) if there were any redeeming qualities in that sermon by Jeremiah Wright. The full unadulterated copy of that tape would be an interesting thing to view. The people standing and "amening" to his message... well, it wouldn't be the first time a sound track was dubbed over something to make it seem different than it really was.

I don't know what Jeremiah Wright teaches. I have never listened to anything except for those few sound bites, but I just can't take a journalist's or a politician's words as 100% true and accurate so I wonder IF maybe I'm not getting the whole story here.

I'm not saying I disagree with you IF what he is purported to have said is in context. The question is whether or not it was in context.


07-21-2008, 05:50 PM
go to youtube or the like, there are plenty that play much more than the sound bites, you get the whole context and you don't need the whole speech to get the context of part of it.

especially about hillary and nigger

07-21-2008, 06:00 PM
I said:

"We have had many successful presidents that were short on experience, but none who were short on wisdom or judgment"

the 43rd has not been successful, IMHO

the "none" refers to "successful presidents".

good seeing you Immie!

Ah, I see and on re-reading your post, I understand now. I should have read that more carefully. I read that you were saying none of our presidents were short on wisdom or judgment. I should have known better.

Good to see you as well. Still keeping up the good fight I see. It seems that all my friends on the other side of the aisle have disappeared except you. I can't find anyone to discuss the issues with anymore. The only issue anyone wants to talk about is the War in Iraq and now that I have lost hope of there ever being a worthwhile outcome (not saying we lose, we just don't win) I don't want to talk about it.

It's just not much fun debating an issue such as abortion, Affirmative Action or tax policy when the people you are trying to show the evils of the issue agree with you.


07-21-2008, 06:05 PM
go to youtube or the like, there are plenty that play much more than the sound bites, you get the whole context and you don't need the whole speech to get the context of part of it.

especially about hillary and nigger

Well, the problem with that is the reliability of the person who posted it. With today's computers it is possible to make it sound as if Pope Benedict has renounced Catholicism and joined the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Forgive me... I have grown extremely distrustful of anyone and everyone who posts articles on the net even when they agree with me.


07-21-2008, 06:28 PM
I was thoroughly disgusted by the sound bites I saw of Jeremiah Wright (I still refuse to label him, Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton reverend) in which he said things like "G. Damn America". At first, I was really pissed off about it. But then I began to think about what his message was. The sound bites were pretty convincing that this man's faith was suspect. But they were sound bites. Then I began to wonder what the message was really about. I've heard preachers (none that I really like) say things like "America deserves to be damned for it's sins... but God has provided a resolution for its sins and that resolution is the Blood of Christ" or "God owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology for every day he allows America to stand".

I can't put it passed the media and politicians to only show us the shit that came out of Jeremiah Wright's mouth. I wonder (not saying there were) if there were any redeeming qualities in that sermon by Jeremiah Wright. The full unadulterated copy of that tape would be an interesting thing to view. The people standing and "amening" to his message... well, it wouldn't be the first time a sound track was dubbed over something to make it seem different than it really was.

I don't know what Jeremiah Wright teaches. I have never listened to anything except for those few sound bites, but I just can't take a journalist's or a politician's words as 100% true and accurate so I wonder IF maybe I'm not getting the whole story here.

I'm not saying I disagree with you IF what he is purported to have said is in context. The question is whether or not it was in context.


Hey Immie, open your eyes, context isn't the problem, the message is the problem. Go to this web site and take a look at the video shot in the New Orleans City Council meeting, what does that look like, any more context needed.


A race war is coming and unless you are a great looking blond woman you will be a target....... actually the great looking blond women will be a target by the gorilla like black woman in that video. I lived in Southern California in the late sixties/early seventies, I went to a school that was forty percent black and mexican, mostly black. We had 5 riots in one year, all started by the black students for such silly reasons as no black band in the homecoming dance lineup(word had got out that the black girls were going to wear jeans and target all white girls, especially blonds. I was dating the blond head cheerleader and since there was a pep rally scheduled, she and my sister were in cheerleading outfits, I got them out of there and we went to the beach) , it lasted 2 days and most of us white people went home while they trashed our school and fought with the police......... those times are back and that idiot Obama is right in the middle of it.

check out his military constituents.

07-21-2008, 07:03 PM
Here's some more context for you guys, some of the guys that will stand in line to vote for Obama. Listen to all of the excuses for uncivilized behavior, hundreds of years out of Africa but it still looks a lot like Darfur in New Orleans.


07-21-2008, 07:28 PM
Yea, for the terrorists and socialist moonbats

For the rest of us Obamanation will be an abomination

I wonder why he's gonna get elected then?:lol:

07-21-2008, 07:36 PM
I wonder why he's gonna get elected then?:lol:

Sure you don't want some of those sweet New Orleans negroes, they'll bring their AKs and take care of your Somali problem.

07-21-2008, 07:47 PM
Sure you don't want some of those sweet New Orleans negroes, they'll bring their AKs and take care of your Somali problem.

my guess is that they would find Maine in the wintertime a tad too chilly. I sure as hell do!

07-21-2008, 07:51 PM
Sure you don't want some of those sweet New Orleans negroes, they'll bring their AKs and take care of your Somali problem.

its only a problem to him because it doubled the black population....from .5% to 1%, not even 2000 somalis and the black population doubled

07-21-2008, 07:55 PM
its only a problem to him because it doubled the black population....from .5% to 1%, not even 2000 somalis and the black population doubled

and do you konw a cool thing? a few years ago, two of the five largest cities in Maine had black mayors! and that with only .5% of the population! I guess that is why Obama kicked ass in Maine.... we don't CARE about color as much as some of you other folks do!

07-21-2008, 08:19 PM
More reality






07-21-2008, 08:20 PM
and do you konw a cool thing? a few years ago, two of the five largest cities in Maine had black mayors! and that with only .5% of the population! I guess that is why Obama kicked ass in Maine.... we don't CARE about color as much as some of you other folks do!

That's cute, I guess ya'll be keepin it real!

07-21-2008, 08:25 PM
That's cute, I guess ya'll be keepin it real!

sho 'nuf

red states rule
07-22-2008, 09:42 AM
That's cute, I guess ya'll be keepin it real!


07-23-2008, 04:37 PM
Hey Immie, open your eyes, context isn't the problem, the message is the problem. Go to this web site and take a look at the video shot in the New Orleans City Council meeting, what does that look like, any more context needed.


There is no context presented in your video. Why were those people kept out of the meeting? What was the meeting about? What exactly was going on?

Sure, those people look like trouble makers, but again that video doesn't show what happened before the incident took place. I don't mean that the people who sparked the incident were right in what they did. I don't mean that the woman who told the white boy to shut up was right. However, watching that video doesn't give the full story.

Just because I think that the media can stretch the truth or put a slant on an issue doesn't mean that I think they are wrong all the time or even most of the time. What it means is that I don't think they are always truthful.

As I said, I refuse to call Jeremiah Wright a reverend. As a Christian, I believe he gives me a bad name, but, full context is important. Having the full context of that sermon most likely will show that the guy should never have been allowed behind a pulpit, but then again, the full context of his sermon might prove otherwise. I don't put it passed people in journalism, especially those with political motivations (Dobson, Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson, Al Sharpton and the likes) to slant a story in order to make the other side look evil.

So, what I'm saying is not that Jeremiah Wright is a good person, but rather that, I'm not going to take the media's word for it that he is Satan incarnate. Unfortunately, too many of those journalists on the right have proven themselves to be just as low as the ones on the left when it comes to honesty. For too long, I accepted much of what people like Dobson said without really putting them to the test and later felt like I had to backtrack because they proved to have been extremely "liberal" with the truth. Not downright lieing but damned close if you know what I mean.


Abbey Marie
07-23-2008, 05:49 PM
Immie, what do you think about the fact that Wright has not even tried to deny that he said all those things, or claimed that he is being taken out of context? I would think you would want to hear that before deciding that the media may just be demonizing him in his innocence. In your attempt to be oh-so-fair, you give this man waaay too much leeway.

red states rule
07-23-2008, 05:58 PM

07-23-2008, 08:23 PM

ain't that the truth!

07-23-2008, 09:13 PM
ain't that the truth!no...........

red states rule
07-24-2008, 05:46 AM

Yes April, we all know how Obama Kool Aid drinkers like you see the image of the messiah which has been created by the liberal media who are openly rooting for him

We have seen him for what he really is based on his own words and actions. We see him as the nexperienced, flip flopping, racist, arrogant, elitist, affirmitve action candidate that he really is

07-24-2008, 06:14 PM
Immie, what do you think about the fact that Wright has not even tried to deny that he said all those things, or claimed that he is being taken out of context? I would think you would want to hear that before deciding that the media may just be demonizing him in his innocence. In your attempt to be oh-so-fair, you give this man waaay too much leeway.

No, I don't. I really haven't given him any leeway.

Personally, I think the man should have his license to preach revoked.

I'm definitely not on the man's side.

As to the fact that he has not even tried to deny that he said those things or been taken out of context? Well, I suppose it is possible that in the "damage control meetings" at Obama's camp they decided that doing so would cause more damage than simply keeping their mouths closed.

Wright's message (presented in those sound bites) scares me. I realize that looking through my rose colored glasses, life in America is not "peachy keen" for everyone. I've had a great life and get along with just about everyone, but then again, I don't travel though the streets of the inner city. It would be nice if we could all get along together and I didn't have to worry about walking in unknown neighborhoods of New Orleans, Chicago, New York or any other American City because I was white, but I'll tell you, I'd be scared to death to enter one of those neighborhoods on Sitarro's clips. That in itself is a shame because our race problems are not going to end as long as we fear and hate each other.

As for the media demonizing him? Well, I'm sure they're doing that. Their painting the ugliest picture they can just as they do about everyone they can. The media has degenerated into political hacks almost as bad as the Senate and the House. They have their agenda and will do whatever it takes to bring it about. Truthful reporting is a thing of the past.

I have not given Wright a pass. I'm not supporting Obama. I'm extremely concerned that Obama sat in Wright's church for 20 years and absorbed that kind of preaching without so much as a "Now wait just a cotton picking moment" until things got to hot in the kitchen and he had to "look good" for the people.

An Obama presidency may very well be an American disaster! But, on the other hand so might a McCain presidency. I sure don't expect Obama to be an uniter although, it would be a wonderful surprise if he were.


red states rule
07-24-2008, 07:30 PM

Only part of what you need to know about Obama

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