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View Full Version : What Obama Meant About 'Civilian National Security Force'

07-19-2008, 07:54 PM
Something for everyone here:


Funding Barack Obama's "civilian national security force."--

A. Obama on National Service.

In Barack Obama’s July 2, 2008 speech calling America to national service, Obama proposed “a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded” as our military.

This has prompted some in the blogosphere to raise the specter of a huge new domestic paramilitary organization. Others suggest that he may have been talking about our “current non-military security agencies - FBI, CIA, NSA, DEA, DHS, etc.”

I think that both interpretations are probably wrong. If you listen to the whole speech –- or even the couple minutes before his security force proposal — I think that it’s reasonably clear that Obama is talking about expanding a range of domestic and international agencies such as AmeriCorps, the Foreign Service, and the Peace Corps — and adding some new ones.

The two controversial sentences (shown below in bold) were not in the transcript of Obama’s prepared remarks. Because the lines seem as if they were crafted ahead of time, I wonder whether the language was cut from an earlier draft, but Obama decided to deliver the sentences anyway.

Here is Obama on national service (the controversial passage starts at about 16:00; I have also corrected some slight errors in the transcriptions posted by other bloggers):

...Video follows the ellipsis, then more discussion.

07-19-2008, 08:20 PM
The problem with this read on what the Obamamessiah said are as follows:

1. He couched this proposal in light of not relying on our Military.
2. He said this force was required for national security.
3. AmeriCorps, the Foreign Service, and the Peace Corps are not charged with maintaining national security.

07-19-2008, 08:40 PM
The problem with this read on what the Obamamessiah said are as follows:

1. He couched this proposal in light of not relying on our Military.
2. He said this force was required for national security.
3. AmeriCorps, the Foreign Service, and the Peace Corps are not charged with maintaining national security.

At least there is a jumping off place, your takes are correct.

07-20-2008, 10:43 AM
I find it hard to believe Obama made an impromptu addition to his speech when he talked about this. Obama just doesnt go impromptu when he has things written. He just isnt that good.

07-20-2008, 03:47 PM
Can we say brown shirts, nightwatch, farrakan irregulars, black militia. That's what I read into the obamanation remarks.

07-20-2008, 04:26 PM
Maybe it's his answer to the 2nd amendment question. So he can justify taking away our weapons.