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View Full Version : Bush Beats Nixon according to George McGovern

03-09-2007, 02:18 AM
The Faux War Hero is ahead of even Tricky Dickey in crime complicity.

"Responding to Tuesday's conviction of Cheney's former chief-of-staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, on charges of obstruction of justice, perjury and lying to the FBI - after a trial that revealed Cheney's intimate involvement with a scheme to discredit a critic of the administration's war policies - the former congressman, senator and presidential candidate said it was time for the vice president to go.

"What we have learned about how he has conducted himself leaves no doubt that he should be out of office," McGovern says of Cheney. "If he had any respect for the Constitution or the country, he would resign."

And if Cheney does not take the liberal Democrat's counsel?

"There is no question in my mind that Cheney has committed impeachable offenses. So has George Bush," argues McGovern. "Bush is much more impeachable than Richard Nixon was. That's been clear for some time. There does not seem to be much sentiment for impeachment in Congress now, but around the country people are fed up with this administration."

More: http://www.madison.com/tct/news/stories/index.php?ntid=121907

Maybe George, McGovern that is, is on to something.

03-09-2007, 02:31 AM
How can Cheney be involved in a scheme to discredit Joe Wilson, who lied about his activities, when it was Armitage, a war critic who "leaked" the name???

03-09-2007, 02:39 AM
As my dear ol' daddy used to say, "It'll all come out in the wash."

How can Cheney be involved in a scheme to discredit Joe Wilson, who lied about his activities, when it was Armitage, a war critic who "leaked" the name???

I just like to see the washing. Don't you?

03-09-2007, 02:51 AM
So..The Democrats are going after Cheney now...How surprising..

That's the only way the Democrats can win at anything...Is by trying to destroy a person...If it wasn't for that, they'd never win shit...

And George McGovern....................


Smells desperation..


03-09-2007, 03:46 AM
As my dear ol' daddy used to say, "It'll all come out in the wash."

I just like to see the washing. Don't you?

What is there left to wash?! We know who leaked Valerie Plame's name. Armitage. He admitted it. The prosecutor knew it within a month of when he started investigating it. And Armitage was against going to war in Iraq.

So how can Cheney be involved in a scheme to discredit Joe Wilson when Armitage was the one who did it?!

BTW Considering the fact that Joe Wilson has proven himself a habitual liar, shouldn't he be discredited? Why the heck should you want to credit guys who lie for their causes as credible sources?

Also, your response basically tells me you have no real evidence of any sort of scheme and you are just trying to blow smoke that people who dont know as much about what happened and people who just don't think might fall for you the utter nonsense you are proclaiming as truth. You guys keep wanting to see some huge conspiracy, but maybe you should just go see a therapist about your absolute paranoia. People can disagree with you without being part of a secret kabal

03-09-2007, 04:04 AM
I said nothing about any "huge conspiracy". Is there one? What do YOU know about Joe Wilson being some "habitual liar?" I haven't heard that one yet. And don't give me that "Well, Rush Limbaugh said" bullshit.

What is there left to wash?! We know who leaked Valerie Plame's name. Armitage. He admitted it. The prosecutor knew it within a month of when he started investigating it. And Armitage was against going to war in Iraq.

So how can Cheney be involved in a scheme to discredit Joe Wilson when Armitage was the one who did it?!

BTW Considering the fact that Joe Wilson has proven himself a habitual liar, shouldn't he be discredited? Why the heck should you want to credit guys who lie for their causes as credible sources?

Also, your response basically tells me you have no real evidence of any sort of scheme and you are just trying to blow smoke that people who dont know as much about what happened and people who just don't think might fall for you the utter nonsense you are proclaiming as truth. You guys keep wanting to see some huge conspiracy, but maybe you should just go see a therapist about your absolute paranoia. People can disagree with you without being part of a secret kabal

I thought we were discussing the differences between the crimes of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush? Correct me if I am wrong.

GW in Ohio
03-09-2007, 11:14 AM
So..The Democrats are going after Cheney now...How surprising..

That's the only way the Democrats can win at anything...Is by trying to destroy a person...If it wasn't for that, they'd never win shit...

And George McGovern....................


Smells desperation..


Stephanie: During the time of Clinton's administration, I was a card-carrying Republican, and I cheered every time I heard news of his scandals.

But looking back on it now, it seems very clear that the Republicans were out to get him. It what they do in Washington.

As for Cheney and Bush, I don't believe they've committed any impeachable offenses. I just think they're one of the worst administrations in our history.

And the American people agree. (Have you seen Bush's approval ratings?)

03-09-2007, 11:43 AM
That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone with intelligence.

03-09-2007, 04:46 PM
You clearly stated that Cheney was involved in some covert scheme to discredit Joe Wilson. One you seem to think goes all throughout the administration. If that isn't a conspiracy what is?

The problem with your conspiracy theory is:

1)Armitage was the leaker. He didn't support the administration in Iraq. There was no way he could be involved in said scheme.

2)Joe Wilson was lying.

The scary thing here is you liberals show how many lives you are willing to destroy just to accuse Bush some some nefarious actions.

03-10-2007, 09:52 AM
As my dear ol' daddy used to say, "It'll all come out in the wash."

I just like to see the washing. Don't you?

The only thing coming out in the wash is the liberal witch hunt. Joe Wilson's self-agrandizing big mouth outted his wife, but you left-wingnuts are determined to ignore the facts and hang a Republican.

GW in Ohio
03-10-2007, 10:09 AM
The only thing coming out in the wash is the liberal witch hunt. Joe Wilson's self-agrandizing big mouth outted his wife, but you left-wingnuts are determined to ignore the facts and hang a Republican.


So Joe Wilson is responsible for his wife's cover being blown.

If he hadn't opened his big mouth and said Bush's invasion of Iraq was based on lies and deception, he never would have pissed off the Republicans who leaked her identity.

It will be a great comfort to Scooter Libby to know that it's all Joe Wilson's fault.

And meanwhile, Bush is sitting in the White House, drinking his 10th iced tea of the morning, wondering, "How soon can I pardon Scooter?"

03-10-2007, 11:01 AM

So Joe Wilson is responsible for his wife's cover being blown.

If he hadn't opened his big mouth and said Bush's invasion of Iraq was based on lies and deception, he never would have pissed off the Republicans who leaked her identity.

It will be a great comfort to Scooter Libby to know that it's all Joe Wilson's fault.

And meanwhile, Bush is sitting in the White House, drinking his 10th iced tea of the morning, wondering, "How soon can I pardon Scooter?"

It wasn't Wilson's criticism of the war, it was his habitual lying in order to inflate his own self-importance. He claimed he had been personally sent by Cheney, that he was a CIA agent, and that he was officially an ambassador. He was none of those things (well, he was acting ambassador to Iraq during the first Gulf War, but only because everybody of import was out of town. His normal duties amounted to 'errand boy.'), and so when he popped up claiming to have definitive proof that the Bush administration 'knew there were no WMDs,' the administration was wondering, "Uh, who is this jackass?" When that happened, the press started prying to see if they could dig up any credibility to his story. That's when Robert Novak heard from Richard Armitage that this guy really wasn't some big hotshot and that his wife, who worked at the CIA, had the guy sent to Niger. It wasn't until Karl Rove later mentioned her name that anybody threw a hissy fit. She was never covert and it was her stupid husband's own fault that this whole thing happened.

However, the media turned him into a victim, because it is a well known fact in the media that victims don't lie and are never wrong. Then they could tout his faux 'mission' to Niger as gospel.

03-11-2007, 03:28 AM
You listen to WAYYYYYY too much FauxNews and Rush Limpbrain, Hobbit,

It wasn't Wilson's criticism of the war, it was his habitual lying in order to inflate his own self-importance. He claimed he had been personally sent by Cheney, that he was a CIA agent, and that he was officially an ambassador. He was none of those things (well, he was acting ambassador to Iraq during the first Gulf War, but only because everybody of import was out of town. His normal duties amounted to 'errand boy.'), and so when he popped up claiming to have definitive proof that the Bush administration 'knew there were no WMDs,' the administration was wondering, "Uh, who is this jackass?" When that happened, the press started prying to see if they could dig up any credibility to his story. That's when Robert Novak heard from Richard Armitage that this guy really wasn't some big hotshot and that his wife, who worked at the CIA, had the guy sent to Niger. It wasn't until Karl Rove later mentioned her name that anybody threw a hissy fit. She was never covert and it was her stupid husband's own fault that this whole thing happened.

However, the media turned him into a victim, because it is a well known fact in the media that victims don't lie and are never wrong. Then they could tout his faux 'mission' to Niger as gospel.

Everything you have said has been completely contradicted in official court documentation and even in the regular news which is of course sympathetic to guess who? Scooter Libby!!!!!!! My what a surprise from the corporate media but even they can't lie that well!!!!!

03-11-2007, 11:37 AM

So Joe Wilson is responsible for his wife's cover being blown.

If he hadn't opened his big mouth and said Bush's invasion of Iraq was based on lies and deception, he never would have pissed off the Republicans who leaked her identity.

It will be a great comfort to Scooter Libby to know that it's all Joe Wilson's fault.

And meanwhile, Bush is sitting in the White House, drinking his 10th iced tea of the morning, wondering, "How soon can I pardon Scooter?"

Wilson's big mouth compromising his wife's "supposed" cover has nothing to do with his anti-Bush Administration comments. His wife's "supposed" cover was compromised as result of some legitimate questions.

Like, Who is Joe Wison, and what qualifies him to be sent on this mission, and WHO got him the job?

Answer: He's about as qualifed to make such an assessment as Howdy Doody, and his wife, who is supposedly so concerned about her "supposed" cover that recommended his dumb ass.

I'm STILL trying to figure out how Valerie Plame was still "under cover" way beyond the usual time covers are maintained after an agent leaves the field. And one has to wonder just how brilliant a cover this was anyway, what with her driving in and out of CIA Headquarters daily. I'm sure there are no intelligence agencies watching the comings and goings there.

Which all just goes back to my original statement. This is a witch hunt to hang yet another Republican. I suppose y'all missed the part a few years ago where we already predicted that regardless the facts, Libby was going to go down because tht's just the way you libs play the game.

So are the Abu Ghraib-like accusations in some lame-ass attempt to tie it to the President.

It isn't like you lefties are doing anythig new and unpredictable.

03-11-2007, 11:45 AM
You obviously know little or nothing about Joe Wilson or Valerie Plame or the game plan at the CIA or anywhere else for that matter.

Wilson's big mouth compromising his wife's "supposed" cover has nothing to do with his anti-Bush Administration comments. His wife's "supposed" cover was compromised as result of some legitimate questions.
Like, Who is Joe Wison, and what qualifies him to be sent on this mission, and WHO got him the job?
Answer: He's about as qualifed to make such an assessment as Howdy Doody, and his wife, who is supposedly so concerned about her "supposed" cover that recommended his dumb ass.
I'm STILL trying to figure out how Valerie Plame was still "under cover" way beyond the usual time covers are maintained after an agent leaves the field. And one has to wonder just how brilliant a cover this was anyway, what with her driving in and out of CIA Headquarters daily. I'm sure there are no intelligence agencies watching the comings and goings there.
Which all just goes back to my original statement. This is a witch hunt to hang yet another Republican. I suppose y'all missed the part a few years ago where we already predicted that regardless the facts, Libby was going to go down because tht's just the way you libs play the game.
So are the Abu Ghraib-like accusations in some lame-ass attempt to tie it to the President.
It isn't like you lefties are doing anythig new and unpredictable.

The predictions of the lefties have proven credible so far, my friend. We will see how many more of the predictions are verified as the spin cycle ends and the wash continues to remove the dirt.

03-11-2007, 11:55 AM
You obviously know little or nothing about Joe Wilson or Valerie Plame or the game plan at the CIA or anywhere else for that matter.

The predictions of the lefties have proven credible so far, my friend. We will see how many more of the predictions are verified as the spin cycle ends and the wash continues to remove the dirt.

In case you missed it, it seems I am actually quite educated on the topic of Wilson, Plame, and "the game." Actual fact and logical conclusion does not support the accusations.

The predictions of lefties and a $1.29 will get you a large coffee at the local gas station. I wouldn't bet the sun was going to rise on them.

03-11-2007, 12:01 PM
In case you missed it, it seems I am actually quite educated on the topic of Wilson, Plame, and "the game." Actual fact and logical conclusion does not support the accusations.

You are educated on one side of the topic -- the side endorsed by Fox News and the conservative taking radio heads. You refuse to consider the other side.
Which is basically the way all ConReps approach all political thought. :cool:

03-11-2007, 06:19 PM
You are educated on one side of the topic -- the side endorsed by Fox News and the conservative taking radio heads. You refuse to consider the other side.
Which is basically the way all ConReps approach all political thought. :cool:

The truth is the truth regardless. Facts don't change depending on the person witnessing them.

They are liars, period. There is no other side to it.

03-11-2007, 09:50 PM
You are educated on one side of the topic -- the side endorsed by Fox News and the conservative taking radio heads. You refuse to consider the other side.
Which is basically the way all ConReps approach all political thought. :cool:

I rarely watch Fox news, and I don't listen to talk radio. Guess you blew THAT assumption out your ass. AS IF that was any different than any of the rest of your bullshit assumptions. Which, is basically the wall all loony left moonbats approach all political thought.

03-11-2007, 09:53 PM
The truth is the truth regardless. Facts don't change depending on the person witnessing them.

They are liars, period. There is no other side to it.

You're going to confuse the poor girl even moreso than she already is. The very idea of trying to use logic on her.:laugh2:

03-11-2007, 10:15 PM
she was not a covert agent...there was nothing to leak....

03-12-2007, 04:24 AM
she was not a covert agent...there was nothing to leak....

Not to mention that if the libs are correct and this is some major conspiracy by Bush to "leak" the information, he has the authority to declassify it. Which means any information he decides the public should know, can't be considered a leak.

03-12-2007, 04:28 AM
I rarely watch Fox news, and I don't listen to talk radio. Guess you blew THAT assumption out your ass. AS IF that was any different than any of the rest of your bullshit assumptions. Which, is basically the wall all loony left moonbats approach all political thought.

I hardly watch any TV anymore myself. Don't have to to use a brain.

I think the libs are scared of Fox news not only because it gives both sides to issues, but because they know conservatives are not the only ones watching it. If conservatives were the only ones to watch Fox News, then what would it matter? They would simply be preaching to the choir. No people would be convinced of anything.

But conservatives aren't the only ones watching Fox news. That is what scares them. They are scared that people will listen to conservative viewpoints and be swayed. Otherwise, there is no reason to worry about it.

GW in Ohio
03-12-2007, 09:23 AM
The truth is the truth regardless. Facts don't change depending on the person witnessing them.

They are liars, period. There is no other side to it.

avatar: That's a terribly naive view of politics.

The fact is, in the political sphere the truth is totally dependent on the partisan prism through which you view politics, and the spin that one side or the other has put on things.

Scooter Libby is either a patriot who has ben persecuted by the liberals or he is a craven weasel who used the power of his position to punish a critic of the Iraq war. What is the truth? Depends on which side you're on, doesn't it?

03-12-2007, 10:41 AM
avatar: That's a terribly naive view of politics.

The fact is, in the political sphere the truth is totally dependent on the partisan prism through which you view politics, and the spin that one side or the other has put on things.

Scooter Libby is either a patriot who has ben persecuted by the liberals or he is a craven weasel who used the power of his position to punish a critic of the Iraq war. What is the truth? Depends on which side you're on, doesn't it?

Politics doesn't change facts involved.

There is absolutely no factual basis your claim that Libby "used the power of his position to punish a critic of the Iraq War." You can believe it all you want, but that doesn't make it factual. You can believe the world is flat true, or that communism actually works. But simply because you choose to believe those things doesn't make either of them true.

The sad fact is too few people actually have any concept of what truth is.

03-12-2007, 11:14 PM
I am drowned by the smugness of your allegations, gunny. Are you educated? Get it on, cowboy and demonstrate it. Do you actually know anything about Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, the CIA, the Justice Department or the "Game"? Again, get it on, I BEG YOU!!!! Enlighten us!!!!

In case you missed it, it seems I am actually quite educated on the topic of Wilson, Plame, and "the game." Actual fact and logical conclusion does not support the accusations.

The predictions of lefties and a $1.29 will get you a large coffee at the local gas station. I wouldn't bet the sun was going to rise on them.

I suspect you know about as much as the media that you admire allows you to know and that's about it. That and the same $1.29 will buy you the same coffee as you claim it will buy for me.

I continue to believe the predictions of the left will rise and the bread will be good. The germ of the right will continue to spoil the food but will be overtaken by the careful cooking of the non-partisan chefs and the results will be enjoyed by all that come to the table of refreshment.

03-12-2007, 11:18 PM
she was not a covert agent...there was nothing to leak....

what is that? she was not a covert agent there was nothing to leak!

what? that is why they dropped those charges?

03-12-2007, 11:44 PM
What charges? You got charges against Libby we haven't got? Please share them, really, I want to know about them.

what is that? she was not a covert agent there was nothing to leak!

what? that is why they dropped those charges?

Or maybe you're just spreading the shit you got off your favorite news channel that repeats shit that they never heard but they thought it would be nice for distraction and otherwise defeat the conclusions that common peoples make and distort the views of the unenlightened that make up their audience and provide their dishonest means of income and existence?
