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07-22-2008, 01:11 AM

Id love to know how the libertarians here respond to this. I dont know how any sane person thinks Al Gore makes any sense. Im surprise Bob Barr would have.

07-22-2008, 08:14 AM

Id love to know how the libertarians here respond to this. I dont know how any sane person thinks Al Gore makes any sense. Im surprise Bob Barr would have.

Anyone who thinks Gore makes any sense ain't playing with a full deck. The libertarians have chosen another loser.

07-22-2008, 09:47 AM
Maybe its a secret strategy to pull Greenie votes away from Obama.

07-22-2008, 11:14 AM
From the same article that Avatar posted:

Both McCain and Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, praised the former vice president in statements issued after the speech.

"For decades, Al Gore has challenged the skeptics in Washington on climate change and awakened the conscience of a nation to the urgency of this threat," Obama said Thursday, endorsing Gore’s challenge.

McCain sounded a similar note, saying he has “admired the vice president on this issue,” but noted he differs with Gore in a key area: support for nuclear energy.

Here is Barr's full statement (http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/statement-bob-barr-vice-president-al-gores-campaign/) from the event:

Former Vice President Al Gore and I have met privately to discuss the issue of global warming, and I was pleased and honored that he invited me to attend the "We" Campaign event. Global warming is a reality as most every organization that has studied the matter has concluded, whether conservative-leaning, liberal oriented or independent. I am, however, also aware that scientists differ on its causes, impact and remedies. I remain firmly committed to free market solutions and innovations to address this issue; not tax-driven policies.

I commend Mr. Gore for his efforts and leadership in this area, and urge Senators Obama and McCain to join me in studying, debating, and finding solutions to the problem of energy needs, consumption and effects. The American people deserve to hear all of our views and proposals on this issue and others. I am particularly pleased that Mr. Gore agrees that the public debate of this issue should include me so that the American people can make an informed choice after hearing a range of views. However, the fact that neither of the two major party candidates attended this event may indicate their unwillingness to address this important issue. Mr. McCain, for example, seems to have adopted already the internationalist approach and relying on the cumbersome and costly "cap and trade" formula and he may therefore be unwilling to engage in a real debate that would reveal how flawed that approach truly is.

07-22-2008, 11:24 AM
Maybe its a secret strategy to pull Greenie votes away from Obama.

See there, I knew there was one intelligent person on here. Sometimes you have to lift the ink off the paper to see what is really written underneath. That is EXACTLY what it is.

I can assure you it is politics.

07-22-2008, 03:56 PM
See there, I knew there was one intelligent person on here. Sometimes you have to lift the ink off the paper to see what is really written underneath. That is EXACTLY what it is.

I can assure you it is politics.

How is that possible? All three of them are praising Gore. How does this pull votes away from Obama ?

07-22-2008, 05:41 PM
How is that possible? All three of them are praising Gore. How does this pull votes away from Obama ? McCain has a "but nuclear", so it won't help him, but Barr is an alternative to the zero-experience black guy.

07-22-2008, 05:48 PM
McCain has a "but nuclear", so it won't help him, but Barr is an alternative to the zero-experience black guy.

He doesn't have zero experience, he has one hundred forty three days experience.

07-23-2008, 07:27 AM
I stand corrected.