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07-22-2008, 11:36 AM
The cost of Al Gore electric bill at his residence: 15,238.00

The cost of waste in our government : trillions

The look on elephants and asses faces when Libertarians get 11% of the vote: PRICELESS!!!!

07-22-2008, 11:38 AM
I think I read that Barr is polling 9% in Colorado.

07-22-2008, 12:07 PM
I think I read that Barr is polling 9% in Colorado.

I saw that! I'm curious about New Hampshire also. Since JM seems to do so well there historically, and given the obvious % of LP's there. Georgia does not seem to have gripped it yet (5 to 6% statewide) but we will.

I just wish that Bob could get into the........THE debates. I believe then, people all over the country would be able to see that just because he has jumped off the USS Elephant, does not mean he has changed alot of his fundamental conservative views.

Conservatives all over the country, when they are done complaining about the fact that BB will hurt JM's numbers, will begin to look deeper into his stand on issues that are important. Gun Control, Privacy and their pocketbook. Issues that really directly affect us all a little more than rather homo's will be around (which they will), drugs, they will too only until decriminalized will just get kids killed and other issues that have long had conservatives turning their heads to LP candidates. Now it's Bob Barr! Someone they can look at and say, damn! Hell honey, I always liked that Bob Barr!

Over the weekend I met a group of UGA students up here in Jefferson at Beef O'Bardy's that were Bob Barr (former Ron Paul supporters). These kids were sharp as razors buddy. They were informed and knew what the hell they were talking about. I left that place feeling better than I had in along time about youngsters. They saw my Barr-Root sticker on my Harley and that is how the talk got started.

07-22-2008, 12:11 PM
What, if Bob Barr does get 11% of the vote, will that accomplish? The Republicans won the last two elections with a majority of the vote and yet the Democrat party disregards anything they say or do. In fact they insult half of the country every time they open their mouths. Why would you think either party would give a crap about a measly 11%? They didn't when Perot got 18.9% of the popular vote to Clinton's 43% and Bush's 37.4%.

07-22-2008, 01:47 PM
What, if Bob Barr does get 11% of the vote, will that accomplish? The Republicans won the last two elections with a majority of the vote and yet the Democrat party disregards anything they say or do. In fact they insult half of the country every time they open their mouths. Why would you think either party would give a crap about a measly 11%? They didn't when Perot got 18.9% of the popular vote to Clinton's 43% and Bush's 37.4%.

The difference between Perot and Barr is that Perot was an independent without a party. (He later built the Reform Party, but after he and Jesse Ventura were gone, the Reform Party faded into oblivion.) So when Perot pulled 19% of the vote, he didn't give that momentum to any party; it evaporated. Barr, on the other hand, is a candidate for an established party. So when he polls at 10 or 11%, which is higher than a third PARTY candidate has polled since the rise of the GOP in 1860, that's the potential beginning of a political realignment.