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View Full Version : November 8th, 2008. 4:13am

07-22-2008, 01:17 PM
"John. Are you awake?"
"Senator! Yeah, barely."
"Any news?"
"No. My folks are still trying to absorb this shit"
"I guess this is going to go well into the day"
"In all likelihood yes. Maybe we will find out there was a conspiracy or something. Someone has to have tampered with the process somehow."
"Maybe you and I could unite, you know, sort of a temporary truce, so that the American people would know that we stood together on their behalf, no matter which of us wins."
"Cut the shit Barrack. We have a problem here. How in the hell could neither us have gotten 40% much less 35. There are evil forces at work here. Somehow some crackpot extremist group has commondered our election system."
"John. Are sure you haven't gotten any feedback with all your contacts in the military and in the intelligence sector."
"Barrack! Listen to me son! That fucking Barr worked for the CIA in the 70's. He's got friends. Alot of em. I just know that bastard has cooked up something."
"What are we going to do John, I mean, this is us against them sir. What if he is awarded the election? We will lose control of the people. How in the fuck did this happen, oh shit! I dropped my cigarette onto the bed, damn! Oh shit, it's under Michelle's big ass. Honey! Honey! Wake up honey!"
(A startled shreek occurs)
"Dammit Barrack! I told you no! I'm tired!"
"Honey, I dropped my cigarette. Oh there it is."
"Barrack! Can this wait until morning, I got to get Cheif Justice Roberts on the phone. Surely he will understand that this is not possible and that he must, absolutely must move to temporarily suspend the election results ubtil we can get to the bottom of this."
"He can't do that sir!"
(McCain becomes angry and starts to shout)
"WHAT THE FUCK! I mean, how.......ah.....what do you mean.....he can't do anything."
"He can't".
"He is the Cheif Justice of the Supreme court"
"We have to get to the root.....oh shit, I mean the ...............we have to find out what happened first, then we can present evidence.........or something.....we'll get the press people, with your contacts in old school Waqshington and my control of the press, we can make this a fair election John!"
"I'll do what I can. How could 37% of this country's people have not been paying attention. 37% Barrack! Shit!"

Meanwhile.......at the Barr home in Georgia............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

07-22-2008, 01:43 PM
"Charlie. I know this"...............hiccup............I ah..........hiccup. Hiccup!
"Teddy. Watch your step. Here. Let me help you, it's OK. It's OK Ted."
"It ain't OK Cha......Bobby...................I mean..hiccup.....Charlie."
"You'll feel better in the morning Teddy."
"Barney is waiting for you in the bed. He's gonna give you a massage and Senator Edwards his making some coffee downstairs. We'll have you sobered up in no time."
(Slurring, in a half crying voice)"Charlie.......how ......ah...ah." THUMP!
"Johnny! Johnny! He passed out. Come up here and help me. Damn he's heavy!"
"Hold on Senator Rangel I'll be right there."
"Um......Ah...............We lost didn't we."
"No Teddy, we haven't lost. I know Senator Mccain and he is not about to let this election be stripped away. He may be a conservative but he understands that first and foremost the people must be controlled. The overall common is more important than who wins."
(A door down the corridor creaks as it opens) "Boys! Could you guys bring it down a notch......it's 4:30 in the morning. We have a long ......VERY LONG.....day tomorrow."
"I'm sorry Madame Speaker. Teddy just had a couple too many over at Senator Kerry's house. We have to get him sobered up for an appearence on TV this morning."
"DO NOT PUT HIM ON TV!!!!!! He is an embarassment. You know it is has been policy not to allow him to do interviews! He can't even walk. We have got enough problems right now with this election going haywire. ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME CHARLIE?"
"Yes Ma'am"
"Put him in there with Barney and get him out of my sight."
"Yes ma'am".

Moments later. "Nancy honey........would you like some coffee?"
"No Johnny sweetie, just come back to bed Ok?"
"Yes ma'am"

07-22-2008, 01:50 PM
"I did not have sex....with that girl............last night honey!"
"Bill! Get out of my room, your scaring me."
"I just want to watch honey."
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE......leave us alone."

07-22-2008, 02:05 PM
"You know how they feel don't you honey?"
"Yes.........................yes I do."
"Do you think Mr. Barr will be a good president?"
"Yes.........................yes I do."
"Will they try to steal the election from him.......what do you think? Do you think they will try to steal it?"
"Yes.........................yes I do."
"Honey..............you know all that propaganda you publish about global warming and stuff, don't you think that if you were to well......you know.....you know like that time when Aunt doris went to the party with Uncle Frank and they ..well you......................"
"Tipper! Shut the fuck up, you talk so fucking much you are warming the enviornment all by yourself."
"We need to be thinking about to get Al Jr. out of jail without the press finding out about it. Ah hell, they will be so busy tomorrow trying to spin the election shit they won't even notice."
"Was it you?"
"Was it me what?"
"That did this to the election. You know........with some of that technology you used to invent the internet. Did you sabotage the election?"
"Well, if the election was sabotaged........and it was the result of a grand master plan......I probably will take the credit for it, but I will have to hire a thinktank to figure out how I did it iwthout hurting the enviornment."
"What about the people?"
"Well! You know I got that under control. They know that it was in their best interests.............if I do get credit for it."
"I don't care what you did honey, just so long as we don't have to hang out with the Clinton's anymore. Eight years of that bitch was all I could stand."
"I know honey. Me too!"
"Let's get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day. The fate of our future.......I mean the American public ....well.....I don't know what I mean.....but tomorrow is going to be a long day."

07-22-2008, 02:06 PM
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzz

07-22-2008, 02:32 PM
1 member posts a private message to another member

#1: Man, can you believe what the hell happened in this election?
#2: Nope. I really can't. Hey you know that guy............whats his name......Emmett, yeah Emmett. What a whacko! He was preaching that crap back in July about the Libertarians.
#1: So was Jeff!
#2: Well......yeah but Jeff is a little more rational. Plus, he's a moderator.
#1: Yeah, that Emmett guy. Man!
#2: How do you think he knew this would happen?
#1: Anybody's guess. I mean....I wonder about that cat. He started out being sort of a funny guy on here and then..........WHAM.
#2: You know what though.
#1: What!
#2: That whacko was the first member to get 75,000 rep points before 500 posts.
#1: Huh!
#2: Yup, that whacko must be saying something people are agreeing with.
#1: Obviously.....but...............huh. Damn, your right.
#2: He doesn't post that much.
#1: He didn't used to......I think he was a truck driver or something. I heard he is back home now. Oh God! I bet we aren't gonna hear the end of this shit today. Bob Barr................the President. I can't believe it.

At the Emmett house..........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzz:salute:

:pee: big government

07-22-2008, 02:48 PM
With all due respect, nonsense.

07-22-2008, 02:51 PM
Yep, we all have our little fantasies, that are fun to play with when we've got nothing better to do.

In mine, President McCain decides that the "path to citizenship" we've had in place for decades (apply for visa, go thru background check, apply for green card, apply for citizenship, in that order) is perfectly fine after all and needs no "reform". And he further decides that people who entered the country illegally should NOT be placed in line for permanent residence ahead of people who obeyed the law and applied for visas the legal way.

So after the Iraq war is won (i.e. terrorists killed, captured, and otherwise brought under control enough for the now-trained Iraqi army to handle themselves, and we THEN turn it all over to them and leave), President McCain brings the troops home and uses the National Guard and selected troops help ICE pick illegals out of jail after they commit other crimes, and send them home AFTER he builds and mans a real fence along the border.

It's a nice fantasy. And about as likely to happen as a Barr victory.

07-22-2008, 03:15 PM

It has come to the attetion of the NYT this morning that there is verifyable reason to believe that a very complex masterplan to undermine the election system has been orchestrated right under the radar of the Election Board. A confidential informant has provided the NYT information that suggests that the election has possibly been rigged.

"Well, I think it is obvious to most Americans that it is impossible for 37% of Americans to have voted for a third party. Just this fact, combined with other information clearly demonstrates that whatever tampering was going on, got out of hand," said one source. "They probably were just trying to manipulate the system to show a strong vote count of let's say...10%. Obviously their conspirators got carried away. Everybody knows that the Libertarian party could never have mustered 35 million votes. There just are not that many Libertarians in the United States."

"The Attorney General will be acting swiftly to locate and properly prosecute these individuals. The American people are not going to stand for their system of elections being sabotaged. We ...I mean they.....just won't stand for it," said Republican Candidate John McCain. Other sources close to the McCain campagne insist the tampering had to be the result of terrorists, obviously to elect a Libertarian who would remove most troups from overseas locations leaving them free to commit tyrany worldwide. "I would have no doubt that terrorists have infiltrated the Libertarian party in America and rigged this election. The American people will not stand for this and if takes putting every Libertarian in this country on an island until we sort it out, that is what we will do. Nothing is going to stop America from being the free and prosperous nation that it is today," said another campagne official.

An Obama official said this morning, of course we have withheld his/her name, that the two campagnes are absolutely united in this effort to expose the culprits of this election rigging and stand united for the "overall good" of Americans. "Our two parties know what is best for Americans, we have demonstrated this in the past, we will continue to demonstrate this in the future, no matter what. If we have to, we will mobilize the National Guard and go to the homes of these people who have conspired with the terrorists and take them out at gunpoint."

The NYT has the opinion that Democrats are proving their ability to lead this effort. Just this statement shows how much more clearly defined their plan is than the Republicans to confront this problem head on. We feel it is the responsibility of the Free Press to give unbiased reporting on this matter and we hold the highest principles in the land for having done so. This is obvious. The NYT would like to make it clear however that we in no way mean to show impartiality and will report anything that appears to be credible. We know the American people expect no less.

07-22-2008, 03:30 PM
President McCain brings the troops home and uses the National Guard and selected troops help ICE pick illegals out of jail after they commit other crimes, and send them home
This does not violate the Posse Comitatus act, since troops are not being used against U.S. Citizens or legal residents, but against foreign nationals who have invaded the country - a legitimate use of the U.S. Armed Forces.

As I said, a very nice fantasy. I wish I had the kind of time you evidently do, to cobble together such vast amounts of wishful thinking.

07-22-2008, 04:15 PM
With all due respect, nonsense.

And with all due respect to you, whom I have the utmost respect for indeed, no it isn't! It may be fantasy to dream of a country where individuals right to freedom of choice, liberty and small government exists in America. I know I have taken off on the seemingly extreme of recent, that is absolutely true. I am trying to .......well.....you know what i am trying to do. I want people to think, what if!

What if there was a chance to start over again. How many of us in our lives have sat and wondered what if? I woulod think we all have at one time or another. What if I would have made that decision differently or what if i would not have done this or that!

How about this one! What if in 1793 it would have been considered extremist and radical to defend your property with a gun. Shoot a robber maybe instead of contacting the town marshall. How about taking a landowners property so a group of folks could build an apartment complex or shopping plaza there that would generate tax dollars to bolster a city's economy and provide better buckboards for the council to ride around in. I know, radical thinking again.........but it is true and you and every reasonable person in this country knows it's true. We just face a barrier that seems too high to overcome. We figure we can address certain issues that concern us, vote for the folks who tell us the biggest lie to stay in power and maybe we will retain enough of our liberty to make it...well.....livable. All the while we know in our hearts that it get worse every day. Every time a new restictive law in enacted we take one step closer to socialism.

I know I don't have to tell you being as intelligent as you are and I am not trying to blow smoke up your dress, that the political parties in our country have changed platforms like underwear. In 1872 David Davis ran as a Liberal Republican while there was also a Liberal democrat party in the same election. Then of course there was Benjamin Gratz Brown who struggled for control of this "new" Liberal Republican Party and was on the ticket also. This was of course in addition to the supposed regular Democratic and Republican party candidates. In 1912, over 70% of this country voted for a Democrat or a Socialist (Progressive), what ever you want to call Roosevelt in those days. Republicans only managed to muster 25% or so of the total popular vote in this nation in those years. How did conservative minded folks manage to bring the average method of thinking back to a point where we began to elect republicans more often than liberal minded presidents during the 1900's? Just imagine for a minute what had to happen to our country in order to learn that lesson. Two World wars, the great depresson, the collapse of the stock market and many other devastating events taught Americans a valuable lesson that they paid attention to. CLOSE ATTENTION. They had to. They almost starved to death.

Hell, the progressive philosophy would have had everyone a damn slave. The Greenbacks were fools and Democrats were steadily learning that they could promise....promise....promise their way to elections, time and time again. The Republicans were watching and learned as well. As the political game became more intense and sophisicated throughout the later century it became clear that elections had nothing to do with upholding the constitution and "serving" the people, it was about getting elected and maintaining power. In essence, the two party system emerged from the wreckage because "wings" of political philosophy realized they could carry their message better by being an influence at the voting block, since they could not win. It was better to at least ride a train in the right direction than not be able to go anywhere at all, even if they could drive the train.

Democrats used to be the party of the people. If I am not mistaken, and please correct me if I am wrong, the Whigs were Federalists and were more in the mindset of current day Democrats. Talk about Flip flop. I mean it is all very confusing sort of.

I'm truely sorry for being so lengthy but my point is this. Two parties have driven this country into a shithole. Socialists, Communists and Progrssives managed to completely cause a turnabout in the basic thinking of Democrats, or Democratic Republicans, whatever they were. How then can it not be understood thagt a better representation of fundamental thinking liberty loving Americans is not necessary and worth fighting for. Even if the fellow doing it has to be disgarded as a kook or a radical. I don't mind if you think my little game of fantasy is nonsense, it may be, but if you lift the ink a tiny little bit, look past the maybe not so good humor, underneath you will see the thinking.

Please understand that I realize you know ten times as much about the examples I have given you. The posts were all in fun, the message however, is as serious as it gets. I would suggest you take a little closer look at the message yourself. You'd be a wonderful Libertarian!

07-22-2008, 04:23 PM
This does not violate the Posse Comitatus act, since troops are not being used against U.S. Citizens or legal residents, but against foreign nationals who have invaded the country - a legitimate use of the U.S. Armed Forces.

As I said, a very nice fantasy. I wish I had the kind of time you evidently do, to cobble together such vast amounts of wishful thinking.

Just so you know, I work over 100 hours a week. I own a trucking company, do sales, spend all day doing skip and research work work for my son's company and at night, three times a week (12 hour shifts) I am a repoman. I am also trying to finish a book, blog for the Libertarian candidate for president, attend town hall meetings, group meetings, I write an article for a publication once a month and am a member of ABATE of Ga. Twice a month I serve as a night counselor( meaning I sit and sleep in a chair or work on my book) at a shelter for abused children in north Georgia while they are asleep. I do volunteer work for several causes and am a member of the Patriot Guard. So, you are right, I don't have alot of free time. Thank you for your acknowledgement of this. I appreciate it.