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View Full Version : The Media Gets a Tingling Up Its Leg

red states rule
07-23-2008, 07:17 AM
There may be a media backlash for the one sided and bias coverage of the messiah, known as Obama

Media's guilt plays well for Obama and McCain
John Kass
July 23, 2008
The Drudge Report ran a juicy item about the fact that only one reporter showed up to cover Republican John McCain at a campaign stop in New Hampshire the other day.

Just one.

The lonely print reporter from the Manchester Union Leader stood on the tarmac, waiting for McCain's plane to land. McCain, obviously upset at being dissed by yet another meager media throng, didn't stop to chat.

"Did you ever notice that when John McCain is on TV he's always grumpy?" asked a colleague in the cafeteria who whispered, lest others denounce him for Barackian Thought Crimes.

"McCain's always made to look old and angry, a curmudgeon. And Barack Obama? He's always seen as presidential, cool, smiling, shaking hands," whispered the guy.

I believe this phenomenon is called liberal bias. And the country has caught on.


07-23-2008, 07:32 AM
what makes you think that "the country has caught on"?

Because Drudge has a story???:lol:

red states rule
07-23-2008, 07:35 AM
what makes you think that "the country has caught on"?

Because Drudge has a story???:lol:

The article is from the messiah's hometown paper. Drunk already this morning?

And a poll out yesterday had 49% sayng the coverage was bias for the messiah

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/2008_presidential_election/belief_growing_that_reporters_are_trying_to_help_o bama_win

07-23-2008, 07:51 AM
The article is from the messiah's hometown paper. Drunk already this morning?

And a poll out yesterday had 49% sayng the coverage was bias for the messiah

http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/2008_presidential_election/belief_growing_that_reporters_are_trying_to_help_o bama_win

why do you have to start the day with an insult?

you say that people think there is a MSM bias, but yet, they still watch it and he still maintains his lead in the polls. All your predictions of riots in Denver and a constested convention...terrible backlash from Wright or Ayers or Rezko... all have failed to materialize. Why should this one be any different?

red states rule
07-23-2008, 08:00 AM
why do you have to start the day with an insult?

you say that people think there is a MSM bias, but yet, they still watch it and he still maintains his lead in the polls. All your predictions of riots in Denver and a constested convention...terrible backlash from Wright or Ayers or Rezko... all have failed to materialize. Why should this one be any different?

If everything is so rosey why is the messiah still within the margin of error in most polls?

The messiah is stil losing the white vote by a huge margin, thanks to the messiah's 20 year relationship with his racist pastor and racist church

Hilary supporters are demanding a floor vote, and various lib groups are still promising to stirl up trouble in Denver

The Dems once had a 20 plus lead in the Generic Congressional ballot poll - last I saw it was donw to 10 points

The media backlash is starting to be seen, and reacted on

07-23-2008, 08:32 AM
If everything is so rosey why is the messiah still within the margin of error in most polls?

The messiah is stil losing the white vote by a huge margin, thanks to the messiah's 20 year relationship with his racist pastor and racist church

Hilary supporters are demanding a floor vote, and various lib groups are still promising to stirl up trouble in Denver

The Dems once had a 20 plus lead in the Generic Congressional ballot poll - last I saw it was donw to 10 points

The media backlash is starting to be seen, and reacted on

Who said "everything was rosey"? YOU are the one who predicted a brokered convention with riots a la Chicago in '68. You were wrong. YOU were the one who predicted that Jeremiah Wright would sink Obama's candidacy. You were wrong. You have been wrong pretty much this whole primary season, starting with your predictions of a great victory for your boy Rudy, the pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, philandering New York moderate that you predicted would be a big hit with muscular conservatives such as yourself. Face it RSR: most people would make money betting against your 2008 campaign predictions.

Oh...and remember when you said that popular vote polling margins meant next to nothing and that it was the electoral college predictions that were the real bellwether? Have you looked at your FAVORITE site, RCP, lately and seen their electoral college predictions? What do you think about that?

red states rule
07-23-2008, 08:35 AM
Who said "everything was rosey"? YOU are the one who predicted a brokered convention with riots a la Chicago in '68. You were wrong. YOU were the one who predicted that Jeremiah Wright would sink Obama's candidacy. You were wrong. You have been wrong pretty much this whole primary season, starting with your predictions of a great victory for your boy Rudy, the pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, philandering New York moderate that you predicted would be a big hit with muscular conservatives such as yourself. Face it RSR: most people would make money betting against your 2008 campaign predictions.

Oh...and remember when you said that popular vote polling margins meant next to nothing and that it was the electoral college predictions that were the real bellwether? Have you looked at your FAVORITE site, RCP, lately and seen their electoral college predictions? What do you think about that?

There can still be problems for you in Denver - or are your fellow Dems lying

Nice of you to try and derail the thread about liberal media bias - it is one of your better points

BTW, the messiah is tied with McCain in the latest Rasmussian poll. and the messiah is still losing whites badly.

and you nailed it - the Electoral college is a prediction. Ask Gore and Kerry about predictions :laugh2:

Why not start a thread about your other thoughts, and stick to the topic of this one?

07-23-2008, 08:45 AM
There can still be problems for you in Denver - or are your fellow Dems lying

Nice of you to try and derail the thread about liberal media bias - it is one of your better points

BTW, the messiah is tied with McCain in the latest Rasmussian poll. and the messiah is still losing whites badly.

and you nailed it - the Electoral college is a prediction. Ask Gore and Kerry about predictions :laugh2:

Why not start a thread about your other thoughts, and stick to the topic of this one?

I addressed one of your key conclusions. You have yet to show any evidence that your conclusion is correct. And I further showed how your prior predictions have been fraught with error.

red states rule
07-23-2008, 08:47 AM
Back to the topic...

Here is more of the bias coverage, and Katie makes a slip and admits it

Couric Showcases Obama Over McCain, Admits Media 'Obamathon'
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
July 22, 2008 - 21:21 ET

CBS tried to bring some balance Tuesday night to Barack Obama's Magical Media Tour by having Katie Couric interview both Barack Obama and John McCain, and though she pressed Obama repeatedly on the success of the surge, Obama still came out ahead since CBS devoted more than seven minutes (over two excerpts) to Couric's questions and Obama's answers as the two sat together in a foreign setting compared to barely three minutes allocated to Couric and McCain by satellite. Couric touted at the top of the CBS Evening News: “We spoke exclusively and separately with both presidential candidates today and what emerged was a kind of a long distance debate. And their differences on the wars have never been sharper or clearer.”

At the end of the newscast, from Amman Couric wondered: “Will this summer of love last” for Obama? And she conceded the media are part of the infatuation:

It has been an Obamathon ever since the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee touched down in Afghanistan. At today's press conference in Amman, a throng of reporters recorded his every move. In total, 200 journalists requested seats on “Air Obama” -- 40 of them were accepted. The bill for the trip? About $20,000 each


07-23-2008, 08:50 AM
as much as you dislike McCain, RSR, it would seem to me that you would be sympathetic to a press corps that found nothing much of value in him either!

red states rule
07-23-2008, 08:52 AM
as much as you dislike McCain, RSR, it would seem to me that you would be sympathetic to a press corps that found nothing much of value in him either!

It is called fairness, something you would know nothing about. The coverage is slanted and the folks are seeing it

07-23-2008, 09:25 AM
It is called fairness, something you would know nothing about. The coverage is slanted and the folks are seeing it

McCain just isn't very exciting, is he? News today is about selling airtime. Nobody cares too much about old John... it is fairly clear that he is preaching four more years of the same stuff that got us here. I understand that the media isn't fair all the time. Sometimes that works to the benefit of one party over the other... it all balances out over time, I reckon.

And I have yet to see any polling data that would show that the unbalanced media coverage has caused people to react by withdrawing their support for Obama simply because the media pays attention to him. Folks may be seeing it, as you say, but if their seeing it does not translate to folks deciding to vote for McCain as a protest against the media, then their seeing it will not really matter much at the ballot box, IMHO.

red states rule
07-23-2008, 09:27 AM
McCain just isn't very exciting, is he? News today is about selling airtime. Nobody cares too much about old John... it is fairly clear that he is preaching four more years of the same stuff that got us here. I understand that the media isn't fair all the time. Sometimes that works to the benefit of one party over the other... it all balances out over time, I reckon.

And I have yet to see any polling data that would show that the unbalanced media coverage has caused people to react by withdrawing their support for Obama simply because the media pays attention to him. Folks may be seeing it, as you say, but if their seeing it does not translate to folks deciding to vote for McCain as a protest against the media, then their seeing it will not really matter much at the ballot box, IMHO.

Oh now I get it. To you it is not media bias it is media fascination

It reality it is more like this


07-23-2008, 09:31 AM
that is certainly your opinion and you are entitled to it... and apparently you feel entitled to use excessive bandwidth to display your opinion with a never ending supply of pictures rather than merely expressing your opinion in words, like most folks do.:lol:

red states rule
07-23-2008, 09:33 AM
that is certainly your opinion and you are entitled to it... and apparently you feel entitled to use excessive bandwidth to display your opinion with a never ending supply of pictures rather than merely expressing your opinion in words, like most folks do.:lol:

and 49% of the people watching the messaih lovefest. With 104 days to go, there is plenty of time for the Dems and their allies in the media to blow this election

07-23-2008, 09:56 AM
and 49% of the people watching the messaih lovefest. With 104 days to go, there is plenty of time for the Dems and their allies in the media to blow this election

time will tell, that is certain.

as I said, people could have made a lot of money by simply betting against your campaign 2008 prognostications thus far!

red states rule
07-23-2008, 09:58 AM
More liberal media bias. They keep providing the material folks

American Morning’ Latest CNN Show to Feature Media’s Obama Love Fest
By Matthew Balan (Bio | Archive)
July 22, 2008 - 17:55 ET

During a report on Tuesday’s “American Morning,” CNN correspondent Randi Kaye detailed how the rejection of an op-ed by John McCain by The New York Times might be part of a wider pattern of media bias for Barack Obama and against John McCain: “Consider this -- network anchors and reporters are following Obama's every move in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the last four months, McCain has gone abroad to Europe, the Middle East, Canada, Colombia, and Mexico -- no anchors tagged along. Some networks didn't even send reporters.... According to a group that follows this stuff, Obama gets more than twice as much coverage as McCain on the broadcast networks weekday evening newscasts, 114 minutes compared to just 48. Same goes for the covers of Time and Newsweek.” She joined her CNN colleagues Jack Cafferty and Howard Kurtz in revealing the lopsided coverage of Barack Obama versus John McCain.
“American Morning” co-host John Roberts introduced Kaye’s report: “Is there a bias against Senator John McCain in the media? The Republican candidate [is] getting a lot of attention this morning after The New York Times rejected an op-ed piece for the senator. CNN's Randi Kaye takes a look at how both candidates are being covered.”

Kaye summarized the Times’s rejection of McCain’s op-ed, and then quoted Kurtz, who thought the Times “has an obligation to publish McCain’s op-ed.” She then detailed the imbalance in coverage between McCain and Obama, citing The Tyndall Report’s breakdown as her “group that follows this stuff.” After giving the breakdown, she asked an open-ended question: “Journalistic fascination or media bias?”


07-23-2008, 12:06 PM
It's not like McCain never got favorable media coverage. Remember all the stories about John McCain, the brave "maverick" Republican?

red states rule
07-23-2008, 12:18 PM
It's not like McCain never got favorable media coverage. Remember all the stories about John McCain, the brave "maverick" Republican?

and that type of coverage stopped the microsecond McCain won the nomination and was running against the messaih

Do you think the coverage has been fair?

Abbey Marie
07-23-2008, 12:20 PM
It's not like McCain never got favorable media coverage. Remember all the stories about John McCain, the brave "maverick" Republican?

I would argue that all the favorable past press in the world matters very little, compared to the press one gets during the run-up to November. My impression is that most people hardly start to pay attention until now.

Political board members are not the norm- we are kind of obsessive about it all. :)

07-23-2008, 12:21 PM
At least your guy gets some press coverage. Mine gets none!! :D

red states rule
07-23-2008, 12:23 PM
I would argue that all the favorable past press in the world matters very little, compared to the press one gets during the run-up to November. My impression is that most people hardly start to pay attention until now.

Political board members are not the norm- we are kind of obsessive about it all. :)


Abbey Marie
07-23-2008, 12:24 PM
At least your guy gets some press coverage. Mine gets none!! :D

That's so true. I remember how I felt when Duncan Hunter was dropped from the debates, and ignored in every other way, too. It's frustrating when you feel your guy has the best message out there, and few will ever hear it.

red states rule
07-24-2008, 05:58 AM
That's so true. I remember how I felt when Duncan Hunter was dropped from the debates, and ignored in every other way, too. It's frustrating when you feel your guy has the best message out there, and few will ever hear it.

Hunter had his chances in the debates, but he did not catch on. Since he was for securing the border and enforcing immigration laws, he was tagged as a racist by the open borders crowd

07-24-2008, 06:15 AM
Good editorial on the 'tingling effect' from John Kass:


Media's guilt plays well for Obama and McCain

John Kass

July 23, 2008

The Drudge Report ran a juicy item about the fact that only one reporter showed up to cover Republican John McCain at a campaign stop in New Hampshire the other day.

Just one.

The lonely print reporter from the Manchester Union Leader stood on the tarmac, waiting for McCain's plane to land. McCain, obviously upset at being dissed by yet another meager media throng, didn't stop to chat.

"Did you ever notice that when John McCain is on TV he's always grumpy?" asked a colleague in the cafeteria who whispered, lest others denounce him for Barackian Thought Crimes.

"McCain's always made to look old and angry, a curmudgeon. And Barack Obama? He's always seen as presidential, cool, smiling, shaking hands," whispered the guy.

I believe this phenomenon is called liberal bias. And the country has caught on....

McCain is now cast as the crabby uncle who visits and shrieks there's no gin in your house. He grabs the TV remote control, turns off the cartoons and forces the kids to watch the ancient Mesopotamia special on The History Channel.

Just hope the kids don't dare tell uncle that Iraq doesn't border Pakistan. He'll nuke them.

Meanwhile, the Democrat Obama is treated quite differently. He's the Mr. Tumnus of American politics, the gentle forest faun of Narnia, with throngs of reporters trembling to sit with him at tea and cakes, like the little girl in the C.S. Lewis story, as he plays the flute, chanting "We Are The Change We've Been Waiting For." And nobody laughs.

You don't laugh because you can't make fun of Obama. The ground would swallow you whole...

...Yet pulpy or not, the thing is, reporters are generally biased toward Obama. The denials are getting old. Old as McCain. According to a Rasmussen poll, half of all Americans believe the media will favor Obama in their news coverage leading up to the November presidential election.

Sadly, that half of Americans is wrong once again.

Because the election is over, isn't it? Obama is president, all we're waiting for is the transcending, when a beam of light shines on Chris Matthews' face, carrying him to the heavens, smiling, that tingle running down his leg.

red states rule
07-24-2008, 06:19 AM
I found this gem this morning. CBS was upset a reporter used - gasp - Obama's middle name

CBS Frets Obama Can't Escape 'Hussein' Middle Name in Israel
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
July 24, 2008 - 01:43 ET

The Wednesday CBS Evening News story on Barack Obama's day in Israel presumed Jewish concerns about his commitment to Israel are unreasonable as reporter Sheila MacVicar empathized with Obama's plight while she fretted about how an Israeli newspaper columnist “referred to him by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama.” After noting that Obama “did spend an hour with the Palestinian President, something John McCain did not do on his trip here,” MacVicar stressed the “the focus of the day was to try to reassure Jewish voters who are suspicious of him.” From Jerusalem, she then held up a copy of the newspaper as she rued:

It's an uphill battle. An example? A commentator writing in this morning's Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper referred to him by his full name: Barack Hussein Obama, talked about his Muslim stepfather, his childhood in Indonesia, his openness to dialogue with Iran as real sources of anxiety for both the Israeli establishment and American Jewish voters.

MacVicar concluded by bemoaning: “However unfair it may be, it will take more than this trip to alter the very deeply held perception of some that on Israel the Senator is not to be trusted.”


07-24-2008, 08:57 AM


red states rule
07-24-2008, 09:04 AM

red states rule
07-24-2008, 12:39 PM

Abbey Marie
07-24-2008, 12:48 PM

:laugh2: :clap:

red states rule
07-24-2008, 12:51 PM
:laugh2: :clap:

Thnaks Abbey

Which one is Chris Matthews, and which one is the perky Katie?

Abbey Marie
07-24-2008, 12:53 PM
Thnaks Abbey

Which one is Chris Matthews, and which one is the perky Katie?

Chris is the blonde in drag.

red states rule
07-24-2008, 12:56 PM
Chris is the blonde in drag.

I'd rep you for that one - but I have to spread the love around

Here is another one you might like


red states rule
07-27-2008, 04:54 PM