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View Full Version : Obama Snubs Injured Soldiers for a Workout

red states rule
07-24-2008, 01:26 PM
And this clod wants to be CIC? Time for a workout but not the troops

How typical of this jerk

NewsBusters has learned that presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama has cancelled plans to visit two U.S. military bases while in Germany, this despite having all kinds of time to speak to gushing Berliners as well as getting in a workout at the Ritz Carlton.

One of the bases, The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, "is an overseas military hospital operated by the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense...[that] serves as the nearest treatment center for wounded soldiers coming from Iraq and Afghanistan."

Yet, as Ed Morrissey's Hot Air reported a few hours ago, Spiegel Online claimed at 1:42 PM local time

++ Visit to US Military Bases Cancelled ++

1:42 p.m.: SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned that Obama has cancelled a planned short visit to the Rammstein and Landstuhl US military bases in the southwest German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The visits were planned for Friday. "Barack Obama will not be coming to us," a spokesperson for the US military hospital in Landstuhl announced. "I don't know why." Shortly before the same spokeswoman had announced a planned visit by Obama.

According to the Chicago Tribune's Jill Zuckman (emphasis added):

A Republican friend of the Swamp helpfully points out that Sen. Barack Obama seems to have time to visit the gym for a workout today, but not to visit the troops during his stay in Germany tomorrow. [...]

Today, however, Obama, just like George W. Bush in the 2000 election, managed to squeeze in some workout time despite a heavy schedule leading up to his big speech at the Siegessäule, or Victory Column, around 7 p.m. Berlin time.


07-24-2008, 01:32 PM
Maybe he's doing the Soldiers a favor? (capitalize Soldier) ;)

red states rule
07-24-2008, 01:36 PM
Maybe he's doing the Soldiers a favor? (capitalize Soldier) ;)

Good point

But it shows Obama's priorities. Remember, he was willing to meet little Adolf from Iran, but not the troops and their commanders

07-24-2008, 02:04 PM
Why would he bother with the troops, they are not going to vote for him. He has more important things to do like "look Presidential" for the Europeans. They're more orgasmic for him than our media.

red states rule
07-24-2008, 02:07 PM
Why would he bother with the troops, they are not going to vote for him. He has more important things to do like "look Presidential" for the Europeans. They're more orgasmic for him than our media.

and according to Obama's fellow Dems, the troops are infidels, cold blooded killers, uneducated, and are terrorists. Why would a man of his "importance" want to spend time with them

Meanwhile, Obama sips a latte while posing for pictures

Yea, he does have more important things to do

red states rule
07-24-2008, 05:28 PM
Where are all the libs at? I thought they would flock here to defend their messiah

07-24-2008, 05:31 PM
the messiah is not available right now

please leave a message at the (hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah).. Beep

Where are all the libs at? I thought they would flock here to defend their messiah

red states rule
07-24-2008, 05:32 PM
the messiah is not available right now

please leave a message at the (hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah).. Beep

Looks like the sheep that follow him are unavailable as well

07-24-2008, 05:40 PM
Looks like the sheep that follow him are unavailable as well

speaking of sheep :laugh2:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-szjTQmILkk&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-szjTQmILkk&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

red states rule
07-24-2008, 06:05 PM

07-24-2008, 06:08 PM

:laugh2: :clap:

red states rule
07-25-2008, 08:32 AM
The real reason the messaih gave a one finger salute to the troops, could be he knew how he would be received by them

After all, the messiah, known as Obama, had said the surge was a failure. the war was lost. And wanted to cut and run from Iraq

Now he tries to wiggle off the hook by saying the vist should not have been paid with campaign funds. Well, in his lame speech in Germany he said he was not there as a candidate, so which is it?

07-25-2008, 09:48 AM
His handlers say they canceled the event after the Pentagon ruled it was a "campaign event," and needed to be funded with money from campaign. Either that or leave the press behind. So, they didn't want to pay for it themselves and decided if the couldn't bring the press, why bother?

red states rule
07-25-2008, 10:00 AM
His handlers say they canceled the event after the Pentagon ruled it was a "campaign event," and needed to be funded with money from campaign. Either that or leave the press behind. So, they didn't want to pay for it themselves and decided if the couldn't bring the press, why bother?

I had the same thought. It is like when the Dems trot out a "victim" who can't afford say, an operation. They whine how it would cost several thousand dollars. I think, well if it means that much to you, why not pass the hat around in the Senate. Between the wealth of Ted Kennedy, Hillary, Obama, Rockefeller, and Kerry they would raise the money pretty fast

But, DNCTV offered this defense of the messiah

Mitchell: 'Scuttlebutt' Says McCain Sabotaged Obama Military Hospital Visit
By Mark Finkelstein (Bio | Archive)
July 25, 2008 - 07:27 ET

Are reporters in the business of reporting fact or rumor? Andrea Mitchell, for one, doesn't scruple to circulate "scuttlebutt" that if true would be deeply damaging to John McCain.

Barack Obama's cancellation of plans to visit injured military members at bases in Germany has drawn considerable attention and criticism. On today's Morning Joe, Mitchell passed along an Obama-campaign inspired rumor that McCain used his Pentagon connections to sabotage the Obama visit.

Watch the video


07-25-2008, 10:09 AM
The Wall Street Journal (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/07/25/obama-campaign-says-cancelled-visit-followed-pentagon-ruling/) had a brief article about the cancelation.

red states rule
07-25-2008, 11:12 AM
The Wall Street Journal (http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2008/07/25/obama-campaign-says-cancelled-visit-followed-pentagon-ruling/) had a brief article about the cancelation.

Something tells me the messiah will grace the troops at Walter Reed with his presence, and allow them to cast their eyes on his greatness; as this story makes the rounds and he takes the hits he so richly deserves

07-25-2008, 11:26 AM
He may even lay his hands upon them and heal them.

red states rule
07-25-2008, 11:32 AM
He may even lay his hands upon them and heal them.

Yes, the messiah will heal the sick, the cripple will walk, he make the blind see again - and if doesn't he will blame Bush, McCain, Fox news, and Rush

If nothing else he can try and explain to them why he thought the surge would not work, and why he refuses to admit he was wrong about it

07-25-2008, 11:37 AM
the messiah is never wrong, he led a perfect life.


Yes, the messiah will heal the sick, the cripple will walk, he make the blind see again - and if doesn't he will blame Bush, McCain, Fox news, and Rush

If nothing else he can try and explain to them why he thought the surge would not work, and why he refuses to admit he was wrong about it

07-25-2008, 02:06 PM
His handlers say they canceled the event after the Pentagon ruled it was a "campaign event," and needed to be funded with money from campaign. Either that or leave the press behind. So, they didn't want to pay for it themselves and decided if the couldn't bring the press, why bother?

huh? the entire trip is a campaign trip. he nor his staff deny this and i thought i read that this was to show and bolster his foreign dip skills as president.

07-25-2008, 04:44 PM
oh yeah, feel the comtempt


And this clod wants to be CIC? Time for a workout but not the troops

How typical of this jerk

NewsBusters has learned that presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama has cancelled plans to visit two U.S. military bases while in Germany, this despite having all kinds of time to speak to gushing Berliners as well as getting in a workout at the Ritz Carlton.

One of the bases, The Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, "is an overseas military hospital operated by the U.S. Army and the Department of Defense...[that] serves as the nearest treatment center for wounded soldiers coming from Iraq and Afghanistan."

Yet, as Ed Morrissey's Hot Air reported a few hours ago, Spiegel Online claimed at 1:42 PM local time

++ Visit to US Military Bases Cancelled ++

1:42 p.m.: SPIEGEL ONLINE has learned that Obama has cancelled a planned short visit to the Rammstein and Landstuhl US military bases in the southwest German state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The visits were planned for Friday. "Barack Obama will not be coming to us," a spokesperson for the US military hospital in Landstuhl announced. "I don't know why." Shortly before the same spokeswoman had announced a planned visit by Obama.

According to the Chicago Tribune's Jill Zuckman (emphasis added):

A Republican friend of the Swamp helpfully points out that Sen. Barack Obama seems to have time to visit the gym for a workout today, but not to visit the troops during his stay in Germany tomorrow. [...]

Today, however, Obama, just like George W. Bush in the 2000 election, managed to squeeze in some workout time despite a heavy schedule leading up to his big speech at the Siegessäule, or Victory Column, around 7 p.m. Berlin time.


red states rule
07-27-2008, 10:20 AM
huh? the entire trip is a campaign trip. he nor his staff deny this and i thought i read that this was to show and bolster his foreign dip skills as president.

It was a slap in the face of the troops - or infidels as others refer to tham as

07-28-2008, 10:07 PM
It's a lot more complicated than most of you think or know. I went to factcheck.org and I believe they give the most information and it is all footnoted and everything!!!!!!!!! Here's the link:


There are a lot of questions answered on this site. I suggest you check them out!!!!!! They update continuously!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
07-29-2008, 06:02 PM
It's a lot more complicated than most of you think or know. I went to factcheck.org and I believe they give the most information and it is all footnoted and everything!!!!!!!!! Here's the link:


There are a lot of questions answered on this site. I suggest you check them out!!!!!! They update continuously!!!!!!!!!

The reason the messiah diod not vist the troops was because no cameras were allowed

Shooting baskets was a better photop then visting wounded troops