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View Full Version : Can't Have It Both Ways

03-09-2007, 05:25 PM
Ok, so I keep hearing the Dems talk about the war and how horrible it is, but all they do is pass resolution after resolution after resolution, all of them 'non-binding,' telling Bush how bad he is, despite the fact that they could cut off the funding in a heartbeat. They also refuse to go on record for being for an immediate pullout. They also say they support the troops. This equation is impossible. Here's why:

If you believe that the war is unwinnable, then every day spent in Iraq is a waste of time and money. Why this 2008 thing? Pull the whole thing out TODAY. Oh yeah, because it would be political suicide. By continuing to call the war unwinnable, yet not getting troops out of harm's way, you are saying that your political future is worth sacrificing American lives.

On the other hand, if you think we need a presence in Iraq, why the hell are you holding back? By tieing our troops hands and forcing them to be 'sensitive' and 'fair' to those who only see such things as weakness, you're just getting them killed. If you think we should be in the country at all, then you need to fight to win, not to make politically safe headlines.

In short, you have one of three stances:
I'm for an immediate pullout.
I'm in it to win.
I think the lives of soldiers are less important than politically exhalting my party and/or condemning the other.

03-10-2007, 02:15 AM
Well the answer as far as the dems are concerned is #3

03-10-2007, 09:41 AM
Can't Have It Both Ways

Who says? They're liberals .....:laugh2: