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View Full Version : Most Americans See Obama Win

07-25-2008, 12:05 AM
FoxNews nonetheless!!!!!!!!!!!!! Astounding!!!!!!!!!!! Lots more percentages included!!!!!!!! Does the worm finally turn?

Source: AFP

From correspondents in Washington
July 25, 2008 12:06pm

A MAJORITY Americans believe Democratic candidate Barack Obama will win the presidential election against Republican hopeful John McCain in November, according to a Fox News poll.

While 51 per cent say Senator Obama, who is vying to become the first African-American president, will win the election, only 27 per cent are betting on Senator McCain, today's poll says. Voters registered as Democrats are more confident about their candidate's chances than their Republican peers, 71 per cent of Democrats see Senator Obama winning on November 4 while 51 per cent of Republicans believe Senator McCain will win.

One in four Republicans think Senator Obama, a senator from Illinois, will succeed George W. Bush. A month ago, 47 per cent of Americans believed that Senator Obama, 46, would win the election compared to 32 per cent for Senator McCain, a 71-year-old Arizona senator.

Even though many Americans are predicting an Obama victory, the race remains tight. In a head-to-head match-up, Senator Obama leads McCain 41 to 40 per cent among registered voters, the poll showed. If Libertarian candidate Bob Barr and independent hopeful Ralph Nader are added, Senator Obama leads Senator McCain by 40 to 37 per cent............

More: http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,24075777-23109,00.html

The young republicans aren't picking up the pace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the old ones are just pissed at guess who?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!??!???!?!?!

07-25-2008, 12:15 AM
OH MY GAWD..........

Fox AUSTRALIA??:poke::laugh2:

07-25-2008, 01:55 AM
I suppose you thought Rupert Murdoch was Swedish or something like that?

OH MY GAWD..........
Fox AUSTRALIA??:poke::laugh2:

Shocking, isn't it?

Joe Steel
07-25-2008, 05:48 AM
The young republicans aren't picking up the pace!

That's like military recruiting. Young Republicans talk a good fight but never actually show-up.

Yellow Elephants are more despicable than any other kind.

07-25-2008, 07:20 AM
Still several months till the election. Anything can happen. If Barack wins. so be it.

07-25-2008, 07:39 AM
National polls mean little. Its all about the battleground states.

07-25-2008, 07:49 AM
National polls mean little. Its all about the battleground states.

according to RCP, Obama leads in all but one of them...and has a solid electoral college advantage

07-25-2008, 08:09 AM
They were actually talking about this last night on MSNBC and they were wondering why Obama wasn't farther ahead what with all of the good press coming out of Europe.

One person even mentioned that Kerry was ahead in the polls at this stage also and they shouldn't get to excited.

07-25-2008, 08:37 AM
McCain? :laugh2:

Rly? :laugh2:

07-25-2008, 08:42 AM
We will see just how slick the boy is when he gets back. A lot of talk already about how this piece of shit had time for the big photo op in front of the Nazi shrine but couldn't take a few minutes out of his busy eurotrash ass kissing tour to get over to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to visit with our wounded. His spin machine is working overtime but this may be a tough one to explain.

07-25-2008, 09:33 AM
Yeah, Bush is over there every second week.

He's not a doctor. And if he was there you'd be whining about a photo op.

Face it. McCain is not going to be your prez.


red states rule
07-25-2008, 09:45 AM
Yeah, Bush is over there every second week.

He's not a doctor. And if he was there you'd be whining about a photo op.

Face it. McCain is not going to be your prez.



07-25-2008, 12:18 PM
I find the phrasing of this poll interesting. The people see Senator Obama winning. They never said they'd vote for him.

07-25-2008, 12:33 PM
Im sorry psycho, I respect you, I think youre a bright guy, but i dont see most obama followers as smart, they seem like zombies or sheep to me

dont get me wrong, i might not even vote, and im not claiming mcamnesty is much if any better, based on policies but common, obama is not that experienced.

I think any honest person on this board would say, this is like having two bad choices of women to ask to the problem, one slightly less un-attactive then the other depending on what your preference is

07-25-2008, 03:15 PM
Yeah, Bush is over there every second week.

He's not a doctor. And if he was there you'd be whining about a photo op.

Face it. McCain is not going to be your prez.

Not to be mean but we care what you think about our election why??????????????

Obama is a great speaker and motivator but he has NOT DONE ANYTHING. He hasn't even finished ANY of the jobs he has been elected for. He has had his eye on the presidential office from day one.

He says he is for change. What change????? Why do YOU like him over McCain?

07-25-2008, 03:20 PM
He hasn't even finished ANY of the jobs he has been elected for.

what does that mean? are you suggesting he was not elected AND reelected to the Illinois Senate?

07-25-2008, 04:59 PM
Not to be mean but we care what you think about our election why??????????????

Obama is a great speaker and motivator but he has NOT DONE ANYTHING. He hasn't even finished ANY of the jobs he has been elected for. He has had his eye on the presidential office from day one.

He says he is for change. What change????? Why do YOU like him over McCain?

He is a great speaker when, and only when, he has a teleprompter. otherwise he isnt very good at all.

07-25-2008, 09:23 PM
what does that mean? are you suggesting he was not elected AND reelected to the Illinois Senate?

what does that mean?


What words are you having trouble with..??

07-25-2008, 09:26 PM
what does that mean?


What words are you having trouble with..??

these words:

"He hasn't even finished ANY of the jobs he has been elected for."

that is bullshit. He has served three terms in the Illiniois State Senate.

understand now?

red states rule
07-27-2008, 10:51 AM

07-27-2008, 12:07 PM
Lets face it people, most candidates with an (R) next to their name are going to get walloped in November directly because of W and his complete trashing of the country. I hope it happens and it shakes up Repubs enough that they get away from their current liberal party lines and back to the right.

07-27-2008, 12:08 PM
I don't feel he is a good speaker at all. He is a practiced speaker, being a lawyer that is what they do....... he could argue for a mass murderer's innocence even after he was caught with the murder weapon in hand and the victims DNA all over his shirt. Sure, he's an effective speaker but so is a good used car salesman, he is not a good thinker though. He proves what a zero he is whenever he is given a question that his handlers haven't come up with an answer for him to parrot, he becomes a mess of ahhhs and ummmms. And the weak assed MLK imitation gets old very quickly. If he does get in because of the ignorance of the American public, he will screw up the chance of another Democrat or black getting elected for years. Anyone that is honest with themselves, with a little brains and knowledge of economics, understands that his feel good shit will only ruin this country. Honest people know that the bullshit that the Dems have been parroting about Clinton's "surplus" was nothing but a PROJECTED surplus that never existed. Anyone that is truly honest with themselves can admit that Obama represent the same old shit from the Democrats.

07-27-2008, 12:17 PM
Lets face it people, most candidates with an (R) next to their name are going to get walloped in November directly because of W and his complete trashing of the country. I hope it happens and it shakes up Repubs enough that they get away from their current liberal party lines and back to the right.

This statement disregards that the Dems have had a majority in Congress the last two years and the economy's problems mirror that time. Even when they didn't have the majority they have acted like they did so why, if they are so different and own all of the answers, did they allow the "complete trashing of the country"........ whatever that means. How do they escape all responsibility? Please don't give the standard simplistic statement of how the buck stops at the current administration, this isn't a dictatorship and if the real purpose of all of these lousy assed politicians was truly our country's welfare, why don't they all get the same blame? Seems extremely naive and I expect that from ManfromMaine or that idiot Joe Steel but not from you OCA.

07-27-2008, 12:29 PM
This statement disregards that the Dems have had a majority in Congress the last two years and the economy's problems mirror that time. Even when they didn't have the majority they have acted like they did so why, if they are so different and own all of the answers, did they allow the "complete trashing of the country"........ whatever that means. How do they escape all responsibility? Please don't give the standard simplistic statement of how the buck stops at the current administration, this isn't a dictatorship and if the real purpose of all of these lousy assed politicians was truly our country's welfare, why don't they all get the same blame? Seems extremely naive and I expect that from ManfromMaine or that idiot Joe Steel but not from you OCA.

Gas went up long before the Dems took control of Congress, Congress did not decide to bypass the constitution on many things from wiretapping to firings at the DOJ. In regards to the economy no major economic legislation has been passed in the last two yrs such as a massive tax raise that would effect the economy, its simply been a lack of action on the part of the administration to stop the downward spiral and the lack of balls by anybody close to Bush to say "you can't fucking do that" from Iraq to domestic affairs.

Listen my friend, its impossible to look at the time of Repubs in power since 1994 and see that they have accomplished shit. Well in actuality they did accomplish alot, they grew the government to heights never before seen and disregarded the constitution when it suited them.

07-27-2008, 12:31 PM
I don't feel he is a good speaker at all. He is a practiced speaker, being a lawyer that is what they do....... he could argue for a mass murderer's innocence even after he was caught with the murder weapon in hand and the victims DNA all over his shirt. Sure, he's an effective speaker but so is a good used car salesman, he is not a good thinker though. He proves what a zero he is whenever he is given a question that his handlers haven't come up with an answer for him to parrot, he becomes a mess of ahhhs and ummmms. And the weak assed MLK imitation gets old very quickly. If he does get in because of the ignorance of the American public, he will screw up the chance of another Democrat or black getting elected for years. Anyone that is honest with themselves, with a little brains and knowledge of economics, understands that his feel good shit will only ruin this country. Honest people know that the bullshit that the Dems have been parroting about Clinton's "surplus" was nothing but a PROJECTED surplus that never existed. Anyone that is truly honest with themselves can admit that Obama represent the same old shit from the Democrats.

Lets face it, we are fucked either way this time around, he's a zero and so is McCain, neither are man enough for the job and I fear for this country in the next 4 yrs, might be the end is near.

07-27-2008, 12:35 PM
I thought he was a junior senator and this was his first term?

these words:

"He hasn't even finished ANY of the jobs he has been elected for."

that is bullshit. He has served three terms in the Illiniois State Senate.

understand now?

07-27-2008, 01:49 PM
I thought he was a junior senator and this was his first term?

I said he was elected three times to the ILLINOIS STATE SENATE.

That is not the same thing as the UNITED STATES SENATE.

come on.... read more, and you won't have to ask such questions.

07-28-2008, 02:22 AM
Excellent conversation!!!!!!! Carry on, my fellow Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!