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View Full Version : Obama's world tour gives McCain edge

07-25-2008, 12:28 PM
Funny how Obama is getting all the publicity and yet McCain is gaining ground on Obama. The polls show McCain even with Obama in alot of swing states.

You would think with all this fawning publicity, Obama should have a 10 point edge on McCain. But he doesn't. You Obama supporters should be worried.

07-25-2008, 12:54 PM
Funny how Obama is getting all the publicity and yet McCain is gaining ground on Obama. The polls show McCain even with Obama in alot of swing states.

You would think with all this fawning publicity, Obama should have a 10 point edge on McCain. But he doesn't. You Obama supporters should be worried.

Perhaps, but I'm not.

and YOU all can't quite hide that desperate flop sweat fear in your voices.

The Bare Knuckled Pundit
07-25-2008, 12:58 PM
While the first half of his tour provided Obama's campaign with ample video footage and photos of the Senator being the center of attention in exotic locales among foreign dignitaries and US military personnel, how will the images of adoring European throngs play in Middle America where Obama already has a problem with an elitist image?

To dismiss Obama's Bubba problem out of hand is short-sighted and arrogant; not to mention highly dangerous for his electoral prospects.


07-25-2008, 02:37 PM
While the first half of his tour provided Obama's campaign with ample video footage and photos of the Senator being the center of attention in exotic locales among foreign dignitaries and US military personnel, how will the images of adoring European throngs play in Middle America where Obama already has a problem with an elitist image?

To dismiss Obama's Bubba problem out of hand is short-sighted and arrogant; not to mention highly dangerous for his electoral prospects.


I think that Obama is an extremely skillful campaigner. I think he caught Hillary completely unaware as to how fucking good he really was. I think that he will manage the general election campaign with all the finesse that he exhibited in winning the primary campaign against an opponent who EVERYONE thought was a lead pipe cinch to win.

07-25-2008, 05:08 PM
Perhaps, but I'm not.

and YOU all can't quite hide that desperate flop sweat fear in your voices.

What the hell do I have to be worried about? No matter who wins, I think we are going to have a second rate leader. I knew that months ago.

Unlike you, my life is not determined by who is leader. I may have more obstacles to overcome, but that doesnt mean Im going to fail to do so. Any concern I have isnt for myself, its for people like yourself who are completely blinded to the consequences of your choices.

I also happen to know the scriptures well and I have faith in a perfect God. So I know that pride cometh before the fall. And the hubris your candidate is demonstrating is going to come back and bite him in the ass. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. And I am sure the timing of the Lord will be poetic and just.

07-25-2008, 05:12 PM
I think that Obama is an extremely skillful campaigner. I think he caught Hillary completely unaware as to how fucking good he really was. I think that he will manage the general election campaign with all the finesse that he exhibited in winning the primary campaign against an opponent who EVERYONE thought was a lead pipe cinch to win.

I disagree. I think Hillary was just so arrogant that she thought it was a coronation so she didnt really campaign like she could have. Heck, she wasnt even prepared in any states past Super Tuesday. She didnt have organization in any of them. And then she managed to not only get prepared, but to beat Barack in most of those states. Her problem was it was too little too late.

No, Hillary's problem was hubris, not Barack's campaigning skills.

07-25-2008, 09:27 PM
I disagree. I think Hillary was just so arrogant that she thought it was a coronation so she didnt really campaign like she could have. Heck, she wasnt even prepared in any states past Super Tuesday. She didnt have organization in any of them. And then she managed to not only get prepared, but to beat Barack in most of those states. Her problem was it was too little too late.

No, Hillary's problem was hubris, not Barack's campaigning skills.

that's your opinion. I don't share it.

07-25-2008, 09:29 PM
What the hell do I have to be worried about? No matter who wins, I think we are going to have a second rate leader. I knew that months ago.

Unlike you, my life is not determined by who is leader. I may have more obstacles to overcome, but that doesnt mean Im going to fail to do so. Any concern I have isnt for myself, its for people like yourself who are completely blinded to the consequences of your choices.

I also happen to know the scriptures well and I have faith in a perfect God. So I know that pride cometh before the fall. And the hubris your candidate is demonstrating is going to come back and bite him in the ass. It's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. And I am sure the timing of the Lord will be poetic and just.

why would you think that my LIFE was determined by who is president?

What a ridiculous and unsubstantiated thing to say. My LIFE is about a TON of things that are infinitely more important that presidential politics.

07-26-2008, 12:35 AM
The Racist wanna be Negro Obama will get beat in a Landslide. Don't forget the MSM predicted both Al Gore And traitor John Kerry were Suposably both gonna win Easily over Bush. so Don't trust the Liberal Bias media's polls they are wrong 99% of the time

red states rule
07-27-2008, 11:01 AM

07-27-2008, 04:59 PM