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View Full Version : A New Outrage from McCain

Joe Steel
07-27-2008, 06:17 PM
This is despicable. It's the lowest thing McCain has done so far in his campaign. Maybe he just confused but I think he did it because he has not honor or integrity.

Republican John McCain's campaign on Saturday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for canceling a visit to wounded troops in Germany, contending Obama chose foreign leaders and cheering Europeans over "injured American heroes."

McCain campaign: Obama shortchanged injured troops (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080727/ap_on_el_pr/mccain_obama_troops;_ylt=AlEGqGxA1W32xKjyosnFRUes0 NUE)

McCain is using injured soldiers to attack a political rival. Why has he sunk so low? What kind of moral derelict would vote for someone who would suck the blood of injured heroes?

07-27-2008, 06:19 PM
This is despicable. It's the lowest thing McCain has done so far in his campaign. Maybe he just confused but I think he did it because he has not honor or integrity.

McCain is using injured soldiers to attack a political rival. Why has he sunk so low? What kind of moral derelict would vote for someone who would suck the blood of injured heroes?

why do think obama refused to visit the troops.....

07-27-2008, 06:35 PM
how many times i have heard the left and probably you joe, criticize the president for not visiting wounded troops/enough/or at all...

07-27-2008, 07:45 PM
This is despicable. It's the lowest thing McCain has done so far in his campaign. Maybe he just confused but I think he did it because he has not honor or integrity.

McCain is using injured soldiers to attack a political rival. Why has he sunk so low? What kind of moral derelict would vote for someone who would suck the blood of injured heroes?

I think this is the lowest thing the Obama campaign has done agreeing to visit wounded soldiers and then not because they can't use the visit as a Photo Op.

07-27-2008, 08:38 PM
This is despicable. It's the lowest thing McCain has done so far in his campaign. Maybe he just confused but I think he did it because he has not honor or integrity.

McCain is using injured soldiers to attack a political rival. Why has he sunk so low? What kind of moral derelict would vote for someone who would suck the blood of injured heroes?

that's funny..the words that liberals now constantly throw out there...

you liberal Democrats use the troops all the time..and none of it is for the good..
John McCain is right on this one..so suck it up, buttercup.:poke:

07-28-2008, 10:04 AM
Well lets see, he was invited to come and visit, but asked not to bring the press along. Obama can't use it as a photo op, so decides not to come.

Who is the despicable one???????

I'll give ya a hint, it's not McCain.:salute:

07-28-2008, 10:09 AM
There is an echo, this outrage... it appears to be hollow...

07-28-2008, 12:08 PM
There is an echo, this outrage... it appears to be hollow...

no, not hollow echo.....but repeated......

07-28-2008, 01:05 PM
This is despicable. It's the lowest thing McCain has done so far in his campaign. Maybe he just confused but I think he did it because he has not honor or integrity.

McCain is using injured soldiers to attack a political rival. Why has he sunk so low? What kind of moral derelict would vote for someone who would suck the blood of injured heroes?

Yea, McCain sank to a new low - he's speaking the ugly truth that liberals abhorr so much.

If Barry wasn't such a shitbag liberal that blantantly spat on the troops during his euro trip, he wouldn't be open to these attacks.

07-28-2008, 01:16 PM
If I wrote:

"McCain was simply calling a spade, a spade" Would I get accused of being racially insensitive?

07-28-2008, 01:31 PM
If I wrote:

"McCain was simply calling a spade, a spade" Would I get accused of being racially insensitive?

Only by those who do not know the origins of the phrase.

On a similar note...

Did you catch the idiocy out of Dallas recently? A county commisioner referred to a particular collections office as "a black hole," apparently they often lose paperwork within it's walls. Well, he is white and a couple of his black counterparts on the commision called a halt to the proceedings, expressed their angerand offense at the use of the term, and demanded an apology.

07-28-2008, 01:34 PM
Only by those who do not know the origins of the phrase.

On a similar note...

Did you catch the idiocy out of Dallas recently? A county commisioner referred to a particular collections office as "a black hole," apparently they often lose paperwork within it's walls. Well, he is white and a couple of his black counterparts on the commision called a halt to the proceedings, expressed their angerand offense at the use of the term, and demanded an apology.

I did see that (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=15854&highlight=black+hole). That's what movitated my reply, the way i crafted it. :)

07-28-2008, 01:44 PM
How the hell did I miss that thread?