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03-09-2007, 07:38 PM
:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

A passionate and intense collaboration between the netroots, and media activists, and MoveOn, and the video we created at Brave New Films, has led to the wise decision by the Nevada Democratic Party to cancel the Fox-sponsored debate.

Many heroes in this battle, from Senator Edwards showing wonderful leadership, to Senator Harry Reid working to change the course of a decision that was an error from day one, to the Nevada Democratic Party who realized that they could not be party to helping the distortions and lies of Fox, to Matt Stoller's and Markos's important posts, to MoveOn's leadership.

Going forward the message is clear: Fox cannot continue to pretend it is news, Roger Ailes supposed jokes last night merely reinforce and remind people of his past as a political hack and attacker. The fight for truth is a long one, and this is an important step along the way.

03-09-2007, 07:43 PM
:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

A passionate and intense collaboration between the netroots, and media activists, and MoveOn, and the video we created at Brave New Films, has led to the wise decision by the Nevada Democratic Party to cancel the Fox-sponsored debate.

Many heroes in this battle, from Senator Edwards showing wonderful leadership, to Senator Harry Reid working to change the course of a decision that was an error from day one, to the Nevada Democratic Party who realized that they could not be party to helping the distortions and lies of Fox, to Matt Stoller's and Markos's important posts, to MoveOn's leadership.

Going forward the message is clear: Fox cannot continue to pretend it is news, Roger Ailes supposed jokes last night merely reinforce and remind people of his past as a political hack and attacker. The fight for truth is a long one, and this is an important step along the way.

:laugh2: ------Where's that chicken smilie when we need it ??

03-09-2007, 07:52 PM
:rolleyes: :cuckoo:

A passionate and intense collaboration between the netroots, and media activists, and MoveOn, and the video we created at Brave New Films, has led to the wise decision by the Nevada Democratic Party to cancel the Fox-sponsored debate.

Many heroes in this battle, from Senator Edwards showing wonderful leadership, to Senator Harry Reid working to change the course of a decision that was an error from day one, to the Nevada Democratic Party who realized that they could not be party to helping the distortions and lies of Fox, to Matt Stoller's and Markos's important posts, to MoveOn's leadership.

Going forward the message is clear: Fox cannot continue to pretend it is news, Roger Ailes supposed jokes last night merely reinforce and remind people of his past as a political hack and attacker. The fight for truth is a long one, and this is an important step along the way.

At least it's not MSNBC

03-09-2007, 07:56 PM
Democrats Dump Fox:laugh2:
The Huffington Post | Melinda Henneberger | Posted March 9, 2007 05:32 PM
Contact/tips: melinda@huffingtonpost.com

READ MORE: Nevada, Harry Reid
The Huffington Post can confirm that the Nevada Democratic Party has decided to back out of a Fox News-sponsored presidential debate in August following Fox President Roger Ailes's recent remarks comparing Democratic Senator Barack Obama to al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

Fox News did not answer calls seeking reaction to the decision.

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards had already announced that he would not participate in the Fox debate. His party followed suit today, under pressure from the more than 265,000 people who signed a petition calling Fox "a mouthpiece for the Republican Party, not a legitimate news channel" and urging Nevada officials to cancel.

Danny Coyle, a MoveOn.org member who serves on the Executive Board of the Carson City Democratic Central Committee, yesterday offered a resolution calling on the state party to drop Fox, and it passed overwhelmingly among the grassroots Democrats in attendance.

"I am glad and relieved that the Nevada Democratic leadership has come to its senses," Coyle said. "Any kind of relationship with Fox is bad for the party."

At first, Senator Reid defended the decision to work with Fox, reasoning that it might help Democratic candidates reach out to right-leaning Fox viewers. But party activists argued from the start that any connection with Fox was a mistake.

Robert Greenwald, director of the movie Outfoxed, called the final decision a "victory for truth and journalism." Some 280,000 people have viewed Greenwald's new YouTube film "Fox Attacks: Obama" - located with the petition at www.FoxAttacks.com. "By standing up to Fox's right-wing smears," Greenwald said, "the patriotic grassroots, Netroots, Senator Reid, Senator Edwards, and the Nevada Democrats have all worked together to protect one of the most important elements of a free society - the press."

And Eli Pariser, Executive Director of MoveOn.org Civic Action, said he hoped the decision would "set a precedent within the party that Fox should be treated as a right-wing mis-information network, not legitimized as a neutral source of news."

03-09-2007, 07:56 PM
Do these whack job nutbags realise that they are trying to censor the media? Do they not realise that Democrats watch Fox too? And why is it o.k. for every other station that exists to be left leaning,but the one that supposedly leans right,or at the very least is fair to the right is censored and picked on?

What a bunch of creeps:slap:

03-09-2007, 07:58 PM
And another thing,I say let em do it. Fox is the highest rated cable news network-their only hurting themselves

:dance: What would we do without Fox?

03-09-2007, 07:59 PM
Congratulations are at last due! To whom it may concern:
Any NON-BUSHIITE AMERICAN possessed of even a tiny bit of LOYALTY "TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES and to the CONSTITUTION THEREOF should henceforth and forever refuse to watch any FOX TV programing, should cancel any subscriptions to any MURDOCK MEDIA OUTLET OF ANYKIND WHATSOEVER, and should also BOYCOT any and all sponsors and/or advertisers in any MURDOCK OWNED ENTERPRISE.

The same treatment should be applied to any media outlet featuring DAVE BECK, ANN COULTER, RUSH LIMBAUGH, or any other RIGHTWING ATTACK DOG!
By: oldgringo on March 09, 2007 at 06:06pm

:pee: :laugh2:

Mr. P
03-09-2007, 08:24 PM
Do these whack job nutbags realise that they are trying to censor the media? Do they not realise that Democrats watch Fox too? And why is it o.k. for every other station that exists to be left leaning,but the one that supposedly leans right,or at the very least is fair to the right is censored and picked on?

What a bunch of creeps:slap:

Oh yeah, they know very well, Krisy. The whole plan is censorship; watch what the try to do to talk radio.

03-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Oh yeah, they know very well, Krisy. The whole plan is censorship; watch what the try to do to talk radio.

I dare them to screw with talk radio...way to popular,they won't touch it IMO. I'm sure your right tho,they will TRY

03-10-2007, 01:56 AM
They are out to totally control the media. FOX is the only one they can't control of all the TV news outlets. They are trying real hard to censor talk radio and they would really love to shut down the bloggers, where the real news is coming from. They will try every backdoor and devious scheme they can to get control of the media. ALL of the media.

03-10-2007, 05:47 AM
And another thing,I say let em do it. Fox is the highest rated cable news network-their only hurting themselves

:dance: What would we do without Fox?

Which is exactly why candidates want to go on Fox. To reach the most audience.

03-10-2007, 08:37 AM
Like I said,they will be ousting a lot of potential voters by censoring Fox. And talk radio....I hear a pretty good amount of Dems that call Sean Hannity,Rush,and others. Bad,bad decision for them that's maybe good for the right.

03-10-2007, 09:46 AM
Here are some good examples of more media Liberalism in Bill O Reiily's talking points


NBC and CBS are doing lousy. What's even funnier is all the hoopla made out of Katie Couric joining CBS. If you would listen to the media,you would have thought she was going to save them.

03-10-2007, 04:10 PM
Glad to see others admitting that Fox is not a news station. Fox is state-run TV. There is no sense of impartiality.

03-10-2007, 04:12 PM
Glad to see others admitting that Fox is not a news station. Fox is state-run TV. There is no sense of impartiality.

which state runs fox??

what or your thoughts on cnn and msnbc?

03-10-2007, 05:05 PM
which state runs fox??

what or your thoughts on cnn and msnbc?

Those don't count. They agree with her viewpoint.

03-10-2007, 05:19 PM
Those don't count. They agree with her viewpoint.

so that would make them state run by libs and biased against conservatives?

03-10-2007, 06:33 PM
When was the last time you heard a non-Republican viewpoint on Fox?
But, since any media outlet that dares to question Bush policies or decisions is defined as "liberal," I suppose most of them are thus.
Even the NY Post fails to slurp and swallow at times.

03-10-2007, 06:41 PM
I get the biggest laugh watching these so called enlightened PROGRESSIVES hating on a news program...

It's absolutely.....HILARIORS....:laugh2:

03-10-2007, 06:45 PM
We don't hate on real news programs. Some of us even know how to spell hilarious. :cheers2:

03-10-2007, 06:51 PM
We don't hate on real news programs. Some of us even know how to spell hilarious. :cheers2:

Feel better now....

03-10-2007, 06:54 PM
Absolutely. :dance:

03-10-2007, 06:58 PM
Absolutely. :dance:

I figured you would...:lame2:

03-10-2007, 07:02 PM
When was the last time you heard a non-Republican viewpoint on Fox?
But, since any media outlet that dares to question Bush policies or decisions is defined as "liberal," I suppose most of them are thus.
Even the NY Post fails to slurp and swallow at times.

Any time i actually bother watching Fox.

03-10-2007, 07:09 PM
When was the last time you heard a non-Republican viewpoint on Fox?
But, since any media outlet that dares to question Bush policies or decisions is defined as "liberal," I suppose most of them are thus.
Even the NY Post fails to slurp and swallow at times.

I see non Republican viewpoints everyday on Fox. I think your stretching the truth. For every left side they have a right,and I think you know that. I think what the leftists do not like about Fox,is that someone has FINALLY given the right a chance to be heard. It's not just a Liberal guest with a Liberal interviewer. They cannot stand that the right are heard on that station....that is their one and only problem with it.

If they are doing such a lousy job,why are they number one? Because BOTH sides are consistently heard.

03-10-2007, 07:55 PM

That's all I needed to read to realize the agenda and what a load of crap it is. They might as well have DU deciding where they'll be allowed to debate.

03-10-2007, 08:23 PM
That's all I needed to read to realize the agenda and what a load of crap it is. They might as well have DU deciding where they'll be allowed to debate.

The Democrat Party of today.......Is a joke..

But we can't spend all our time laughing at them...

For they are also dangerous to our Country...

Every stinking one of them today, except for a few.....Are Socialist..

And that's what they want to shove on us...

We MUST fight them, and never give up...
