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07-30-2008, 05:12 PM
obama is a tasteless, bigoted fool....check out his 2003 con law exam question:

...of Utopia's new governor, Arnold Whatzanager....


scroll down a little, on the left hand side click the link for 2003 final exam

whatzanager? come on, obama playing up that arnold is a racist, how classy and what uniter to bash a governor in a lawschool exam.

07-30-2008, 05:28 PM
I'd be more interested in how Obama graded the answers, than in how he asked the questions.

07-30-2008, 05:30 PM
everybody got A's because its not fair that some should suffer while others do not


07-30-2008, 09:08 PM
appears obama gets another pass from his followers....

whats a nager

07-30-2008, 09:42 PM
obama is a tasteless, bigoted fool....check out his 2003 con law exam question:

...of Utopia's new governor, Arnold Whatzanager....


scroll down a little, on the left hand side click the link for 2003 final exam

whatzanager? come on, obama playing up that arnold is a racist, how classy and what uniter to bash a governor in a lawschool exam.

How do you get that he is "playing up that Arnold is a racist" by that name? Did you READ the test questions regarding Utopia. How would YOU have answered them, "counselor"?

07-30-2008, 09:47 PM
How do you get that he is "playing up that Arnold is a racist" by that name? Did you READ the test questions regarding Utopia. How would YOU have answered them, "counselor"?

care to address the thread topic....and no way would i attempt to answer an obama test question or any prof who calls the governor of california (and admit it, you know who he is talking about) whats a nigger

Arnold Whatzanager

come on mfm, defend that, honestly

07-30-2008, 09:50 PM
care to address the thread topic....and no way would i attempt to answer an obama test question or any prof who calls the governor of california (and admit it, you know who he is talking about) whats a nigger

Arnold Whatzanager

come on mfm, defend that, honestly

I admit nothing of the sort...it is a play on his name...his real name ends with "nager" Obama merely changed the first part. Your hatred for the man has caused you to become totally irrational. honestly.

Schwartzanager..Whatzanager... there is nothing about nigger in that. You are fucking sick with hatred, that's all.

07-30-2008, 09:56 PM
Your hatred for the man has caused you to become totally irrational. honestly

Now?? where have I heard this saying before...

Just insert another name......:coffee::laugh2:

07-30-2008, 09:58 PM
Now?? where have I heard this saying before...

Just insert another name......:coffee::laugh2:


be honest. Do you think that Obama's test question was implying that Arnold was a racist? yes or no?

or will your code of honor amongst conservatives prevent you from ratting out one of your brethren?

07-30-2008, 10:03 PM

be honest. Do you think that Obama's test question was implying that Arnold was a racist? yes or no?

or will your code of honor amongst conservatives prevent you from ratting out one of your brethren?

I didn't even look at the question Mfn, I was commenting on something else you said..guess you didn't get it..

I couldn't tell you on the rest of it..

07-30-2008, 10:08 PM
I admit nothing of the sort...it is a play on his name...his real name ends with "nager" Obama merely changed the first part. Your hatred for the man has caused you to become totally irrational. honestly.

Schwartzanager..Whatzanager... there is nothing about nigger in that. You are fucking sick with hatred, that's all.

so he "innocently" changed arnold's name to whatzanager....give me a break....why "whats" and why put an "a" before "nager?"


are you honestly going to tell me that doesn't phonetically sound like......whats a nigger

07-30-2008, 11:01 PM
I didn't even look at the question Mfn, I was commenting on something else you said..guess you didn't get it..

I couldn't tell you on the rest of it..

I guess I nailed that one, didn't I?

07-30-2008, 11:06 PM
so he "innocently" changed arnold's name to whatzanager....give me a break....why "whats" and why put an "a" before "nager?"


are you honestly going to tell me that doesn't phonetically sound like......whats a nigger

it sounds like a silly way to say something that sounds like his name.

Like I said, your unhealthy hatred for Obama has blossomed to new heights here.... and your cohort stephanie adroitly sidestepped the issue rather than rat on her "pal". Where are all you other conservative compatriots clamouring to join you in suggesting that Obama was sneakily calling Arnold a racist?

Go hurry up and PM them and get them here to affirm your wisdom and be sure to tell them to neg rep me while they are at it.

Seriously...I cannot believe you are making an issue of something as nonsensical as this. Did ANY of his law students ever stand up and complain about the use of that name and claim that they thought it meant what you - and only you - seem to think it means? Do tell.

07-30-2008, 11:09 PM
I guess I nailed that one, didn't I?

I don't think so...I was commenting on this..

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
Your hatred for the man has caused you to become totally irrational. honestly

I don't know what you're talking about, but what is new, you babble..:poke:

07-30-2008, 11:15 PM
I don't think so...I was commenting on this..

I don't know what you're talking about, but what is new, you babble..:poke:

Yurt has claimed, in the OP of this thread, that, when Obama created a law school test question that referred to a Governor Arnold Whatzanager of the State of Utopia, that somehow that was a surreptitious way for Obama to call the real Arnold a racist.

Do you care to comment on the validity of that claim, or does your conservative code of "honor" prevent you from doing so?

07-30-2008, 11:17 PM
Yurt has claimed, in the OP of this thread, that, when Obama created a law school test question that referred to a Governor Arnold Whatzanager of the State of Utopia, that somehow that was a surreptitious way for Obama to call the real Arnold a racist.

Do you care to comment on the validity of that claim, or does your conservative code of honor prevent you from doing so?

Listen ya little shit..
I didn't want to comment on the thread that was started..if I did, I would of..
I was commenting on something you said in another post..

Originally Posted by manfrommaine
Your hatred for the man has caused you to become totally irrational. honestly

Now you all go along.....see ya.

07-30-2008, 11:18 PM
Listen ya little shit..
I said I didn't want to comment on the thread that was started..I was commenting on something you said in another post..

Now you all go along.....see ya.

why can't you comment on the very subject of this thread?

ya little shit.

07-30-2008, 11:19 PM
If it wasn't a play on words for the obvious, then what was it a play on words for?

07-30-2008, 11:20 PM
it sounds like a silly way to say something that sounds like his name.

Like I said, your unhealthy hatred for Obama has blossomed to new heights here.... and your cohort stephanie adroitly sidestepped the issue rather than rat on her "pal". Where are all you other conservative compatriots clamouring to join you in suggesting that Obama was sneakily calling Arnold a racist?

Go hurry up and PM them and get them here to affirm your wisdom and be sure to tell them to neg rep me while they are at it.

Seriously...I cannot believe you are making an issue of something as nonsensical as this. Did ANY of his law students ever stand up and complain about the use of that name and claim that they thought it meant what you - and only you - seem to think it means? Do tell.

Well............it does sort of look like it MFM. Just being honest.

07-30-2008, 11:24 PM
Well............it does sort of look like it MFM. Just being honest.

it looks like Obama is calling the governor of california a RACIST?

Please explain? His real name ends in "negger". Obama changed it, for the test to Whatzanager instead of Schwarzenegger and you are telling me that you honestly think that Obama was trying to call the governor of California a RACIST?

07-30-2008, 11:25 PM
If it wasn't a play on words for the obvious, then what was it a play on words for?

who said it was a play on words, blockmail?

07-30-2008, 11:32 PM
and considering that "schvartzer" IS yiddish for "nigger", one would think that his REAL name was more derrogatory that the one that Obama made up!

07-30-2008, 11:34 PM
obama may not be racist but he is a bigot.....and a creative story teller with a "bad" memory....

from an e-mail

Obama's Not Exactlys:

1.) Selma Got Me Born -
NOT EXACTLY, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965. (Google 'Obama Selma' for his full March 4, 2007 speech and articles about its various untruths.)

2.) Father Was A Goat Herder -
NOT EXACTLY, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government.

3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter -
NOT EXACTLY, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had.

4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom -
NOT EXACTLY, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades. The current government is pro-American but Odinga wants to overthrow it and establish Muslim Sharia law. Your half-brother, Abongo Oba ma, is Odinga's follower. You interrupted your New Hampshire campaigning to speak to Odinga on the phone. Check out the following link for verification of that....and for more.
Obama's cousin Odinga in Kenya ran for president and tried to get Sharia muslim law in place there. When Odinga lost the elections, his followers have burned Christians' homes and then burned men, women and children alive in a Christian church where they took shelter.. Obama SUPPORTED his cousin before the election process here started. Google Obama and Odinga and see what you get. No one wants to know the truth.< BR>
5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian -
NOT EXACTLY, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wou ldn't allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.

6.) My Name is African Swahili -
NOT EXACTLY, your name is Arabic and 'Baraka' (from which Barack came) means 'blessed' in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.
Barack Hussein Obama is not half black. If elected, he would be the first Arab-American President, not the first black President. Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negro from his father's side. While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs.. Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro). From....and for more....go to.....

7.) I Never Practiced Islam -
NOT EXACTLY, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years, until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.
4-3-08 Article 'Obama was 'quite religious in islam'' http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=60559 <http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&amp;pageId=60559>

8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian -
NOT EXACTLY, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).
February 28, 2008. Kristoff from the New York Times a year ago: Mr. Obama recalled the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent. In a remark that seemed delightfully uncalculated (it'll give Alabama voters heart attacks), Mr. Obama described the call to prayer as 'one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.' This is just one example of what Pamela is talking about when she says 'Obama's narrative is being altered, enhanced and manipulated to whitewash troubling facts.'

9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - NOT EXACTLY, not one teacher says you could speak the language.

10.) Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience -
NOT EXACTLY, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn't even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran and watch cartoons.

11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs -
NOT EXACTLY, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.

12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion -
NOT EXACTLY, you were quite content in hi gh school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine.

13.)An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office -
NOT EXACTLY, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.

14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life -
NOT EXACTLY, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn't, and never did, exist.

15.) I Won't Run On A National Ticket In '08 -
NOT EXACTLY, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.

16.) Voting 'Present' is Common In Illinois Senate -
NOT EXACTLY, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.

17.) Oops, I Misvoted -NOT EXACTLY, only when caught by church groups and Democrats, did you beg to change your misvote.

18.) I Was A Professor Of Law - NOT EXACTLY, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

19.) I Was A Constitutional Lawyer - NOT EXACTLY, you were a senior lecturer ON LEAVE.

20.) Without Me, There Would Be No Ethics Bill - NOT EXACTLY, you didn't write it, introduce it, change it, or create it.

21.) The Ethics Bill Was Hard To Pass - NOT EXACTLY, it took just 14 days from start to finish.

22.) I Wrote A Tough Nuclear Bill - NOT EXACTLY, your bill was rejected by your own party for its pandering and lack of all regulation - mainly because of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.

23.) I Have Releas ed My State Records - NOT EXACTLY, as of March, 2008, state bills you sponsor ed or voted for have yet to be released, exposing all the special interests pork hidden within.

24.) I Took On The Asbestos Altgeld Gardens Mess - NOT EXACTLY, you were part of a large group of people who remedied Altgeld Gardens. You failed to mention anyone else but yourself, in your books.

25.) M y Economics Bill Will Help America - NOT EXACTLY, your 111 economic policies were just combined into a proposal which lost 99-0, and even YOU voted against your own bill.

26.) I Have Been A Bold Leader In Illinois - NOT EXACTLY, even your own supporters claim to have not seen BOLD action on your part.

27.) I Passed 26 Of My Own Bills In One Year - NOT EXACTLY, they were not YOUR bills, but rather handed to you, after their creation by a fellow Senator, to assist you in a future bid for higher office.

28.) No One on my campaign contacted Cana da about NAFTA - NOT EXACTLY, the Candian Government issued the names and a me mo of the conversation your campaign had with them.

29.) I Am Tough On Terrorism - NOT EXACTLY, you missed the Iran Resolution vote on terrorism and your good friend Ali Abunimah supports the destruction off Israel.

30.) I Want All Votes To Count - NOT EXACTLY, you said let the delegates decide.

31.) I Want Americans To Decide - NOT EXACTLY, you prefer caucuses that limit the vote, confuse the voters, force a public vote, and only operate during small windows of time.

32.) I passed 900 Bills in the State Senate - NOT EXACTLY, you passed 26, most of which you didn't write yourself.

33.) I Believe In Fairness, Not Tactics - NOT EXACTLY, you used tactics to eliminate Alice Palmer from running against you.

34.) I Don't Take PAC Money - NOT EXACTLY, you take loads of it.

35.) I don't Have Lobbysists - NOT EXA CTLY, you have over 47 lobbyists, and counting.

36.) My Campaign Had Noth ing To Do With The 1984 Ad - NOT EXACTLY, your own campaign worker made the ad on his Apple in one afternoon.

37.) I Have Always Been Against Iraq - NOT EXACTLY, you weren't in office to vote against it AND you have voted to fund it every single time.

38.) I Have Always Supported Universal Health Care - NOT EXACTL Y, your plan leaves us all to pay for the 15,000,000 who don't have to b uy it.

'Qui non intelligit aut discat aut taceat'
Who does not understand should either learn, or be silent.

07-30-2008, 11:47 PM
Whatz - A - Nager

07-30-2008, 11:49 PM
Whatz - A - Nager

not obama he is an arab infidel......

07-30-2008, 11:51 PM
Whatz - A - Nager
[sarcasm]Yeah...you're right yurt...that is an unmistakable example of Barack Obama calling Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger a RACIST. I don't know why I didn't see it before! And I don't know WHY all those law students that took that exam didn't see it either! [/sarcasm off]

fucking moron.

07-31-2008, 12:00 AM
[sarcasm]Yeah...you're right yurt...that is an unmistakable example of Barack Obama calling Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger a RACIST. I don't know why I didn't see it before! And I don't know WHY all those law students that took that exam didn't see it either! [/sarcasm off]

fucking moron.

thank you preacher

can you support anything or does the rain bend the aluminium roof over your head?

07-31-2008, 12:02 AM
thank you preacher

can you support anything or does the rain bend the aluminium propeller over your head?

fixed it for you......:laugh2:

07-31-2008, 12:06 AM
fixed it for you......:laugh2:

why, thank you

07-31-2008, 12:18 AM
the fact remains...for you to start such a moronic thread accusing Obama of accusing the governor of california of being a racist is proof positive that you have an unhealthy and obsessive hatred for the man. you make my case for me. thank YOU.

07-31-2008, 12:24 AM
Whatz - A - Nager

can't defend it can you....

i knew it

07-31-2008, 12:29 AM
the fact remains...for you to start such a moronic thread accusing Obama of accusing the governor of california of being a racist is proof positive that you have an unhealthy and obsessive hatred for the man. you make my case for me. thank YOU.

what? the Obambam can't be a racist?

You read his books, he is prejudiced against WHITE PEOPLE..

and then he want's us crackers to vote for him...:laugh2:

07-31-2008, 06:39 AM
can't defend it can you....

i knew it

I think it is SILLY for you to suggest that his made up name is an ACCUSATION THAT THE GOVERNOR OF CALIFORNIA IS A RACIST. As I already said, Arnold's REAL last name is closer to a racial slur than the one that Obama made up.

Yu are so blinded by your hatred for him, you see faults where none exist.

07-31-2008, 08:25 AM
obama is a tasteless, bigoted fool....check out his 2003 con law exam question:

...of Utopia's new governor, Arnold Whatzanager....


scroll down a little, on the left hand side click the link for 2003 final exam

whatzanager? come on, obama playing up that arnold is a racist, how classy and what uniter to bash a governor in a lawschool exam.

Pretty eye-opening article about Obama. Apparently he has always been a sleezeball that could never take a stand on an issue. He's been calculating since day one during his ascension to power.

The ClayTaurus
07-31-2008, 09:58 AM
I've got to admit, changing Ahhh-nolds name to Whatzanager and calling him racist are two concepts on opposite sides of a pretty large canyon.

07-31-2008, 01:00 PM
whatz a nager

whats a nigger

pretty cut and dry

07-31-2008, 01:08 PM
whatz a nager

whats a nigger

pretty cut and drycut and dried that you can make it sound that way if you like. certainly NOT cut and dried that Obama's creation of that name was in any way a deliberate attempt to make it sound like those words, and even LESS certain is your insane assertion that by doing so, Obama is calling Arnold a RACIST.

07-31-2008, 01:12 PM
whats a nigger

nope, nothing to do with race there, nope, no suuree boss

The ClayTaurus
07-31-2008, 01:16 PM
whatz a nager

whats a nigger

pretty cut and dryEven if it was true, how is that calling him a racist? That he's asking what a "nager" is? That he doesn't know what a nager is? It's just such a stretch. Coincidence seems much more plausible. Is there even any evidence of Obama even mildly disagreeing with Arnold? From what I can see (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=arnold+schwarzenegger+obama&btnG=Search), their opinions of each other appear to be pretty congenial...

Litmus test: Would you make the same leap of faith if the party lines were different?

07-31-2008, 01:17 PM
whats a nigger

nope, nothing to do with race there, nope, no suuree boss

again...you can make is sound that way if you modify the long A sound to a short I sound.... but that STILL does not explain how that would be calling Arnold a RACIST. But again...you are so blinded with irrational hatred for Obama that irrational things seem to make sense to you. I don't know what else to say.

It was a fictitious name on a law exam. Do you have ANY record of ANY of the law students that took that exam filing a complaint which indicated that they thought that such a fictitious name was, in their opinion, a clear attempt to call the governor of california a racist?

07-31-2008, 01:18 PM
Litmus test: Would you make the same leap of faith if the party lines were different?

or would he make the same leap of faith if Obama's skin color were different?

07-31-2008, 01:20 PM
or would he make the same leap of faith if Obama's skin color were different?

How does one say, 'begging the question?' Whoops, guess I did.

07-31-2008, 01:25 PM
Even if it was true, how is that calling him a racist? That he's asking what a "nager" is? That he doesn't know what a nager is? It's just such a stretch. Coincidence seems much more plausible. Is there even any evidence of Obama even mildly disagreeing with Arnold? From what I can see (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=arnold+schwarzenegger+obama&btnG=Search), their opinions of each other appear to be pretty congenial...

Litmus test: Would you make the same leap of faith if the party lines were different?

there is no litmus test... are you saying you see no similarity between the word nigger and nager? if you do, is nigger a racist word?

again...you can make is sound that way if you modify the long A sound to a short I sound.... but that STILL does not explain how that would be calling Arnold a RACIST. But again...you are so blinded with irrational hatred for Obama that irrational things seem to make sense to you. I don't know what else to say.

It was a fictitious name on a law exam. Do you have ANY record of ANY of the law students that took that exam filing a complaint which indicated that they thought that such a fictitious name was, in their opinion, a clear attempt to call the governor of california a racist?

irrelevant...i saw it that way and so do others

just because a law student, who knows obama holds their future in his hand with the magic wand of grades (and if you knew anything about law school you would know that you get ONE grade for the class, thats it, one exam, one chance and the prof has ALL POWER), did not say anything is completely irrevelant.

interesting read:


07-31-2008, 01:28 PM
How does one say, 'begging the question?' Whoops, guess I did.

the idea that a fictitious governor's name on a law exam was Arnold Whatzanager is somehow PROOF that Obama was calling Arnold Schwarzenegger a RACIST is just plain silly. Yurt has been all over Obama for anything and everything since day one. This is clearly bogus.

07-31-2008, 01:33 PM
so because i don't like obama that means anything i say against him must not be true :laugh2:

your logical fallacies are quite humorous.

whatz a nager

whats a nigger

people can make up their own minds and draw their own conclusions as to the play on words. i never said i had definitive proof, i merely saw the clear inference and made my own conclusions.

07-31-2008, 01:33 PM
there is no litmus test... are you saying you see no similarity between the word nigger and nager? if you do, is nigger a racist word?

irrelevant...i saw it that way and so do others

just because a law student, who knows obama holds their future in his hand with the magic wand of grades (and if you knew anything about law school you would know that you get ONE grade for the class, thats it, one exam, one chance and the prof has ALL POWER), did not say anything is completely irrevelant.

interesting read:


negger sounds like nigger too, doesn't it?

for you to suggest this is absolutely the mark of an irrational man consumed by hatred. you should seek help... call your pastor and ask him HIS opinion on that.

07-31-2008, 01:36 PM
so because i don't like obama that means anything i say against him must not be true :laugh2:

your logical fallacies are quite humorous.

whatz a nager

whats a nigger

people can make up their own minds and draw their own conclusions as to the play on words. i never said i had definitive proof, i merely saw the clear inference and made my own conclusions.

and as I suggested, if your buddies on here were honest with you and actually weighed in on this, they would tell you that your conclusion is irrational. Obama has no reason to imply that Arnold is a racist and if he DID, why wouldn't he have used Whatzanegger, with its short E sound that is much closer to nigger than the spelling he chose...and even then, how is saying whats a nigger in any way put the label of RACIST on Arnold????

07-31-2008, 01:40 PM
negger sounds like nigger too, doesn't it?

for you to suggest this is absolutely the mark of an irrational man consumed by hatred. you should seek help... call your pastor and ask him HIS opinion on that.

exactly, that is why he used whatz a nager...you're finally getting it, bravo

i do not hate him, i have told you that in the past, but i see your hatred for me keeps you consumed with dishonesty about me...too bad

07-31-2008, 01:41 PM
and as I suggested, if your buddies on here were honest with you and actually weighed in on this, they would tell you that your conclusion is irrational. Obama has no reason to imply that Arnold is a racist and if he DID, why wouldn't he have used Whatzanegger, with its short E sound that is much closer to nigger than the spelling he chose...and even then, how is saying whats a nigger in any way put the label of RACIST on Arnold????

great, so mfm is now calling all my "buddies" liars or dishonest folks :clap:

your irrational hatred for me is consuming you...it is unfortunate, when you are not consumed with rage and hate, you do offer good discussions on this forum.

07-31-2008, 01:49 PM
great, so mfm is now calling all my "buddies" liars or dishonest folks :clap:

your irrational hatred for me is consuming you...it is unfortunate, when you are not consumed with rage and hate, you do offer good discussions on this forum.

I am not calling anyone a liar. I am suggesting that many times, friends don't tell friends the bad news.

Again...please explain how making up a fictitious name that sounds like Arnold Whats a nigger is proof that the man who made up the name made it up for the purpose of calling the governor of california a racist. It really is a simple question, If my name is Bob Agnew, and someone made a law exam that used the fictitious name Bob Fagjew, how can THAT be taken as an accusation that I am somehow biased against gays or jews?

07-31-2008, 01:56 PM
exactly, that is why he used whatz a nager...you're finally getting it, bravo

i do not hate him, i have told you that in the past, but i see your hatred for me keeps you consumed with dishonesty about me...too bad

you are just being silly now.

I wonder how many of your pals on here would be willing to come to this thread and state that they AGREE with you that Obama's law exam that referenced "Utopia's new governor, Arnold Whatzanager" was, as you so strongly assert, A blatant attempt by Obama to cast Arnold Schwarzenegger as a RACIST?

The ClayTaurus
07-31-2008, 01:59 PM
there is no litmus test... are you saying you see no similarity between the word nigger and nager? if you do, is nigger a racist word?I realize it's challenging with the baiting from MFM, but you completely avoided the meat of my last post. Aside from the debatable wording on one test, has there even been a tiny bit of evidence the relationship between the two is strained in the slightest bit?

I see similarities between those two words, just like I see between "nagger" and "niggling" with the n-bomb. It's coincidental.

07-31-2008, 02:18 PM
your irrational hatred for me is consuming you...it is unfortunate, when you are not consumed with rage and hate, you do offer good discussions on this forum.

and yurt... I don't have any hatred for you whatsoever. I do HATE being called a liar, and you know that... and you consistently call me that over and over and over again... and you know that it angers me... I hate that part of your behavior, but I do not hate you at all. I can offer good discussions, but those discussions never end well from my perspective when my integrity gets questioned. We've had this discussion numerous times and you know my sensitivity to that issue, yet you continue to poke me with the use of that epithet. I find it hard to believe, given that, that you honestly care about having any good discussions with me on any topic. You're just in it to get a rise out of me. Shame on me for valuing my honor as highly as I do... I should just ignore it when you do that... and maybe I will try better to do just that going forward. Or maybe just realize that my having good discussions with you is a practical impossibility and not even begin any.... same thing for RSR and his slurs at my honor or my patriotism. I really should just let you two boys play your dirty little games with others... God knows that is easier said than done. My resolve is weak when I am insulted. I need to strengthen it.

07-31-2008, 09:47 PM
I realize it's challenging with the baiting from MFM, but you completely avoided the meat of my last post. Aside from the debatable wording on one test, has there even been a tiny bit of evidence the relationship between the two is strained in the slightest bit?

I see similarities between those two words, just like I see between "nagger" and "niggling" with the n-bomb. It's coincidental.

i did miss it, thank you.

the two are public figures...the fact there may be no evidence that publically they do not like each other, does not mean privately they do. somehow i don't think obama carelessly or coincidentally used the word. this is a guy who has written about racism, who has a pastor that spouts racism and the word nigger frequently. if you choose to believe this was just an "accident", that is your right.

do you honestly think that obama did not realize the similarity to whats a nigger? whatz a nager....you think that he just oooops, put the two together? remember the test was in 2003...at that time arnold was being called a racist as he became more entrenched in the public eye.....here is an example:

The California president of the NAACP is under fire for a speech she gave in San Francisco this week accusing Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger of having racist views that were shaped by his father's membership in the Nazi party.


it is entirely possible that at the time obama believed this and made the play on words.

07-31-2008, 09:50 PM
i did miss it, thank you.

the two are public figures...the fact there may be no evidence that publically they do not like each other, does not mean privately they do. somehow i don't think obama carelessly or coincidentally used the word. this is a guy who has written about racism, who has a pastor that spouts racism and the word nigger frequently. if you choose to believe this was just an "accident", that is your right.

do you honestly think that obama did not realize the similarity to whats a nigger? whatz a nager....you think that he just oooops, put the two together? remember the test was in 2003...at that time arnold was being called a racist as he became more entrenched in the public eye.....here is an example:


it is entirely possible that at the time obama believed this and made the play on words.

it is entirely possible? a while back you were stating it was a foregone conclusion!!!:laugh2:
guess what...it is entirely possible that he did NOT believe that and that it was a complete coincidence which you, a hate filled republican, refuse to acknowledge!

07-31-2008, 10:01 PM
i was not talking to you...i phrased it specifically tailored to respond to clay...if you are honest, you will actually go back and read where i say that people can come to their own conclusions as i did. do try and keep up.

07-31-2008, 10:04 PM
i was not talking to you...i phrased it specifically tailored to respond to clay...if you are honest, you will actually go back and read where i say that people can come to their own conclusions as i did. do try and keep up.

and I have said, from the beginning, that, IMHO, your conclusions are the product of a hateful and delusional mind. DO try and keep up, even though it might be hard with that tinfoil hat, and all.:lol:

07-31-2008, 10:07 PM
and I have said, from the beginning, that, IMHO, your conclusions are the product of a hateful and delusional mind. DO try and keep up, even though it might be hard with that tinfoil hat, and all.:lol:

and you are of course not telling the truth as i have told you i don't hate him and that your saying so does not make it true...and your desire to chill any speech about obama is disturbing and shows how weak you and your candidate are. you trample on the 1st amendment yet call yourself patriotic. if you don't like that i discuss obama, leave or don't view my posts. real simple, don't trample on my freedom of speech. got it, good.

07-31-2008, 10:12 PM
and you are of course not telling the truth as i have told you i don't hate him and that your saying so does not make it true...and your desire to chill any speech about obama is disturbing and shows how weak you and your candidate are. you trample on the 1st amendment yet call yourself patriotic. if you don't like that i discuss obama, leave or don't view my posts. real simple, don't trample on my freedom of speech. got it, good.

I have no desire to chill your speech. I merely wish to categorize it for what it is...regardless of your meaningless protestations to the contrary. You can say whatever you wish to say....that is your right under the first amendment. And I am equally free to characterize whatever you say for what it is: hate speech. I will not be silent simply because you are uncomfortable with someone pointing out what a hateful and irrational person you are. sorry.

The ClayTaurus
07-31-2008, 10:17 PM
i did miss it, thank you.

the two are public figures...the fact there may be no evidence that publically they do not like each other, does not mean privately they do. somehow i don't think obama carelessly or coincidentally used the word. this is a guy who has written about racism, who has a pastor that spouts racism and the word nigger frequently. if you choose to believe this was just an "accident", that is your right.

do you honestly think that obama did not realize the similarity to whats a nigger? whatz a nager....you think that he just oooops, put the two together? remember the test was in 2003...at that time arnold was being called a racist as he became more entrenched in the public eye.....here is an example:


it is entirely possible that at the time obama believed this and made the play on words.It's just as possible that it was an accident. I'm going to err on the side of NOT calling someone a bigot on ONE piece of debatable evidence.

It's your right to do that though, if you so choose.

I still would love to see the tone of this debate if it was bullypulpit levying a similarly weakly backed-up claim against a conservative poster child.

07-31-2008, 10:40 PM
I have no desire to chill your speech. I merely wish to categorize it for what it is...regardless of your meaningless protestations to the contrary. You can say whatever you wish to say....that is your right under the first amendment. And I am equally free to characterize whatever you say for what it is: hate speech. I will not be silent simply because you are uncomfortable with someone pointing out what a hateful and irrational person you are. sorry.

certain hate speech is not protected and is in fact a crime...do learn the facts before you making stuff up....just because you don't like how i feel or view obama does not make it hate speech.

Hate speech is a term for speech intended to degrade, intimidate, or incite violence or prejudicial action against a person or group of people based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, language ability, moral or political views, socioeconomic class, occupation or appearance (such as height, weight, and hair color), mental capacity and any other distinction-liability.

i am guilty of non of the above. nice try.

07-31-2008, 10:42 PM
It's just as possible that it was an accident. I'm going to err on the side of NOT calling someone a bigot on ONE piece of debatable evidence.

It's your right to do that though, if you so choose.

I still would love to see the tone of this debate if it was bullypulpit levying a similarly weakly backed-up claim against a conservative poster child.

ok. obama the man who has written extensively about race and has a pastor who talks about it frequently innocently changed arnold's name to whatzanager...your opinion, not mine. isn't nice that we can disagree but yet you don't trample on my right to voice my opinions and if i do claim it is hate speech. thanks.

07-31-2008, 10:47 PM
certain hate speech is not protected and is in fact a crime...do learn the facts before you making stuff up....just because you don't like how i feel or view obama does not make it hate speech.

i am guilty of non of the above. nice try.

I would suggest that you most certainly are trying to to incite prejudicial action against a person based on their race. no question, IMHO

The ClayTaurus
07-31-2008, 10:52 PM
ok. obama the man who has written extensively about race and has a pastor who talks about it frequently innocently changed arnold's name to whatzanager...your opinion, not mine. isn't nice that we can disagree but yet you don't trample on my right to voice my opinions and if i do claim it is hate speech. thanks.Glad we could have a conversation about it, but please don't drag me into your other engagements. Thanks.

07-31-2008, 10:57 PM
Glad we could have a conversation about it, but please don't drag me into your other engagements. Thanks.

wasn't trying too, i assumed it was ok to mention issues when you already talked about someone baiting...

won't discuss it again.