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07-30-2008, 11:43 PM
How can anyone who knows anything about the political framework of our country think Bob Barr isn't better qualified to be president.

He is a better public speaker than Obama by far! Since this is Obama's only strong point, Bob Barr is obviously more qualified than he is.

Mr. Barr is to the right of John Mccain in basic philosophy. He is smarter than either candidate which is obvious when you hear him answer questions without EVER saying....ah! He does not hesitate, he does not falter. This is the kind of person I want to have his finger on the nuke button. A man who would be sure, not indecisive.

He makes more sense in his discussions because he belives in what he is saying. JM and BO are both interested in winning votes, they adjust their agenda to accomodate their need. Mr. Barr is solid, every day.

Just go and watch his videos. He has no money, true. He has the real message, liberty.

Go to Barr 08 Media center and watch the video of Bob Barr in action explaining how the Bill of Rights is being blacked out. He's right, you all know it but do you listen?

07-30-2008, 11:45 PM
I definently want to talk to you more and dragon.

Because I have some more questions about barr and the libertarian platform

but im going to bed right now, so good night everyone


How can anyone who knows anything about the political framework of our country think Bob Barr isn't better qualified to be president.

He is a better public speaker than Obama by far! Since this is Obama's only strong point, Bob Barr is obviously more qualified than he is.

Mr. Barr is to the right of John Mccain in basic philosophy. He is smarter than either candidate which is obvious when you hear him answer questions without EVER saying....ah! He does not hesitate, he does not falter. This is the kind of person I want to have his finger on the nuke button. A man who would be sure, not indecisive.

He makes more sense in his discussions because he belives in what he is saying. JM and BO are both interested in winning votes, they adjust their agenda to accomodate their need. Mr. Barr is solid, every day.

Just go and watch his videos. He has no money, true. He has the real message, liberty.

Go to Barr 08 Media center and watch the video of Bob Barr in action explaining how the Bill of Rights is being blacked out. He's right, you all know it but do you listen?

07-30-2008, 11:49 PM
Looks like you may have snared yourself another one, emmie!!!!!!! Good catch!!!!!

07-31-2008, 12:12 AM
Looks like you may have snared yourself another one, emmie!!!!!!! Good catch!!!!!:salute:

07-31-2008, 12:13 AM
Looks like you may have snared yourself another one, emmie!!!!!!! Good catch!!!!!

Turning Americans Red, White and Blue my friend, one blue and one red ass at a time.

07-31-2008, 12:49 AM
I appreciate the reference, my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

Turning Americans Red, White and Blue my friend, one blue and one red ass at a time.

And thanks for the note and the consideration, emmie!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile on to other things: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

07-31-2008, 01:48 AM
I think Bill Maher said it best when he said, "we have fuck-up fatigue". This entire country seems to have been running on one long instance of battered spouse syndrome, at least for the last decade that I've been watching.

I think if Barr can really get out there, saying something, and actually present a way to put it into action, then facts are, heads are going to turn.

The other point is, even if Barr doesn't win, then he can at least pick up enough of a percentage to make people take notice, and start realizing it's not just A or B.

07-31-2008, 03:04 AM
All Bob Barr can do is to nudge the national debate into a more favorable position for Democrats, ds'72.

I think Bill Maher said it best when he said, "we have fuck-up fatigue". This entire country seems to have been running on one long instance of battered spouse syndrome, at least for the last decade that I've been watching.

I think if Barr can really get out there, saying something, and actually present a way to put it into action, then facts are, heads are going to turn.

The other point is, even if Barr doesn't win, then he can at least pick up enough of a percentage to make people take notice, and start realizing it's not just A or B.

He's even more damaging to the Republicans than Ross Perot was!!!!!!! Ain't it a hoot!!!!!!

I'll have another mint julep, Mabel: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

07-31-2008, 04:43 AM
All Bob Barr can do is to nudge the national debate into a more favorable position for Democrats, ds'72.

He's even more damaging to the Republicans than Ross Perot was!!!!!!! Ain't it a hoot!!!!!!

I'll have another mint julep, Mabel: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

Oh, make no mistake, Barr got an uphill battle coming, but even if Obama pulls it out, it's only going to be more of the same, and then, PB, you're up shits creek, cause there won't be anyone left to blame for the way things are. I've said previously that America needs to fuck it up all the way to left, and I wasn't joking. 90% of your posts give weight to this, and so now, it's just time to see if Barr gets it this time, or we have our first 3rd party next election cycle.

07-31-2008, 04:49 AM
Oops, you did it again!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, make no mistake, Barr got an uphill battle coming, but even if Obama pulls it out, it's only going to be more of the same, and then, PB, you're up shits creek, cause there won't be anyone left to blame for the way things are. I've said previously that America needs to fuck it up all the way to left, and I wasn't joking. 90% of your posts give weight to this, and so now, it's just time to see if Barr gets it this time, or we have our first 3rd party next election cycle.

I just gave you pos rep on a different post and now you're condemning me? Are you certain that left is the wrong turn? Just look at what the right has done for us, my friend?!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!??!??!?!

Driving blindly in the dark: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

07-31-2008, 05:05 AM
Oops, you did it again!!!!!!!!!!

I just gave you pos rep on a different post and now you're condemning me? Are you certain that left is the wrong turn? Just look at what the right has done for us, my friend?!?!?!???!?!?!?!??!??!??!?!

Driving blindly in the dark: :salute::cheers2::clap::laugh2::cheers2::salute:

I'm not "condemning" you, I'm disagreeing, vast difference.

Now, to again go over this point of clarification: Neither Bush, nor the current republican party are conservative nor are they republicans. What have they conserved? (tripled the government, eroded liberties, decreased faith in the government overall, increased spending while cutting income, and have decreased States Rights, as well as the power of the congress)

So yes, I stand as a Conservative Libertarian. In what manners am I conservative? I recycle personally (environmental conservation), I grow my own fruits and vegetables, I aid where and when I can in my community (Scouts and Red Cross). I also, though, conserve in the manner of fighting to decrease the amount of government, to better conserve liberty for all.

The problem mainly lies in the fact that most people have been convinced by both parties that "they" are the only "real" choices. Until this mistaken belief that the system cannot be changed (which would be if that group chooses to help change it) is overcome by the realization that it us, not them, who run this country, I am afraid that the current trend will continue.

07-31-2008, 05:07 AM
Been there, done that, cowgirl. Ain't happening. Dig it? I doubt it.