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View Full Version : Happy 20th Anniversary Rush!

red states rule
07-31-2008, 09:35 AM
This Friday will mark 20 years Rush Limbaugh has been on the air. The left has tried like hell to silence him, but Rush continues to be the King of talk radio

I thought the left said Air America would be the lefts answer to Rush :laugh2:

07-31-2008, 10:07 AM
He's probably the single biggest influence in the country, for stopping the encroachment of socialism pushed by the Democrats. He's not perfect, but he's damned good at pointing out what they do, and backing his statements up with facts and humor.

As such, he is the most reviled by the left, except for possibly George W. Bush, and whoever the next Republican president turns out to be. I expect a ton of snarling, backbiting, namecalling, and bile spewed by the usual southpaw board members, and an ounce (or less) of truth mixed in. Business as usual.

red states rule
07-31-2008, 10:10 AM
He's probably the single biggest influence in the country, for stopping the encroachment of socialism pushed by the Democrats. He's not perfect, but he's damned good at pointing out what they do, and backing his statements up with facts and humor.

As such, he is the most reviled by the left, except for possibly George W. Bush, and whoever the next Republican president turns out to be. I expect a ton of snarling, backbiting, namecalling, and bile spewed by the usual southpaw board members, and an ounce (or less) of truth mixed in. Business as usual.

For the 20 years libs have done everything possible to silence Rush and take him off the air

Rush built the table that others are eating off of. Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Mike Gallagher, and many others

Rush has been on top for 20 years - it is a major happening when a liberal talk show host is on the air for 20 months

07-31-2008, 10:59 AM
As mentioned Rush isn't perfect and has had his issues but no one understands Liberals the way Rush does. He knows them better than they know themselves I think. He deserves allot of credit for slowing down the Socialist, Marxist agenda of the Libs.

red states rule
07-31-2008, 11:44 AM
As mentioned Rush isn't perfect and has had his issues but no one understands Liberals the way Rush does. He knows them better than they know themselves I think. He deserves allot of credit for slowing down the Socialist, Marxist agenda of the Libs.

No matter what happens in his life, no matter what the left throws at him - Rush keeps on moving ahead. He is a perfect example that proves hard work and dedication pays off
