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View Full Version : Regulate beanwater

07-31-2008, 12:15 PM
Since the US Government knows what is best for our personal lives, has the ability to make decisions for us based on their assesment of what we need, I wonder then, in light of all the threats to our general well being, why they have not moved to outlaw original beanwater. You know, the water you soak your beans in overnight before you cook them.

It is scientific fact that if you cook your beans in the original water that you soak your beans in................well............and the package warns you, you will get gas. In short, you will fart alot. A fart can be very smelly, it temporarily pollutes the surrounding area and could be considered a greenhouse gas. Technically, it should be illegal to fart.

Since it would cause an immediate reduction in farting as much, which would be much more of an impact than other Global Warming precautions, Congress should move immediately to ban this action. Farting should be illegal. Lobbyists for Di-Gel and other anti-flatulation cures should busy courting their represenatives and I mean in a hurry. This foul, enviornment threat should be addressed. I mean hell, we are so damn worried about drilling in ANWAR and extracting Uranium from the hills of Virginia b ut we can't address an obvious problem that requires immediate attention. No wonder our approval polls are discentergrating.

Government needs to get to it and outlaw this enviornmental threat. Maybe Al Gore could film a movie or Michael Moore could make a movie about it. I'm sure he doesn't fart.

08-02-2008, 12:49 AM
that movie would stink :D