View Full Version : Why can't I despise queers?

08-03-2008, 04:43 PM
Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves? Do these idiots think before they type and really think this seems witty, or do they really believe this garbage?

If someone states they hate the NY Yankees, does this mean they are secretly Yankee fans? What if they hate murderers, does this mean they are in fact murderers themselves?

And others call it a "phobia" when someone shows their contempt for the deviant lifestyle. I've yet to meet a person that was "afraid" of the queers.

Is it not possible that homosexuality just disgusts a lot of people, and they don't want this lifestyle in their lives in any way, shape or form?

08-03-2008, 06:16 PM
Personally I don't see anything wrong with despising queers.

I despise them and all that they stand for. I don't wanna be anywhere near them and I nearly puke every time I see some flamer.

08-03-2008, 06:24 PM
I'm not keen on any group or person trying to infringe on my rights to live my life. I try to do the same. Now if one is trying to redefine marriage, well they've lost me.

Can I adapt to modern mores? Well yeah, if by such one means civil unions. There are a whole bunch of people out there who aren't 'married' but in relationships that involve kids, property, etc. They should be protected.

08-03-2008, 06:57 PM
"Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves? Do these idiots think before they type and really think this seems witty, or do they really believe this garbage?"

I agree that it is a idiotic statment to make 'ugh you're agy bashing you must be a closet gay' but that does not mean its right to 'gay bash'

"And others call it a "phobia" when someone shows their contempt for the deviant lifestyle. I've yet to meet a person that was "afraid" of the queers."

Again i agree, it is the rwrong phrase, it should be somthing like homosexist or somthing else of that nature, but again while it may not be the right way for someone to acuse someone of 'gay bashing' it does not excuse the action.

"Is it not possible that homosexuality just disgusts a lot of people, and they don't want this lifestyle in their lives in any way, shape or form?"

So the idea repluses you....live and let live my brother, is it really gonna damage your life if 2 guys or dolls down the road are having some 'how's your mother' with each other? I mean (as has been stated before) i see Meat as Murder, but i don't bash those who eat it...as that is their choice, so while i may find it repulsive, they don't, and if i did bash people because they ate meat i'd be bashed right back (and rightly so) in the same way that you should be bashed for trying to impose your morals and beliefs on others.

Make love, not hate, and smile :)

08-03-2008, 08:14 PM
"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Everyone should read Hoffer. But the question isn't why can't you but why do you? Life is so short and there are things to hate like poverty and unnecessary death so why even exhaust any feelings on something you don't understand.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

08-03-2008, 11:51 PM
I don't hate anyone. There can be a difference between despising someone and their actions vs. hating them. It is my hope they will turn from their unnatural ways and live a normal life. But in the mean time I don't want to be around them or have anything to do with them.

08-04-2008, 12:14 AM
I think their is a diffence between despising people and despising action.

I dont want to be around people who drink, because they are more volatile and prone to violence.

I dont want to be around angry people because they are scary

Now, does that mean I hate them? no, i simply choose who i want to associate with, and that is a normal healthy discrimination we do every day, and to have someone say I am a closet alcoholic, and a closet violent person

is absurd, just as those who want you to be homosexual , say if you dont support me, your a closet homosexual :laugh2:

08-04-2008, 03:32 AM
"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Everyone should read Hoffer. But the question isn't why can't you but why do you? Life is so short and there are things to hate like poverty and unnecessary death so why even exhaust any feelings on something you don't understand.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

Wow, Hoffer is sooooooo profound..... you don't even understand his writings.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

You aren't just an idiot, you're a simpleton too.:laugh2: I don't hate you, but I do hate how stupid you are.

08-04-2008, 07:31 AM
Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves? Do these idiots think before they type and really think this seems witty, or do they really believe this garbage?

I think this is a form of the argument about self-loathing. It usually takes the form of man A is disgusted by the thought of men having sex with each other. His disgust arises from a suspicion or fear in himself that he is a latent homosexual or may even acknowledge his tendencies but is actively repressing them and sublimating those feelings.

I don't think anyone takes it too seriously. What you are Jim is intolerant, not gay - latent or otherwise - so I wouldn't worry about it.

08-04-2008, 09:01 AM
Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves?...:lol: Libs always use "gay" as an insult.

08-04-2008, 10:51 AM
"Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves? Do these idiots think before they type and really think this seems witty, or do they really believe this garbage?"

I agree that it is a idiotic statment to make 'ugh you're agy bashing you must be a closet gay' but that does not mean its right to 'gay bash'

"And others call it a "phobia" when someone shows their contempt for the deviant lifestyle. I've yet to meet a person that was "afraid" of the queers."

Again i agree, it is the rwrong phrase, it should be somthing like homosexist or somthing else of that nature, but again while it may not be the right way for someone to acuse someone of 'gay bashing' it does not excuse the action.

"Is it not possible that homosexuality just disgusts a lot of people, and they don't want this lifestyle in their lives in any way, shape or form?"

So the idea repluses you....live and let live my brother, is it really gonna damage your life if 2 guys or dolls down the road are having some 'how's your mother' with each other? I mean (as has been stated before) i see Meat as Murder, but i don't bash those who eat it...as that is their choice, so while i may find it repulsive, they don't, and if i did bash people because they ate meat i'd be bashed right back (and rightly so) in the same way that you should be bashed for trying to impose your morals and beliefs on others.

Make love, not hate, and smile :)

Agree on all points. I can handle being called a "homosexist".

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves." Eric Hoffer

Everyone should read Hoffer. But the question isn't why can't you but why do you? Life is so short and there are things to hate like poverty and unnecessary death so why even exhaust any feelings on something you don't understand.

"Passionate hatred can give meaning and purpose to an empty life. Thus people haunted by the purposelessness of their lives try to find a new content not only by dedicating themselves to a holy cause but also by nursing a fanatical grievance." Eric Hoffer

I don't think we need fancy quotes to determine whether or not someone is gay simply because they themselves don't like gays.

I don't hate anyone. There can be a difference between despising someone and their actions vs. hating them. It is my hope they will turn from their unnatural ways and live a normal life. But in the mean time I don't want to be around them or have anything to do with them.

I guess "hate" is a strong term. I'd probably be better off saying I hate what they do as opposed to them.

I think this is a form of the argument about self-loathing. It usually takes the form of man A is disgusted by the thought of men having sex with each other. His disgust arises from a suspicion or fear in himself that he is a latent homosexual or may even acknowledge his tendencies but is actively repressing them and sublimating those feelings.

I don't think anyone takes it too seriously. What you are Jim is intolerant, not gay - latent or otherwise - so I wouldn't worry about it.

I'm tolerant about many things, but homosexuality literally disgusts me. The very thought of it makes me want to vomit.

:lol: Libs always use "gay" as an insult.

They want "tolerance and acceptance" but then call you gay as if it's such a bad thing. Odd.

08-05-2008, 03:50 AM
It's not the thought of "homosexuality" that disgusts you Jim - stay out of that one or you'll cop another burst. What probably (I can't read your mind) disgusts you is the sexual practices of homosexuals. And, for what it's worth, expressing a disgust of those sexual practices isn't homophobic (which is a stupid word anyway), it's simply expressing an attitude. Nothing wrong with that.

Tolerance is allowing that others can behave in what we might think is a disgusting manner. It's not approval.

Intolerance is condemning others for what we think is their disgusting behaviour.

Best way to achieve tolerance is not to focus on that which disgusts us. Okay, we know things happen, but we have to put them out of our minds.

08-05-2008, 07:18 AM
Why is it that if one speaks of their hatred and disgust for queers, that some retards right away claim they must be a closet queer themselves? Do these idiots think before they type and really think this seems witty, or do they really believe this garbage?

If someone states they hate the NY Yankees, does this mean they are secretly Yankee fans? What if they hate murderers, does this mean they are in fact murderers themselves?

And others call it a "phobia" when someone shows their contempt for the deviant lifestyle. I've yet to meet a person that was "afraid" of the queers.

Is it not possible that homosexuality just disgusts a lot of people, and they don't want this lifestyle in their lives in any way, shape or form?

More appropriately, Why should you? My cousin, recently came out and he and his partner just closed on a home. We sent them a nice house warming gift, welcoming his partner warmly into the family.

My wife's niece married her long time partner in Massachusetts and adopted her partner's children. We sent them a wedding gift.

Grow up Jimmy, you're smarter than that.

08-05-2008, 07:29 AM
More appropriately, Why should you? My cousin, recently came out and he and his partner just closed on a home. We sent them a nice house warming gift, welcoming his partner warmly into the family.

My wife's niece married her long time partner in Massachusetts and adopted her partner's children. We sent them a wedding gift.

Grow up Jimmy, you're smarter than that.

Truth be told, my cousin is a lesbian, and I hold no ill will towards her whatsoever. One of my best friends growing up was gay, although I didn't know about it until the last few years that I hung out with him. And again, he was a nice guy and I held no ill will towards him.

But, I don't approve of what either of them were up to behind closed doors. The thought of it turns my stomach. While I would still be there for them if they ever needed me, it still wouldn't change my mind about their activities in the bedroom.

So I guess my stance is still what it was a few years ago before the "marriage" issue took the stage. I can live and let live, and what happens behind closed doors is up to the individual - but once they come into the public view and make demands, then I speak my mind. I personally don't want the lifestyle a part of mainstream society and don't want my child exposed to it. And I certainly don't want it shoved down MY throat every time I turn my TV on or hop on-line. So I speak my mind as well, and let it be known what my feelings are. But I get made out to be the bad guy for not approving of the lifestyle.

08-05-2008, 08:25 AM
Jim - no-one has to "approve" it, it just has to be "tolerated". That's not a code word for "approval".

I happen not to like the idea of "swingers", that is, people (usually heterosexual couples) who, for whatever reason, decide that they would like to have sex with persons other than their spouse (with mutual permission). I wouldn't do it and I would be pretty bloody disappointed if my wife (I've only remarried some months ago) were to hint at it. But that's me. I'm a bit old fashioned . But a friend of mine and his wife (this was quite some years ago) let it be know to me and to my (first) wife that it was an option. It was easy for me to tell tell him it was a no go. But I didn't think the less of them. It was their business. Granted, after a few years we sort of grew apart as friends but that suggestion (that we would be interested) had nothing to do with it. They were still good friends, it's just that me and my then wife weren't interested. No big deal.

I know, it's probably not entirely the same but my reponse was a bit of a "ewwwww" (not directed towards his wife I hasten to add). I was offended. Not disgusted, just offended (by the idea).

I don't condemn swingers. They're consenting adults. I may not like it but it's not of my business what consenting adults do.

My Winter Storm
08-13-2008, 11:44 PM
I cannot ever figure out why some people are so offended over a tiny issue like someones sexuality. What two people do behind closed doors in none of anyones business.
Now, if gay people are openly flaunting their sexuality, then I would object - in the same way I object to straights openly flaunting their sexuality.

08-14-2008, 12:18 AM
I can't figure out how anyone can view the use of their power to create life as a "tiny issue" or presume that society doesn't have an interest in life.

08-14-2008, 12:51 AM
Anyone is free to despise any person or group that they please. It is your constitutional right.
How about extending the same right to those who disagree with you?

08-14-2008, 03:52 AM
I cannot ever figure out why some people are so offended over a tiny issue like someones sexuality. What two people do behind closed doors in none of anyones business.
Now, if gay people are openly flaunting their sexuality, then I would object - in the same way I object to straights openly flaunting their sexuality.

*Ahem* - Sharon, you might have missed my allusion to swingers. You may need to edit your post to:

"What [insert number from 2 to whatever here] do behind closed doors...."


But, point taken.

08-14-2008, 02:11 PM
im offended by the word "LIKE"


I cannot ever figure out why some people are so offended over a tiny issue like someones sexuality. What two people do behind closed doors in none of anyones business.
Now, if gay people are openly flaunting their sexuality, then I would object - in the same way I object to straights openly flaunting their sexuality.

08-16-2008, 07:57 AM
Is stupidity a right? Is hate a right? In an abstract sense it is but notice that replies never examine 'why' but rather cheerlead their hate and stupidity against another. The morally ball-less are people who require crowds and groups to authenticate themselves and their irrational beliefs. One person alone doesn't hang another, but groups find the strength because individually they are weak. Wasting ones life hating/disliking or disparaging queers (whatever that is to the hater) shows a genuine lack of values and thought. If you want to hate something hate stupidity. Oops!

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

08-16-2008, 09:21 AM
Is stupidity a right? Is hate a right? In an abstract sense it is but notice that replies never examine 'why' but rather cheerlead their hate and stupidity against another. The morally ball-less are people who require crowds and groups to authenticate themselves and their irrational beliefs. One person alone doesn't hang another, but groups find the strength because individually they are weak. Wasting ones life hating/disliking or disparaging queers (whatever that is to the hater) shows a genuine lack of values and thought. If you want to hate something hate stupidity. Oops!

"We first kill people with our minds, before we kill them with weapons. Whatever the conflict, the enemy is always the destroyer. We're on God's side; they're barbaric. We're good, they're evil. War gives us a feeling of moral clarity that we lack at other times." Sam Keen

If stupidity and hate is a right, then you exercise them everytime you start typing.

08-17-2008, 06:29 PM
Wasting ones life hating/disliking or disparaging capitalism (whatever that is to the hater) shows a genuine lack of values and thought.

08-25-2008, 06:04 AM
Wasting ones life hating/disliking or disparaging capitalism (whatever that is to the hater) shows a genuine lack of values and thought.

Criticism is not hate. It is a bit hard to hate an abstraction.