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red states rule
08-04-2008, 01:18 PM
Another example of your tax dollars at work - and another example as to why tax cuts are needed

Why Are You Paying For This?"
by Kevin McCullough

The fact that this site even exists is only half as offensive as the fact that 99% of all parents in America don't know that this is being done to target their children," said the Lovely Bride to me on Wednesday of this last week. She is right.

Because of our collective willingness as a society to do anything and everything we can - accept those things that we really have responsibility to do, we have created a world that has given birth to the website "www.TakeCareDownThere.org". Worse yet YOU have funded this mess, and seemed unresolved to do anything about it.

Planned Parenthood sends its thanks.

In the event you would have not heard what the "TakeCare" website is all about let me give you a bit of an idea. Picture a fun, freewheeling website. A place of pastel colors, moveable design parts, promising to give you all the ins and outs on "the ins and outs." Designed to be so innocent looking from the moment it loads, parents would never have need to worry about there kids being able to find truly objectionable material.


Far from merely providing low cost abortions for primarily African American girls in the inner city of America, Planned Parenthood now seeks to further corrupt your child in which comedy skits serve as sex education, and homosexual, and casual sex philosophies are promoted not just as normal - but are shoved directly into the face of those watching.
