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View Full Version : Locked the F--- In

08-04-2008, 11:20 PM
I closed at the store tonight. When finishing up, I noticed a weird beeping sound. When I got to the front with the woman I was closing with, we figured out it was an alarm. I had been locked in by the closing manager. I had to wait for the cops. Good thing to know they have a 30 minute response time, so I know that I'm on my own if I'm ever threatened. I also didn't get a break for supper tonight because the department manager likes to disappear when it gets busy, and by the time it stopped being busy, it was too late...and Monday's a frickin' busy night, but the manager doesn't believe it and keeps scheduling a skeleton crew. I'm tired. I'm sweaty. I'm hungry. A pizza's in the oven, but I'm probably digesting my muscles by now. Yeah, I'm pissed...REALLY pissed.

Just thought I'd vent.

08-04-2008, 11:23 PM
Damn Hobbit..you had a shitty day..I hope tomorrow is a better one for you..:cheers2:

08-05-2008, 12:00 AM
Damn Hobbit..you had a shitty day..I hope tomorrow is a better one for you..:cheers2:

Yeah, if I drank, that's probably what I'd be doing. However, it's Mountain Dew instead of double malt. Food in the stomach, however, has definitely taken the edge off. I think I'm going to pop in a horrendously violent video game and vent in a more entertaining way.

08-05-2008, 03:31 AM
Take two episodes of GTV and call me in the morning :laugh2: