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View Full Version : While Diplomats Dither, Iran Builds Nukes

red states rule
08-05-2008, 09:44 AM
Why are we letting this modern day Hitler build nukes? Why have we not turned his nuke building facilities into a parking lot?

While Diplomats Dither,
Iran Builds Nukes
August 5, 2008

This weekend, yet another "deadline" passed for Iran to indicate it was seriously ready to discuss ending its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Like so many other deadlines during these five years of European-led negotiations, this one died quietly, with Brussels diplomats saying that no one seriously expected any real work on a Saturday.

The fact that the Europeans are right -- this latest deadline is not fundamentally big news -- is precisely the problem with their negotiations, and the Bush administration's acquiescence in that effort.

The rationality of continued Western negotiations with Iran depends critically on two assumptions: that Iran is far enough away from having deliverable nuclear weapons that we don't incur excessive risks by talking; and that by talking we don't materially impede the option to use military force. Implicit in the latter case is the further assumption that the military option is static -- that it remains equally viable a year from now as it is today.

Neither assumption is correct. Can we believe that if diplomacy fails we can still take military action "in time" to prevent Iranian nuclear weapons? "Just in time" nonproliferation assumes a level of intelligence certainty concerning Iran's nuclear program that recent history should manifestly caution us against.

Every day that goes by allows Iran to increase the threat it poses, and the viability of the military option steadily declines over time. There are a number of reasons why this is so.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB121789278252611717.html?mod=opinion_main_comment aries

08-05-2008, 10:40 AM
The elites rub their hands while the Israelis make plans. They are waiting for the US election in order to avoid negatively influencing it. While the danger level builds more American voters will support a strong defensive posture, but after Israel attacks and CNN shows all the video of dead Iranians and crying children the American voters will swing back to the liberal Democrat position and say that we should have left the homicidal dictator alone.

red states rule
08-05-2008, 10:45 AM
The elites rub their hands while the Israelis make plans. They are waiting for the US election in order to avoid negatively influencing it. While the danger level builds more American voters will support a strong defensive posture, but after Israel attacks and CNN shows all the video of dead Iranians and crying children the American voters will swing back to the liberal Democrat position and say that we should have left the homicidal dictator alone.

You mean all 200,000 viewers of CNN will vote Dem?

What a shocker! :laugh2:

08-05-2008, 10:46 AM
It would be nice if we could stand as one nation and destroy the Irainian threat once and for all. But the liberals will never stand against such a threat and in fact would stop at nothing to prevent any action.