View Full Version : RSR:Post Something Negative About John McCain

08-06-2008, 02:20 PM
You claim to not support John McCain and disagree with him, hows about being a stand up guy for once and give equal time by posting some negative cut and pastes about Johnny lib?

Or, are you as I suspect, a lover of all things Johnny lib?

08-06-2008, 02:33 PM
You claim to not support John McCain and disagree with him, hows about being a stand up guy for once and give equal time by posting some negative cut and pastes about Johnny lib?

Or, are you as I suspect, a lover of all things Johnny lib?

I was thinking today that it is funny that almost everything being posted right now is about Obama. It is as if this is a one man race. Nobody is talking about McCain at all. I can't think of much that has come out about him since he became the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.

He's been relatively quiet.

It is scary to me, because I feel like it is saying that Obama is the only one that is stirring up the blood either positively or negatively.

Is this an indication of the power Obama holds over the country?

It seems to me that the Republican Party has set themselves up with a candidate that no one likes and who won't be able to garner much support. Which doesn't bother me too much because McCain is a whiner and I can't stand him.


08-06-2008, 02:35 PM
McCain will likely not win the election, if he becomes President it will be because Obama lost.

08-06-2008, 02:36 PM
I was thinking today that it is funny that almost everything being posted right now is about Obama. It is as if this is a one man race. Nobody is talking about McCain at all. I can't think of much that has come out about him since he became the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.

He's been relatively quiet.

It is scary to me, because I feel like it is saying that Obama is the only one that is stirring up the blood either positively or negatively.

Is this an indication of the power Obama holds over the country?

It seems to me that the Republican Party has set themselves up with a candidate that no one likes and who won't be able to garner much support. Which doesn't bother me too much because McCain is a whiner and I can't stand him.


Any politician who can remain relatively quiet is a good thing. Maybe he's saving his money and energy for the final few months.

08-06-2008, 02:43 PM
McCain will likely not win the election, if he becomes President it will be because Obama lost.

Yep, this along with Immie's post seem to me to define the election. Few, actually no one I know is excited about McCain. On the other hand, Obama seems little more than a cult figure now. I wonder at how anyone can be excited about him, when they look at his record, but it is his to lose.

08-06-2008, 02:43 PM
I was thinking today that it is funny that almost everything being posted right now is about Obama. It is as if this is a one man race. Nobody is talking about McCain at all. I can't think of much that has come out about him since he became the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party.

He's been relatively quiet.

It is scary to me, because I feel like it is saying that Obama is the only one that is stirring up the blood either positively or negatively.

Is this an indication of the power Obama holds over the country?

It seems to me that the Republican Party has set themselves up with a candidate that no one likes and who won't be able to garner much support. Which doesn't bother me too much because McCain is a whiner and I can't stand him.


Exactly. You know I was driving around yesterday and as I was behind probably the 50th car of the day with an Obama '08 sticker on their bumper I got to thinking, I haven't seen a McCain '08 sticker yet, funny.

I think, well i'm pretty sure that McCain is in for an ass whipping and I truely hope it happens and the country gets worse than it currently is during his term because then and only then will Republicans understand that the vast majority of their members aren't wishy washy Chuck Hagel, John McCain or Arlen Specter types, the vast majority have much more in common politically with a Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich then they do with the crap we've been offered up.

What was really sad was the Repub field this year, a religious nutcase, a couple of libs, a guy from Massachusets with zero backbone and a few 1000-1 shots with zero charisma..................sad really sad, I used to love this party when Ron was around. They think that moving to the middle left will get them victories when all it does is alienate.

08-06-2008, 02:46 PM
Exactly. You know I was driving around yesterday and as I was behind probably the 50th car of the day with an Obama '08 sticker on their bumper

Hey, but most of them were repos.

08-06-2008, 02:49 PM
Yep, this along with Immie's post seem to me to define the election. Few, actually no one I know is excited about McCain. On the other hand, Obama seems little more than a cult figure now. I wonder at how anyone can be excited about him, when they look at his record, but it is his to lose.

Really if you think about it we all lose no matter who wins, Obama will purposely tax us to death and Johnny won't do it purposely but will do it in an attempt to show us what an "across the aisle guy he is".

Basically with Johnny as pres Pelosi and Harry Reid will be running the show.

08-06-2008, 02:50 PM
Really if you think about it we all lose no matter who wins, Obama will purposely tax us to death and Johnny won't do it purposely but will do it in an attempt to show us what an "across the aisle guy he is".

Basically with Johnny as pres Pelosi and Harry Reid will be running the show.

Perhaps. I do not underestimate however what Obama could do in 4 years, with Democrat control of Congress. Neither do his supporters.

08-06-2008, 02:51 PM
No matter how badly the Republicans bleed I'm afraid there will be no change until more conservative states have earlier influence in the primaries.

I don't like McCompromise but i still have not decided what I will do in November. I keep going back and forth between Barr and McShame. i think the VP pick will finally makeup my mind.

08-06-2008, 02:52 PM
Hey, but most of them were repos.

Nah, not really, mostly denalis and suburbans with a few volvos and beamers mixed in, but hey even the people driving repos have a vote.

08-06-2008, 02:59 PM
Perhaps. I do not underestimate however what Obama could do in 4 years, with Democrat control of Congress. Neither do his supporters.

Now we will understand what Demos and libs felt when Bush came in and had a Repub congress to rubber stamp him. Its politics my dear, it can't be just good when our team is in power and totally evil when the other team has the reigns.

Its really our fault for letting it get to this place, we should've held Bush responsible on many things, chief among them was Iraq and almost to the same extent was his uncontrollable spending. Plus, real or not, there is a stench of corruption amongst his administration and a perception that he don't give a rat's ass. Its almost as if he has a scorched earth policy and once he rides into the sunset he don't give two rips what happens to Repubs.

08-06-2008, 03:01 PM
Now we will understand what Demos and libs felt when Bush came in and had a Repub congress to rubber stamp him. Its politics my dear, it can't be just good when our team is in power and totally evil when the other team has the reigns.

Its really our fault for letting it get to this place, we should've held Bush responsible on many things, chief among them was Iraq and almost to the same extent was his uncontrollable spending. Plus, real or not, there is a stench of corruption amongst his administration and a perception that he don't give a rat's ass. Its almost as if he has a scorched earth policy and once he rides into the sunset he don't give two rips what happens to Repubs.

I never said evil, rather it's my choice of poison. I happen to agree with the idea that people should keep in contact with their representatives, as I've been saying for years. When people care, the politicos listen.

08-06-2008, 03:21 PM
Its really our fault for letting it get to this place, we should've held Bush responsible on many things, chief among them was Iraq and almost to the same extent was his uncontrollable spending. Plus, real or not, there is a stench of corruption amongst his administration and a perception that he don't give a rat's ass. Its almost as if he has a scorched earth policy and once he rides into the sunset he don't give two rips what happens to Repubs.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!

Also, I agree.

Bush destroyed the GOP --- he never seemed to care about his party at all!

08-06-2008, 04:00 PM
Nah, not really, mostly denalis and suburbans with a few volvos and beamers mixed in, but hey even the people driving repos have a vote.

The repo comment was an obscure reference only a few may get, something to do with Jim taking 7 shits in a week.

08-06-2008, 04:01 PM
well if RSR hasnt seen or doesnt want to respond I will:

McCain-Feingold. Nuff said.

I'm still not certain if im going to vote for McCain. I haven't been very impressed with Barr and I definitely don't like Obama. Quite honestly, we are in a pretty crappy situation.

Maybe I'll vote for that Parrot guy.

red states rule
08-07-2008, 06:50 AM
You claim to not support John McCain and disagree with him, hows about being a stand up guy for once and give equal time by posting some negative cut and pastes about Johnny lib?

Or, are you as I suspect, a lover of all things Johnny lib?

As usual you are wrong

I will not support McCain because he is wrong on many issue

He wants to grant amnesty to illegals

The "gang of 14" where great Judges were tossed under the bus

He wants to blow about $15 trillion to fix the "problem" of global warming

McCain/Feingold where he regulates speech 90 days out from elections

I do not trust him on taxes and Judges

There is no question McCain is a liberal - but Obama is a liberal moonbat

08-07-2008, 10:37 AM
Exactly. You know I was driving around yesterday and as I was behind probably the 50th car of the day with an Obama '08 sticker on their bumper I got to thinking, I haven't seen a McCain '08 sticker yet, funny.

Interesting. I was thinking along the same lines the other day while driving to work(I live in NM). So far in the past months I have only seen 3 Obama stickers. Two were from out of state cars (Colorado and Oregon). The third was in the back window of my brothers truck,which recently has been removed. I have also only seen one for McCain (which was a NM driver). Seems neither is particularly popular here,at least not enough to deface your car.

red states rule
08-07-2008, 10:40 AM
Interesting. I was thinking along the same lines the other day while driving to work(I live in NM). So far in the past months I have only seen 3 Obama stickers. Two were from out of state cars (Colorado and Oregon). The third was in the back window of my brothers truck,which recently has been removed. I have also only seen one for McCain (which was a NM driver). Seems neither is particularly popular here,at least not enough to deface your car.

I saw alot of Hillary yard signs and bumper stickers - of course we all know how well she did in the PA primary

semi liberal girl
08-10-2008, 08:54 AM
OK, OCA asked for RSR to post something about McCain - RSR did - now, where is OCA?

I guess people like OCA love to start crap, but never are able to finish it :laugh2:

08-10-2008, 01:19 PM
OK, OCA asked for RSR to post something about McCain - RSR did - now, where is OCA?

I guess people like OCA love to start crap, but never are able to finish it :laugh2:

He did? Where the fuck is it? Went through the whole thread and didn't find a damn thing, would you like me to make you an appointment here? www.readingcomprehensionfordouchebags.net

He gave his opinions Lucinda, I asked for one of his famous "cut and pastes".

I've not a whole lot of time for dumbasses such as you. Maybe you got ahold of some of Rush's err RSR's dope...........i'll give you the benefit of MY all important doubt.

But then again.................its pretty much known that semi and RSR are the same person so this is probably pissin in the wind.

08-10-2008, 06:02 PM
OCA makes a very good point. As usual.
When I listen to conservative talk radio (and I do -- my husband enjoys it), the subject matter is pretty much non-stop attacks on Dems and liberals. They will attack Obama, but there is next to no mention of McCain.
During the 2004 election campaign, Bush was the hero standing in to save America. You don't hear that about McCain. There are no endorsements, only attacks.

I understand why RSR doesn't support Obama. RSR is still unhappy that his candidate, Hillary Clinton, did not win the nomination.
Thus, his protest vote will go to McTraitor.

08-10-2008, 06:15 PM
OCA makes a very good point. As usual.
When I listen to conservative talk radio (and I do -- my husband enjoys it), the subject matter is pretty much non-stop attacks on Dems and liberals. They will attack Obama, but there is next to no mention of McCain.
During the 2004 election campaign, Bush was the hero standing in to save America. You don't hear that about McCain. There are no endorsements, only attacks.

I understand why RSR doesn't support Obama. RSR is still unhappy that his candidate, Hillary Clinton, did not win the nomination.
Thus, his protest vote will go to McTraitor.

you have got to be kidding...of course they don't like mccain, have said so, but as conservatives of course they are going to "attack" (notice it is attack when done by a conservative, but a rebuke when done by a lib) obama. mccain has his flaws, but, he is more conservative than obama.

and, lets not be biased gabs, how do the liberals, talk radio or not, mention obama in a negative light?

08-11-2008, 11:55 AM
I've often thought the modern conservative movement's only defining value or idea is to attack the other. I have asked before and have yet to see a convincing argument on what they have done for America? I mean something good they have done, that has helped all Americans, not just the wealthy? On the liberal side, The New Deal and the Great Society did some great things, as did the Unions.

semi liberal girl
08-12-2008, 02:05 PM
He did? Where the fuck is it? Went through the whole thread and didn't find a damn thing, would you like me to make you an appointment here? www.readingcomprehensionfordouchebags.net

He gave his opinions Lucinda, I asked for one of his famous "cut and pastes".

I've not a whole lot of time for dumbasses such as you. Maybe you got ahold of some of Rush's err RSR's dope...........i'll give you the benefit of MY all important doubt.

But then again.................its pretty much known that semi and RSR are the same person so this is probably pissin in the wind.

This from the crud who whines RSR posts to many "copy and paste" articles

I understand. He tried to actually have a discussion with you, when all you want o do is bait and cause trouble

I have seen several pugs who have huge amount of courage when sitting behind a keyboard - and you are so typical of them

08-12-2008, 02:18 PM
This from the crud who whines RSR posts to many "copy and paste" articles

I understand. He tried to actually have a discussion with you, when all you want o do is bait and cause trouble

I have seen several pugs who have huge amount of courage when sitting behind a keyboard - and you are so typical of them

Whoops? OCA is typical of rpgs behing keyboards?
I have seen several pugs who have huge amount of courage when sitting behind a keyboard - and you are so typical of them I don't think so, nor do I think he'd want to be associated with that.

OCA, is OCA. A figment, of his own imagination. Some he agrees with, other he posts just to stir. It's OCA.

08-12-2008, 02:38 PM
Whoops? OCA is typical of rpgs behing keyboards? I don't think so, nor do I think he'd want to be associated with that.

OCA, is OCA. A figment, of his own imagination. Some he agrees with, other he posts just to stir. It's OCA.

On the other hand, we have the hyper sensitive Obama posts:


Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?

A Pajamas Media investigation puts to rest another rumor claiming Obama is ineligible for the presidency.
August 12, 2008 - by Bob Owens

Support Pajamas Media;
On the Internet, criticism of Barack Obama is often focused on rumor as much as or more so than on fact.

His patriotism has been continually questioned in chain emails, message board arguments, and blog posts since the beginning of his campaign. They started for murky reasons and were buoyed by a string of mistakes, such as his storied refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin and his well-documented gaffe of not placing his hand over his heart during the playing of the national anthem. This was not helped when Michelle Obama twice stated that she was now proud of this country for the first time in her life.

In addition to having his patriotism continually questioned, Barack Obama has been labeled a secret Muslim, an unfounded rumor based partially upon the candidate’s exotic name, some of his extended family members being of Muslim faith, and also the early years the senator spent in Indonesia, where it was falsely claimed he went to an Islamic religious school. The rumor has proven surprisingly difficult to quash, despite his publicly professed Christianity and the contentious and very public end of his 20-year relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Trinity United Church of Christ.

Another rumor, started among pro-Hillary bloggers during the Democratic primaries, was that Michelle Obama was caught on videotape denouncing “whitey,” and that the videotape of her alleged racist rant was in the possession of Fox News — a favorite boogeyman on the political left — and was on the verge of being released. Fox News denied having the tape, though the damage was already done by those who started the rumor; when combined with her previous statements, Michelle Obama has been successfully tarred in the minds of many as a closet black nationalist....

08-12-2008, 03:04 PM
This from the crud who whines RSR posts to many "copy and paste" articles

I understand. He tried to actually have a discussion with you, when all you want o do is bait and cause trouble

I have seen several pugs who have huge amount of courage when sitting behind a keyboard - and you are so typical of them

Nice dodge RSR.

08-12-2008, 03:08 PM
Whoops? OCA is typical of rpgs behing keyboards? I don't think so, nor do I think he'd want to be associated with that.

OCA, is OCA. A figment, of his own imagination. Some he agrees with, other he posts just to stir. It's OCA.

Ahhh it does take a longtime member to understand me but..............in this case I am in 100% agreement with the original thought of this thread, no shit stirring intended, and in fact there is nothing in this thread that proves my thesis that RSR is in almost lockstep with McCain and by proxy the Republican party.

It would be oh so easy for RSR to find a negative cut and paste about Johnny lib but still...................to date nothing.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 06:43 AM
Nice dodge RSR.

So I am SLG?

The same way you declared the Clintons do not lose elections

and how the Mafia is all but gone :laugh2:

red states rule
08-13-2008, 06:45 AM
Ahhh it does take a longtime member to understand me but..............in this case I am in 100% agreement with the original thought of this thread, no shit stirring intended, and in fact there is nothing in this thread that proves my thesis that RSR is in almost lockstep with McCain and by proxy the Republican party.

It would be oh so easy for RSR to find a negative cut and paste about Johnny lib but still...................to date nothing.

OK hotshot - show me where I ever said I support McCain and/or plan to vote for him

He is a liberal - a RINO

Ckear enough, or are you determined to keep trying to start something?

08-13-2008, 08:03 AM
Ahhh it does take a longtime member to understand me but..............in this case I am in 100% agreement with the original thought of this thread, no shit stirring intended, and in fact there is nothing in this thread that proves my thesis that RSR is in almost lockstep with McCain and by proxy the Republican party.

It would be oh so easy for RSR to find a negative cut and paste about Johnny lib but still...................to date nothing.

I almost agree. I would suggest that RSR is lockstep with the republican party and by proxy McCain. He is doing everything he can to get to smear and damage the republican party's opponent in this election knowing full well that, by doing so, he is essentially helping McCain, all the while claiming that he won't "vote" for McCain.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 08:05 AM
I almost agree. I would suggest that RSR is lockstep with the republican party and by proxy McCain. He is doing everything he can to get to smear and damage the republican party's opponent in this election knowing full well that, by doing so, he is essentially helping McCain, all the while claiming that he won't "vote" for McCain.

So smearing and damaging your messiah is pointing out what he says, what he does, and how his policies will do more harm then good?

I have said many times, and say again, McCain is the lesser of the two evils - but I am not voting for McCain

08-13-2008, 02:19 PM
So I am SLG?

The same way you declared the Clintons do not lose elections

and how the Mafia is all but gone :laugh2:

Yep...........but I never declared that they don't have elections STOLEN from them............which is clearly the case in '08.

Prove me wrong, lets see you and SLG logged in at the same time.

Mafia is but a shell of its former self, thats a fact.

08-13-2008, 02:20 PM
So smearing and damaging your messiah is pointing out what he says, what he does, and how his policies will do more harm then good?

I have said many times, and say again, McCain is the lesser of the two evils - but I am not voting for McCain

Then give some equal time, post one of your famous neg cut n pastes about Johnny lib.

If you do not vote you have no right to bitch about ANY election results, remember that.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:21 PM
Yep...........but I never declared that they don't have elections STOLEN from them............which is clearly the case in '08.

Prove me wrong, lets see you and SLG logged in at the same time.

Mafia is but a shell of its former self, thats a fact.

You said over and over the "Clinton's do not lose elections"

We have been son. Go back and look how you and MFM tried to spin it

As far as the mob, anything other then a 13 year old article to back up your claim

08-13-2008, 02:21 PM
OK hotshot - show me where I ever said I support McCain and/or plan to vote for him

He is a liberal - a RINO

Ckear enough, or are you determined to keep trying to start something?

Post a damaging article about Johnny lib and i'll let you off the hook.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:22 PM
Then give some equal time, post one of your famous neg cut n pastes about Johnny lib.

If you do not vote you have no right to bitch about ANY election results, remember that.

Is this the OCA Fairness Doctrine?

As someone else once posted - I will post anywhere and anything I damn well please

08-13-2008, 02:26 PM
You said over and over the "Clinton's do not lose elections"

We have been son. Go back and look how you and MFM tried to spin it

As far as the mob, anything other then a 13 year old article to back up your claim

A quick perusal a while back of members and nobody remembered seeing you and your alter ego EVER logged on together.

As far as the mob goes all I gotta do is look around and check my immediate enviroment.

Anyone running numbers like they did in the old days? No.
Anyone making book? No.
Any of the business owners I know among my ethnic group or the Italians with whom i'm very close been shaken down in the last 20 years? No.

All the major players are locked up, dead or ratted out, thats a fact.

You watched too many episodes of the Sopranos.

08-13-2008, 02:27 PM
Is this the OCA Fairness Doctrine?

As someone else once posted - I will post anywhere and anything I damn well please

And we'll continue to consider you a hypocrite, rightly so.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:29 PM
A quick perusal a while back of members and nobody remembered seeing you and your alter ego EVER logged on together.

As far as the mob goes all I gotta do is look around and check my immediate enviroment.

Anyone running numbers like they did in the old days? No.
Anyone making book? No.
Any of the business owners I know among my ethnic group or the Italians with whom i'm very close been shaken down in the last 20 years? No.

All the major players are locked up, dead or ratted out, thats a fact.

You watched too many episodes of the Sopranos.


start with post # 42

Please remove your foot from your mouth and get back to me

And with your great tarck record, we are to take your word on anything? :laugh2:

08-13-2008, 02:30 PM
Who is SLG?

08-13-2008, 02:32 PM

08-13-2008, 02:35 PM

start with post # 42

Please remove your foot from your mouth and get back to me

And with your great tarck record, we are to take your word on anything? :laugh2:

Cool! You've got two different internet providers! Kudos!

Thats track, not tarck............and yes, my TRACK record is exemplary and beyond stellar.

08-13-2008, 02:36 PM
Who is SLG?

Semi liberal girl, RSR's other nic he uses.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:37 PM

No comment on the link I provided you when SLG and I were on line at the same time?

Well at least you are up to a year old link to show the mob is all but gone

Try this one - it more current


red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:37 PM
Cool! You've got two different internet providers! Kudos!

Thats track, not tarck............and yes, my TRACK record is exemplary and beyond stellar.

Yea, if you like a losing record :laugh2:

08-13-2008, 02:39 PM
No comment on the link I provided you when SLG and I were on line at the same time?

Well at least you are up to a year old link to show the mob is all but gone

Try this one - it more current


Go back and read the thread slick, I commended you on being able to afford two internet providers, but its kind of sick to think you go through that much trouble.

Lol@your love of wannabe gangsters.

08-13-2008, 02:40 PM
Yea, if you like a losing record :laugh2:

Oh RSR, I think Ray is rubbing off on you.

LOL@losing record........can anyone say delusions of grandeur?

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:45 PM
Oh RSR, I think Ray is rubbing off on you.

LOL@losing record........can anyone say delusions of grandeur?

and I believe you are missing Martin

You are the one with the delusions. I am sorry you are not man enough to admit when you are wrong.

08-13-2008, 02:58 PM
and I believe you are missing Martin

You are the one with the delusions. I am sorry you are not man enough to admit when you are wrong.

I would be.................if I was ever wrong.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 03:00 PM
I would be.................if I was ever wrong.

Yea, Hillary is the Dem nominee

The mob no longer exists

and Jim is covering up for me on having duel accounts

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::l augh2::laugh2:


08-13-2008, 03:20 PM
Yea, Hillary is the Dem nominee

The mob no longer exists

and Jim is covering up for me on having duel accounts

:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::l augh2::laugh2:


Where was I wrong? lol

Election stolen, not lost

Jimmy covering up? No need to cover up, we all know and just like laughing at you.

The mob, as a matter of fact is a former shell of itself, I wouldn't expect a simple heinz 57 whitebread like you to know that though, you've got to be made of sturdy Mediterranean stock to know that.................like me.

You dislike me because I read you like a cheap dime novel, I know you better than you know yourself...............thats a fact kid.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 03:23 PM
Where was I wrong? lol

Election stolen, not lost

Jimmy covering up? No need to cover up, we all know and just like laughing at you.

The mob, as a matter of fact is a former shell of itself, I wouldn't expect a simple heinz 57 whitebread like you to know that though, you've got to be made of sturdy Mediterranean stock to know that.................like me.

You dislike me because I read you like a cheap dime novel, I know you better than you know yourself...............thats a fact kid.

I have shown you are a three time loser. You have a hard on for me because I will not bow down before you

Like MFM, you have a cow when anyone calls you on your shit and then you ignore the facts and ramble on

08-15-2008, 02:51 PM
LOL! They deleted the post! Guess RSR knows the truth though.........my boy.