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08-06-2008, 05:18 PM
Looks like some good information here. (http://dontgomovement.com/)

08-06-2008, 07:01 PM
I find the idea that there is an energy crisis a bit absurd? Can someone point to it for me? Sunday, (the day of rest?) we were on 95 and the Atlantic City expressway and there were thousands of cars going in all directions? Has anyone told them there was an energy crisis? The price is high but that is a function of the market. Oil prices have gone up but so what, if you enter the market and pay the price, you are the person contributing to the going price. Pretty simple and kinda weird that the same people who praise the market, now want the government to enter into states rights to add more to plenty. Seems crazy to me!

08-06-2008, 07:22 PM
Until Cheney's private conversations about energy with the oil moguls is made public I must consider the current energy pricing part of that policy consumated in private for the public.

08-06-2008, 07:23 PM
So did either of you look at the site? It really is meant more for Conservatives, interesting the both of you chose to respond and rant off on politics. *shrug*

08-06-2008, 07:26 PM
I went to see what propaganda was being pushed and the policy of drilling , did you see the clock, is not the answer. A part of the answer but not THE answer.

08-06-2008, 07:52 PM
I went to see what propaganda was being pushed and the policy of drilling , did you see the clock, is not the answer. A part of the answer but not THE answer.

As I said, it is a 'conservative' site. Of course you would not care for many, if not all of what is there. On the other hand, I'm sure conservatives that go to liberal sites, would find plenty they disagree with.

Personally that's not my favorite thing to do, raises my blood pressure and all that. However, there are times it's interesting to see what the other side considers 'important.'

08-06-2008, 07:57 PM
As I said, it is a 'conservative' site. Of course you would not care for many, if not all of what is there. On the other hand, I'm sure conservatives that go to liberal sites, would find plenty they disagree with.

Personally that's not my favorite thing to do, raises my blood pressure and all that. However, there are times it's interesting to see what the other side considers 'important.'Agreed