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08-06-2008, 11:37 PM
Why did Obama play that race card?

Obama and the race card, a preemptive play

Why did Barack Obama decide last week to "play the race card," predicting that his political opponents would try to scare voters by pointing out that he doesn't look like the presidents on our paper money? Obama's move wasn't well calculated to help him. As a general rule, the first candidate to talk about race comes off the loser, and that seemed particularly likely here, where much of Obama's original appeal stemmed from the idea that he was "post-racial." Sure enough, it's widely agreed that Obama was the loser in this flap.

So why did he do it?...Lots of links, including this one:


July 28, 2008
A winning proposition

The conventional wisdom is that, as the economic downturn shifts the focus of the presidential debate back to domestic issues, the advantage goes to Obama. This view isn't entirely implausible, but it tends to be overstated by members of the liberal MSM who think that the Democrats have all the right answers domestically and have lost presidential elections only because of national security and cultural concerns.

The conventional wisdom notwithstanding, McCain already has gained the upper hand on one economic issue -- drilling for energy. In a slumping economy where consumers are paying $4 dollars for a gallon of gas, this may be the most important economic/domestic issue of the campaign, and McCain is on the popular side of it.

Now another domestic issue (though not mainly an economic one) favorable McCain may be emerging. Voters in Arizona, McCain's home state, will be voting on a proposition that would ban the state from preferring people on the basis of race. The proposition states:

The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.

McCain supports this proposition; Obama, I understand, opposes it on the grounds that it is "divisive."

.... Again, a lot of links...

08-07-2008, 12:42 AM
Why did Obama play that race card?

Where Barry comes from its always time to blame whitey. He's just playing the cards the way he was taught by his mentor of 20 years the righteous reverend Wright and his good friend Pfleger.

08-07-2008, 12:47 AM
He played the race card because it looks like McCain won't.

08-07-2008, 06:15 AM
What exactly is the race card? is it what the republicans did to McCain in 2000? Seems so, McCain is learning fast I guess!

"How does that play the race card? If anything, Obama is playing the age card. The only faces I see on dollar bills are of gray-haired, wrinkly old men. Remind you of anyone?Funny how it's the McCain supporters who immediately jump on this as a race issue. But if they persist in trying to distract voters with these inane, non-issue ads, then they shouldn't complain if Obama supporters start really playing the age card against McCain.

Both sides need to stick to their word and keep this a non-negative, issues-based campaign. Obama's celebrity in this contest is no more an issue today than McCain's celebrity was in 2000. By lowering himself to this level, McCain is turning himself into exactly the kind of presidential candidate he used to despise."


08-07-2008, 07:35 AM
Obama already admitted he was talking about race. I don't see how you can claim he meant something else.