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red states rule
08-08-2008, 06:03 PM
How can he not watch it? It is so huge how can anybody miss it?

Watch the Ego, O
By Rich Lowry

It's almost as if they take pride in being ignorant," Barack Obama mused the other day, blasting Republicans for ridiculing his exhortation to the nation to make sure its tires are properly inflated.

Ah, behold the open-mindedness and cross-partisan understanding. Remember two years ago, when Obama was only a media darling and not yet The Anointed One?

Back then, his appeal was the extraordinary sensitivity he had for the views of others. His best-selling campaign book, "The Audacity of Hope," was carefully unaudacious in its on-the-one-hand, on-the-other-hand weighing of the issues of the day, giving the impression that nothing pained him so much as not being able to agree with the other side, though he thoroughly understood and respected its arguments.

That iteration of Obama was tossed under the bus long ago (no word on whether the tires were adequately inflated). It's been replaced by an Obama who - between pauses gazing regally into the middle-distance during his orations - betrays a dismissive contempt for all differences of opinion.

"Nobody really thinks that Bush or McCain have a real answer for the challenges we face," he said, responding to a John McCain attack ad.

Nobody does? Are all those people who vote Republican simply delusional? Or are they pretending to believe things that they really don't to conceal unseemly motivations - power-hunger, bitterness, racism?

The most elemental act of political civility is to concede the good motives of your opposition. Obama lately can't even muster that.


red states rule
08-08-2008, 06:51 PM

08-08-2008, 10:11 PM
He is only running for the most powerful position on the face of the Earth!!!!!!! I don't think anyone can get more egotistical than that!!!!!!!

red states rule
08-09-2008, 06:02 AM
He is only running for the most powerful position on the face of the Earth!!!!!!! I don't think anyone can get more egotistical than that!!!!!!!

Few people who have run for President have the arrogance of the messiah. I do not recall any of them putting a fake Presdiential seal on their podium. Talking about taking out the WH bowling alley and replacing it with a basketball court. Or making the comment he is the one the wrold has been waiting for

It is pure arrogance and ego - and that is a factor as to why the election is so close