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08-09-2008, 07:03 PM
Some things become clearer in hindsight, even in recent times:


The war that Russia wants
Moscow's blatant aggression in South Ossetia, aimed at locking Georgia out of Nato, should be resisted by the EU and US

For months, Moscow's successive provocations in Georgia have left observers suspecting that it was provoking a war in the Caucasus. It seems to have finally gotten what it wanted. The Kremlin's blatant aggression puts at stake not only the future of the most progressive state in the former Soviet Union, but the broader cause of European security.

In recent years, the Kremlin had escalated its interference in Georgia's territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia - bombing Georgian territory twice last year, illegally extending Russian citizenship to residents there, and appointing Russian security officers to their self-declared governments. South Ossetia's government in particular is practically under Moscow's direct control, with little if any ability to act independently.

But this flare-up is a direct consequence of Russia's deliberate and recent efforts to engage its small neighbor in military conflict. In April, Russia's President Vladimir Putin signed a decree effectively beginning to treat Abkhazia and South Ossetia as parts of the Russian Federation. This land grab was a particularly galling move because Russia is in charge of both the peacekeeping operations in the conflict zones, and the negotiations over their political resolution. The mediator had now clearly become a direct party to the conflict.

Moscow then sent paratroopers, heavy weapons and other troops into Abkhazia. Although these measures constituted military occupation of Georgian territory, Georgia failed to respond militarily. Instead, with European aspirations in mind, Georgian leaders listened to western calls for restraint, and put their faith in half-hearted western diplomatic initiatives.

Having failed to provoke Georgia to a war in Abkhazia, the Kremlin then tried in South Ossetia. Its proxies, the Ossetian separatist forces, escalated their attacks on Georgian posts and villages, making a response inevitable. Predictably, Moscow claimed a right to intervene, pouring Russian tanks into the area and bombing Georgian territory - including the country's capital. But why would Russia seek a war in the Caucasus, and why does it matter?

Georgia's position astride the western access route to the Caspian sea's energy reserves and Central Asia give it geopolitical significance. Moreover, Georgia represents exactly what Moscow does not want to see on its borders: a country both independent and increasingly democratic. Moscow instead seeks submission, preferably by authoritarian rulers that it can manipulate.

Yet the decisive factor was Georgia's efforts to gain Nato membership, a move in tune with the country's progress in consolidating democratic rule. Angela Merkel's statement that a country with unresolved conflicts can't enter Nato helped, too: it sent Russia a signal that it could prevent Georgia's Nato membership simply by stirring conflict.


08-09-2008, 08:20 PM
The russians will keep the conflict going just to keep Georgia out of NATO. Until the west gets the gonads to go in and help defend Georgia nothing is going to change their and eventually it will fall to the russians through out right invasion. The russians are out to reconquor the eastern block. The russian version of a caliphate. The ussr is alive and well and in full control of moscow.

08-09-2008, 08:24 PM
Seems like another giant nation invading a nation for no reason?!

08-09-2008, 08:29 PM
Seems like another giant nation invading a nation for no reason?!

no reason? I thought the reason was obvious. Power

08-09-2008, 08:30 PM
no reason? I thought the reason was obvious. PowerSo we invaded Iraq for power?

08-09-2008, 08:58 PM
So we invaded Iraq for power?

Leave it to a liberal. If you think there's ANY parallel between the two, other than that there's shooting involved, you need your head examined. Either that, or you're being disingenuous in order to be an ass. Either way, that theory isn't going to make any headway among thinking people except as a political tool used to manipulate non-thinking people.

08-09-2008, 09:12 PM
So we invaded Iraq for power?

We are talking about Russia invading Georgia. I have no clue what you are talking about.

08-09-2008, 09:25 PM
Leave it to a liberal. If you think there's ANY parallel between the two, other than that there's shooting involved, you need your head examined. Either that, or you're being disingenuous in order to be an ass. Either way, that theory isn't going to make any headway among thinking people except as a political tool used to manipulate non-thinking people.The parallel is a perfect mathematical number. Neither one is or was necessary. Both are being done for no real reason other than a politiboro/PNAC need

08-09-2008, 09:37 PM
So we invaded Iraq for power?

i thought it was for the oil....

08-09-2008, 09:46 PM
The russians want Georgia for the oil.

So libs? What should we do about it?

08-10-2008, 02:33 PM
The russians want Georgia for the oil.

So libs? What should we do about it?REspond as Russia did when we took Iraq, nothing!

08-10-2008, 05:27 PM
no reason? I thought the reason was obvious. Power


08-10-2008, 06:28 PM

Oil is power. I stand by my statement.

08-10-2008, 06:29 PM
Oil is power. I stand by my statement.

On that note, agreed.