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View Full Version : Obama's fake birth certificate forged from original of a woman

08-10-2008, 09:42 PM
As Barack Obama turns 47 today, a document expert claims that his "birth certificate" was forged from an original belonging to a woman born in the 1970s. Informed sources says that while she was not born in Hawaii, she had a Hawaiian certificate of live birth (COLB) The expert, who goes by the pseudonym Techdude after being threatened, says he has decrypted the identity of the owner of the original image from artifacts in the image claimed as authentic by the Obama campaign and says he will publish the name unless the guilty parties "fess up." http://web.israelinsider.com/Articles/Politics/13038.htm


08-11-2008, 06:50 AM
Techdude's report here: http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2008/07/atlas-exclusive.html#comment-125101034

08-11-2008, 06:56 AM
The "original" from daily kos, supposedly officially printed in 2007.


edit: the original is too big for monitors less than 4' wide. This is a thumnail. To see the original, go to the kos site and click on the thumbnail. http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/6/12/11012/6168

08-11-2008, 07:44 AM
shits getting ready to hit the "fake" Obambam fan..:coffee:

08-11-2008, 09:47 AM
One person who remains anonymous, says he can "prove" it's faked?


I still haven't figured out the rationale behind this. Are they trying to say that Obama was not born in Hawaii? Or are they trying to say he was born there (Obama says in 1961) before Hawaii became a U.S. state (in 1959 I believe)?

What is the point?

08-11-2008, 09:52 AM
The question is: Is he a citizen. If his mom wasn't a citizen, she couldn't have conveyed her citizenship to Him. Something like that.

08-11-2008, 10:09 AM
The question is: Is he a citizen. If his mom wasn't a citizen, she couldn't have conveyed her citizenship to Him. Something like that.

Of course, if he was born in a U.S. state, then he IS a citizen, no matter what his mom can or can't do. End of story.

I have seen no, none, zip, nada evidence that he was not, despite months of screaming. Someone here has pointed to one anonymous internet person who says he has such evidence... but has not provided it.

Why is this idea being treated as though it has any merit at all?

There are plenty of reasons to not have Obama as our President: His extreme liberalism and big-govt nanny state devotion, his apparent lack of any firm commitments, etc. Why is anyone wasting their time trying to cobble up birth-certificate nonsense?

08-11-2008, 10:31 AM
Well...if the guy is right, it's huge. :)

08-11-2008, 11:44 AM
OMG can you believe it! Glock, do you think he is an alien or something? This is serious shit man, he could be one of those people who want peace and prosperity or something! Please keep us informed with these momentous finds, I know you will, I trust your astute judgment in this one thousand percent.

08-11-2008, 11:56 AM
OMG can you believe it! Glock, do you think he is an alien or something? This is serious shit man, he could be one of those people who want peace and prosperity or something! Please keep us informed with these momentous finds, I know you will, I trust your astute judgment in this one thousand percent.

get ahold of yourself..:slap:
this is a legitimate question that is being asked..why can't he just show HIS REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE??
I have one from Hawaii, and it sure doesn't look like the one above..

08-11-2008, 05:34 PM
From my reading it seems obamanation was born in kenya. Antimullah.com has been running a regular investigation on this for months now. I'm surprised the repubs and even clinton aren't all over this.

08-11-2008, 06:04 PM
From my reading it seems obamanation was born in kenya. Antimullah.com has been running a regular investigation on this for months now. I'm surprised the repubs and even clinton aren't all over this.

It should break big about the time of the elections.

The question is this...why would he LIE about his birth? It's just one more lie in a long series of lies he's told.

08-11-2008, 09:52 PM
Where is the "proof" that doesn't come from some right-wing smear sheet?

08-11-2008, 11:30 PM
What difference does it make? A fake is a fake is a fake! That's what difference it makes. If this were a major republican political player the networks, CNN, and MSNBC would be clawing at each other to bring it to you first.

08-11-2008, 11:34 PM
Where is the "proof" that doesn't come from some right-wing smear sheet?

If there is anything to this, I bet Hillary has it and the convention will be worth watching...... that would be so choice for her to pull that shit during her speech....... I might even vote for her if she can pull it off.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

There were a lot of rumors during the primaries that Hillary had something........:dev2::dev::lmao: I'd pay a bunch of money to see that!:coffee:

08-11-2008, 11:35 PM
If there is anything to this, I bet Hillary has it and the convention will be worth watching...... that would be so choice for her to pull that shit during her speech....... I might even vote for her if she can pull it off.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

that would be a classic......

Abbey Marie
08-12-2008, 11:59 AM
It should break big about the time of the elections.

The question is this...why would he LIE about his birth? It's just one more lie in a long series of lies he's told.

Because he's the anti-Christ? :coffee:

08-12-2008, 12:08 PM
Not trying to be snarky, but my thinking on this topic corresponds to a site I read pretty regularly:


Obama 'Birth Certificate' Links Not Welcome

Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 1:27:18 pm PST

This is a public notice that I’m going to be deleting any posted spinoff links that try to promote the “Obama birth certificate” nonsense. I’ve mentioned this several times in comments, but it apparently hasn’t been heard by enough people.

The story is absolute garbage, and it’s being promoted now by Larry “Michelle Obama Whitey Tape” Johnson, who has zero credibility.

If you think I’m an idiot who can’t see what’s right in front of me, and want to continue chasing this rabbit down the hole, it’s a simple matter to start a blog at Blogspot or Wordpress. Then you can get all the credit for it. In the highly unlikely event that the story is proven to be true, you can bask in the glory, and I’ll have a nice dinner of crow. Until then, please don’t post this stuff at LGF or it will be deleted.

No, nothing here will be deleted, but the logic stands. This kind of thing is American political nastiness at it's 'finest' Reminds me of McCain being born in the PCZ.

08-12-2008, 12:09 PM
I have heard that Obama is a space alien sent to destroy the earth. Getting elected President of the United States is part of his evil plan.

Abbey Marie
08-12-2008, 12:13 PM
I have heard that Obama is a space alien sent to destroy the earth. Getting elected President of the United States is part of his evil plan.

You just gave me the first reason I've heard to vote for him. Maybe the earth needs to be destroyed, so we can start over again *with fewer people*. And do a better job of it this time.

08-12-2008, 12:58 PM
How in the hell is this POLITICAL NASTINESS??

They questioned John McCain on account of where he was born..

I do have questions about this..

all he would have to do is prove it with a legitimate birth certificate..is that too much to ask someone who wants to be my President.


08-12-2008, 01:03 PM
How in the hell is this POLITICAL NASTINESS??

They questioned John McCain on account of where he was born..

I do have questions about this..

all he would have to do is prove it with a legitimate birth certificate..is that too much to ask someone who wants to be my President.


Since his mother was without question American, yeah. I think the left's attack on McCain being born in PCZ equally irrelevant.

08-12-2008, 01:26 PM
Since his mother was without question American, yeah. I think the left's attack on McCain being born in PCZ equally irrelevant.

Well, if you want to call all this "irrelevant", fine..

but political nastiness, was a bit much..

I still have some doubts on this..why would they post the above certificate at the daily Kos, if there was no.....doubts. and since then, the above certificate is shown to not be an official certificate of birth from Hawaii..??

And since when do they put down as a fathers race as being, African??

that is the reasons for the questions going around.. and I want answers..

08-12-2008, 01:32 PM
Well, if you want to call all this "irrelevant", fine..

but political nastiness, was a bit much..

I still have some doubts on this..why would they post the above certificate at the daily Kos, if there was no.....doubts. and since then, the above certificate is shown to not be an official certificate of birth from Hawaii..??

And since when do they put down as a fathers race as being, African??

that is the reasons for the questions going around.. and I want answers..

For the most part you and I are in agreement. I think you are following a dead horse, but can't stop you. His mom was most definitely American, thus he comes by citizenship. These weird type of issues have been brought up about McCain's birth too, just as much nonsense, IMHO.

08-12-2008, 02:02 PM
How in the hell is this POLITICAL NASTINESS??

They questioned John McCain on account of where he was born..

Because McCain was not born in one of the 50 states. I believe he was born on a U.S. military base in Panama (I think?). That was sovereign U.S. territory, so McCain is a U.S. citizen. But the question was legit.

all he would have to do is prove it with a legitimate birth certificate..is that too much to ask someone who wants to be my President.


I presume you're talking about Obama again here?

Obama DID prove his birth with a legitimate birth certificate. I have seen zero evidence that the certificate is anything else. Just the unsupported, unbacked word of one internet person who remains anonymous. That and a subway token will get you from upper to lower manhattan......

These birth-certificate hysterics are making it up out of whole cloth, without the slightest reason or evidence to back up what they say. That's why it's nasty.

If someone PROVES otherwise, then I'll join LGF in a dinner of crow. No one has proven squat so far, or even offered ANY evidence. In a word, they're acting like a bunch of hysterical liberals.

Pretty nasty.

08-12-2008, 03:07 PM
. His mom was most definitely American, thus he comes by citizenship. i think what some ppl are trying to get at, is something about the laws at that time required you to be in the US for so many consecutive (sp? sorry..years in a row) after you 18th B-Day for your citizenship to pass onto your kid and then it was changed to be, if you're an American your kid is.

not that i actually care about this since it's not like i am going to vote for Obama anyway. you just hear talk and it sits in your head until something makes it register, like as in right now.

08-12-2008, 03:15 PM
i think what some ppl are trying to get at, is something about the laws at that time required you to be in the US for so many consecutive (sp? sorry..years in a row) after you 18th B-Day for your citizenship to pass onto your kid and then it was changed to be, if you're an American your kid is.

not that i actually care about this since it's not like i am going to vote for Obama anyway. you just hear talk and it sits in your head until something makes it register, like as in right now.

I disagree, they are trying to bring up his place of birth, not his length of time. If it were the later, he's been here since at the latest college. He's in his late 40's.

08-12-2008, 03:49 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if Barry is lying about when and where he was born. He's a former drug user and tries to hide everything else about his past.

08-12-2008, 04:29 PM
It wouldn't surprise me if Barry is lying about when and where he was born. He's a former drug user and tries to hide everything else about his past.

He's an extreme liberal, and therefore has to lie about everything in his present and future intentions, too. In particular, he cannot announce that he wants to increase taxes, increase government restrictions and regulation, expand spending even more than W already did, etc. He knows the American people don't want that, so he must lie to get their votes, and rely on vapid things like "Change you can believe in", etc. I've seen plenty of evidence he is lying about many such things already.

But I have seen zero evidence that he has lied about his birth certificate, where and when he was born, etc. Even after months of various strident individuals trying to convince as many as they can that he did lie, they have come up 100% empty-handed. Such a perfect record is actually hard to achieve, but they managed it.

It's a pureblooded witch hunt until the birth-cert fanatics actually come up with somethig concrete. If they haven't done it by now (and they haven't), it's unlikely they will in the future.

08-12-2008, 04:44 PM
I will not vote for Obama. From everything I've read for years, way before the presidential election, I am vehemently opposed to his election.

With that said, nonsense over his citizenship, is just that; nonsense. Same with McCain being born in PCZ. Total and complete nonsense.

08-12-2008, 04:51 PM
I guess we shall see..

I wonder what crow taste like..:coffee:

08-12-2008, 05:42 PM
I guess we shall see..

I wonder what crow taste like..:coffee:

Why would this be so important to you? If his mother wasn't a US citizen, well I'll guess I'll be eating crow. That is unlikely though. Which is why I wonder why you are concerned about the legalities of his citizenship. I'm equally concerned about the netroots that question McCain's eligibility to run, because he was born in PCZ. The parents bestow citizenship, via the constitution.

08-12-2008, 05:44 PM
Why would this be so important to you? If his mother wasn't a US citizen, well I'll guess I'll be eating crow. That is unlikely though. Which is why I wonder why you are concerned about the legalities of his citizenship. I'm equally concerned about the netroots that question McCain's eligibility to run, because he was born in PCZ. The parents bestow citizenship, via the constitution.

His mother was born in KANSAS! How much more American can you get? Her Dad moved to Hawaii from the Pacific northwest to manage a furniture store. Her mother went to work at a Honolulu bank.

08-12-2008, 05:44 PM
Why would this be so important to you? If his mother wasn't a US citizen, well I'll guess I'll be eating crow. That is unlikely though. Which is why I wonder why you are concerned about the legalities of his citizenship. I'm equally concerned about the netroots that question McCain's eligibility to run, because he was born in PCZ. The parents bestow citizenship, via the constitution.

while i believe he is a citizen, what is the problem with people questioning this technicality? obama knocks people off balots for technicalities, what goes around comes around...

08-12-2008, 06:05 PM
His mother was born in KANSAS! How much more American can you get? Her Dad moved to Hawaii from the Pacific northwest to manage a furniture store. Her mother went to work at a Honolulu bank.


08-12-2008, 06:06 PM
while i believe he is a citizen, what is the problem with people questioning this technicality? obama knocks people off balots for technicalities, what goes around comes around...

Not saying it's a 'problem', just saying it's irrelevant, just like the PCZ for McCain. Distractions.

08-12-2008, 06:12 PM

Obama's mother's dad moved to Hawaii to run a furniture store. Her mother took a job at a bank. Obama's mother was born in Kansas. Obama was born in Hawaii, while it was a state and his mother was a native born American citizen.

08-12-2008, 06:49 PM
Obama's mother's dad moved to Hawaii to run a furniture store. Her mother took a job at a bank. Obama's mother was born in Kansas. Obama was born in Hawaii, while it was a state and his mother was a native born American citizen.


08-13-2008, 06:47 AM


Wow...You guys will reach for anything. Tinfoil hat time for you. :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

08-13-2008, 09:52 AM
Obama doesn't have any slave blood, how can he understand the suffering American blacks have had to endure for centuries........ he has had the best of everything, raised white, Ivy League White schools. The only black credit he has is that he stooped down to marry a real American black woman with slave ancestry, a bitchy, fat assed American black woman........ unfortunately that also proves he's not a true American black man........ successful American black men always marry dense blond white women.:cool:

08-16-2008, 01:56 PM
I guess we shall see..

I wonder what crow taste like..:coffee:

Well, it ain't bad! I've ate a tone it in my days.

08-16-2008, 02:28 PM
Obama doesn't have any slave blood, how can he understand the suffering American blacks have had to endure for centuries........ he has had the best of everything, raised white, Ivy League White schools. The only black credit he has is that he stooped down to marry a real American black woman with slave ancestry, a bitchy, fat assed American black woman........ unfortunately that also proves he's not a true American black man........ successful American black men always marry dense blond white women.:cool:

This was a great post, I can't believe it didn't get any compliments.:cool:

08-16-2008, 04:38 PM
This was a great post, I can't believe it didn't get any compliments.:cool:

I tried to rep ya the other day for it..

so here ya go now..:clap::laugh2:

08-16-2008, 04:45 PM
This was a great post, I can't believe it didn't get any compliments.:cool:

Ah..............Sitarro, it was racially charged, biused and insulting. It made reference to the oversized ass of a black woman in America. It was insensative, cruel and demaning. Not to mention it was absolutely politically incorrect.

Good Post!