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red states rule
08-13-2008, 07:08 AM
Now the Obamabots will pull out the race card to explain why their messiah, known as Obama is not winning over white males

It will never occur to them the election is still tight because people see what an inexperienced tax and spend liberal Obama really is

Obama's problem with white, male voters

THE MOST remarkable fact of the 2008 presidential election is that it remains a close race. Democrats have not known such favorable political terrain since 1932, yet what should be a blowout is looking like a blanket finish.

The fundamental reason is white men. Like Al Gore in the summer of 2000, Barack Obama is roughly splitting white women. But only 34 to 37 percent of white men support Obama, according to the Gallup Poll's latest weekly index of 6,000 voters.

In fairness to Obama, he inherited the problem. Not since 1976, when Democrats last achieved a majority, has a Democrat won more than 38 of every 100 white, male voters. That Obama is nearly at par with Democrats' poor performance is hardly good.

Obama remains narrowly ahead because of black, Hispanic, and youth support. Those strengths may prove brittle. Large black populations are mostly in states Obama will surely win, across the Northeast, and states he will surely lose, the Deep South. Hispanics are a nonfactor in Heartland swing states like Ohio. Young voters are notoriously unreliable.

On Election Day, high youth and black turnout will matter in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Nevada. But as Hillary Clinton demonstrated, Obama's strengths may not matter enough.

Obama's one clear gain with white men, over Gore and John Kerry, is with those under age 30. But those gains are undercut by a poor showing with older white men, according to Pew Research Center summer polling. The same effect, though more mild, is also true for white women.


08-13-2008, 07:18 AM
RSR, do you live in a friggin cave? Lots of white men are racists and yes, the other issues you mention do affect voter's decisions. Again you do realize the republicans used the same tactics on McCain and guess what cave dweller - THEY WORKED. Ever wonder why.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


red states rule
08-13-2008, 07:22 AM
RSR, do you live in a friggin cave? Lots of white men are racists and yes, the other issues you mention do affect voter's decisions. Again you do realize the republicans used the same tactics on McCain and guess what cave dweller - THEY WORKED. Ever wonder why.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


Funny when a black liberal loses, Dems whine about racism. However when a black conservative loses, Dems say the voters made the correct choice

There is more racism on the left then on the right. Dems will never admit when they lose it was bacuase the voters rejected liberalism, No, Dems will scream how the election was stolen, the voters are stupid, or with their messiah, the voters are racists

08-13-2008, 07:26 AM
Funny when a black liberal loses, Dems whine about racism. However when a black conservative loses, Dems say the voters made the correct choice

There is more racism on the left then on the right. Dems will never admit when they lose it was bacuase the voters rejected liberalism, No, Dems will scream how the election was stolen, the voters are stupid, or with their messiah, the voters are racists

Then tell me why the republicans have used it against McCain and ever since LBJ lost the South? Explain please.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 07:30 AM
Then tell me why the republicans have used it against McCain and ever since LBJ lost the South? Explain please.

If you are talking about one kook group that said McCain fathered a black baby - it was a sick stupid thing to do

With Obama, the liberal media across the board is saying if Obama loses, it is because America is a racist country

"Reporters" ask Obama if he can overcome racism and win the election

Big difference

08-13-2008, 07:46 AM
If you are talking about one kook group that said McCain fathered a black baby - it was a sick stupid thing to do

I asked you why? Answer the question. There is no difference.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 07:48 AM
I asked you why? Answer the question. There is no difference.

and I said it was a sick and stupid thing to do

One group doing it to Mccain VS the entire liberal media doing it to America is a BIG difference

08-13-2008, 07:49 AM
I asked you why? Answer the question. There is no difference.
don't hold your breath. that guy is like the tarbaby.... you can ask him questions all night long for days and days on end and he will NEVER answer them. Never. That behavior is one of the reasons I gave up talking with him.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 07:51 AM
don't hold your breath. that guy is like the tarbaby.... you can ask him questions all night long for days and days on end and he will NEVER answer them. Never. That behavior is one of the reasons I gave up talking with him.

I did answer him. Liberal hacks llike you are playing the race card in a lame attempt to shame voters into voting for your guy

Perhaps that is why you are waving the pom poms for the messiah - white liberal guilt

08-13-2008, 08:30 AM
I don't like him, in part, because he doesn't seem to care that he's as much WHITE as he is black.

08-13-2008, 08:35 AM
I don't like him, in part, because he doesn't seem to care that he's as much WHITE as he is black.

throughout American history, someone who was a "mulatto" was considered black... remember: Plessy was only 1/8th black.

08-13-2008, 08:47 AM
I think it's just plain silly. If being black didn't seem to work in his favor, he'd claim to be a white guy I bet. Hell, I 'look' white, but I claim 'African American' on all my Racial documents/forms.

08-13-2008, 08:57 AM
I just don't think racism is the big factor in this ahem, contest. Sure there are bigots, from all groups. If there is a significant movement due to race, it's those voting in favor of Obama, not against him.

08-13-2008, 09:02 AM
I just don't think racism is the big factor in this ahem, contest. Sure there are bigots, from all groups. If there is a significant movement due to race, it's those voting in favor of Obama, not against him.

No fair calling it like it is.


08-13-2008, 09:07 AM
No fair calling it like it is.


I personally believe that many americans don't want to admit that they are still harbor racist feelings, and would never do so on any opinion poll, but will allow their true feelings to dictate their vote once behind the privacy of the curtain on the voting booth.

And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

08-13-2008, 09:10 AM
Its funny how the whites get accussed of being racist for voting the way they do, yet when 95%+ of blacks vote for Obama its clearly because of race but we don't hear a peep about that anti-white racism.

08-13-2008, 09:14 AM
And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

Alan Keyes never made it past the primaries. And also blacks who vote for Republicans (white or black) are called 'oreos' and sellouts by liberal blacks. And we all know most blacks are democrat because of the media always portraying Republicans as 'racist', not to mention many blacks are poor due to living in urban areas ruled by liberal policies to keep them poor, and they subscribe to the idea of government handouts.

08-13-2008, 09:16 AM
I personally believe that many americans don't want to admit that they are still harbor racist feelings, and would never do so on any opinion poll, but will allow their true feelings to dictate their vote once behind the privacy of the curtain on the voting booth.

And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

You said so yourself... because he is black.

I don't think that is racist either. We all tend to gravitate to people we connect with. Blacks will feel that Obama is more like them and will understand him better than someone like me.

I don't consider that racist... but to accuse me of being racist because I am white and I won't vote for Obama... well that accusation is extremely racist in itself.


08-13-2008, 09:18 AM
I personally believe that many americans don't want to admit that they are still harbor racist feelings, and would never do so on any opinion poll, but will allow their true feelings to dictate their vote once behind the privacy of the curtain on the voting booth.

And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

Because he was never the 'leading' Republican candidate. Since you brought it up, what percentage of black Republican votes did Keyes garner?

Jesse Jackson managed to get significant percentages of black vote, but not enough voted.

I've said before, I don't think blacks are being racists in this instance, at least not purposefully. Rather it's 'pride', very much like JFK and the Catholic vote. On the other hand, afterwards it's 'been there, done that.' Kerry didn't win and he was as Catholic as Kennedy. :coffee:

08-13-2008, 10:04 AM
Because he was never the 'leading' Republican candidate. Since you brought it up, what percentage of black Republican votes did Keyes garner?

Jesse Jackson managed to get significant percentages of black vote, but not enough voted.

I've said before, I don't think blacks are being racists in this instance, at least not purposefully. Rather it's 'pride', very much like JFK and the Catholic vote. On the other hand, afterwards it's 'been there, done that.' Kerry didn't win and he was as Catholic as Kennedy. :coffee:
I would have no idea what percentage of the black republican vote Keyes got in his primary bid... how many blacks in Illinois voted for him over Obama in their senate race?

And I agree with you about "pride". But pride alone will not make black Americans vote for a black who does not support the sorts of policies that they and their party support.

08-13-2008, 10:05 AM
You said so yourself... because he is black.

I don't think that is racist either. We all tend to gravitate to people we connect with. Blacks will feel that Obama is more like them and will understand him better than someone like me.

I don't consider that racist... but to accuse me of being racist because I am white and I won't vote for Obama... well that accusation is extremely racist in itself.


I would never suggest that you won't vote for Obama because you are white and he is black. I said that I believed that many Americans would, however.

08-13-2008, 10:06 AM
I would have no idea what percentage of the black republican vote Keyes got in his primary bid... how many blacks in Illinois voted for him over Obama in their senate race?

And I agree with you about "pride". But pride alone will not make black Americans vote for a black who does not support the sorts of policies that they and their party support.

I think on this one, we'll disagree, at least to a degree. Certainly if he were Republican, even with the same 'goals', we wouldn't garner 90-95% of Black vote.

08-13-2008, 10:07 AM
Alan Keyes never made it past the primaries. And also blacks who vote for Republicans (white or black) are called 'oreos' and sellouts by liberal blacks. And we all know most blacks are democrat because of the media always portraying Republicans as 'racist', not to mention many blacks are poor due to living in urban areas ruled by liberal policies to keep them poor, and they subscribe to the idea of government handouts.

Alan Keyes never made it past the primaries because he was a terrible candidate... not because he was black. He did not get the support of blacks because, regardless of his color, he was on the wrong side of the issues that were important to them.

08-13-2008, 10:11 AM
Alan Keyes never made it past the primaries because he was a terrible candidate... not because he was black. He did not get the support of blacks because, regardless of his color, he was on the wrong side of the issues that were important to them.

Hell, I didn't vote for Keyes, he was a carpetbagger. The Republican Party in Illinois is as morally bankrupt as the Democratic Party in Illinois.

08-13-2008, 10:11 AM
and I said it was a sick and stupid thing to do

Since you don't have the moral balls to answer the question I will, the reason the republicans used race against John McCain is because race baiting works. Why does it work, it works because many people are racists. If they were not it obviously would not work. And all those here who turn the racism around are either naive, simply uneducated, or lying. Or maybe they are in the same cave RSR is in. Let me repeat in case anyone here misses it - it worked against McCain a white man.

08-13-2008, 10:13 AM
I would never suggest that you won't vote for Obama because you are white and he is black. I said that I believed that many Americans would, however.

Sorry, I did not mean to make it sound like you suggested such a thing, but I am really sick of hearing that white men won't vote for Obama only because they are racist.

I'm certain there are some, too many for my liking, white racists who won't vote for him because he is black; but in the same light there are a heck of a lot of white men who won't vote for him for a heck of a lot of reasons having nothing to do with his color.

I won't vote for him because he is part of the establishment. If that weren't the case, you know I would have a problem voting for him because of his stance on abortion. I also have problems with his plans for forced income redistribution.

A lot of people have problems voting for any candidate regardless of color but when Obama supporters (or supporters of any minority candidate) suggest that the only reason whites won't vote for their candidate is that the white is racist then they are themselves racist.


08-13-2008, 10:13 AM
Since you don't have the moral balls to answer the question I will, the reason the republicans used race against John McCain, is because race baiting works. Why does it work, it works because many people are racists. If they were not it obviously would not work. And all those here who turn the racism around are either naive, simply uneducated, or lying. Or maybe they are in the same cave RSR is in. Let me repeat in case anyone here misses it - it worked against McCain a white man.

exactly. it was a sick and stupid thing to do but an effective thing to do. Rove would not USE a tactic such as suggesting to white south carolina voters that McCain had fathered a black child if he did not KNOW that such a tactic would be - AND WAS - extremely effective. Bush WON south carolina and McCain's momentum was squashed.

08-13-2008, 10:18 AM
And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

This has already been stated but it needs repeated. During the primaries Obama received 95% of the black vote. Obama and Hillary didn't disagree on very much. Are you saying Hillary isn't a solid Democrat and wasn't looking out for their issues????????

Face it blacks voted for Obama during the primaries based almost solely on RACE!!

I don't know much about Alan Keyes presidential run. But, I would venture to guess that he didn't get much black support based on the fact that he ran as republican and most blacks aren't republican.

08-13-2008, 10:25 AM
This has already been stated but it needs repeated. During the primaries Obama received 95% of the black vote. Obama and Hillary didn't disagree on very much. Are you saying Hillary isn't a solid Democrat and wasn't looking out for their issues????????

Face it blacks voted for Obama during the primaries based almost solely on RACE!!

I don't know much about Alan Keyes presidential run. But, I would venture to guess that he didn't get much black support based on the fact that he ran as republican and most blacks aren't republican.

as said before, they voted for Obama because they liked his positions on the issues and they were proud of the fact that they could vote for a black man in America. Hell... Obama is with me on most of MY key issues and I am proud that I can vote for a black man in America. We've come a long way.

08-13-2008, 10:35 AM
as said before, they voted for Obama because they liked his positions on the issues and they were proud of the fact that they could vote for a black man in America. Hell... Obama is with me on most of MY key issues and I am proud that I can vote for a black man in America. We've come a long way.

So you also voted for Obama over Hillary based on RACE.

If 95% of white people voted for Hillary they'd have been called racist. Yet, blacks are getting away with it because of "pride"...........bullshit.

Abbey Marie
08-13-2008, 10:55 AM
Alan Keyes never made it past the primaries because he was a terrible candidate... not because he was black. He did not get the support of blacks because, regardless of his color, he was on the wrong side of the issues that were important to them.

You mean like Obama is just on the wrong side of the issues important to many of us?

08-13-2008, 10:59 AM
You said so yourself... because he is black.

I don't think that is racist either. We all tend to gravitate to people we connect with. Blacks will feel that Obama is more like them and will understand him better than someone like me.

I don't consider that racist... but to accuse me of being racist because I am white and I won't vote for Obama... well that accusation is extremely racist in itself.

it is not technically racist, it is a lie. the left uses that lie to inflame the opposition and to discredit them. it is also extremely hypocritical as you have pointed out. it is ok for blacks to vote for him for his politics AND HIS RACE (half) but it is not ok for whites to do likewise or reverse. but to simply shout "racist" solely because obama happens to be half black is a pure lie and those that shout it know it.

08-13-2008, 11:32 AM
You mean like Obama is just on the wrong side of the issues important to many of us?

exactly. if you don't like the democratic platform, then, by all means, vote for someone other than the democrat.


red states rule
08-13-2008, 12:20 PM
I personally believe that many americans don't want to admit that they are still harbor racist feelings, and would never do so on any opinion poll, but will allow their true feelings to dictate their vote once behind the privacy of the curtain on the voting booth.

And to suggest that blacks are going to vote for Obama simply because he is black is not accurate. If that were the case, why didn't Alan Keyes garner boatloads of support from blacks when HE was a republican presidential primary candidate? Blacks are voting for Obama because he is a solid democrat AND because he is black.

I recall one Obamabot on this board siad it was racist that whites were not voting for Obama - yet it was not racist for blacks to vote for Obama because he is black

His spin on blacks voting for Obama because he is black was they were rooting for the underdog

red states rule
08-13-2008, 12:22 PM
as said before, they voted for Obama because they liked his positions on the issues and they were proud of the fact that they could vote for a black man in America. Hell... Obama is with me on most of MY key issues and I am proud that I can vote for a black man in America. We've come a long way.

Oh so you have flip flopped on many of the issues as well? :laugh2:

08-13-2008, 12:24 PM
Could someone name one country, state or city being run by a black man that is successful?:cool: Just curious, I'm not being racist...... I swear.:D

08-13-2008, 12:29 PM
I personally believe that many americans don't want to admit that they are still harbor racist feelings, and would never do so on any opinion poll, but will allow their true feelings to dictate their vote once behind the privacy of the curtain on the voting booth.

Question: Would that include black Americans or only white Americans?

Or are you of the belief that a minority cannot be a racist like the State of Delaware?


red states rule
08-13-2008, 12:30 PM
Could someone name one country, state or city being run by a black man that is successful?:cool: Just curious, I'm not being racist...... I swear.:D

Damn good question

Washington DC, and Detroit come to mind - not well run - but they were the first ones I thought of

08-13-2008, 12:42 PM
tell you what obama boys .....

explain exactly how obama's policies will help and directly benefit ...


my family

my business

my 200 employees

and i will vote for him....

08-13-2008, 12:45 PM
I would have no idea what percentage of the black republican vote Keyes got in his primary bid... how many blacks in Illinois voted for him over Obama in their senate race?

And I agree with you about "pride". But pride alone will not make black Americans vote for a black who does not support the sorts of policies that they and their party support.

You know MFM, I actually know numerous black people, I work with thousands. I've ask them about politics, I have asked them why when they've quickly told me they were voting for Barack Hussein Obama. Everyone of them have said exactly the same thing........ "it's time we get a black man in the White House". I've inquired about the policies he supports that they agree with, very few know, they just know that there is a black Demwitocrat running and they will vote for him. That is the facts........ I would guess that I have probably asked fifty black men and women and it was basically the same thing. These all had one thing in common, blue collar and not overly bright.

I do have a black friend who is extremely intelligent, designs computer systems and web sites and drives a very fast Volkswagon R32 with ....... we were smoking cigars the other day at our local tobacconist shop and discussed the election. He is having the same problem I am. He isn't happy about McCain and he can't stand Obama. He too, hates Obama's speeches, can't stand to listen to his bullshit MLK accent. He is very pissed that Obama could ruin the chance of ever getting an intelligent black man in office ever again.

08-13-2008, 12:45 PM
Could someone name one country, state or city being run by a black man that is successful?:cool: Just curious, I'm not being racist...... I swear.:D

ellen john sirleaf......liberia

08-13-2008, 12:48 PM
Damn good question

Washington DC, and Detroit come to mind - not well run - but they were the first ones I thought of

How about that ace that helped kill a thousand people in New Orleans. Houston had a black mayor before the guy that's in there now. He was an idiot, crime soared, businesses were hurt except minority run businesses, scandals were rampant.

08-13-2008, 12:55 PM
ellen john sirleaf......liberia

You would have achieved 100 points but she is not a black man and you didn't put your answer in the form of a question...... good try though.:D

08-13-2008, 01:00 PM
currently or ever?

while not perfect, mayor bradley of LA was fairly successful in running LA

08-13-2008, 01:08 PM
currently or ever?

while not perfect, mayor bradley of LA was fairly successful in running LA

I voted for Bradley when he ran for governor. He was a good man.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:12 PM
The left has very short memories. Didn't Jesse Jackson prove whites will vote for a black man for President?


08-13-2008, 01:13 PM
I voted for Bradley when he ran for governor. He was a good man.

i don't personally, i was not into politics back then, not even out of HS...but i remember my parents had both good and bad to say and LA certainly didn't tank in the 20 years he ran it.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:18 PM
Lets not forget Marion Barry - the crack smoking DC Mayor who was elected to the DC City Council

08-13-2008, 01:19 PM
Lets not forget Marion Barry - the crack smoking DC Mayor who was elected to the DC City Council

i wouldn't compare bradley and that guy any day

red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:22 PM
i wouldn't compare bradley and that guy any day

I was not trying to compare them. I was pointing out how the Dems voted for this guy even after he was video taped doing crack

He was a lousy Mayor and has had issues while on the DC City Council

08-13-2008, 01:25 PM
I was not trying to compare them. I was pointing out how the Dems voted for this guy even after he was video taped doing crack

He was a lousy Mayor and has had issues while on the DC City Council

oh, never understood how he got reelected...couldn't be his race now....

red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:26 PM
oh, never understood how he got reelected...couldn't be his race now....

Given the racial makup of DC voters, one can wonder

08-13-2008, 01:48 PM
Could someone name one country, state or city being run by a black man that is successful?:cool: Just curious, I'm not being racist...... I swear.:D

I'll name one I know well, Philadelphia, PA.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:49 PM
I'll name one I know well, Philadelphia, PA.

With the crime rate they have there - you say he is doing a good job?

08-13-2008, 01:55 PM
With the crime rate they have there - you say he is doing a good job?

RSR, asshole, you negatively rep'ed me for a question you don't have the balls to answer. Still waiting for an answer - I want to know why they used it. And do you think the mayor is responsible for poverty and a drug culture that is caused by a war on drugs that makes zero sense.

08-13-2008, 01:57 PM
Lets not forget Marion Barry - the crack smoking DC Mayor who was elected to the DC City Council

reminds me of this ............


red states rule
08-13-2008, 01:58 PM
RSR, asshole, you negatively rep'ed me for a question you don't have the balls to answer. Still waiting for an answer - I want to know why they used it. And do you think the mayor is responsible for poverty and a drug culture that is caused by a war on drugs that makes zero sense.

I answered your question. I thought it was a sick thing to do - WHY, I would not know

You aid your Mayor was doing a great job. I am pointing out the high murder rate. Back in July the city had an average of one murder per day

Controlling crime is part of the Major's job description isn't it?

08-13-2008, 02:01 PM
I answered your question. I thought it was a sick thing to do - WHY, I would not know

Ah come on, guess.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:03 PM
Ah come on, guess.

I do not know - as I stated

Why is a murder a day in Philly a resume enhancement for the Mayor?

08-13-2008, 02:05 PM
RSR, asshole, you negatively rep'ed me for a question you don't have the balls to answer. Still waiting for an answer - I want to know why they used it. And do you think the mayor is responsible for poverty and a drug culture that is caused by a war on drugs that makes zero sense.


that is the biggest load of crap, are the users not to blame, what about those rap stars glorifying that culture, good lord, the dems are all about blaming someone else, not personally accountability

Abbey Marie
08-13-2008, 02:10 PM
exactly. if you don't like the democratic platform, then, by all means, vote for someone other than the democrat.


And yet we are consistently branded racist by people right on this board if we say so.


red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:12 PM
And yet we are consistently branded racist by people right on this board if we say so.


Congrats Abbey

You have won a one year subscription to Duh Magazine

08-13-2008, 02:19 PM
I do not know - as I stated

Why is a murder a day in Philly a resume enhancement for the Mayor?

Stumped huh! Ask an adult they'll be able to help you.

08-13-2008, 02:23 PM
that is the biggest load of crap, are the users not to blame, what about those rap stars glorifying that culture, good lord, the dems are all about blaming someone else, not personally accountability

Business is business Yurt, you did hear about prohibition didn't you, and some rob and steal by making things up, think Enron and Worldcom. They're criminals too. But no one is excusing the idiots who kill each other over drug turf, it's just another way to make the big bucks. They're accountable and often dead.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:23 PM
Stumped huh! Ask an adult they'll be help you.

Still stumped on the murder rate in your own city?

Abbey Marie
08-13-2008, 02:25 PM
Stumped huh! Ask an adult they'll be help you.

Philly is in crisis, midcan. Small innocent children gunned down in the streets, even.
We live right near it, and my husband works there, so I know of what I speak. Now, I will grant you that Nutter did inherit the problem from dear old corrupt Mayor Street (also a black man, btw) who was mayor for two full terms and left the city in worse shape than he found it.

08-13-2008, 02:25 PM
Still stumped on the murder rate in your own city?

Not at all, drugs and money bring out the worst in people.

red states rule
08-13-2008, 02:27 PM
Not at all, drugs and money bring out the worst in people.

and libs make excuses for them, and the problem continues to grow

08-13-2008, 02:35 PM
Business is business Yurt, you did hear about prohibition didn't you, and some rob and steal by making things up, think Enron and Worldcom. They're criminals too. But no one is excusing the idiots who kill each other over drug turf, it's just another way to make the big bucks. They're accountable and often dead.

uh, those guys are in prison too...and prohibition did not CAUSE poverty or whatever else you claimed.

08-13-2008, 08:41 PM
You would have achieved 100 points but she is not a black man and you didn't put your answer in the form of a question...... good try though.:D

willie brown and san francisco......

08-13-2008, 09:59 PM
actually, you are wrong sir, hate crimes have gone up against whites, more then any other group, look it up!

fbi statistics of hate crimes against whites

RSR, do you live in a friggin cave? Lots of white men are racists and yes, the other issues you mention do affect voter's decisions. Again you do realize the republicans used the same tactics on McCain and guess what cave dweller - THEY WORKED. Ever wonder why.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.


08-13-2008, 10:14 PM
actually, you are wrong sir, hate crimes have gone up against whites, more then any other group, look it up!

fbi statistics of hate crimes against whites

and I thought you were leaving the board. what gives?

08-13-2008, 10:20 PM
and I thought you were leaving the board. what gives?

That was yesterday. Dude, you really have to keep up! LOL

08-13-2008, 10:51 PM
I will be voting Obama. As an old white man McCain don't cut the mustard.

08-14-2008, 12:27 AM
I will be voting Obama. As an old white man McCain don't cut the mustard.

As a young, inexperienced..... but too full of himself to know it black/white guy, Obama doesn't cut shit. He can barely put 2 words together unless some white handler wrote them and they prompt him to read them.

08-14-2008, 12:28 AM
willie brown and san francisco......

Again not in the form of a question and Willie scores a minus 200 points anyway.

08-14-2008, 01:15 AM
Again not in the form of a question and Willie scores a minus 200 points anyway.

hey, you missed it....who is tom bradley

08-14-2008, 11:30 AM
hey, you missed it....who is tom bradley

Good one Yurt, although he was a Democrat, he understood how important business was to a city and was fought for how pro-business he was. His 5 years as Mayor of Los Angeles saw it overtake Chicago in size and importance.
100 points.:laugh2:

08-14-2008, 12:06 PM
Good one Yurt, although he was a Democrat, he understood how important business was to a city and was fought for how pro-business he was. His 5 years as Mayor of Los Angeles saw it overtake Chicago in size and importance.
100 points.:laugh2:

:dance: yup, and i thought he was mayor for 20 alex...

red states rule
08-14-2008, 08:58 PM

08-14-2008, 09:49 PM

tell you what obama boys .....

explain exactly how obama's policies will help and directly benefit ...


my family

my business

my 200 employees

and i will vote for him....

red states rule
08-14-2008, 10:05 PM

Seems you chased all the libs off this thread Manu

08-14-2008, 10:42 PM
Seems you chased all the libs off this thread Manu

come on this should be easy for them.....

i am sure obama would do lots of things to directly benefit....

me...my family....my company and my 200 employees...

this should be easy for his followers.........

red states rule
08-15-2008, 07:56 AM
come on this should be easy for them.....

i am sure obama would do lots of things to directly benefit....

me...my family....my company and my 200 employees...

this should be easy for his followers.........

Since the libs have ran away, allow me to try

Your personal income taxes willl go up. Your corporate tax rate will go up. Your capital gains and dividend tax will increase

You and your employees could see their Social Security taxes go up

You will will be paying for the health care of illegals

Your company will be subject to government run healthcare

You will be paying in to Obama's global poverty program (another tax increase)

Bottom line, you will finally be paying your fair share for the common good, and for the children

How do you like it so far?

08-15-2008, 11:04 PM
come on this should be easy for them.....

i am sure obama would do lots of things to directly benefit....

me...my family....my company and my 200 employees...

this should be easy for his followers.........

I don't know anything about you or your family or your company or your employees... what a silly question.

08-15-2008, 11:26 PM
I don't know anything about you or your family or your company or your employees... what a silly question.

Hardly, we've read plenty. Just like your post about your kids. Manu has always spoken about his wife, kids, job.

I'd add one other thing, Manu, what would he do in the face of Russian agression? We've had 3 versions. What about drilling, too many versions on energy. Taxes, well it was supposed to give succor to middle class, that has changed.

Then again, he's all about 'change.'