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View Full Version : Obama and Cocaine: This Is Your Brain

red states rule
08-13-2008, 08:33 PM
Obama is the latest politican to pander to his base, and tell them not what he believes but what they want to here

Obama and Cocaine: This Is Your Brain
by Phil Harris


Cocaine users get a cool rush of euphoria, and a feeling of being on top of the game. In reality, the drug causes a surge in dopamine levels by blocking the natural process of dopamine reuptake. The excess dopamine gives the user a feeling that all-is-well and its danger lies in the reality that the feeling is counterfeit. When the drug is removed, dopamine levels return to normal and the reality of normal gives the cocaine user a sense of depression.

Barak Obama has been talking about "new hope" and "real change" in his quest for the Presidency. He speaks with a calm reassuring style that masks the reality that he is promising absolutely nothing that is deliverable. In truth, he offers unrestricted infanticide, the return of our nation to a position of security weakness, and ultimately a seat on the failed socialist choo-choo train that runs successfully only in the minds of liberals.

I fear that many youngsters will get their first political experience through the false euphoria of empty Obama hype. Cocaine dealers profit as their users are ravaged and left in a heap of depressed reality. Our bright-eyed youth, experiencing the false high of Barak Obama's empty promises may end up the same way.
