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View Full Version : To aid Obama, Kerry takes on an old foe

08-14-2008, 09:31 AM
Scary has become the Obambam's attact bitch..:laugh2:
How many friggen websites does this make now to supposedly, FIGHT THE SMEARS..:lame2: and pathetic

By Foon Rhee
Globe Staff / August 14, 2008
Email| Print| Single Page| Yahoo! Buzz| ShareThisText size – + Senator John F. Kerry yesterday rejoined the battle with one of his fiercest antagonists from his 2004 presidential bid, launching a website to combat a new book highly critical of Barack Obama, his party's presumptive nominee this year.

The initial target is Jerome Corsi, who wrote "Obama Nation" and also was coauthor in 2004 of "Unfit for Command," which attacked Kerry's Vietnam War record in 2004. But Kerry's website - called "Truth Fights Back" - will also seek to counter assaults on other Democrats this election.

"John Kerry can and will fight for the truth on cable news, but we need all of us to battle against the smears in every way," it says on the website. "By signing up, you'll stay on top of the right-wing smear machine and help us battle it back! This site is designed for activists like you to take back the truth from the Bush/McCain politics of Karl Rove that have come to dominate the GOP. So sign up and join in the fight, and start reporting in some smears!"

read the rest..

08-14-2008, 12:37 PM
I recommend signing up so you get first hand information on the daily Demo talking points....be the first on your block to figure out how to counter the Dems errors.....