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View Full Version : Motor vehicles must be banned!

08-14-2008, 01:47 PM
Cars don't kill people, people driving cars kill people. To this end, I say all motor vehicles must be banned. We will start with motorcycles as the number of deaths involving motorcycles increased in 2007. Motorcycles are the automatic assault weapon of travel. Once the complete eradication of motorcycles, all efforts must turn four wheeled vehicles. The mindless slaughter must end.

Highway crashes kill more than 41,000 in 2007
By KEN THOMAS, Associated Press Writer
Thu Aug 14, 11:26 AM ET

WASHINGTON - Traffic deaths in the United States declined last year, reaching the lowest level in more than a decade.

Some 41,059 people were killed in highway crashes, down by more than 1,000 from 2006.

The fatality rate of 1.37 deaths for every 100 million miles traveled in 2007 was the lowest on record, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said in its report Thursday...

Motorcycle deaths increased for the 10th straight year. There were 5,154 motorcycle deaths last year, compared with 4,837 in 2006.

Story... (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080814/ap_on_go_ot/traffic_deaths)

Sure, there were 1,000 fewer deaths in 2007, but just think, by banning automobiles, we can reduce the number bt more tha 41,000!

08-14-2008, 01:53 PM
Actually the problem is not motor vehicles or people. The problem is cell phones. More specifically people driving motor vehicles while talking on the cell phone. Therefore, cell phones should be banned.

I cannot for the life of me understand why people think their damned phone conversations are more important than the lives of myself, my wife or my children!


08-14-2008, 05:38 PM
Actually the problem is not motor vehicles or people. The problem is cell phones. More specifically people driving motor vehicles while talking on the cell phone. Therefore, cell phones should be banned.

I cannot for the life of me understand why people think their damned phone conversations are more important than the lives of myself, my wife or my children!


what about yelling at kids...spouse....friend....whomever in the back seat? what about driving home after a shitfuck day? you want to outlaw that too?

you want me to put some plug in my ear that i have to give voice commands to in order that i may be "free" to drive?

what about non-voice commands? like dialing a number.


08-14-2008, 06:08 PM
what about yelling at kids...spouse....friend....whomever in the back seat? what about driving home after a shitfuck day? you want to outlaw that too?

you want me to put some plug in my ear that i have to give voice commands to in order that i may be "free" to drive?

what about non-voice commands? like dialing a number.


No, I just want you to treat the lives of my family as more important than your frigging cell phone conversation! A human life is a hell of a lot more important than asking the wife, "What's for dinner?", when you're only three minutes from home anyway.

Don't cha think?


PS Sorry, idiots on cell phones behind a steering wheel is a pet peeve of mine after being driven off the road by one, not to mention the 30 or 40 a year that pull in front of me and never get within 25 mph of the posted speed limit and don't have a frigging clue that you just slammed on the brakes to keep from hitting them.

08-14-2008, 08:02 PM
mmanuel;284515]No, I just want you to treat the lives of my family as more important than your frigging cell phone conversation! A human life is a hell of a lot more important than asking the wife, "What's for dinner?", when you're only three minutes from home anyway.

this is what you said no to:

what about yelling at kids...spouse....friend....whomever in the back seat? what about driving home after a shitfuck day? you want to outlaw that too?

you added more than i asked. is there a limit for you? such as no talking to the person next to you? the passenger...the rear passenger?

i know the legal arguments for this, but what are yours?

PS Sorry, idiots on cell phones behind a steering wheel is a pet peeve of mine after being driven off the road by one, not to mention the 30 or 40 a year that pull in front of me and never get within 25 mph of the posted speed limit and don't have a frigging clue that you just slammed on the brakes to keep from hitting them.

and such incidents never, ever occured before cell phones.....

08-14-2008, 09:16 PM
this is what you said no to:

you added more than i asked. is there a limit for you? such as no talking to the person next to you? the passenger...the rear passenger?

i know the legal arguments for this, but what are yours?

and such incidents never, ever occured before cell phones.....

Such incidents did not happen with the frequency they happen now with people on cell phones.

You don't have to look at the person in the seat next to you to speak to them although there are some morons that believe you do. Nor do you have to look at the kids in the back seat. Speaking to others is not an issue. Reading a newspaper, book or any such thing is an issue. Putting on make up is an issue. Shaving is an issue. Eating a cheeseburger, drinking a shake and munching on fries are issues. Dialing a number on the cell phone or even a radio is a distraction and is an issue. Talking on a cell phone is an issue, regardless of which hand you use, you are always covering up a part of your face and for some reason cell phone users can't ever bother to turn their heads to actually look before they turn onto a street or change lanes.

Regardless, anyone of those issues (except it seems speaking on a cell phone) can get you cited for reckless driving if you attempt to do them while driving.


PS I won't claim to have never done any of the above myself except for cell phoning (or putting on make-up), unless of course, I'm at a dead stop behind an accident or something, but I've munched a few cheeseburgers behind the wheel myself. However, I've never run anyone off the road while doing so... at least, I don't think I have. :)

PPS You do realize, I hope, that the OP was a joke... a bit of sarcasm... and my reply was following suit, right? I will admit that I despise drivers who cell phone while driving and don't give a damn about other drivers, but I really am not suggesting we ban cell phones.