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View Full Version : Pelosi: Lieberman's Obama remarks 'irresponsible'

red states rule
08-14-2008, 04:16 PM
If you are a Dem you better keep your dissenting opinions to yourself or you will be attacked by your party leaders

San Fran Nan is in a tizzy Sen Lieberman thinks for himself and speaks out when he thinks his party s wrong

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday criticized Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., a former Democrat, for campaigning against Barack Obama, calling Lieberman's characterizations of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee "totally irresponsible."
Speaking on a local radio program where she was promoting her new book, Pelosi, D-Calif., responded to a caller who asked what could be done to keep the Connecticut senator from undermining Obama's bid for the White House.

"You are right. Joe Lieberman has said things that are totally irresponsible when it comes to Barack Obama," Pelosi said. "Here we have a leader for the future, really a great leader for the future and one that comes along only every now and then, and they know it so they have to undermine him. And one of their best weapons, of course, is someone who is considered by some to be a Democrat."
