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red states rule
08-15-2008, 09:14 AM
Fred Thompson is 100% correect, and Obama is NOT the leadership we need

Unless you want the bad guys to win

Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership
by Fred Thompson

My mind goes back to August 2002 in Tbilisi, as I visited Georgia with John McCain. I remember it feeling rather dark and secretive, with the former-Soviet Union’s heavy hand still making its presence felt. President Eduard Shevardnadze, formerly Soviet minister of foreign affairs, presented a friendlier face to the United States, but was beset by economic problems and corruption charges. At the time I did not fully appreciate the power of the democratic impulses that were just beginning to bubble up and would lead to the democratic Georgian government we now see threatened.

What has happened in Georgia since that time should not be surprising to anyone. Certainly Russia has tried to pretty itself up: it renamed the KGB and even gave its 21st century strongman Vladimir Putin a new title.

But for some time we’ve seen Russia sliding back to its authoritarian comfort zone. Murder, imprisonment and property confiscation are back in vogue for any perceived troublemaker. Former Soviet provinces have faced all forms of intimidation, from thuggish trade shakedowns to cyber attacks that shut down communications with the outside world. And whether a former satellite like Poland or a longtime western ally like Germany, Russia has made overt threats over plans to bring eastern European countries into NATO or to deploy a U.S.-provided missile defense system.

Russia is not above using anything at its disposal to make its point. It is a wealthy nation, built on a petro-economy that provides oil and gas to dependent European nations, which are petrified of having their energy supplies disrupted and are now in their own economic doldrums.

Given all this, Russia’s incursion into Georgia is a logical extension of Putin’s autocratic words and deeds and Russia’s regional ambitions, which must be leaving those nations closest to Russia’s borders – the Baltic states and Ukraine – nervous about a bitter and uneasy winter.

All the while, in Eastern Europe some of America’s staunchest friends are watching to see what the reaction of the U.S. and the west will be to Russia’s latest gambit. The U.S. and others use the word “unacceptable,” undoubtedly with the same effect that we get when we use it with the Iranians. So do we threaten Russia with denial of the membership in the World Trade Organization that it so covets? Do we expedite Georgia and the Ukraine’s entry into NATO? Do we cut off the tens of millions that we send into Russia to – hopefully – provide for security of nuclear materials? Everything should be on the table.

http://townhall.com/Columnists/FredThompson/2008/08/14/dangerous_times_in_georgia_demand_serious_leadersh ip

Joe Steel
08-15-2008, 09:35 AM
Fred Thompson is 100% correect, and Obama is NOT the leadership we need

Unless you want the bad guys to win

Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership
by Fred Thompson

As a policy analyst, Thompson is a better actor -- and he's second-rate actor.

red states rule
08-15-2008, 10:05 AM
As a policy analyst, Thompson is a better actor -- and he's second-rate actor.

and Obama is an inexperienced rookie who does not have a clue about foreign and domestic issues

Abbey Marie
08-15-2008, 12:05 PM
As a policy analyst, Thompson is a better actor -- and he's second-rate actor.

Thanks, Joe! I've come to rely upon your insightful and objective analyses of world leaders and the important issues of the day. :rolleyes:

red states rule
08-15-2008, 12:20 PM
Thanks, Joe! I've come to rely upon your insightful and objective analyses of world leaders and the important issues of the day. :rolleyes:

You rely on his objective analyses of world leaders and the important issues of the day, as you do MFM's spiritual advice

08-15-2008, 12:36 PM
As a policy analyst, Thompson is a better actor -- and he's second-rate actor.

Unfortunately, Thompson is a better actor than Obama would be, president.....in this particular instance Obama finally came to McCain's position, three days after McCain told him what his position should be.....I would prefer a president who doesn't need to have an example set for him.....

Joe Steel
08-15-2008, 12:49 PM
and Obama is an inexperienced rookie who does not have a clue about foreign and domestic issues

A president doesn't have to be "experienced." He has to be honest, trustworthy, inspiring, a good judge of character and, above all, loyal to the American People and American values. With those qualities, he can get the right person for any job. They're rare in a single person but Obama has them. McCain doesn't.

McCain is just stooge for neoconservative special interests. His lack of integrity, his lack of honesty, his willingness to sell whatever shred of self-respect he might have left make his "experience" little more than on-the-job-training for destroying what little is left of the world's respect for America.

08-15-2008, 01:46 PM
A president doesn't have to be "experienced." He has to be honest, trustworthy, inspiring, a good judge of character and, above all, loyal to the American People and American values. With those qualities, he can get the right person for any job. They're rare in a single person but Obama has them. McCain doesn't.

McCain is just stooge for neoconservative special interests. His lack of integrity, his lack of honesty, his willingness to sell whatever shred of self-respect he might have left make his "experience" little more than on-the-job-training for destroying what little is left of the world's respect for America.

honest....he has lied many times ....

trustworthy.....he has lied many times....


good judge of chracter....his pastor....

loyal to the american people.....yea right...

08-15-2008, 01:56 PM
Fred Thompson is 100% correect, and Obama is NOT the leadership we need

Unless you want the bad guys to win

So are you finally coming out in support of McCain?

Personally, I feel that neither one of the candidates are a good choice by either party. I'm not looking forward to this election or its outcome at all. I think we're screwed no matter which one wins.

honest....he has lied many times ....

trustworthy.....he has lied many times....


good judge of chracter....his pastor....

loyal to the american people.....yea right...

Exactly what I was thinking.

Add to that Loyal? for twenty years he hallalujahed at Jeremiah Wright's feet (but never listened to a word he said) then when the going gets tough he suddenly wants nothing to do with Jeremiah Wright. He should of put JW in his place 19 years ago not waited until it served Barack Obama's purposes.


08-15-2008, 02:14 PM
A president doesn't have to be "experienced." He has to be honest, trustworthy, inspiring, a good judge of character and, above all, loyal to the American People and American values. With those qualities, he can get the right person for any job.

you know, I would prefer one more characteristic....I would like a president who knows what the fuck he's doing.....I don't want a president who can GET the right person for the job, I want a president who IS the right person for the job.....

Abbey Marie
08-15-2008, 02:23 PM
you know, I would prefer one more characteristic....I would like a president who knows what the fuck he's doing.....I don't want a president who can GET the right person for the job, I want a president who IS the right person for the job.....

Especially when those proverbial 3 am phone calls come in.

08-15-2008, 02:43 PM
Its good to hear from Fred Thompson.


Abbey Marie
08-15-2008, 02:48 PM
Its good to hear from Fred Thompson.



08-15-2008, 02:51 PM

How about Thompson-{anybody but McCain}?


Mr. P
08-15-2008, 04:59 PM
This whole thing reminds me of the Cuban missile crisis...politically anyway.
Who will stand up to Russia at this point? Not W, Not Oboma and not until Nov.

They have caught the west with their pants down...IMO. Perfect timing on their part.

08-15-2008, 05:55 PM
Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership!
Well we are screwed then with Bush at the helm. Maybe there is a cub scout near the whithouse that could give Bush directions.

08-15-2008, 06:13 PM
Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership!
Well we are screwed then with Bush at the helm. Maybe there is a cub scout near the whithouse that could give Bush directions.

Well if Obama can have 3 tries at every issue, perhaps we'll be all right?

McCain answered better and sooner than Obama or Bush.

08-15-2008, 10:04 PM
Well if Obama can have 3 tries at every issue, perhaps we'll be all right?

McCain answered better and sooner than Obama or Bush.Like I said get a scout!

08-15-2008, 10:19 PM
Like I said get a scout!

Ah, GW may be making mistakes, but last I knew he was out of time, give or take a few months.

The problem would be the alternative to McCain.

08-15-2008, 10:25 PM
Ah, GW may be making mistakes, but last I knew he was out of time, give or take a few months.

The problem would be the alternative to McCain.
130 days I think.

08-15-2008, 10:31 PM
130 days I think.

You are most likely correct, I'll trust ya. Still doesn't change my point.

Mr. P
08-15-2008, 10:39 PM
Dangerous Times In Georgia Demand Serious Leadership!
Well we are screwed then with Bush at the helm. Maybe there is a cub scout near the whithouse that could give Bush directions.

Maybe a Brownie, her name is Nancy. Even if W would make a move she would obstruct it. I don't call that direction.

08-16-2008, 01:02 AM
You can't be serious. If not for the Russian invasion, McCain's only knowledge of Georgia would be as a state adjoining Alabama.
Fred Thompson needs to go back to porking his trophy wife and stop attempting to be intelligent.

08-16-2008, 01:16 AM
You can't be serious. If not for the Russian invasion, McCain's only knowledge of Georgia would be as a state adjoining Alabama.
Fred Thompson needs to go back to porking his trophy wife and stop attempting to be intelligent.

Hmm, McCain has been to THAT Georgia, in Europe at least 3 times. Obama?


...It took first-term Sen. Barack Obama three tries to get it right. Headed for a vacation in Hawaii, the presumed Democratic candidate for commander in chief issued an even-handed statement, urging restraint by both sides. Later Friday, he again called for mutual restraint but blamed Russia for the fighting. The next day his language finally caught up with toughness of McCain's.

Making matters worse, Obama's staff focused on a McCain aide who had served as a lobbyist for Georgia, charging it showed McCain was "ensconced in a lobbyist culture." Obama's campaign came off as injecting petty partisan politics into an international crisis. This was not a serious response on behalf a man who aspires to be the leader of the Free World. After all, what's so bad about representing a small former Soviet republic struggling to remake itself as a Western-style democracy?

The comparison between the two candidates served to emphasize the strength McCain's experience would bring to the White House in a dangerous world.

Obama's favored approach to international issues, diplomatic talks, failed to stop Russia's invasion. Vladimir Putin, a KGB bull in the former Soviet Union, wants to restore Russia as the supreme power of Eurasia and, to that end, bully former vassal states like Georgia out of their democratic ways. The fear is that Ukraine will come in his cross hairs next.

However the world's newest war ends, America's leadership must recognize and respond to the underlying dynamic of Russia's resurgent aggressive instincts -- the power bestowed on Moscow by its oil and gas riches.

While we don't get fossil fuels from Russia, Western Europe does, and the Kremlin's energy might is fueled by the worldwide demand for oil. Developing U.S. domestic energy sources and alternatives to oil will only enhance our national security and, by reducing the world's petroleum demand, undermine the economic, political and military advantage vast oil and gas reserves give to unfriendly powers like Russia, Iran and Venezuela.

Obama calls for transforming America's economy in a decade. He's got the right idea -- long term. But short term, this nation must push for energy security on all fronts -- now. That includes new offshore drilling for oil, which Obama loathes, and new nuclear plants, which he views with aversion. We can't just wait for breakthrough technologies for wind, solar and biomass energy.

McCain has got it right in advocating new offshore drilling and a federal push to add 45 nuclear generators over the next two decades. Given the evidence of Russia's energy-fueled aggression, he should abandon his opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve and to extending subsidies he favors for nuclear energy to include renewables.

As Georgia burns, we need to light a fire under all the talk about energy security and start doing what it takes to make it happen.

08-16-2008, 01:22 AM
McCain has been to the Czech Republic. And to Slovakia. Yet, he still believes there is a country called Czechoslovakia.
You can spin the Obama gaffes all you want. It still does not excuse McCain from making the same stupid mistake twice.

08-16-2008, 01:24 AM
McCain has been to the Czech Republic. And to Slovakia. Yet, he still believes there is a country called Czechoslovakia.
You can spin the Obama gaffes all you want. It still does not excuse McCain from making the same stupid mistake twice.

Obama has made so many 'gaffes' he's rivaling GW. Give it a rest Gabby, the die will fall where they may.

08-16-2008, 06:17 AM
McCain's support for Georgia was bought and paid for. His foreign policy adviser, Randy Scheunemann, was <a href=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/12/AR2008081202932.html>a lobbyist</a> for the break away Soviet republic.

08-16-2008, 06:19 AM
Obama has made so many 'gaffes' he's rivaling GW. Give it a rest Gabby, the die will fall where they may.

Enumerate them please.

red states rule
08-16-2008, 08:33 AM
A president doesn't have to be "experienced." He has to be honest, trustworthy, inspiring, a good judge of character and, above all, loyal to the American People and American values. With those qualities, he can get the right person for any job. They're rare in a single person but Obama has them. McCain doesn't.

McCain is just stooge for neoconservative special interests. His lack of integrity, his lack of honesty, his willingness to sell whatever shred of self-respect he might have left make his "experience" little more than on-the-job-training for destroying what little is left of the world's respect for America.


red states rule
08-16-2008, 09:44 AM
Especially when those proverbial 3 am phone calls come in.


08-16-2008, 09:52 AM
Enumerate them please.

10,000 died in 'killer tornadoes' in Kansas?

The now infamous 57 states?

Illinois is a neighbor of Arkansas?

Iran is a tiny country that doesn't pose a threat to the US?

Let the UN Security council deal with and vote on Georgia?

Not dealing with anything that might be twisting, such as his parents meeting, his autobiographical 'misstatements', just gaffes. I'm assuming the above were made in error, because of the rigors of campaigning.