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View Full Version : Russia: U.S. Missiles in Poland Won't Go Unpunished

red states rule
08-15-2008, 12:30 PM
Now lets see the left blame the US and Pres Bush for this

The Russians are getting very bold with their talk

Russia: U.S. Missiles in Poland Won't Go Unpunished
Friday, August 15, 2008

A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons, the Interfax news agency reported.

The statement by Gen. Anatoly Nogovitsyn is the strongest threat that Russia has issued against the plans to put missile defense elements in former Soviet satellite nations.

Poland and the United States on Thursday signed a deal for Poland to accept a missile interceptor base as part of a system the United States says is aimed at blocking attacks by rogue nations. Moscow, however, feels it is aimed at Russia's missile force.

"Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike — 100 percent," Nogovitsyn, the deputy chief of staff, was quoted as saying.

He added, in clear reference to the agreement, that Russia's military doctrine sanctions the use of nuclear weapons "against the allies of countries having nuclear weapons if they in some way help them." Nogovitsyn that would include elements of strategic deterrence systems, he said, according to Interfax.

At a news conference earlier Friday, Nogovitsyn had reiterated Russia's frequently stated warning that placing missile-defense elements in Poland and the Czech Republic would bring an unspecified military response. But his subsequent reported statement substantially stepped up a war of words.


08-15-2008, 12:37 PM
I have one message for Russia on this.


08-15-2008, 08:53 PM
Here is the Timesonline:


Threatening Nuclear strikes on Poland... Can you imagine what would happen if this threat was carried out?

08-16-2008, 08:03 AM
There's a simple way to look at this. If russia goes to war and is threatened with invasion, even from a non-nuclear country, they will use nukes. If they go to war with the US and it's allies, they will use nukes. The more defensive systems we have, the better the chance of knocking out most of their missiles.

The defense systems are being set up against iran, but also against russia and other countries that have nukes. You never know when control of a country might fall into the hands of a nutcase.

08-17-2008, 06:17 PM
There's a simple way to look at this. If russia goes to war and is threatened with invasion, even from a non-nuclear country, they will use nukes. If they go to war with the US and it's allies, they will use nukes. The more defensive systems we have, the better the chance of knocking out most of their missiles.

It is a good thing we have those missle defense systems.

08-17-2008, 06:45 PM
It is a good thing we have those missle defense systems.

Yeah, the same system obamanation wants to scrap.